blob: 5e294cb0138e84ceb0b7a30dc7ebe441bf964d77 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../types/common';
import {RestApiService} from '../services/gr-rest-api/gr-rest-api';
const PROBE_PATH = '/Documentation/index.html';
const DOCS_BASE_PATH = '/Documentation';
export function getBaseUrl(): string {
// window is not defined in service worker, therefore no CANONICAL_PATH
if (typeof window === 'undefined') return '';
return self.CANONICAL_PATH || '';
export interface PatchRangeParams {
patchNum?: RevisionPatchSetNum;
basePatchNum?: BasePatchSetNum;
export function rootUrl() {
return `${getBaseUrl()}/`;
* Given an object of parameters, potentially including a `patchNum` or a
* `basePatchNum` or both, return a string representation of that range. If
* no range is indicated in the params, the empty string is returned.
export function getPatchRangeExpression(params: PatchRangeParams) {
let range = '';
if (params.patchNum) {
range = `${params.patchNum}`;
if (params.basePatchNum && params.basePatchNum !== PARENT) {
range = `${params.basePatchNum}..${range}`;
return range;
export function prependOrigin(path: string): string {
if (path.startsWith('http')) return path;
if (path.startsWith('/')) return window.location.origin + path;
throw new Error(`Cannot prepend origin to relative path '${path}'.`);
let getDocsBaseUrlCachedPromise: Promise<string | null> | undefined;
* Get the docs base URL from either the server config or by probing.
* @return A promise that resolves with the docs base URL.
export function getDocsBaseUrl(
config: ServerInfo | undefined,
restApi: RestApiService
): Promise<string | null> {
if (!getDocsBaseUrlCachedPromise) {
getDocsBaseUrlCachedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
if (config?.gerrit?.doc_url) {
} else {
restApi.probePath(getBaseUrl() + PROBE_PATH).then(ok => {
resolve(ok ? getBaseUrl() + DOCS_BASE_PATH : null);
return getDocsBaseUrlCachedPromise;
export function testOnly_clearDocsBaseUrlCache() {
getDocsBaseUrlCachedPromise = undefined;
* Encodes *parts* of a URL. See inline comments below for the details.
* Note specifically that ? & = # are encoded. So this is very close to
* encodeURIComponent() with some tweaks.
export function encodeURL(url: string): string {
// gr-page decodes the entire URL, and then decodes once more the
// individual regex matching groups. It uses `decodeURIComponent()`, which
// will choke on singular `%` chars without two trailing digits. We prefer
// to not double encode *everything* (just for readaiblity and simplicity),
// but `%` *must* be double encoded.
let output = url.replaceAll('%', '%25');
// This escapes ALL characters EXCEPT:
// A–Z a–z 0–9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
output = encodeURIComponent(output);
// If we would use `encodeURI()` instead of `encodeURIComponent()`, then we
// would also NOT encode:
// ; / ? : @ & = + $ , #
// That would be more readable, but for example ? and & have special meaning
// in the URL, so they must be encoded. Let's discuss all these chars and
// decide whether we have to encode them or not.
// ? & = # have to be encoded. Otherwise we might mess up the URL.
// : @ do not have to be encoded, because we are only dealing with path,
// query and fragment of the URL, not with scheme, user, host, port.
// For search queries it is much nicer to not encode those chars, think of
// searching for ``.
// / does not have to be encoded, because we don't care about individual path
// components. File path and repo names are so much nicer to read without /
// being encoded!
// + must be encoded, because we want to use it instead of %20 for spaces, see
// below.
// ; $ , probably don't have to be encoded, but we don't bother about them
// much, so we don't reverse the encoding here, but we don't think it would
// cause any harm, if we did.
output = output.replace(/%3A/g, ':');
output = output.replace(/%40/g, '@');
output = output.replace(/%2F/g, '/');
// gr-page replaces `+` by ` ` in addition to calling `decodeURIComponent()`.
// So we can use `+` to increase readability.
output = output.replace(/%20/g, '+');
return output;
* Single decode for URL components. Will decode plus signs ('+') to spaces.
* Note: because this function decodes once, it is not the inverse of
* encodeURL.
export function singleDecodeURL(url: string): string {
const withoutPlus = url.replace(/\+/g, '%20');
return decodeURIComponent(withoutPlus);
* @param path URL path including search params, but without host
export function toPathname(path: string) {
const i = path.indexOf('?');
const hasQuery = i > -1;
const pathname = hasQuery ? path.slice(0, i) : path;
return pathname;
* @param path URL path including search params, but without host
export function toSearchParams(path: string) {
const i = path.indexOf('?');
const hasQuery = i > -1;
const querystring = hasQuery ? path.slice(i + 1) : '';
return new URLSearchParams(querystring);
* @param pathname URL path without search params
* @param params
export function toPath(pathname: string, searchParams: URLSearchParams) {
const paramString = searchParams.toString();
const middle = paramString ? '?' : '';
return pathname + middle + paramString;
* Primary use case is to copy the absolute comments url to clipboard.
export function generateAbsoluteUrl(url: string) {
return new URL(url, window.location.href).toString();