| gerrit ls-members |
| ================ |
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| NAME |
| ---- |
| gerrit ls-members - Show members of a given group |
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| [verse] |
| 'ssh' -p <port> <host> 'gerrit ls-members GROUPNAME' |
| [--recursive] |
| |
| ----------- |
| Displays the members of the given group, one per line, so long as the given |
| group is visible to the user. The users' id, username, full name and email are |
| shown tab-separated. |
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| ------ |
| Any user who has configured an SSH key. |
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| This command is intended to be used in scripts. Output is either an error |
| message or a heading followed by zero or more lines, one for each member of the |
| group. If any field is not set, or if the field is the user's full name and the |
| name is empty, "n/a" is emitted as the field value. |
| |
| All non-printable characters (ASCII value 31 or less) are escaped |
| according to the conventions used in languages like C, Python, and Perl, |
| employing standard sequences like `\n` and `\t`, and `\xNN` for all |
| others. In shell scripts, the `printf` command can be used to unescape |
| the output. |
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| ------- |
| --recursive:: |
| If a member of the group is itself a group, the sub-group's |
| members are included in the list. Otherwise members of any sub-group |
| are not shown and no indication is given that a sub-group is present |
| |
| -------- |
| |
| List members of the Administrators group: |
| ===== |
| $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit ls-members Administrators |
| id username full name email |
| 100000 jim Jim Bob somebody@example.com |
| 100001 johnny John Smith n/a |
| 100002 mrnoname n/a someoneelse@example.com |
| ===== |
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| List members of a non-existent group: |
| ===== |
| $ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit ls-members BadlySpelledGroup |
| Group not found or not visible |
| ===== |
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| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |
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