blob: ff94bc72d23cad75d52a17b85d8a6c03b266ffd4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<script src="/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<script src="../../../test/test-pre-setup.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="../../../test/common-test-setup.html"/>
<script src="../../../scripts/util.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="gr-linked-text.html">
<test-fixture id="basic">
<div id="output"></div>
suite('gr-linked-text tests', async () => {
await readyToTest();
let element;
let sandbox;
setup(() => {
element = fixture('basic');
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
sandbox.stub(Gerrit.Nav, 'mapCommentlinks', x => x);
element.config = {
ph: {
match: '([Bb]ug|[Ii]ssue)\\s*#?(\\d+)',
link: '$2',
prefixsameinlinkandpattern: {
match: '([Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]example)\\s*#?(\\d+)',
link: '$2',
changeid: {
match: '(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})',
link: '#/q/$1',
changeid2: {
match: 'Change-Id: +(I[0-9a-f]{8,40})',
link: '#/q/$1',
googlesearch: {
match: 'google:(.+)',
link: '$1', // html should supercede link.
html: '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
hashedhtml: {
match: 'hash:(.+)',
html: '<a href="#/awesomesauce">$1</a>',
baseurl: {
match: 'test (.+)',
html: '<a href="/r/awesomesauce">$1</a>',
anotatstartwithbaseurl: {
match: 'a test (.+)',
html: '[Lookup: <a href="/r/awesomesauce">$1</a>]',
disabledconfig: {
match: 'foo:(.+)',
link: '$1',
enabled: false,
teardown(() => {
test('URL pattern was parsed and linked.', () => {
// Regular inline link.
const url = '';
element.content = url;
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl.rel, 'noopener');
assert.equal(linkEl.href, url);
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, url);
test('Bug pattern was parsed and linked', () => {
// "Issue/Bug" pattern.
element.content = 'Issue 3650';
let linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const url = '';
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl.href, url);
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'Issue 3650');
element.content = 'Bug 3650';
linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl.rel, 'noopener');
assert.equal(linkEl.href, url);
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'Bug 3650');
test('Pattern with same prefix as link was correctly parsed', () => {
// Pattern starts with the same prefix (`http`) as the url.
element.content = 'httpexample 3650';
assert.equal(element.$.output.childNodes.length, 1);
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const url = '';
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl.href, url);
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'httpexample 3650');
test('Change-Id pattern was parsed and linked', () => {
// "Change-Id:" pattern.
const changeID = 'I11d6a37f5e9b5df0486f6c922d8836dfa780e03e';
const prefix = 'Change-Id: ';
element.content = prefix + changeID;
const textNode = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[1];
assert.equal(textNode.textContent, prefix);
const url = '/q/' + changeID;
assert.equal(, '_self');
// Since url is a path, the host is added automatically.
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, changeID);
test('Change-Id pattern was parsed and linked with base url', () => {
window.CANONICAL_PATH = '/r';
// "Change-Id:" pattern.
const changeID = 'I11d6a37f5e9b5df0486f6c922d8836dfa780e03e';
const prefix = 'Change-Id: ';
element.content = prefix + changeID;
const textNode = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[1];
assert.equal(textNode.textContent, prefix);
const url = '/r/q/' + changeID;
assert.equal(, '_self');
// Since url is a path, the host is added automatically.
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, changeID);
test('Multiple matches', () => {
element.content = 'Issue 3650\nIssue 3450';
const linkEl1 = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const linkEl2 = element.$.output.childNodes[2];
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl1.textContent, 'Issue 3650');
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(linkEl2.textContent, 'Issue 3450');
test('Change-Id pattern parsed before bug pattern', () => {
// "Change-Id:" pattern.
const changeID = 'I11d6a37f5e9b5df0486f6c922d8836dfa780e03e';
const prefix = 'Change-Id: ';
// "Issue/Bug" pattern.
const bug = 'Issue 3650';
const changeUrl = '/q/' + changeID;
const bugUrl = '';
element.content = prefix + changeID + bug;
const textNode = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
const changeLinkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[1];
const bugLinkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[2];
assert.equal(textNode.textContent, prefix);
assert.equal(, '_self');
assert.equal(changeLinkEl.textContent, changeID);
assert.equal(, '_blank');
assert.equal(bugLinkEl.href, bugUrl);
assert.equal(bugLinkEl.textContent, 'Issue 3650');
test('html field in link config', () => {
element.content = 'google:do a barrel roll';
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
' a barrel roll');
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'do a barrel roll');
test('removing hash from links', () => {
element.content = 'hash:foo';
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'foo');
test('html with base url', () => {
window.CANONICAL_PATH = '/r';
element.content = 'test foo';
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'foo');
test('a is not at start', () => {
window.CANONICAL_PATH = '/r';
element.content = 'a test foo';
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[1];
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'foo');
test('hash html with base url', () => {
window.CANONICAL_PATH = '/r';
element.content = 'hash:foo';
const linkEl = element.$.output.childNodes[0];
assert.equal(linkEl.textContent, 'foo');
test('disabled config', () => {
element.content = 'foo:baz';
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML, 'foo:baz');
test('R=email labels link correctly', () => {
element.removeZeroWidthSpace = true;
element.content = 'R=\';
assert.equal(element.$.output.textContent, '');
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.match(/(R=<a)/g).length, 1);
test('CC=email labels link correctly', () => {
element.removeZeroWidthSpace = true;
element.content = 'CC=\';
assert.equal(element.$.output.textContent, '');
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.match(/(CC=<a)/g).length, 1);
test('only {http,https,mailto} protocols are linkified', () => {
element.content = 'xx yy';
let links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx ssh:// yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 0);
element.content = 'xx yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 0);
test('links without leading whitespace are linkified', () => {
element.content = 'xx yy';
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.substr(0, 6), 'xx abc');
let links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx def yy';
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.substr(0, 6), 'xx def');
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx qwe yy';
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.substr(0, 6), 'xx qwe');
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
// Non-latin character
element.content = 'xx абв yy';
assert.equal(element.$.output.innerHTML.substr(0, 6), 'xx абв');
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 1);
assert.equal(links[0].getAttribute('href'), '');
assert.equal(links[0].innerHTML, '');
element.content = 'xx ssh:// yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 0);
element.content = 'xx yy';
links = element.$.output.querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 0);
test('overlapping links', () => {
element.config = {
b1: {
match: '(B:\\s*)(\\d+)',
html: '$1<a href="ftp://foo/$2">$2</a>',
b2: {
match: '(B:\\s*\\d+\\s*,\\s*)(\\d+)',
html: '$1<a href="ftp://foo/$2">$2</a>',
element.content = '- B: 123, 45';
const links = Polymer.dom(element.root).querySelectorAll('a');
assert.equal(links.length, 2);
assert.equal(element.$$('span').textContent, '- B: 123, 45');
assert.equal(links[0].href, 'ftp://foo/123');
assert.equal(links[0].textContent, '123');
assert.equal(links[1].href, 'ftp://foo/45');
assert.equal(links[1].textContent, '45');
test('_contentOrConfigChanged called with config', () => {
const contentStub = sandbox.stub(element, '_contentChanged');
const contentConfigStub = sandbox.stub(element, '_contentOrConfigChanged');
element.content = 'some text';