blob: b63ac9f9b74c2e4b1881aeac8caf2db6d342652b [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {html, LitElement, PropertyValues} from 'lit';
import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators';
import {BindValueChangeEvent} from '../../../types/events';
import {fire} from '../../../utils/event-util';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-select': GrSelect;
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
'bind-value-changed': BindValueChangeEvent;
* GrSelect `gr-select` component.
* TODO: Figure out if this class still has merit over native <select>
export class GrSelect extends LitElement {
private _bindValue?: string | number | boolean;
get bindValue() {
return this._bindValue;
set bindValue(bindValue: string | number | boolean | undefined) {
if (this._bindValue === bindValue) return;
this._bindValue = bindValue;
// It's possible to have a value of 0.
if (this.bindValue !== undefined) {
// Set for chrome/safari so it happens instantly
this.nativeSelect.value = String(this.bindValue);
// Async needed for firefox to populate value. It was trying to do it
// before options from a dom-repeat were rendered previously.
// See
setTimeout(() => {
this.nativeSelect.value = String(this.bindValue);
}, 1);
// TODO: bind-value-changed is polymer-specific. Move to a new event
// name and rely on ValueChangedEvent instead of BindValueChangeEvent.
fire(this, 'bind-value-changed', {value: this.convert(this._bindValue)});
get nativeSelect() {
return this.querySelector('select')!;
constructor() {
this.addEventListener('change', () => {
this.bindValue = this.nativeSelect.value;
override updated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
// If not set via the property, set bind-value to the element value.
if (this.bindValue === undefined && this.nativeSelect.options.length > 0) {
this.bindValue = this.nativeSelect.value;
override render() {
return html`<slot></slot>`;
_updateValue() {
// It's possible to have a value of 0.
if (this.bindValue !== undefined) {
// Set for chrome/safari so it happens instantly
this.nativeSelect.value = this.convert(this.bindValue) ?? '';
// Async needed for firefox to populate value. It was trying to do it
// before options from a dom-repeat were rendered previously.
// See
setTimeout(() => {
this.nativeSelect.value = this.convert(this.bindValue) ?? '';
}, 1);
private convert(value: string | boolean | number | undefined) {
if (value === undefined) return undefined;
if (typeof value === 'string') return value;
return String(value);
override focus() {