blob: 7b1f3e3f57e87fecf20c7d2a3a7f25826a5e4cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {dom, EventApi} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom';
import {check} from './common-util';
import {CustomKeyboardEvent} from '../types/events';
* Event emitted from polymer elements.
export interface PolymerEvent extends EventApi, Event {}
interface ElementWithShadowRoot extends Element {
shadowRoot: ShadowRoot;
* Type guard for element with a shadowRoot.
function isElementWithShadowRoot(
el: Element | ShadowRoot
): el is ElementWithShadowRoot {
return 'shadowRoot' in el;
// TODO: maybe should have a better name for this
function getPathFromNode(el: EventTarget) {
let tagName = '';
let id = '';
let className = '';
if (el instanceof Element) {
tagName = el.tagName;
id =;
className = el.className;
if (
!tagName ||
'GR-APP' === tagName ||
el instanceof DocumentFragment ||
el instanceof HTMLSlotElement
) {
return '';
let path = '';
if (tagName) {
path += tagName.toLowerCase();
if (id) {
path += `#${id}`;
if (className) {
path += `.${className.replace(/ /g, '.')}`;
return path;
* Get computed style value.
export function getComputedStyleValue(name: string, el: Element) {
return getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(name).trim();
* Query selector on a dom element.
* This is shadow DOM compatible, but only works when selector is within
* one shadow host, won't work if your selector is crossing
* multiple shadow hosts.
export function querySelector(
el: Element | ShadowRoot,
selector: string
): Element | null {
let nodes = [el];
let result = null;
while (nodes.length) {
const node = nodes.pop();
// Skip if it's an invalid node.
if (!node || !node.querySelector) continue;
// Try find it with native querySelector directly
result = node.querySelector(selector);
if (result) {
// Add all nodes with shadowRoot and loop through
const allShadowNodes = [...node.querySelectorAll('*')]
.map(child => child.shadowRoot);
nodes = nodes.concat(allShadowNodes);
// Add shadowRoot of current node if has one
// as its not included in node.querySelectorAll('*')
if (isElementWithShadowRoot(node)) {
return result;
* Query selector all dom elements matching with certain selector.
* This is shadow DOM compatible, but only works when selector is within
* one shadow host, won't work if your selector is crossing
* multiple shadow hosts.
* Note: this can be very expensive, only use when have to.
export function querySelectorAll(
el: Element | ShadowRoot,
selector: string
): Element[] {
let nodes = [el];
const results = new Set<Element>();
while (nodes.length) {
const node = nodes.pop();
if (!node || !node.querySelectorAll) continue;
// Try find all from regular children
[...node.querySelectorAll(selector)].forEach(el => results.add(el));
// Add all nodes with shadowRoot and loop through
const allShadowNodes = [...node.querySelectorAll('*')]
.map(child => child.shadowRoot);
nodes = nodes.concat(allShadowNodes);
// Add shadowRoot of current node if has one
// as its not included in node.querySelectorAll('*')
if (isElementWithShadowRoot(node)) {
return [...results];
export function windowLocationReload() {
const e = new Error();`Calling window.location.reload(): ${e.stack}`);
* Retrieves the dom path of the current event.
* If the event object contains a `path` property, then use it,
* otherwise, construct the dom path based on the event target.
* domNode.onclick = e => {
* getEventPath(e); // eg: div.class1>p#pid.class2
* }
export function getEventPath<T extends MouseEvent>(e?: T) {
if (!e) return '';
let path = e.composedPath();
if (!path || !path.length) {
path = [];
let el =;
while (el) {
el = (el as Node).parentNode || (el as ShadowRoot).host;
return path.reduce<string>((domPath: string, curEl: EventTarget) => {
const pathForEl = getPathFromNode(curEl);
if (!pathForEl) return domPath;
return domPath ? `${pathForEl}>${domPath}` : pathForEl;
}, '');
* Are any ancestors of the element (or the element itself) members of the
* given class.
export function descendedFromClass(
element: Element,
className: string,
stopElement?: Element
) {
let isDescendant = element.classList.contains(className);
while (
!isDescendant &&
element.parentElement &&
(!stopElement || element.parentElement !== stopElement)
) {
isDescendant = element.classList.contains(className);
element = element.parentElement;
return isDescendant;
* Convert any string into a valid class name.
* For class names, naming rules:
* Must begin with a letter A-Z or a-z
* Can be followed by: letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("_")
export function strToClassName(str = '', prefix = 'generated_') {
return `${prefix}${str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]/g, '_')}`;
// document.activeElement is not enough, because it's not getting activeElement
// without looking inside of shadow roots. This will find best activeElement.
export function findActiveElement(
root: Document | ShadowRoot | null,
ignoreDialogs?: boolean
): HTMLElement | null {
if (root === null) {
return null;
if (
ignoreDialogs &&
root.activeElement &&
) {
return null;
if (root.activeElement?.shadowRoot?.activeElement) {
return findActiveElement(root.activeElement.shadowRoot);
if (!root.activeElement) {
return null;
// We block some elements
if ('BODY' === root.activeElement.nodeName.toUpperCase()) {
return null;
return root.activeElement as HTMLElement;
// Whether the browser is Safari. Used for polyfilling unique browser behavior.
export function isSafari() {
return (
/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
export function whenVisible(
element: Element,
callback: () => void,
marginPx = 0
) {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) => {
check(entries.length === 1, 'Expected one intersection observer entry.');
const entry = entries[0];
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
{rootMargin: `${marginPx}px`}
* Toggles a CSS class on or off for an element.
export function toggleClass(el: Element, className: string, bool?: boolean) {
if (bool === undefined) {
bool = !el.classList.contains(className);
if (bool) {
} else {
export function modifierPressed(e: KeyboardEvent) {
return e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey;
// Deprecated. Try using "normal" KeyboardEvent and modifierPressed() above.
export function isModifierPressed(event: CustomKeyboardEvent) {
const e = getKeyboardEvent(event);
return e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey;
export function isShiftPressed(event: CustomKeyboardEvent) {
const e = getKeyboardEvent(event);
return e.shiftKey;
export function getKeyboardEvent(e: CustomKeyboardEvent): CustomKeyboardEvent {
const event = dom(e.detail ? e.detail.keyboardEvent : e);
// TODO(TS): worth checking if this still holds or not, if no, remove this.
// When e is a keyboardEvent, e.event is not null.
if ('event' in event && (event as CustomKeyboardEvent).event) {
return (event as CustomKeyboardEvent).event;
return event as CustomKeyboardEvent;