blob: 6e65a19778a902cddc1878f3fb085dc859895402 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import '@polymer/paper-toggle-button/paper-toggle-button.js';
import '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button.js';
import '../../shared/gr-icons/gr-icons.js';
import '../gr-message/gr-message.js';
import '../../../styles/shared-styles.js';
import {dom} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js';
import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
import {GestureEventListeners} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners.js';
import {LegacyElementMixin} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import {htmlTemplate} from './gr-messages-list-experimental_html.js';
import {KeyboardShortcutBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/keyboard-shortcut-behavior/keyboard-shortcut-behavior.js';
import {parseDate} from '../../../utils/date-util.js';
import {MessageTag} from '../../../constants/constants.js';
import {appContext} from '../../../services/app-context.js';
* The content of the enum is also used in the UI for the button text.
* @enum {string}
const ExpandAllState = {
EXPAND_ALL: 'Expand All',
COLLAPSE_ALL: 'Collapse All',
* Computes message author's comments for this change message. The backend
* sets comment.change_message_id for matching, so this computation is fairly
* straightforward.
function computeThreads(message, allMessages, changeComments) {
if ([message, allMessages, changeComments].some(arg => arg === undefined)) {
return [];
if (message._index === undefined) {
return [];
return changeComments.getAllThreadsForChange().filter(
thread => => {
// collapse all by default
comment.collapsed = true;
return comment;
}).some(comment => {
const condition = comment.change_message_id ===;
// Since getAllThreadsForChange() always returns a new copy of
// all comments we can modify them here without worrying about
// polluting other threads.
comment.collapsed = !condition;
return condition;
* If messages have the same tag, then that influences grouping and whether
* a message is initally hidden or not, see isImportant(). So we are applying
* some "magic" rules here in order to hide exactly the right messages.
* 1. If a message does not have a tag, but is associated with robot comments,
* then it gets a tag.
* 2. Use the same tag for some of Gerrit's standard events, if they should be
* considered one group, e.g. normal and wip patchset uploads.
* 3. Everything beyond the ~ character is cut off from the tag. That gives
* tools control over which messages will be hidden.
function computeTag(message) {
if (!message.tag) {
const threads = message.commentThreads || [];
const comments =
t => t.comments.find(c => c.change_message_id ===;
const isRobot = comments.some(c => c && !!c.robot_id);
return isRobot ? 'autogenerated:has-robot-comments' : undefined;
if (message.tag === MessageTag.TAG_NEW_WIP_PATCHSET) {
return MessageTag.TAG_NEW_PATCHSET;
if (message.tag === MessageTag.TAG_UNSET_ASSIGNEE) {
return MessageTag.TAG_SET_ASSIGNEE;
if (message.tag === MessageTag.TAG_UNSET_PRIVATE) {
return MessageTag.TAG_SET_PRIVATE;
if (message.tag === MessageTag.TAG_SET_WIP) {
return MessageTag.TAG_SET_READY;
return message.tag.replace(/~.*/, '');
* Try to set a revision number that makes sense, if none is set. Just copy
* over the revision number of the next older message. This is mostly relevant
* for reviewer updates. Other messages should typically have the revision
* number already set.
function computeRevision(message, allMessages) {
if (message._revision_number > 0) return message._revision_number;
let revision = 0;
for (const m of allMessages) {
if ( > break;
if (m._revision_number > revision) revision = m._revision_number;
return revision > 0 ? revision : undefined;
* Unimportant messages are initially hidden.
* Human messages are always important. They have an undefined tag.
* Autogenerated messages are unimportant, if there is a message with the same
* tag and a higher revision number.
function computeIsImportant(message, allMessages) {
if (!message.tag) return true;
const hasSameTag = m => m.tag === message.tag;
const revNumber = message._revision_number || 0;
const hasHigherRevisionNumber = m => m._revision_number > revNumber;
return !allMessages.filter(hasSameTag).some(hasHigherRevisionNumber);
export const TEST_ONLY = {
* @extends PolymerElement
class GrMessagesListExperimental extends mixinBehaviors( [
], GestureEventListeners(
PolymerElement))) {
static get template() { return htmlTemplate; }
static get is() { return 'gr-messages-list-experimental'; }
static get properties() {
return {
/** @type {?} */
change: Object,
changeNum: Number,
* These are just the change messages. They are combined with reviewer
* updates below. So _combinedMessages is the more important property.
messages: {
type: Array,
value() { return []; },
* These are just the reviewer updates. They are combined with change
* messages above. So _combinedMessages is the more important property.
reviewerUpdates: {
type: Array,
value() { return []; },
changeComments: Object,
projectName: String,
showReplyButtons: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
labels: Object,
* Keeps track of the state of the "Expand All" toggle button. Note that
* you can individually expand/collapse some messages without affecting
* the toggle button's state.
* @type {ExpandAllState}
_expandAllState: {
type: String,
value: ExpandAllState.EXPAND_ALL,
_expandAllTitle: {
type: String,
computed: '_computeExpandAllTitle(_expandAllState)',
_showAllActivity: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
observer: '_observeShowAllActivity',
* The merged array of change messages and reviewer updates.
_combinedMessages: {
type: Array,
computed: '_computeCombinedMessages(messages, reviewerUpdates, '
+ 'changeComments)',
observer: '_combinedMessagesChanged',
_labelExtremes: {
type: Object,
computed: '_computeLabelExtremes(labels.*)',
constructor() {
this.reporting = appContext.reportingService;
scrollToMessage(messageID) {
const selector = `[data-message-id="${messageID}"]`;
const el = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(selector);
if (!el && this._showAllActivity) {
console.warn(`Failed to scroll to message: ${messageID}`);
if (!el) {
this._showAllActivity = true;
setTimeout(() => this.scrollToMessage(messageID));
el.set('message.expanded', true);
let top = el.offsetTop;
for (let offsetParent = el.offsetParent;
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent) {
top += offsetParent.offsetTop;
window.scrollTo(0, top);
_observeShowAllActivity(showAllActivity) {
// We have to call render() such that the dom-repeat filter picks up the
// change.
* Filter for the dom-repeat of combinedMessages.
_isMessageVisible(message) {
return this._showAllActivity || message.isImportant;
* Merges change messages and reviewer updates into one array. Also processes
* all messages and updates, aligns or massages some of the properties.
_computeCombinedMessages(messages, reviewerUpdates, changeComments) {
const params = [messages, reviewerUpdates, changeComments];
if (params.some(o => o === undefined)) return [];
let mi = 0;
let ri = 0;
let combinedMessages = [];
let mDate;
let rDate;
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
messages[i]._index = i;
while (mi < messages.length || ri < reviewerUpdates.length) {
if (mi >= messages.length) {
combinedMessages = combinedMessages.concat(reviewerUpdates.slice(ri));
if (ri >= reviewerUpdates.length) {
combinedMessages = combinedMessages.concat(messages.slice(mi));
mDate = mDate || parseDate(messages[mi].date);
rDate = rDate || parseDate(reviewerUpdates[ri].date);
if (rDate < mDate) {
rDate = null;
} else {
mDate = null;
combinedMessages.forEach(m => {
if (m.expanded === undefined) {
m.expanded = false;
m.commentThreads = computeThreads(m, combinedMessages, changeComments);
m._revision_number = computeRevision(m, combinedMessages);
m.tag = computeTag(m);
// computeIsImportant() depends on tags and revision numbers already being
// updated for all messages, so we have to compute this in its own forEach
// loop.
combinedMessages.forEach(m => {
m.isImportant = computeIsImportant(m, combinedMessages);
return combinedMessages;
_updateExpandedStateOfAllMessages(exp) {
if (this._combinedMessages) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._combinedMessages.length; i++) {
this._combinedMessages[i].expanded = exp;
_computeExpandAllTitle(_expandAllState) {
if (_expandAllState === ExpandAllState.COLLAPSED_ALL) {
return this.createTitle(
this.Shortcut.COLLAPSE_ALL_MESSAGES, this.ShortcutSection.ACTIONS);
if (_expandAllState === ExpandAllState.EXPAND_ALL) {
return this.createTitle(
this.Shortcut.EXPAND_ALL_MESSAGES, this.ShortcutSection.ACTIONS);
return '';
_highlightEl(el) {
const highlightedEls =
for (const highlightedEl of highlightedEls) {
function handleAnimationEnd() {
el.removeEventListener('animationend', handleAnimationEnd);
el.addEventListener('animationend', handleAnimationEnd);
* @param {boolean} expand
handleExpandCollapse(expand) {
this._expandAllState = expand ? ExpandAllState.COLLAPSE_ALL
: ExpandAllState.EXPAND_ALL;
_handleExpandCollapseTap(e) {
this._expandAllState === ExpandAllState.EXPAND_ALL);
_handleAnchorClick(e) {
_isVisibleShowAllActivityToggle(messages = []) {
return messages.some(m => !m.isImportant);
_computeHiddenEntriesCount(messages = []) {
return messages.filter(m => !m.isImportant).length;
* This method is for reporting stats only.
_combinedMessagesChanged(combinedMessages) {
if (combinedMessages) {
if (combinedMessages.length === 0) return;
const tags =
message => message.tag || message.type ||
(message.comments ? 'comments' : 'none'));
const tagsCounted = tags.reduce((acc, val) => {
acc[val] = (acc[val] || 0) + 1;
return acc;
}, {all: combinedMessages.length});
this.reporting.reportInteraction('messages-count', tagsCounted);
* Compute a mapping from label name to objects representing the minimum and
* maximum possible values for that label.
_computeLabelExtremes(labelRecord) {
const extremes = {};
const labels = labelRecord.base;
if (!labels) { return extremes; }
for (const key of Object.keys(labels)) {
if (!labels[key] || !labels[key].values) { continue; }
const values = Object.keys(labels[key].values)
.map(v => parseInt(v, 10));
values.sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (!values.length) { continue; }
extremes[key] = {min: values[0], max: values[values.length - 1]};
return extremes;
* Work around a issue on iOS when clicking turns into double tap
_onTapShowAllActivityToggle(e) {