Merge "Remove tracking of comments updates in gr-diff-host"
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.ts b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.ts
index 8c08084..aa769c6 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.ts
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host.ts
@@ -31,13 +31,7 @@
 } from '../../../utils/patch-set-util';
-import {
-  Comment,
-  isDraft,
-  UIComment,
-  CommentThread,
-  createCommentThreads,
-} from '../../../utils/comment-util';
+import {CommentThread, createCommentThreads} from '../../../utils/comment-util';
 import {TwoSidesComments} from '../gr-comment-api/gr-comment-api';
 import {customElement, observe, property} from '@polymer/decorators';
 import {
@@ -276,11 +270,12 @@
       e => this._handleCreateComment(e)
-    this.addEventListener('comment-discard', e =>
-      this._handleCommentDiscard(e)
+    this.addEventListener('comment-discard', () =>
+      this._handleCommentSaveOrDiscard()
-    this.addEventListener('comment-update', e => this._handleCommentUpdate(e));
-    this.addEventListener('comment-save', e => this._handleCommentSave(e));
+    this.addEventListener('comment-save', () =>
+      this._handleCommentSaveOrDiscard()
+    );
     this.addEventListener('render-start', () => this._handleRenderStart());
     this.addEventListener('render-content', () => this._handleRenderContent());
     this.addEventListener('normalize-range', event =>
@@ -932,79 +927,12 @@
       : null;
-  _handleCommentSave(e: CustomEvent) {
-    const comment = e.detail.comment;
-    const side = e.detail.comment.__commentSide;
-    const idx = this._findDraftIndex(comment, side);
-    this.set(['comments', side, idx], comment);
-    this._handleCommentSaveOrDiscard();
-  }
-  _handleCommentDiscard(e: CustomEvent) {
-    const comment = e.detail.comment;
-    this._removeComment(comment);
-    this._handleCommentSaveOrDiscard();
-  }
-  _handleCommentUpdate(e: CustomEvent) {
-    const comment = e.detail.comment;
-    const side = e.detail.comment.__commentSide;
-    let idx = this._findCommentIndex(comment, side);
-    if (idx === -1) {
-      idx = this._findDraftIndex(comment, side);
-    }
-    if (idx !== -1) {
-      // Update draft or comment.
-      this.set(['comments', side, idx], comment);
-    } else {
-      // Create new draft.
-      this.push(['comments', side], comment);
-    }
-  }
   _handleCommentSaveOrDiscard() {
       new CustomEvent('diff-comments-modified', {bubbles: true, composed: true})
-  _removeComment(comment: UIComment) {
-    const side = comment.__commentSide;
-    if (!side) throw new Error('Missing required "side" in comment.');
-    this._removeCommentFromSide(comment, side);
-  }
-  _removeCommentFromSide(comment: Comment, side: Side) {
-    let idx = this._findCommentIndex(comment, side);
-    if (idx === -1) {
-      idx = this._findDraftIndex(comment, side);
-    }
-    if (idx !== -1) {
-      this.splice('comments.' + side, idx, 1);
-    }
-  }
-  _findCommentIndex(comment: Comment, side: Side) {
-    if (! || !this.comments || !this.comments[side]) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    return this.comments[side].findIndex(item => ===;
-  }
-  _findDraftIndex(comment: Comment, side: Side) {
-    if (
-      !isDraft(comment) ||
-      !comment.__draftID ||
-      !this.comments ||
-      !this.comments[side]
-    ) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    return this.comments[side].findIndex(
-      item => isDraft(item) && item.__draftID === comment.__draftID
-    );
-  }
     preferenceChangeRecord?: PolymerDeepPropertyChange<
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host_test.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host_test.js
index bf4d912..402cb52 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host_test.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/diff/gr-diff-host/gr-diff-host_test.js
@@ -62,198 +62,6 @@
-  suite('handle comment-update', () => {
-    setup(() => {
-      sinon.stub(element, '_commentsChanged');
-      element.comments = {
-        meta: {
-          changeNum: '42',
-          patchRange: {
-            basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
-            patchNum: 3,
-          },
-          path: '/path/to/foo',
-          projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
-        },
-        left: [
-          {id: 'bc1', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-          {id: 'bc2', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-          {id: 'bd1', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-          {id: 'bd2', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        ],
-        right: [
-          {id: 'c1', __commentSide: 'right'},
-          {id: 'c2', __commentSide: 'right'},
-          {id: 'd1', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-          {id: 'd2', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-        ],
-      };
-    });
-    test('creating a draft', () => {
-      const comment = {__draft: true, __draftID: 'tempID', side: 'PARENT',
-        __commentSide: 'left'};
-      element.dispatchEvent(
-          new CustomEvent('comment-update', {
-            detail: {comment},
-            composed: true, bubbles: true,
-          }));
-      assert.include(element.comments.left, comment);
-    });
-    test('discarding a draft', () => {
-      const draftID = 'tempID';
-      const id = 'savedID';
-      const comment = {
-        __draft: true,
-        __draftID: draftID,
-        side: 'PARENT',
-        __commentSide: 'left',
-      };
-      const diffCommentsModifiedStub = sinon.stub();
-      element.addEventListener('diff-comments-modified',
-          diffCommentsModifiedStub);
-      element.comments.left.push(comment);
- = id;
-      element.dispatchEvent(
-          new CustomEvent('comment-discard', {
-            detail: {comment},
-            composed: true, bubbles: true,
-          }));
-      const drafts = element.comments.left
-          .filter(item => item.__draftID === draftID);
-      assert.equal(drafts.length, 0);
-      assert.isTrue(diffCommentsModifiedStub.called);
-    });
-    test('saving a draft', () => {
-      const draftID = 'tempID';
-      const id = 'savedID';
-      const comment = {
-        __draft: true,
-        __draftID: draftID,
-        side: 'PARENT',
-        __commentSide: 'left',
-      };
-      const diffCommentsModifiedStub = sinon.stub();
-      element.addEventListener('diff-comments-modified',
-          diffCommentsModifiedStub);
-      element.comments.left.push(comment);
- = id;
-      element.dispatchEvent(
-          new CustomEvent('comment-save', {
-            detail: {comment},
-            composed: true, bubbles: true,
-          }));
-      const drafts = element.comments.left
-          .filter(item => item.__draftID === draftID);
-      assert.equal(drafts.length, 1);
-      assert.equal(drafts[0].id, id);
-      assert.isTrue(diffCommentsModifiedStub.called);
-    });
-  });
-  test('remove comment', () => {
-    sinon.stub(element, '_commentsChanged');
-    element.comments = {
-      meta: {
-        changeNum: '42',
-        patchRange: {
-          basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
-          patchNum: 3,
-        },
-        path: '/path/to/foo',
-        projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
-      },
-      left: [
-        {id: 'bc1', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bc2', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd1', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd2', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-      ],
-      right: [
-        {id: 'c1', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'c2', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd1', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd2', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-      ],
-    };
-    // Using JSON.stringify because Safari 9.1 (11601.5.17.1) doesn’t seem
-    // to believe that one object deepEquals another even when they do :-/.
-    assert.equal(JSON.stringify(element.comments), JSON.stringify({
-      meta: {
-        changeNum: '42',
-        patchRange: {
-          basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
-          patchNum: 3,
-        },
-        path: '/path/to/foo',
-        projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
-      },
-      left: [
-        {id: 'bc1', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bc2', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd1', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd2', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-      ],
-      right: [
-        {id: 'c1', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'c2', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd1', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd2', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-      ],
-    }));
-    element._removeComment({id: 'bc2', side: 'PARENT',
-      __commentSide: 'left'});
-    assert.deepEqual(element.comments, {
-      meta: {
-        changeNum: '42',
-        patchRange: {
-          basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
-          patchNum: 3,
-        },
-        path: '/path/to/foo',
-        projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
-      },
-      left: [
-        {id: 'bc1', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd1', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd2', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-      ],
-      right: [
-        {id: 'c1', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'c2', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd1', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd2', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-      ],
-    });
-    element._removeComment({id: 'd2', __commentSide: 'right'});
-    assert.deepEqual(element.comments, {
-      meta: {
-        changeNum: '42',
-        patchRange: {
-          basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
-          patchNum: 3,
-        },
-        path: '/path/to/foo',
-        projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
-      },
-      left: [
-        {id: 'bc1', side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd1', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-        {id: 'bd2', __draft: true, side: 'PARENT', __commentSide: 'left'},
-      ],
-      right: [
-        {id: 'c1', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'c2', __commentSide: 'right'},
-        {id: 'd1', __draft: true, __commentSide: 'right'},
-      ],
-    });
-  });
   test('thread-discard handling', () => {
     const threads = createCommentThreads([