| /** |
| * @license |
| * Copyright 2020 Google LLC |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| */ |
| import '../shared/gr-icon/gr-icon'; |
| import {classMap} from 'lit/directives/class-map.js'; |
| import {repeat} from 'lit/directives/repeat.js'; |
| import {ifDefined} from 'lit/directives/if-defined.js'; |
| import { |
| LitElement, |
| css, |
| html, |
| PropertyValues, |
| TemplateResult, |
| nothing, |
| } from 'lit'; |
| import {customElement, property, query, state} from 'lit/decorators.js'; |
| import './gr-checks-action'; |
| import './gr-hovercard-run'; |
| import '@polymer/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip'; |
| import { |
| Action, |
| Category, |
| Link, |
| LinkIcon, |
| RunStatus, |
| Tag, |
| } from '../../api/checks'; |
| import {sharedStyles} from '../../styles/shared-styles'; |
| import {CheckRun, RunResult, runResult} from '../../models/checks/checks-model'; |
| import { |
| AttemptChoice, |
| attemptChoiceLabel, |
| isAttemptChoice, |
| sortAttemptChoices, |
| stringToAttemptChoice, |
| allResults, |
| createFixAction, |
| firstPrimaryLink, |
| hasCompletedWithoutResults, |
| iconFor, |
| iconForLink, |
| isCategory, |
| otherPrimaryLinks, |
| secondaryLinks, |
| tooltipForLink, |
| computeIsExpandable, |
| rectifyFix, |
| } from '../../models/checks/checks-util'; |
| import {assertIsDefined, assert, unique} from '../../utils/common-util'; |
| import {modifierPressed, whenVisible} from '../../utils/dom-util'; |
| import {durationString} from '../../utils/date-util'; |
| import {charsOnly} from '../../utils/string-util'; |
| import {isAttemptSelected, matches} from './gr-checks-util'; |
| import {ChecksTabState, ValueChangedEvent} from '../../types/events'; |
| import { |
| DropdownLink, |
| LabelNameToInfoMap, |
| PatchSetNumber, |
| } from '../../types/common'; |
| import {spinnerStyles} from '../../styles/gr-spinner-styles'; |
| import { |
| getLabelStatus, |
| getRepresentativeValue, |
| valueString, |
| } from '../../utils/label-util'; |
| import {subscribe} from '../lit/subscription-controller'; |
| import {fontStyles} from '../../styles/gr-font-styles'; |
| import {fire} from '../../utils/event-util'; |
| import {resolve} from '../../models/dependency'; |
| import {checksModelToken} from '../../models/checks/checks-model'; |
| import {Interaction} from '../../constants/reporting'; |
| import {Deduping} from '../../api/reporting'; |
| import {changeModelToken} from '../../models/change/change-model'; |
| import {getAppContext} from '../../services/app-context'; |
| import {when} from 'lit/directives/when.js'; |
| import {DropdownItem} from '../shared/gr-dropdown-list/gr-dropdown-list'; |
| import './gr-checks-attempt'; |
| import './gr-checks-fix-preview'; |
| import {changeViewModelToken} from '../../models/views/change'; |
| import {formStyles} from '../../styles/form-styles'; |
| |
| /** |
| * Firing this event sets the regular expression of the results filter. |
| */ |
| export interface ChecksResultsFilterDetail { |
| filterRegExp?: string; |
| } |
| export type ChecksResultsFilterEvent = CustomEvent<ChecksResultsFilterDetail>; |
| |
| declare global { |
| interface HTMLElementEventMap { |
| 'checks-results-filter': ChecksResultsFilterEvent; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @customElement('gr-result-row') |
| export class GrResultRow extends LitElement { |
| @query('td.nameCol div.name') |
| nameEl?: HTMLElement; |
| |
| @property({attribute: false}) |
| result?: RunResult; |
| |
| @state() |
| isExpanded = false; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) |
| isExpandable = false; |
| |
| @state() |
| shouldRender = false; |
| |
| @state() |
| labels?: LabelNameToInfoMap; |
| |
| @state() |
| latestPatchNum?: PatchSetNumber; |
| |
| @state() |
| selectedAttempt: AttemptChoice = LATEST_ATTEMPT; |
| |
| private getChangeModel = resolve(this, changeModelToken); |
| |
| private getChecksModel = resolve(this, checksModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly reporting = getAppContext().reportingService; |
| |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChangeModel().labels$, |
| x => (this.labels = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChangeModel().latestPatchNum$, |
| x => (this.latestPatchNum = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().checksSelectedAttemptNumber$, |
| x => (this.selectedAttempt = x) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| static override get styles() { |
| return [ |
| sharedStyles, |
| css` |
| :host { |
| display: contents; |
| } |
| :host([isexpandable]) { |
| cursor: pointer; |
| } |
| gr-result-expanded { |
| cursor: default; |
| } |
| tr.container { |
| border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| } |
| a.link { |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| gr-icon.link { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| } |
| td.nameCol div.flex { |
| display: flex; |
| } |
| td.nameCol .name { |
| overflow: hidden; |
| text-overflow: ellipsis; |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-s); |
| outline-offset: var(--spacing-xs); |
| } |
| td.nameCol .space { |
| flex-grow: 1; |
| } |
| td.nameCol gr-checks-action { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| tr:focus-within td.nameCol gr-checks-action, |
| tr:hover td.nameCol gr-checks-action { |
| display: inline-block; |
| /* The button should fit into the 20px line-height. The negative |
| margin provides the extra space needed for the vertical padding. |
| Alternatively we could have set the vertical padding to 0, but |
| that would not have been a nice click target. */ |
| margin: calc(0px - var(--spacing-s)) 0px; |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| td { |
| white-space: nowrap; |
| padding: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| td.expandedCol, |
| td.nameCol { |
| padding-left: var(--spacing-l); |
| } |
| td.expandedCol, |
| td.expanderCol { |
| padding-right: var(--spacing-l); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell { |
| display: flex; |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .summary { |
| font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); |
| flex-shrink: 1; |
| overflow: hidden; |
| text-overflow: ellipsis; |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .message { |
| flex-grow: 1; |
| /* Looks a bit stupid, but the idea is that .message shrinks first, |
| and only when that has shrunken to 0, then .summary should also |
| start shrinking (substantially). */ |
| flex-shrink: 1000000; |
| overflow: hidden; |
| text-overflow: ellipsis; |
| } |
| tr.container:hover { |
| background: var(--hover-background-color); |
| } |
| tr.container:focus-within { |
| background: var(--selection-background-color); |
| } |
| tr.container td .summary-cell .links, |
| tr.container td .summary-cell .actions, |
| tr.container.collapsed:focus-within td .summary-cell .links, |
| tr.container.collapsed:focus-within td .summary-cell .actions, |
| tr.container.collapsed:hover td .summary-cell .links, |
| tr.container.collapsed:hover td .summary-cell .actions, |
| :host(.dropdown-open) tr td .summary-cell .links, |
| :host(.dropdown-open) tr td .summary-cell .actions { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| /* actions-shown-on-collapsed are shown only when .actions is hidden |
| and vice versa. */ |
| tr.container td .summary-cell .actions-shown-on-collapsed, |
| tr.container.collapsed:focus-within |
| td |
| .summary-cell |
| .actions-shown-on-collapsed, |
| tr.container.collapsed:hover |
| td |
| .summary-cell |
| .actions-shown-on-collapsed, |
| :host(.dropdown-open) tr td .summary-cell .actions-shown-on-collapsed { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| tr.container.collapsed td .summary-cell .message { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| tr.container.collapsed td .summary-cell .links, |
| tr.container.collapsed td .summary-cell .actions { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| tr.container.collapsed td .summary-cell .actions-shown-on-collapsed { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| tr.detailsRow.collapsed { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tags .tag { |
| color: var(--primary-text-color); |
| display: inline-block; |
| border-radius: 20px; |
| background-color: var(--tag-background); |
| padding: 0 var(--spacing-m); |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| cursor: pointer; |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.gray { |
| background-color: var(--tag-gray); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.yellow { |
| background-color: var(--tag-yellow); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.pink { |
| background-color: var(--tag-pink); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.purple { |
| background-color: var(--tag-purple); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.cyan { |
| background-color: var(--tag-cyan); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .tag.brown { |
| background-color: var(--tag-brown); |
| } |
| .actions-shown-on-collapsed gr-checks-action, |
| .actions gr-checks-action, |
| .actions gr-dropdown { |
| /* Fitting a 28px button into 20px line-height. */ |
| margin: -4px 0; |
| vertical-align: top; |
| } |
| #moreActions gr-icon { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| } |
| #moreMessage { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label { |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| border-radius: var(--border-radius); |
| color: var(--vote-text-color); |
| display: inline-block; |
| padding: 0 var(--spacing-s); |
| text-align: center; |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.neutral { |
| background-color: var(--vote-color-neutral); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.recommended, |
| td .summary-cell .label.disliked { |
| line-height: calc(var(--line-height-normal) - 2px); |
| color: var(--chip-color); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.recommended { |
| background-color: var(--vote-color-recommended); |
| border: 1px solid var(--vote-outline-recommended); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.disliked { |
| background-color: var(--vote-color-disliked); |
| border: 1px solid var(--vote-outline-disliked); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.approved { |
| background-color: var(--vote-color-approved); |
| } |
| td .summary-cell .label.rejected { |
| background-color: var(--vote-color-rejected); |
| } |
| `, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues) { |
| if (changedProperties.has('result')) { |
| this.isExpandable = computeIsExpandable(this.result); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| override focus() { |
| if (this.nameEl) this.nameEl.focus(); |
| } |
| |
| override firstUpdated() { |
| const loading = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.container'); |
| assertIsDefined(loading, '"Loading" element'); |
| whenVisible( |
| loading, |
| () => { |
| this.shouldRender = true; |
| }, |
| 200 |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| override render() { |
| if (!this.result) return ''; |
| if (!this.shouldRender) { |
| return html` |
| <tr class="container"> |
| <td class="nameCol"> |
| <div><span class="loading">Loading...</span></div> |
| </td> |
| <td class="summaryCol"></td> |
| <td class="expanderCol"></td> |
| </tr> |
| `; |
| } |
| return html` |
| <tr class=${classMap({container: true, collapsed: !this.isExpanded})}> |
| <td class="nameCol" @click=${this.toggleExpandedClick}> |
| <div class="flex"> |
| <gr-hovercard-run .run=${this.result}></gr-hovercard-run> |
| <div |
| class="name" |
| role="button" |
| tabindex="0" |
| @click=${this.toggleExpandedClick} |
| @keydown=${this.toggleExpandedPress} |
| > |
| ${this.result.checkName} |
| </div> |
| ${this.renderAttempt()} |
| <div class="space"></div> |
| </div> |
| </td> |
| <td class="summaryCol"> |
| <div class="summary-cell"> |
| ${this.renderLink(firstPrimaryLink(this.result))} |
| ${this.renderSummary(this.result.summary)} |
| <div class="message" @click=${this.toggleExpandedClick}> |
| ${this.isExpanded ? '' : this.result.message} |
| </div> |
| ${this.renderLinks()} ${this.renderActions()} |
| <div class="tags"> |
| ${(this.result.tags ?? []).map(t => this.renderTag(t))} |
| </div> |
| ${this.renderLabel()} |
| </div> |
| </td> |
| <td class="expanderCol" @click=${this.toggleExpandedClick}> |
| <div |
| class="show-hide" |
| role="switch" |
| tabindex="0" |
| ?hidden=${!this.isExpandable} |
| aria-checked=${this.isExpanded ? 'true' : 'false'} |
| aria-label=${this.isExpanded |
| ? 'Collapse result row' |
| : 'Expand result row'} |
| @keydown=${this.toggleExpandedPress} |
| > |
| <gr-icon |
| icon=${this.isExpanded ? 'expand_less' : 'expand_more'} |
| ></gr-icon> |
| </div> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr class=${classMap({detailsRow: true, collapsed: !this.isExpanded})}> |
| <td class="expandedCol" colspan="3">${this.renderExpanded()}</td> |
| </tr> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderAttempt() { |
| if (this.selectedAttempt !== ALL_ATTEMPTS) return nothing; |
| return html`<gr-checks-attempt .run=${this.result}></gr-checks-attempt>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderExpanded() { |
| if (!this.isExpanded) return; |
| return html`<gr-result-expanded |
| .result=${this.result} |
| ></gr-result-expanded>`; |
| } |
| |
| private toggleExpandedClick(e: MouseEvent) { |
| if (!this.isExpandable) return; |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| this.toggleExpanded(); |
| } |
| |
| private tagClick(e: MouseEvent, tagName: string) { |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction(Interaction.CHECKS_TAG_CLICKED, { |
| tagName, |
| checkName: this.result?.checkName, |
| }); |
| fire(this, 'checks-results-filter', {filterRegExp: tagName}); |
| } |
| |
| private toggleExpandedPress(e: KeyboardEvent) { |
| if (!this.isExpandable) return; |
| if (modifierPressed(e)) return; |
| if (e.key !== 'Enter' && e.key !== ' ') return; |
| e.preventDefault(); |
| e.stopPropagation(); |
| this.toggleExpanded(); |
| } |
| |
| /** Toggles the expanded state, or if `setExpanded` is provided sets it to the desired state. */ |
| toggleExpanded(setExpanded?: boolean) { |
| if (!this.isExpandable) return; |
| this.isExpanded = |
| setExpanded === undefined ? !this.isExpanded : setExpanded; |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction(Interaction.CHECKS_RESULT_ROW_TOGGLE, { |
| expanded: this.isExpanded, |
| checkName: this.result?.checkName, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| renderSummary(text?: string) { |
| text = text ?? ''; |
| return html` |
| <!-- The is for being able to shrink a tiny amount without |
| the text itself getting shrunk with an ellipsis. --> |
| <div class="summary" @click=${this.toggleExpandedClick} title=${text}> |
| ${text} |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| renderLabel() { |
| const category = this.result?.category; |
| if (category !== Category.ERROR && category !== Category.WARNING) return; |
| const label = this.result?.labelName; |
| if (!label) return; |
| if (!this.result?.isLatestAttempt) return; |
| // For check results on older patchsets it is impossible to decide whether |
| // the current label score is still influenced by them. But typically it |
| // is really confusing for the user, if we claim that an old (error) result |
| // influences the current (positive) score. So we prefer to be conservative |
| // and only display the label chip for checks results on the latest ps. |
| if (this.result.patchset !== this.latestPatchNum) return; |
| const info = this.labels?.[label]; |
| const status = getLabelStatus(info).toLowerCase(); |
| const value = getRepresentativeValue(info); |
| // A neutral vote is not interesting for the user to see and is just |
| // cluttering the UI. |
| if (value === 0) return; |
| const valueStr = valueString(value); |
| return html` |
| <div class="label ${status}"> |
| <span>${label} ${valueStr}</span> |
| <paper-tooltip offset="5" .fitToVisibleBounds=${true}> |
| The check result has (probably) influenced this label vote. |
| </paper-tooltip> |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| renderLinks() { |
| const links = otherPrimaryLinks(this.result) |
| // Showing the same icons twice without text is super confusing. |
| .filter( |
| (link: Link, index: number, array: Link[]) => |
| array.findIndex(other => link.icon === other.icon) === index |
| ) |
| // 4 is enough for the summary row. All are shown in expanded state. |
| .slice(0, 4); |
| if (links.length === 0) return; |
| return html`<div class="links"> |
| ${links.map(link => this.renderLink(link))} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| renderLink(link?: Link) { |
| // The expanded state renders all links in more detail. Hide in summary. |
| if (this.isExpanded) return; |
| if (!link) return; |
| const tooltipText = link.tooltip ?? tooltipForLink(link.icon); |
| const icon = iconForLink(link.icon); |
| return html`<a |
| href=${link.url} |
| class="link" |
| target="_blank" |
| rel="noopener noreferrer" |
| ><gr-icon |
| icon=${icon.name} |
| ?filled=${icon.filled} |
| aria-label="external link to details" |
| class="link" |
| ></gr-icon |
| ><paper-tooltip offset="5">${tooltipText}</paper-tooltip></a |
| >`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderActions() { |
| const actions = [...(this.result?.actions ?? [])]; |
| let fixAction: Action | undefined = undefined; |
| if (!this.isExpanded) { |
| fixAction = createFixAction(this, this.result); |
| if (fixAction) actions.unshift(fixAction); |
| } |
| if (actions.length === 0) return; |
| const overflowItems = actions.slice(2).map(action => { |
| return {...action, id: action.name}; |
| }); |
| const disabledItems = overflowItems |
| .filter(action => action.disabled) |
| .map(action => action.id); |
| return html` ${when( |
| fixAction, |
| () => |
| html`<div class="actions-shown-on-collapsed"> |
| ${this.renderAction(fixAction)} |
| </div> ` |
| )} |
| <div class="actions"> |
| ${this.renderAction(actions[0])} ${this.renderAction(actions[1])} |
| <gr-dropdown |
| id="moreActions" |
| link="" |
| vertical-offset="32" |
| horizontal-align="right" |
| @tap-item=${this.handleAction} |
| @opened-changed=${(e: ValueChangedEvent<boolean>) => |
| this.classList.toggle('dropdown-open', e.detail.value)} |
| ?hidden=${overflowItems.length === 0} |
| .items=${overflowItems} |
| .disabledIds=${disabledItems} |
| > |
| <gr-icon icon="more_vert" aria-labelledby="moreMessage"></gr-icon> |
| <span id="moreMessage">More</span> |
| </gr-dropdown> |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private handleAction(e: CustomEvent<Action>) { |
| this.getChecksModel().triggerAction( |
| e.detail, |
| this.result, |
| 'result-row-dropdown' |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderAction(action?: Action) { |
| if (!action) return; |
| return html`<gr-checks-action |
| context="result-row" |
| .action=${action} |
| ></gr-checks-action>`; |
| } |
| |
| renderTag(tag: Tag) { |
| return html`<button |
| class="tag ${tag.color}" |
| @click=${(e: MouseEvent) => this.tagClick(e, tag.name)} |
| > |
| <span>${tag.name}</span> |
| <paper-tooltip offset="5" .fitToVisibleBounds=${true}> |
| ${tag.tooltip ?? |
| 'A category tag for this check result. Click to filter.'} |
| </paper-tooltip> |
| </button>`; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @customElement('gr-result-expanded') |
| class GrResultExpanded extends LitElement { |
| @property({attribute: false}) |
| result?: RunResult; |
| |
| @property({type: Boolean}) |
| hideCodePointers = false; |
| |
| private getChangeModel = resolve(this, changeModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getViewModel = resolve(this, changeViewModelToken); |
| |
| static override get styles() { |
| return [ |
| sharedStyles, |
| css` |
| .links { |
| white-space: normal; |
| } |
| .links a { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-xl); |
| } |
| .links a gr-icon { |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-xs); |
| } |
| .message { |
| padding: var(--spacing-m) 0; |
| } |
| gr-checks-fix-preview { |
| margin: var(--spacing-l) 0; |
| max-width: 800px; |
| } |
| `, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| override render() { |
| if (!this.result) return ''; |
| return html` |
| ${this.renderFirstPrimaryLink()} ${this.renderOtherPrimaryLinks()} |
| ${this.renderSecondaryLinks()} ${this.renderCodePointers()} |
| <gr-endpoint-decorator |
| name="check-result-expanded" |
| .targetPlugin=${this.result.pluginName} |
| > |
| <gr-endpoint-param name="run" .value=${this.result}></gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-endpoint-param |
| name="result" |
| .value=${this.result} |
| ></gr-endpoint-param> |
| <gr-formatted-text |
| class="message" |
| .markdown=${true} |
| .content=${this.result.message ?? ''} |
| ></gr-formatted-text> |
| </gr-endpoint-decorator> |
| ${this.renderFix()} |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderFirstPrimaryLink() { |
| const link = firstPrimaryLink(this.result); |
| if (!link) return; |
| return html`<div class="links">${this.renderLink(link)}</div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderOtherPrimaryLinks() { |
| const links = otherPrimaryLinks(this.result); |
| if (links.length === 0) return; |
| return html`<div class="links"> |
| ${links.map(link => this.renderLink(link))} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderSecondaryLinks() { |
| const links = secondaryLinks(this.result); |
| if (links.length === 0) return; |
| return html`<div class="links"> |
| ${links.map(link => this.renderLink(link))} |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderCodePointers() { |
| if (this.hideCodePointers) return; |
| const pointers = this.result?.codePointers ?? []; |
| if (pointers.length === 0) return; |
| const links = pointers.map(pointer => { |
| let rangeText = ''; |
| const start = pointer?.range?.start_line; |
| const end = pointer?.range?.end_line; |
| if (start) rangeText += `#${start}`; |
| if (end && start !== end) rangeText += `-${end}`; |
| const change = this.getChangeModel().getChange(); |
| assertIsDefined(change); |
| const path = pointer.path; |
| const patchset = this.result?.patchset as PatchSetNumber; |
| const line = pointer?.range?.start_line; |
| return { |
| icon: LinkIcon.CODE, |
| tooltip: `${path}${rangeText}`, |
| url: this.getViewModel().diffUrl({ |
| basePatchNum: PARENT, |
| patchNum: patchset, |
| checksPatchset: patchset, |
| diffView: {path, lineNum: line}, |
| }), |
| primary: true, |
| }; |
| }); |
| return links.map( |
| link => html`<div class="links">${this.renderLink(link, false)}</div>` |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private renderFix() { |
| const fixSuggestionInfo = rectifyFix( |
| this.result?.fixes?.[0], |
| this.result?.checkName |
| ); |
| if (!fixSuggestionInfo) return; |
| return html` |
| <gr-checks-fix-preview |
| .fixSuggestionInfo=${fixSuggestionInfo} |
| .patchSet=${this.result?.patchset} |
| ></gr-checks-fix-preview> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderLink(link?: Link, targetBlank = true) { |
| if (!link) return; |
| const text = link.tooltip ?? tooltipForLink(link.icon); |
| const target = targetBlank ? '_blank' : undefined; |
| const icon = iconForLink(link.icon); |
| return html`<a |
| href=${link.url} |
| target=${ifDefined(target)} |
| rel="noopener noreferrer" |
| > |
| <gr-icon icon=${icon.name} class="link" ?filled=${icon.filled}></gr-icon> |
| <span>${text}</span> |
| </a>`; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const CATEGORY_TOOLTIPS: Map<Category, string> = new Map(); |
| CATEGORY_TOOLTIPS.set(Category.ERROR, 'Must be fixed and is blocking submit'); |
| Category.WARNING, |
| 'Should be checked but is not blocking submit' |
| ); |
| Category.INFO, |
| 'Does not have to be checked, for your information only' |
| ); |
| Category.SUCCESS, |
| 'Successful runs without results and individual successful results' |
| ); |
| |
| @customElement('gr-checks-results') |
| export class GrChecksResults extends LitElement { |
| @query('#filterInput') |
| filterInput?: HTMLInputElement; |
| |
| @state() |
| filterRegExp = ''; |
| |
| /** All runs. Shown should only the selected/filtered ones. */ |
| @property({attribute: false}) |
| runs: CheckRun[] = []; |
| |
| /** |
| * Check names of runs that are selected in the runs panel. When this array |
| * is empty, then no run is selected and all runs should be shown. |
| */ |
| @state() |
| selectedRuns: Set<string> = new Set(); |
| |
| @state() |
| actions: Action[] = []; |
| |
| @state() |
| links: Link[] = []; |
| |
| @property({attribute: false}) |
| tabState?: ChecksTabState; |
| |
| @state() |
| someProvidersAreLoading = false; |
| |
| @state() |
| checksPatchsetNumber: PatchSetNumber | undefined = undefined; |
| |
| @state() |
| latestPatchsetNumber: PatchSetNumber | undefined = undefined; |
| |
| @state() |
| selectedAttempt: AttemptChoice = LATEST_ATTEMPT; |
| |
| /** Maintains the state of which result sections should show all results. */ |
| @state() |
| isShowAll: Map<Category, boolean> = new Map(); |
| |
| /** |
| * This is the current state of whether a section is expanded or not. As long |
| * as isSectionExpandedByUser is false this will be computed by a default rule |
| * on every render. |
| */ |
| private isSectionExpanded = new Map<Category, boolean>(); |
| |
| /** |
| * Keeps track of whether the user intentionally changed the expansion state. |
| * Once this is true the default rule for showing a section expanded or not |
| * is not applied anymore. |
| */ |
| private isSectionExpandedByUser = new Map<Category, boolean>(); |
| |
| private readonly getViewModel = resolve(this, changeViewModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getChangeModel = resolve(this, changeModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly getChecksModel = resolve(this, checksModelToken); |
| |
| private readonly reporting = getAppContext().reportingService; |
| |
| constructor() { |
| super(); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().topLevelActionsSelected$, |
| x => (this.actions = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().topLevelLinksSelected$, |
| x => (this.links = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().checksSelectedPatchsetNumber$, |
| x => (this.checksPatchsetNumber = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().checksSelectedAttemptNumber$, |
| x => (this.selectedAttempt = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChangeModel().latestPatchNum$, |
| x => (this.latestPatchsetNumber = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getChecksModel().someProvidersAreLoadingSelected$, |
| x => (this.someProvidersAreLoading = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getViewModel().checksRunsSelected$, |
| x => (this.selectedRuns = x) |
| ); |
| subscribe( |
| this, |
| () => this.getViewModel().checksResultsFilter$, |
| x => (this.filterRegExp = x) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| static override get styles() { |
| return [ |
| formStyles, |
| sharedStyles, |
| spinnerStyles, |
| fontStyles, |
| css` |
| :host { |
| display: block; |
| background-color: var(--background-color-secondary); |
| } |
| .header { |
| display: block; |
| background-color: var(--background-color-primary); |
| padding: var(--spacing-l) var(--spacing-xl) var(--spacing-m) |
| var(--spacing-xl); |
| border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| } |
| .header.notLatest { |
| background-color: var(--emphasis-color); |
| } |
| .headerTopRow, |
| .headerBottomRow { |
| display: flex; |
| justify-content: space-between; |
| align-items: flex-end; |
| } |
| .headerTopRow gr-dropdown-list { |
| border: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| border-radius: var(--border-radius); |
| padding: 0 var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .headerTopRow h2 { |
| display: inline-block; |
| } |
| .headerTopRow .loading { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-m); |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| /* The basics of .loadingSpin are defined in shared styles. */ |
| .headerTopRow .loadingSpin { |
| display: inline-block; |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-s); |
| width: 18px; |
| height: 18px; |
| vertical-align: top; |
| } |
| .headerBottomRow { |
| margin-top: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| .headerTopRow .right, |
| .headerBottomRow .right { |
| display: flex; |
| align-items: center; |
| } |
| .headerTopRow .right .goToLatest { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .notLatest .headerTopRow .right .goToLatest { |
| display: block; |
| } |
| .headerTopRow .right > * { |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .headerTopRow .right .goToLatest gr-button { |
| --gr-button-padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .headerBottomRow gr-icon { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| } |
| .headerBottomRow .space { |
| display: inline-block; |
| width: var(--spacing-xl); |
| height: var(--line-height-normal); |
| } |
| .headerBottomRow a { |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-l); |
| } |
| #moreActions gr-icon { |
| color: var(--link-color); |
| } |
| #moreMessage { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .body { |
| display: block; |
| padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-xl) var(--spacing-xl) |
| var(--spacing-xl); |
| } |
| .filterDiv { |
| display: flex; |
| margin-top: var(--spacing-s); |
| align-items: center; |
| } |
| .filterDiv input#filterInput { |
| padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-m); |
| min-width: 400px; |
| } |
| .filterDiv .selection { |
| padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader { |
| margin-top: var(--spacing-l); |
| margin-left: var(--spacing-l); |
| cursor: default; |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .title { |
| text-transform: capitalize; |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .expandIcon { |
| width: var(--line-height-h3); |
| height: var(--line-height-h3); |
| margin-right: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIconWrapper { |
| display: inline-block; |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIcon { |
| position: relative; |
| top: 2px; |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIcon.error { |
| color: var(--error-foreground); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIcon.warning { |
| color: var(--warning-foreground); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIcon.info { |
| color: var(--info-foreground); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .statusIcon.success { |
| color: var(--success-foreground); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader.empty gr-icon.statusIcon { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| .categoryHeader .filtered { |
| color: var(--deemphasized-text-color); |
| } |
| .collapsed .noResultsMessage, |
| .collapsed table { |
| display: none; |
| } |
| .collapsed { |
| border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| padding-bottom: var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| .noResultsMessage { |
| width: 100%; |
| margin-top: var(--spacing-m); |
| background-color: var(--background-color-primary); |
| box-shadow: var(--elevation-level-1); |
| padding: var(--spacing-s) |
| calc(20px + var(--spacing-l) + var(--spacing-m) + var(--spacing-s)); |
| } |
| table.resultsTable { |
| width: 100%; |
| table-layout: fixed; |
| margin-top: var(--spacing-m); |
| background-color: var(--background-color-primary); |
| box-shadow: var(--elevation-level-1); |
| } |
| tr.headerRow th { |
| text-align: left; |
| font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold); |
| padding: var(--spacing-s); |
| } |
| tr.headerRow th.nameCol { |
| padding-left: var(--spacing-l); |
| width: 200px; |
| } |
| @media screen and (min-width: 1400px) { |
| tr.headerRow th.nameCol.longNames { |
| width: 300px; |
| } |
| } |
| tr.headerRow th.summaryCol { |
| width: 99%; |
| } |
| tr.headerRow th.expanderCol { |
| width: 30px; |
| padding-right: var(--spacing-l); |
| } |
| |
| gr-button.showAll { |
| margin: var(--spacing-m); |
| } |
| tr { |
| border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
| } |
| `, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| protected override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) { |
| super.updated(changedProperties); |
| if (changedProperties.has('filterRegExp') && this.filterInput) { |
| this.filterInput.value = this.filterRegExp; |
| } |
| if (changedProperties.has('tabState') && this.tabState) { |
| const {statusOrCategory, checkName} = this.tabState; |
| if (isCategory(statusOrCategory)) { |
| const expanded = this.isSectionExpanded.get(statusOrCategory); |
| if (!expanded) this.toggleExpanded(statusOrCategory); |
| } |
| if (checkName) { |
| this.scrollElIntoView(`gr-result-row.${charsOnly(checkName)}`); |
| } else if ( |
| statusOrCategory && |
| statusOrCategory !== RunStatus.RUNNING && |
| statusOrCategory !== RunStatus.RUNNABLE |
| ) { |
| const cat = statusOrCategory.toString().toLowerCase(); |
| this.scrollElIntoView(`.categoryHeader.${cat} + table gr-result-row`); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private scrollElIntoView(selector: string) { |
| this.updateComplete.then(() => { |
| let el = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector(selector); |
| // el might be a <gr-result-row> with an empty shadowRoot. Let's wait a |
| // moment before trying to find a child element in it. |
| setTimeout(() => { |
| if (el) (el as HTMLElement).focus(); |
| // If the target element is a <gr-result-row>, then expand it. |
| (el as GrResultRow)?.toggleExpanded(true); |
| // <gr-result-row> has display:contents and cannot be scrolled into view |
| // itself. Thus we are preferring to scroll the first child into view. |
| el = el?.shadowRoot?.firstElementChild ?? el; |
| el?.scrollIntoView({block: 'center'}); |
| }, 0); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| override render() { |
| const headerClasses = { |
| header: true, |
| notLatest: !!this.checksPatchsetNumber, |
| }; |
| const attemptItems = this.createAttemptDropdownItems(); |
| return html` |
| <div class=${classMap(headerClasses)}> |
| <div class="headerTopRow"> |
| <div class="left"> |
| <h2 class="heading-2">Results</h2> |
| <div class="loading" ?hidden=${!this.someProvidersAreLoading}> |
| <span>Loading results </span> |
| <span class="loadingSpin"></span> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="right"> |
| <div class="goToLatest"> |
| <gr-button @click=${this.goToLatestPatchset} link |
| >Go to latest patchset</gr-button |
| > |
| </div> |
| ${when( |
| attemptItems.length > 0, |
| () => html` <gr-dropdown-list |
| value=${this.selectedAttempt ?? 0} |
| .items=${attemptItems} |
| @value-change=${this.onAttemptSelected} |
| ></gr-dropdown-list>` |
| )} |
| <gr-dropdown-list |
| value=${(this.checksPatchsetNumber || |
| this.latestPatchsetNumber) ?? |
| 0} |
| .items=${this.createPatchsetDropdownItems()} |
| @value-change=${this.onPatchsetSelected} |
| ></gr-dropdown-list> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="headerBottomRow"> |
| <div class="left">${this.renderFilter()}</div> |
| <div class="right">${this.renderLinksAndActions()}</div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="body"> |
| ${this.renderSection(Category.ERROR)} |
| ${this.renderSection(Category.WARNING)} |
| ${this.renderSection(Category.INFO)} |
| ${this.renderSection(Category.SUCCESS)} |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderLinksAndActions() { |
| const links = this.links ?? []; |
| const primaryLinks = links |
| .filter(a => a.primary) |
| // Showing the same icons twice without text is super confusing. |
| .filter( |
| (link: Link, index: number, array: Link[]) => |
| array.findIndex(other => link.icon === other.icon) === index |
| ) |
| .slice(0, 4); |
| const overflowLinks = links.filter(a => !primaryLinks.includes(a)); |
| const overflowLinkItems = overflowLinks.map(link => { |
| return { |
| ...link, |
| id: link.tooltip, |
| name: link.tooltip, |
| target: '_blank', |
| tooltip: undefined, |
| }; |
| }); |
| |
| const actions = this.actions ?? []; |
| const primaryActions = actions.filter(a => a.primary).slice(0, 2); |
| const overflowActions = actions.filter(a => !primaryActions.includes(a)); |
| const overflowActionItems = overflowActions.map(action => { |
| return {...action, id: action.name}; |
| }); |
| const disabledActions = overflowActionItems |
| .filter(action => action.disabled) |
| .map(action => action.id); |
| |
| return html` |
| ${primaryLinks.map(this.renderLink)} |
| ${primaryLinks.length > 0 && primaryActions.length > 0 |
| ? html`<div class="space"></div>` |
| : ''} |
| ${primaryActions.map(this.renderAction)} |
| ${this.renderOverflow( |
| [...overflowLinkItems, ...overflowActionItems], |
| disabledActions |
| )} |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private renderLink(link?: Link) { |
| if (!link) return; |
| const tooltipText = link.tooltip ?? tooltipForLink(link.icon); |
| const icon = iconForLink(link.icon); |
| return html`<a href=${link.url} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" |
| ><gr-icon |
| icon=${icon.name} |
| aria-label=${tooltipText} |
| class="link" |
| ?filled=${icon.filled} |
| ></gr-icon> |
| <paper-tooltip offset="5">${tooltipText}</paper-tooltip></a |
| >`; |
| } |
| |
| private renderOverflow(items: DropdownLink[], disabledIds: string[] = []) { |
| if (items.length === 0) return; |
| return html` |
| <gr-dropdown |
| id="moreActions" |
| link="" |
| vertical-offset="32" |
| horizontal-align="right" |
| @tap-item=${this.handleAction} |
| .items=${items} |
| .disabledIds=${disabledIds} |
| > |
| <gr-icon icon="more_vert" aria-labelledby="moreMessage"></gr-icon> |
| <span id="moreMessage">More</span> |
| </gr-dropdown> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| private handleAction(e: CustomEvent<Action>) { |
| this.getChecksModel().triggerAction( |
| e.detail, |
| undefined, |
| 'results-dropdown' |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private handleFilter(e: ChecksResultsFilterEvent) { |
| const newValue = e.detail.filterRegExp ?? ''; |
| this.getViewModel().updateState({ |
| checksResultsFilter: this.filterRegExp === newValue ? '' : newValue, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| private renderAction(action?: Action) { |
| if (!action) return; |
| return html`<gr-checks-action |
| context="results" |
| .action=${action} |
| ></gr-checks-action>`; |
| } |
| |
| private onAttemptSelected(e: CustomEvent<{value: string | undefined}>) { |
| const attempt = stringToAttemptChoice(e.detail.value); |
| assertIsDefined(attempt, `unexpected attempt choice ${e.detail.value}`); |
| this.getChecksModel().updateStateSetAttempt(attempt); |
| } |
| |
| private onPatchsetSelected(e: CustomEvent<{value: string}>) { |
| let patchset: number | undefined = Number(e.detail.value); |
| assert(Number.isInteger(patchset), `patchset must be integer: ${patchset}`); |
| if (patchset === this.latestPatchsetNumber) patchset = undefined; |
| this.getChecksModel().updateStateSetPatchset( |
| patchset as PatchSetNumber | undefined |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| private goToLatestPatchset() { |
| this.getChecksModel().updateStateSetPatchset(undefined); |
| } |
| |
| private createAttemptDropdownItems() { |
| if (this.runs.every(run => run.isSingleAttempt)) return []; |
| const attempts: AttemptChoice[] = this.runs |
| .map(run => run.attempt ?? 0) |
| .filter(isAttemptChoice) |
| .filter(unique); |
| attempts.push(LATEST_ATTEMPT); |
| attempts.push(ALL_ATTEMPTS); |
| const items: DropdownItem[] = attempts.sort(sortAttemptChoices).map(a => { |
| return { |
| value: a, |
| text: attemptChoiceLabel(a), |
| }; |
| }); |
| return items; |
| } |
| |
| private createPatchsetDropdownItems() { |
| if (!this.latestPatchsetNumber) return []; |
| return Array.from(Array(this.latestPatchsetNumber), (_, i) => { |
| assertIsDefined(this.latestPatchsetNumber, 'latestPatchsetNumber'); |
| const index = this.latestPatchsetNumber - i; |
| const postfix = index === this.latestPatchsetNumber ? ' (latest)' : ''; |
| return { |
| value: `${index}`, |
| text: `Patchset ${index}${postfix}`, |
| }; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| isRunSelected(run: {checkName: string}) { |
| return this.selectedRuns.size === 0 || this.selectedRuns.has(run.checkName); |
| } |
| |
| renderFilter() { |
| const runs = this.runs.filter( |
| run => |
| this.isRunSelected(run) && isAttemptSelected(this.selectedAttempt, run) |
| ); |
| if ( |
| this.selectedRuns.size === 0 && |
| allResults(runs).length <= 3 && |
| this.filterRegExp === '' |
| ) { |
| return; |
| } |
| return html` |
| <div class="filterDiv"> |
| <input |
| id="filterInput" |
| type="text" |
| placeholder="Filter results by tag or regular expression" |
| @input=${this.onFilterInputChange} |
| /> |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| onFilterInputChange() { |
| assertIsDefined(this.filterInput, 'filter <input> element'); |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction( |
| {}, |
| {deduping: Deduping.EVENT_ONCE_PER_CHANGE} |
| ); |
| this.getViewModel().updateState({ |
| checksResultsFilter: this.filterInput.value, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| renderSection(category: Category) { |
| const catString = category.toString().toLowerCase(); |
| const isWarningOrError = |
| category === Category.WARNING || category === Category.ERROR; |
| const allRuns = this.runs.filter(run => |
| isAttemptSelected(this.selectedAttempt, run) |
| ); |
| const all = allRuns.reduce( |
| (results: RunResult[], run) => [ |
| ...results, |
| ...this.computeRunResults(category, run), |
| ], |
| [] |
| ); |
| const isSelectionActive = this.selectedRuns.size > 0; |
| const selected = all.filter(result => this.isRunSelected(result)); |
| const re = new RegExp(this.filterRegExp, 'i'); |
| const filtered = selected.filter(result => matches(result, re)); |
| const isFilterActiveWithResults = |
| this.filterRegExp !== '' && filtered.length > 0; |
| |
| // The logic for deciding whether to expand a section by default is a bit |
| // complicated, but we want to collapse empty and info/success sections by |
| // default for a clean and focused user experience. However, as soon as the |
| // user starts selecting or filtering we must take this into account and |
| // prefer to expand the sections. |
| let expanded = this.isSectionExpanded.get(category); |
| const expandedByUser = this.isSectionExpandedByUser.get(category) ?? false; |
| if (!expandedByUser || expanded === undefined) { |
| // Note that we are using `selected` for `isEmpty` and not `filtered`, |
| // because if the filter is what makes a section empty, then we want to |
| // show an expanded section, which contains a message about this. |
| const isEmpty = selected.length === 0; |
| expanded = |
| !isEmpty && |
| (isWarningOrError || isSelectionActive || isFilterActiveWithResults); |
| this.isSectionExpanded.set(category, expanded); |
| } |
| const expandedClass = expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'; |
| |
| const isShowAll = this.isShowAll.get(category) ?? false; |
| const resultCount = filtered.length; |
| const empty = resultCount === 0 ? 'empty' : ''; |
| const resultLimit = isShowAll ? 1000 : 20; |
| const showAllButton = this.renderShowAllButton( |
| category, |
| isShowAll, |
| resultLimit, |
| resultCount |
| ); |
| const icon = iconFor(category); |
| return html` |
| <div class=${expandedClass}> |
| <h3 |
| class="categoryHeader ${catString} ${empty} heading-3" |
| @click=${() => this.toggleExpanded(category)} |
| > |
| <gr-icon |
| class="expandIcon" |
| icon=${expanded ? 'expand_less' : 'expand_more'} |
| ></gr-icon> |
| <div class="statusIconWrapper"> |
| <gr-icon |
| icon=${icon.name} |
| ?filled=${icon.filled} |
| class="statusIcon ${catString}" |
| ></gr-icon> |
| <span class="title">${catString}</span> |
| <span class="count">${this.renderCount(all, filtered)}</span> |
| <paper-tooltip offset="5" |
| >${CATEGORY_TOOLTIPS.get(category)}</paper-tooltip |
| > |
| </div> |
| </h3> |
| ${when(expanded, () => |
| this.renderResults( |
| all, |
| selected, |
| filtered, |
| resultLimit, |
| showAllButton |
| ) |
| )} |
| </div> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| renderShowAllButton( |
| category: Category, |
| isShowAll: boolean, |
| showAllThreshold: number, |
| resultCount: number |
| ) { |
| if (resultCount <= showAllThreshold) return; |
| const message = isShowAll ? 'Show Less' : `Show All (${resultCount})`; |
| const handler = () => this.toggleShowAll(category); |
| return html` |
| <tr class="showAllRow"> |
| <td colspan="3"> |
| <gr-button class="showAll" link @click=${handler} |
| >${message}</gr-button |
| > |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| toggleShowAll(category: Category) { |
| const current = this.isShowAll.get(category) ?? false; |
| this.isShowAll.set(category, !current); |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction( |
| { |
| category, |
| showAll: !current, |
| } |
| ); |
| this.requestUpdate(); |
| } |
| |
| renderResults( |
| all: RunResult[], |
| selected: RunResult[], |
| filtered: RunResult[], |
| limit: number, |
| showAll: TemplateResult | undefined |
| ) { |
| if (all.length === 0) { |
| return html`<div class="noResultsMessage">No results</div>`; |
| } |
| if (selected.length === 0) { |
| return html`<div class="noResultsMessage"> |
| No results for this filtered view |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| if (filtered.length === 0) { |
| return html`<div class="noResultsMessage"> |
| No results match the regular expression |
| </div>`; |
| } |
| filtered = filtered.slice(0, limit); |
| // Some hosts/plugins use really long check names. If we have space and the |
| // check names are indeed very long, then set a more generous nameCol width. |
| const longestNameLength = Math.max(...all.map(r => r.checkName.length)); |
| const nameColClasses = {nameCol: true, longNames: longestNameLength > 25}; |
| return html` |
| <table class="resultsTable"> |
| <thead> |
| <tr class="headerRow"> |
| <th class=${classMap(nameColClasses)}>Run</th> |
| <th class="summaryCol">Summary</th> |
| <th class="expanderCol"></th> |
| </tr> |
| </thead> |
| <tbody @checks-results-filter=${this.handleFilter}> |
| ${repeat( |
| filtered, |
| // @ts-ignore: temporarily unblock typescript 5.3 migration |
| result => result.internalResultId, |
| (result?: RunResult) => html` |
| <gr-result-row |
| class=${charsOnly(result!.checkName)} |
| .result=${result} |
| ></gr-result-row> |
| ` |
| )} |
| ${showAll} |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| `; |
| } |
| |
| renderCount(all: RunResult[], filtered: RunResult[]) { |
| if (all.length === filtered.length) { |
| return html`(${all.length})`; |
| } |
| return html`(${filtered.length} of ${all.length})`; |
| } |
| |
| toggleExpanded(category: Category) { |
| const expanded = this.isSectionExpanded.get(category); |
| assertIsDefined(expanded, 'expanded must have been set in initial render'); |
| this.isSectionExpanded.set(category, !expanded); |
| this.isSectionExpandedByUser.set(category, true); |
| this.reporting.reportInteraction(Interaction.CHECKS_RESULT_SECTION_TOGGLE, { |
| expanded: !expanded, |
| category, |
| }); |
| this.requestUpdate(); |
| } |
| |
| computeRunResults(category: Category, run: CheckRun): RunResult[] { |
| if (category === Category.SUCCESS && hasCompletedWithoutResults(run)) { |
| return [this.computeSuccessfulRunResult(run)]; |
| } |
| return ( |
| run.results |
| ?.filter(result => result.category === category) |
| .map(result => runResult(run, result)) ?? [] |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| computeSuccessfulRunResult(run: CheckRun): RunResult { |
| const adaptedRun: RunResult = runResult(run, { |
| internalResultId: run.internalRunId + '-0', |
| category: Category.SUCCESS, |
| summary: run.statusDescription ?? '', |
| }); |
| if (!run.statusDescription) { |
| const start = run.scheduledTimestamp ?? run.startedTimestamp; |
| const end = run.finishedTimestamp; |
| let duration = ''; |
| if (start && end) { |
| duration = ` in ${durationString(start, end, true)}`; |
| } |
| adaptedRun.message = `Completed without results${duration}.`; |
| } |
| if (run.statusLink) { |
| adaptedRun.links = [ |
| { |
| url: run.statusLink, |
| primary: true, |
| icon: LinkIcon.EXTERNAL, |
| }, |
| ]; |
| } |
| return adaptedRun; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| declare global { |
| interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { |
| 'gr-result-row': GrResultRow; |
| 'gr-result-expanded': GrResultExpanded; |
| 'gr-checks-results': GrChecksResults; |
| } |
| } |