blob: 1f3fad9199db8735b0ecdfd3bc750523faf7cb08 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Navigation parameters object format:
// Each object has a `view` property with a value from GerritNav.View. The
// remaining properties depend on the value used for view.
// - GerritNav.View.CHANGE:
// - `changeNum`, required, String: the numeric ID of the change.
// - `project`, optional, String: the project name.
// - `patchNum`, optional, Number: the patch for the right-hand-side of
// the diff.
// - `basePatchNum`, optional, Number: the patch for the left-hand-side
// of the diff. If `basePatchNum` is provided, then `patchNum` must
// also be provided.
// - `edit`, optional, Boolean: whether or not to load the file list with
// edit controls.
// - `messageHash`, optional, String: the hash of the change message to
// scroll to.
// - GerritNav.View.SEARCH:
// - `query`, optional, String: the literal search query. If provided,
// the string will be used as the query, and all other params will be
// ignored.
// - `owner`, optional, String: the owner name.
// - `project`, optional, String: the project name.
// - `branch`, optional, String: the branch name.
// - `topic`, optional, String: the topic name.
// - `hashtag`, optional, String: the hashtag name.
// - `statuses`, optional, Array<String>: the list of change statuses to
// search for. If more than one is provided, the search will OR them
// together.
// - `offset`, optional, Number: the offset for the query.
// - GerritNav.View.DIFF:
// - `changeNum`, required, String: the numeric ID of the change.
// - `path`, required, String: the filepath of the diff.
// - `patchNum`, required, Number: the patch for the right-hand-side of
// the diff.
// - `basePatchNum`, optional, Number: the patch for the left-hand-side
// of the diff. If `basePatchNum` is provided, then `patchNum` must
// also be provided.
// - `lineNum`, optional, Number: the line number to be selected on load.
// - `leftSide`, optional, Boolean: if a `lineNum` is provided, a value
// of true selects the line from base of the patch range. False by
// default.
// - GerritNav.View.GROUP:
// - `groupId`, required, String: the ID of the group.
// - `detail`, optional, String: the name of the group detail view.
// Takes any value from GerritNav.GroupDetailView.
// - GerritNav.View.REPO:
// - `repoName`, required, String: the name of the repo
// - `detail`, optional, String: the name of the repo detail view.
// Takes any value from GerritNav.RepoDetailView.
// - GerritNav.View.DASHBOARD
// - `repo`, optional, String.
// - `sections`, optional, Array of objects with `title` and `query`
// strings.
// - `user`, optional, String.
// - GerritNav.View.ROOT:
// - no possible parameters.
const uninitialized = () => {
console.warn('Use of uninitialized routing');
const EDIT_PATCHNUM = 'edit';
const USER_PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = /\${user}/g;
// NOTE: These queries are tested in Java. Any changes made to definitions
// here require corresponding changes to:
// javatests/com/google/gerrit/server/query/change/
// Changes with unpublished draft comments. This section is omitted when
// viewing other users, so we don't need to filter anything out.
name: 'Has draft comments',
query: 'has:draft',
selfOnly: true,
hideIfEmpty: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:10',
// Changes where the user is in the attention set.
name: 'Your Turn',
query: 'attention:${user}',
hideIfEmpty: false,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
attentionSetOnly: true,
// Changes that are assigned to the viewed user.
name: 'Assigned reviews',
query: 'assignee:${user} (-is:wip OR owner:self OR assignee:self) ' +
'is:open -is:ignored',
hideIfEmpty: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
assigneeOnly: true,
// WIP open changes owned by viewing user. This section is omitted when
// viewing other users, so we don't need to filter anything out.
name: 'Work in progress',
query: 'is:open owner:${user} is:wip',
selfOnly: true,
hideIfEmpty: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
// Non-WIP open changes owned by viewed user. Filter out changes ignored
// by the viewing user.
name: 'Outgoing reviews',
query: 'is:open owner:${user} -is:wip -is:ignored',
isOutgoing: true,
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
// Non-WIP open changes not owned by the viewed user, that the viewed user
// is associated with (as either a reviewer or the assignee). Changes
// ignored by the viewing user are filtered out.
name: 'Incoming reviews',
query: 'is:open -owner:${user} -is:wip -is:ignored ' +
'(reviewer:${user} OR assignee:${user})',
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:25',
// Open changes the viewed user is CCed on. Changes ignored by the viewing
// user are filtered out.
name: 'CCed on',
query: 'is:open -is:ignored cc:${user}',
suffixForDashboard: 'limit:10',
name: 'Recently closed',
// Closed changes where viewed user is owner, reviewer, or assignee.
// Changes ignored by the viewing user are filtered out, and so are WIP
// changes not owned by the viewing user (the one instance of
// 'owner:self' is intentional and implements this logic).
query: 'is:closed -is:ignored (-is:wip OR owner:self) ' +
'(owner:${user} OR reviewer:${user} OR assignee:${user} ' +
'OR cc:${user})',
suffixForDashboard: '-age:4w limit:10',
// TODO(dmfilippov) Convert to class, extract consts, give better name and
// expose as a service from appContext
export const GerritNav = {
View: {
ADMIN: 'admin',
AGREEMENTS: 'agreements',
CHANGE: 'change',
DASHBOARD: 'dashboard',
DIFF: 'diff',
DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH: 'documentation-search',
EDIT: 'edit',
GROUP: 'group',
PLUGIN_SCREEN: 'plugin-screen',
REPO: 'repo',
ROOT: 'root',
SEARCH: 'search',
SETTINGS: 'settings',
GroupDetailView: {
MEMBERS: 'members',
LOG: 'log',
RepoDetailView: {
ACCESS: 'access',
BRANCHES: 'branches',
COMMANDS: 'commands',
DASHBOARDS: 'dashboards',
TAGS: 'tags',
WeblinkType: {
CHANGE: 'change',
FILE: 'file',
PATCHSET: 'patchset',
/** @type {Function} */
_navigate: uninitialized,
/** @type {Function} */
_generateUrl: uninitialized,
/** @type {Function} */
_generateWeblinks: uninitialized,
/** @type {Function} */
mapCommentlinks: uninitialized,
* @param {number=} patchNum
* @param {number|string=} basePatchNum
_checkPatchRange(patchNum, basePatchNum) {
if (basePatchNum && !patchNum) {
throw new Error('Cannot use base patch number without patch number.');
* Setup router implementation.
* @param {function(!string, boolean=)} navigate the router-abstracted equivalent of
* `window.location.href = ...` or window.location.replace(...). The
* string is a new location and boolean defines is it redirect or not
* (true means redirect, i.e. equivalent of window.location.replace).
* @param {function(!Object): string} generateUrl generates a URL given
* navigation parameters, detailed in the file header.
* @param {function(!Object): string} generateWeblinks weblinks generator
* function takes single payload parameter with type property that
* determines which
* part of the UI is the consumer of the weblinks. type property can
* be one of file, change, or patchset.
* - For file type, payload will also contain string properties: repo,
* commit, file.
* - For patchset type, payload will also contain string properties:
* repo, commit.
* - For change type, payload will also contain string properties:
* repo, commit. If server provides weblinks, those will be passed
* as options.weblinks property on the main payload object.
* @param {function(!Object): Object} mapCommentlinks provides an escape
* hatch to modify the commentlinks object, e.g. if it contains any
* relative URLs.
setup(navigate, generateUrl, generateWeblinks, mapCommentlinks) {
this._navigate = navigate;
this._generateUrl = generateUrl;
this._generateWeblinks = generateWeblinks;
this.mapCommentlinks = mapCommentlinks;
destroy() {
this._navigate = uninitialized;
this._generateUrl = uninitialized;
this._generateWeblinks = uninitialized;
this.mapCommentlinks = uninitialized;
* Generate a URL for the given route parameters.
* @param {Object} params
* @return {string}
_getUrlFor(params) {
return this._generateUrl(params);
getUrlForSearchQuery(query, opt_offset) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
offset: opt_offset,
* @param {!string} project The name of the project.
* @param {boolean=} opt_openOnly When true, only search open changes in
* the project.
* @param {string=} opt_host The host in which to search.
* @return {string}
getUrlForProjectChanges(project, opt_openOnly, opt_host) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
statuses: opt_openOnly ? ['open'] : [],
host: opt_host,
* @param {string} branch The name of the branch.
* @param {string} project The name of the project.
* @param {string=} opt_status The status to search.
* @param {string=} opt_host The host in which to search.
* @return {string}
getUrlForBranch(branch, project, opt_status, opt_host) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
statuses: opt_status ? [opt_status] : undefined,
host: opt_host,
* @param {string} topic The name of the topic.
* @param {string=} opt_host The host in which to search.
* @return {string}
getUrlForTopic(topic, opt_host) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
statuses: ['open', 'merged'],
host: opt_host,
* @param {string} hashtag The name of the hashtag.
* @return {string}
getUrlForHashtag(hashtag) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
statuses: ['open', 'merged'],
* Navigate to a search for changes with the given status.
* @param {string} status
navigateToStatusSearch(status) {
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
statuses: [status],
* Navigate to a search query
* @param {string} query
* @param {number=} opt_offset
navigateToSearchQuery(query, opt_offset) {
return this._navigate(this.getUrlForSearchQuery(query, opt_offset));
* Navigate to the user's dashboard
navigateToUserDashboard() {
return this._navigate(this.getUrlForUserDashboard('self'));
* @param {!Object} change The change object.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number|string=} opt_basePatchNum The string 'PARENT' can be
* used for none.
* @param {boolean=} opt_isEdit
* @param {string=} opt_messageHash
* @return {string}
getUrlForChange(change, opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum, opt_isEdit,
opt_messageHash) {
if (opt_basePatchNum === PARENT_PATCHNUM) {
opt_basePatchNum = undefined;
this._checkPatchRange(opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum);
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.CHANGE,
changeNum: change._number,
project: change.project,
patchNum: opt_patchNum,
basePatchNum: opt_basePatchNum,
edit: opt_isEdit,
host: change.internalHost || undefined,
messageHash: opt_messageHash,
* @param {number} changeNum
* @param {string} project The name of the project.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @return {string}
getUrlForChangeById(changeNum, project, opt_patchNum) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.CHANGE,
patchNum: opt_patchNum,
* @param {!Object} change The change object.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number|string=} opt_basePatchNum The string 'PARENT' can be
* used for none.
* @param {boolean=} opt_isEdit
* @param {boolean=} opt_redirect redirect to a change - if true, the current
* location (i.e. page which makes redirect) is not added to a history.
* I.e. back/forward buttons skip current location
navigateToChange(change, opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum, opt_isEdit,
opt_redirect) {
this._navigate(this.getUrlForChange(change, opt_patchNum,
opt_basePatchNum, opt_isEdit), opt_redirect);
* @param {{ _number: number, project: string }} change The change object.
* @param {string} path The file path.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number|string=} opt_basePatchNum The string 'PARENT' can be
* used for none.
* @param {number|string=} opt_lineNum
* @return {string}
getUrlForDiff(change, path, opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum, opt_lineNum) {
return this.getUrlForDiffById(change._number, change.project, path,
opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum, opt_lineNum);
* @param {number} changeNum
* @param {string} project The name of the project.
* @param {string} path The file path.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number|string=} opt_basePatchNum The string 'PARENT' can be
* used for none.
* @param {number=} opt_lineNum
* @param {boolean=} opt_leftSide
* @return {string}
getUrlForDiffById(changeNum, project, path, opt_patchNum,
opt_basePatchNum, opt_lineNum, opt_leftSide) {
if (opt_basePatchNum === PARENT_PATCHNUM) {
opt_basePatchNum = undefined;
this._checkPatchRange(opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum);
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.DIFF,
patchNum: opt_patchNum,
basePatchNum: opt_basePatchNum,
lineNum: opt_lineNum,
leftSide: opt_leftSide,
* @param {{ _number: number, project: string }} change The change object.
* @param {string} path The file path.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number=} opt_lineNum
* @return {string}
getEditUrlForDiff(change, path, opt_patchNum, opt_lineNum) {
return this.getEditUrlForDiffById(change._number, change.project, path,
opt_patchNum, opt_lineNum);
* @param {number} changeNum
* @param {string} project The name of the project.
* @param {string} path The file path.
* @param {number|string=} opt_patchNum The patchNum the file content
* should be based on, or ${EDIT_PATCHNUM} if left undefined.
* @param {number=} opt_lineNum The line number to pass to the inline editor.
* @return {string}
getEditUrlForDiffById(changeNum, project, path, opt_patchNum, opt_lineNum) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.EDIT,
patchNum: opt_patchNum || EDIT_PATCHNUM,
lineNum: opt_lineNum,
* @param {!Object} change The change object.
* @param {string} path The file path.
* @param {number=} opt_patchNum
* @param {number|string=} opt_basePatchNum The string 'PARENT' can be
* used for none.
navigateToDiff(change, path, opt_patchNum, opt_basePatchNum) {
this._navigate(this.getUrlForDiff(change, path, opt_patchNum,
* @param {string} owner The name of the owner.
* @return {string}
getUrlForOwner(owner) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.SEARCH,
* @param {string} user The name of the user.
* @return {string}
getUrlForUserDashboard(user) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.DASHBOARD,
* @return {string}
getUrlForRoot() {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.ROOT,
* @param {string} repo The name of the repo.
* @param {string} dashboard The ID of the dashboard, in the form of
* '<ref>:<path>'.
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoDashboard(repo, dashboard) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.DASHBOARD,
* Navigate to an arbitrary relative URL.
* @param {string} relativeUrl
navigateToRelativeUrl(relativeUrl) {
if (!relativeUrl.startsWith('/')) {
throw new Error('navigateToRelativeUrl with non-relative URL');
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepo(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
* Navigate to a repo settings page.
* @param {string} repoName
navigateToRepo(repoName) {
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoTags(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
detail: GerritNav.RepoDetailView.TAGS,
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoBranches(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
detail: GerritNav.RepoDetailView.BRANCHES,
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoAccess(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
detail: GerritNav.RepoDetailView.ACCESS,
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoCommands(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
detail: GerritNav.RepoDetailView.COMMANDS,
* @param {string} repoName
* @return {string}
getUrlForRepoDashboards(repoName) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.REPO,
detail: GerritNav.RepoDetailView.DASHBOARDS,
* @param {string} groupId
* @return {string}
getUrlForGroup(groupId) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.GROUP,
* @param {string} groupId
* @return {string}
getUrlForGroupLog(groupId) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.GROUP,
detail: GerritNav.GroupDetailView.LOG,
* @param {string} groupId
* @return {string}
getUrlForGroupMembers(groupId) {
return this._getUrlFor({
view: GerritNav.View.GROUP,
detail: GerritNav.GroupDetailView.MEMBERS,
getUrlForSettings() {
return this._getUrlFor({view: GerritNav.View.SETTINGS});
* @param {string} repo
* @param {string} commit
* @param {string} file
* @param {Object=} opt_options
* @return {
* Array<{label: string, url: string}>|
* {label: string, url: string}
* }
getFileWebLinks(repo, commit, file, opt_options) {
const params = {type: GerritNav.WeblinkType.FILE, repo, commit, file};
if (opt_options) {
params.options = opt_options;
return [].concat(this._generateWeblinks(params));
* @param {string} repo
* @param {string} commit
* @param {Object=} opt_options
* @return {{label: string, url: string}}
getPatchSetWeblink(repo, commit, opt_options) {
const params = {type: GerritNav.WeblinkType.PATCHSET, repo, commit};
if (opt_options) {
params.options = opt_options;
const result = this._generateWeblinks(params);
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
return result.pop();
} else {
return result;
* @param {string} repo
* @param {string} commit
* @param {Object=} opt_options
* @return {
* Array<{label: string, url: string}>|
* {label: string, url: string}
* }
getChangeWeblinks(repo, commit, opt_options) {
const params = {type: GerritNav.WeblinkType.CHANGE, repo, commit};
if (opt_options) {
params.options = opt_options;
return [].concat(this._generateWeblinks(params));
getUserDashboard(user = 'self', sections = DEFAULT_SECTIONS,
title = '', config = {}) {
const attentionEnabled =
config.change && !!config.change.enable_attention_set;
const assigneeEnabled =
config.change && !!config.change.enable_assignee;
sections = sections
.filter(section => (attentionEnabled || !section.attentionSetOnly))
.filter(section => (assigneeEnabled || !section.assigneeOnly))
.filter(section => (user === 'self' || !section.selfOnly))
.map(section => {
return {...section, name:,
query: section.query.replace(USER_PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN, user)};
return {title, sections};