blob: 81478bf94198be30df9fd1eb44ffcd7c4cb81f93 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {BehaviorSubject, Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {
CheckResult as CheckResultApi,
CheckRun as CheckRunApi,
} from '../../api/checks';
import {distinctUntilChanged, map} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {PatchSetNumber} from '../../types/common';
export interface CheckResult extends CheckResultApi {
* Internally we want to uniquely identify a run with an id, for example when
* efficiently re-rendering lists of runs in the UI.
internalId: string;
export interface CheckRun extends CheckRunApi {
* Internally we want to uniquely identify a result with an id, for example
* when efficiently re-rendering lists of results in the UI.
internalId: string;
results?: CheckResult[];
// This is a convenience type for working with results, because when working
// with a bunch of results you will typically also want to know about the run
// properties. So you can just combine them with {, ...result}.
export type RunResult = CheckRun & CheckResult;
interface ChecksProviderState {
pluginName: string;
loading: boolean;
config?: ChecksApiConfig;
runs: CheckRun[];
actions: Action[];
interface ChecksState {
patchsetNumber?: PatchSetNumber;
providerNameToState: {
[name: string]: ChecksProviderState;
const initialState: ChecksState = {
providerNameToState: {},
const privateState$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialState);
// Re-exporting as Observable so that you can only subscribe, but not emit.
export const checksState$: Observable<ChecksState> = privateState$;
export const checksPatchsetNumber$ = checksState$.pipe(
map(state => state.patchsetNumber),
export const checksProviderState$ = checksState$.pipe(
map(state => state.providerNameToState),
export const aPluginHasRegistered$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => Object.keys(state).length > 0),
export const someProvidersAreLoading$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => {
return Object.values(state).some(providerState => providerState.loading);
export const allActions$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => {
return Object.values(state).reduce(
(allActions: Action[], providerState: ChecksProviderState) => [
export const allRuns$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => {
return Object.values(state).reduce(
(allRuns: CheckRun[], providerState: ChecksProviderState) => [
export const checkToPluginMap$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => {
const map = new Map<string, string>();
for (const [pluginName, providerState] of Object.entries(state)) {
for (const run of providerState.runs) {
map.set(run.checkName, pluginName);
return map;
export const allResults$ = checksProviderState$.pipe(
map(state => {
return Object.values(state)
(allResults: CheckResult[], providerState: ChecksProviderState) => [
(results: CheckResult[], run: CheckRun) =>
results.concat(run.results ?? []),
.filter(r => r !== undefined);
// Must only be used by the checks service or whatever is in control of this
// model.
export function updateStateSetProvider(
pluginName: string,
config?: ChecksApiConfig
) {
const nextState = {...privateState$.getValue()};
nextState.providerNameToState = {...nextState.providerNameToState};
nextState.providerNameToState[pluginName] = {
loading: false,
runs: [],
actions: [],
// TODO(brohlfs): Remove all fake runs by end of January. They are just making
// it easier to develop the UI and always see all the different types/states of
// runs and results.
export const fakeRun0: CheckRun = {
internalId: 'f0',
checkName: 'FAKE Error Finder',
results: [
internalId: 'f0r0',
category: Category.ERROR,
summary: 'I would like to point out this error: 1 is not equal to 2!',
links: [
{primary: true, url: '', icon: LinkIcon.EXTERNAL},
tags: [{name: 'OBSOLETE'}, {name: 'E2E'}],
internalId: 'f0r1',
category: Category.ERROR,
summary: 'Running the mighty test has failed by crashing.',
links: [
{primary: true, url: '', icon: LinkIcon.EXTERNAL},
status: RunStatus.COMPLETED,
export const fakeRun1: CheckRun = {
internalId: 'f1',
checkName: 'FAKE Super Check',
labelName: 'Verified',
results: [
internalId: 'f1r0',
category: Category.WARNING,
summary: 'We think that you could improve this.',
message: `There is a lot to be said. A lot. I say, a lot.\n
So please keep reading.`,
tags: [{name: 'INTERRUPTED'}, {name: 'WINDOWS'}],
status: RunStatus.RUNNING,
export const fakeRun2: CheckRun = {
internalId: 'f2',
checkName: 'FAKE Mega Analysis',
results: [
internalId: 'f2r0',
category: Category.INFO,
summary: 'This is looking a bit too large.',
message: 'We are still looking into how large exactly. Stay tuned.',
tags: [{name: 'FLAKY'}, {name: 'MAC-OS'}],
status: RunStatus.COMPLETED,
export const fakeRun3: CheckRun = {
internalId: 'f3',
checkName: 'FAKE Critical Observations',
status: RunStatus.RUNNABLE,
export const fakeRun4: CheckRun = {
internalId: 'f4',
checkName: 'FAKE TODO Elimination',
status: RunStatus.COMPLETED,
export const fakeActions: Action[] = [
name: 'Fake Action 1',
primary: false,
tooltip: 'Tooltip for Fake Action 1',
callback: () => {
console.warn('fake action 1 triggered');
return undefined;
name: 'Fake Action 2',
primary: false,
tooltip: 'Tooltip for Fake Action 2',
callback: () => {
console.warn('fake action 2 triggered');
return undefined;
name: 'Fake Action 3',
primary: false,
tooltip: 'Tooltip for Fake Action 3',
callback: () => {
console.warn('fake action 3 triggered');
return undefined;
export function updateStateSetLoading(pluginName: string) {
const nextState = {...privateState$.getValue()};
nextState.providerNameToState = {...nextState.providerNameToState};
nextState.providerNameToState[pluginName] = {
loading: true,
export function updateStateSetResults(
pluginName: string,
runs: CheckRunApi[],
actions: Action[] = []
) {
const nextState = {...privateState$.getValue()};
nextState.providerNameToState = {...nextState.providerNameToState};
nextState.providerNameToState[pluginName] = {
loading: false,
runs: => {
const runId = `${run.checkName}-${run.change}-${run.patchset}-${run.attempt}`;
return {,
internalId: runId,
results: (run.results ?? []).map((result, i) => {
return {
internalId: `${runId}-${i}`,
actions: [...actions],
export function updateStateSetPatchset(patchsetNumber?: PatchSetNumber) {
const nextState = {...privateState$.getValue()};
nextState.patchsetNumber = patchsetNumber;