| = Project Owner Guide |
| |
| This is a Gerrit guide that is dedicated to project owners. It |
| explains the many possibilities that Gerrit provides to customize the |
| workflows for a project. |
| |
| [[project-owner]] |
| == What is a project owner? |
| |
| Being project owner means that you own a project in Gerrit. |
| Technically this is expressed by having the |
| link:access-control.html#category_owner[Owner] access right on |
| `refs/*` on that project. As project owner you have the permission to |
| edit the access control list and the project settings of the project. |
| It also means that you should get familiar with these settings so that |
| you can adapt them to the needs of your project. |
| |
| Being project owner means being responsible for the administration of |
| a project. This requires having a deeper knowledge of Gerrit than the |
| average user. Normally per team there should be 2 to 3 persons, who |
| have a certain level of Git/Gerrit knowledge, assigned as project |
| owners. It normally doesn't make sense that everyone in a team is |
| project owner. For normal team members it is sufficient to be committer |
| or contributor. |
| |
| [[access-rights]] |
| == Access Rights |
| |
| As a project owner you can edit the access control list of your |
| project. This allows you to grant permissions on the project to |
| different groups. |
| |
| Gerrit comes with a rich set of permissions which allow a very |
| fine-grained control over who can do what on a project. Access |
| control is one of the most powerful Gerrit features but it is also a |
| rather complex topic. This guide will only highlight the most |
| important aspects of access control, but the link:access-control.html[ |
| Access Control] chapter explains all the details. |
| |
| [[edit-access-rights]] |
| === Editing Access Rights |
| |
| To see the access rights of your project |
| |
| - go to the Gerrit WebUI |
| - click on the `Projects` > `List` menu entry |
| - find your project in the project list and click on it |
| - click on the `Access` menu entry |
| |
| By clicking on the `Edit` button the access rights become editable and |
| you may save any changes by clicking on the `Save Changes` button. |
| Optionally you can provide a `Commit Message` to explain the reasons |
| for changing the access rights. |
| |
| The access rights are stored in the project's Git repository in a |
| special branch called `refs/meta/config`. On this branch there is a |
| `project.config` file which contains the access rights. More |
| information about this storage format can be found in the |
| link:config-project-config.html[Project Configuration File Format] |
| chapter. What is important to know is that by looking at the history |
| of the `project.config` file on the `refs/meta/config` branch you can |
| always see how the access rights were changed and by whom. If a good |
| commit message is provided you can also see from the history why the |
| access rights were modified. |
| |
| If a Git browser such as GitWeb is configured for the Gerrit server you |
| can find a link to the history of the `project.config` file in the |
| WebUI. Otherwise you may inspect the history locally. If you have |
| cloned the repository you can do this by executing the following |
| commands: |
| |
| ==== |
| $ git fetch origin refs/meta/config:config |
| $ git checkout config |
| $ git log project.config |
| ==== |
| |
| Non project owners may still edit the access rights and propose the |
| modifications to the project owners by clicking on the `Save for |
| Review` button. This creates a new change with the access rights |
| modifications that can be approved by a project owner. The project |
| owners are automatically added as reviewer on this change so that they |
| get informed about it by email. |
| |
| [[inheritance]] |
| === Inheritance |
| |
| Normally when a new project is created in Gerrit it already has some |
| access rights which are inherited from the parent projects. |
| Projects in Gerrit are organized hierarchically as a tree with the |
| `All-Projects' project as root from which all projects inherit. Each |
| project can have only a single parent project, multi-inheritance is |
| not supported. |
| |
| Looking at the access rights of your project in the Gerrit WebUI, you |
| only see the access rights which are defined on that project. To see |
| the inherited access rights you must follow the link to the parent |
| project under `Rights Inherit From`. |
| |
| Inherited access rights can be overwritten unless they are defined as |
| link:access-control.html#block[BLOCK rule]. BLOCK rules are used to |
| limit the possibilities of the project owners on the inheriting |
| projects. With this, global policies can be enforced on all projects. |
| Please note that Gerrit doesn't prevent you from assigning access |
| rights that contradict an inherited BLOCK rule, but these access rights |
| will simply have no effect. |
| |
| If you are responsible for several projects which require the same |
| permissions, it makes sense to have a common parent for them and to |
| maintain the access rights on that common parent. Changing the parent |
| of a project is only allowed for Gerrit administrators. This means you |
| need to contact the administrator of your Gerrit server if you want to |
| reparent your project. One way to do this is to change the parent |
| project in the WebUI, save the modifications for review and get the |
| change approved and merged by a Gerrit administrator. |
| |
| [[refs]] |
| === References |
| |
| Access rights in Gerrit are assigned on references (aka refs). Refs in |
| Git exist in different namespaces, e.g. all branches normally exist |
| under `refs/heads/` and all tags under `refs/tags/`. In addition there |
| are a number of link:access-control.html#references_special[special refs] |
| and link:access-control.html#references_magic[magic refs]. |
| |
| Access rights can be assigned on a concrete ref, e.g. |
| `refs/heads/master` but also on ref patterns and regular expressions |
| for ref names. |
| |
| A ref pattern ends with `/*` and describes a complete ref name |
| namespace, e.g. access rights assigned on `refs/heads/*` apply to all |
| branches. |
| |
| Regular expressions must start with `^`, e.g. access rights assigned |
| on `^refs/heads/rel-.*` would apply to all `rel-*` branches. |
| |
| [[groups]] |
| === Groups |
| |
| Access rights are granted to groups. It is useful to know that Gerrit |
| maintains its own groups internally but also supports different external |
| group backends. |
| |
| The Gerrit internal groups can be seen in the Gerrit WebUI by clicking |
| on the `Groups` > `List` menu entry. By clicking on a group you can |
| edit the group members (`Members` tab) and the group options |
| (`General` tab). |
| |
| Gerrit internal groups contain users as members, but can also include |
| other groups, even external groups. |
| |
| Every group is owned by an owner group. Only members of the owner |
| group can administrate the owned group (assign members, edit the group |
| options). A group can own itself; in this case members of the group |
| can, for example, add further members to the group. When you create new |
| groups for your project to assign access rights to committer or other |
| roles, make sure that they are owned by the project owner group. |
| |
| An important setting on a group is the option |
| `Make group visible to all registered users.`, which defines whether |
| non-members can see who is member of the group. |
| |
| New internal Gerrit groups can be created under `Groups` > |
| `Create New Group`. This menu is only available if you have the global |
| capability link:access-control.html#capability_createGroup[Create Group] |
| assigned. |
| |
| Gerrit also has a set of special |
| link:access-control.html#system_groups[system groups] that you might |
| find useful. |
| |
| External groups need to be prefixed when assigning access rights to |
| them, e.g. link:access-control.html#ldap_groups[LDAP group names] need |
| to be prefixed with `ldap/`. |
| |
| If the link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/singleusergroup[ |
| singleusergroup] plugin is installed you can also directly assign |
| access rights to users, by prefixing the username with `user/` or the |
| user's account ID by `userid/`. |
| |
| [[common-access-rights]] |
| === Common Access Rights |
| |
| Different roles in a project, such as developer (committer) or |
| contributor, need different access rights. Examples for which access |
| rights are typically assigned for which role are described in the |
| link:access-control.html#example_roles[Access Control] chapter. |
| |
| [[code-review]] |
| === Code Review |
| |
| Gerrit's main functionality is code review, however using code review |
| is optional and you may decide to only use Gerrit as a Git server with |
| access control. Whether you allow only pushes for review or also |
| direct pushes depends on the project's access rights. |
| |
| To push a commit for review it must be pushed to |
| link:access-control.html#refs_for[refs/for/<branch-name>]. This means |
| the link:access-control.html#category_push_review[Push] access right |
| must be assigned on `refs/for/<branch-name>`. |
| |
| To allow direct pushes and bypass code review, the |
| link:access-control.html#category_push_direct[Push] access right is |
| required on `refs/heads/<branch-name>`. |
| |
| By pushing for review you are not only enabling the review workflow, |
| but you can also get automatic verifications from a build server |
| before changes are merged. In addition you can benefit from Gerrit's |
| merge strategies that can automatically merge/rebase commits on server |
| side if necessary. You can control the merge strategy by configuring |
| the link:project-setup.html#submit_type[submit type] on the project. |
| If you bypass code review you always need to merge/rebase manually if |
| the tip of the destination branch has moved. Please keep this in mind |
| if you choose to not work with code review because you think it's |
| easier to avoid the additional complexity of the review workflow; it |
| might actually not be easier. |
| |
| You may also enable link:user-upload.html#auto_merge[auto-merge on |
| push] to benefit from the automatic merge/rebase on server side while |
| pushing directly into the repository. |
| |
| [[project-options]] |
| == Project Options |
| |
| As project owner you can control several options on your project. |
| The different options are described in the |
| link:project-setup.html#project_options[Project Options] section. |
| |
| To see the options of your project |
| |
| - go to the Gerrit WebUI |
| - click on the `Projects` > `List` menu entry |
| - find your project in the project list and click on it |
| - click on the `General` menu entry |
| |
| [[submit-type]] |
| === Submit Type |
| |
| An important decision for a project is the choice of the submit type |
| and the content merge setting (aka `Automatically resolve conflicts`). |
| The link:project-setup.html#submit_type[submit type] is the method |
| Gerrit uses to submit a change to the project. The submit type defines |
| what Gerrit should do on submit of a change if the destination branch |
| has moved while the change was in review. The |
| link:project-setup.html#content_merge[content merge] setting applies |
| if the same files have been modified concurrently and tells Gerrit |
| whether it should attempt a content merge for these files. |
| |
| When choosing the submit type and the content merge setting one must |
| weigh development comfort against the safety of not breaking the |
| destination branch. |
| |
| The most restrictive submit type is |
| link:project-setup.html#fast_forward_only[Fast Forward Only]. Using |
| this submit type means that after submitting one change all other open |
| changes for the same destination branch must be rebased manually. This |
| is quite burdensome and in practice only feasible for branches with |
| very few changes. On the other hand, if changes are verified before |
| submit, e.g. automatically by a CI integration, with this submit type, |
| you can be sure that the destination branch never gets broken. |
| |
| Choosing link:project-setup.html#merge_if_necessary[Merge If Necessary] |
| as submit type makes the life for developers more comfortable, |
| especially if content merge is enabled. If this submit strategy is used |
| developers only need to rebase manually if the same files have been |
| modified concurrently or if the content merge on such a file fails. The |
| drawback with this submit type is that there is a risk of breaking |
| the destination branch, e.g. if one change moves a class into another |
| package and another change imports this class from the old location. |
| Experience shows that in practice `Merge If Necessary` with content |
| merge enabled works pretty well and breaking the destination branch |
| happens rarely. This is why this setting is recommended at least for |
| development branches. You likely want to start with |
| `Merge If Necessary` with content merge enabled and only switch to a |
| more restrictive policy if you are facing issues with the build and |
| test stability of the destination branches. |
| |
| It is also possible to define the submit type dynamically via |
| link:#prolog-submit-type[Prolog]. This way you can use different submit |
| types for different branches. |
| |
| Please note that there are other submit types available; they are |
| described in the link:project-setup.html#submit_type[Submit Type] |
| section. |
| |
| [[labels]] |
| == Labels |
| |
| The code review process includes that reviewers formally express their |
| opinion about a change by voting on different link:config-labels.html[ |
| labels]. By default Gerrit comes with the |
| link:config-labels.html#label_Code-Review[Code-Review] label and many |
| Gerrit servers have the link:config-labels.html#label_Verified[Verified] |
| label configured globally. However projects can also define their own |
| link:config-labels.html#label_custom[custom labels] to formalize |
| project-specific workflows. For example if a project requires an IP |
| approval from a special IP-team, it can define an `IP-Review` label |
| and grant permissions to the IP-team to vote on this label. |
| |
| The behavior of a label can be controlled by its |
| link:config-labels.html#label_function[function], e.g. it can be |
| configured whether a max positive voting on the label is required for |
| submit or if the voting on the label is optional. |
| |
| By using a custom link:#submit-rules[submit rule] it can be controlled |
| per change whether a label is required for submit or not. |
| |
| A useful feature on labels is the possibility to automatically copy |
| scores forward to new patch sets if it was a |
| link:config-labels.html#label_copyAllScoresOnTrivialRebase[trivial |
| rebase] or if link:config-labels.html#label_copyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange[ |
| there was no code change] (e.g. only the commit message was edited). |
| |
| [[submit-rules]] |
| == Submit Rules |
| |
| A link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitRule[submit rule] in Gerrit is logic |
| that defines when a change is submittable. By default, a change is |
| submittable when it gets at least one highest vote on each label and |
| has no lowest vote (aka veto vote) on any label. |
| |
| The submit rules in Gerrit are implemented in link:prolog-cookbook.html[ |
| Prolog] and projects that need more flexibility can define their own |
| submit rules to decide when a change should be submittable. A good |
| link:prolog-cookbook.html#NonAuthorCodeReview[example] from the Prolog |
| cookbook shows how to allow submit only if a change has a |
| `Code-Review+2` vote from a person that is not the change author. This |
| way a four-eyes principle for the reviews can be enforced. |
| |
| A Prolog submit rule has access to link:prolog-change-facts.html[ |
| information] about the change for which it is testing the |
| submittability. Amongst others the list of the modified files can be |
| accessed, which allows special logic if certain files are touched. For |
| example, a common practice is to require a vote on an additional label, |
| like `Library-Compliance`, if the dependencies of the project are |
| changed. |
| |
| [[prolog-submit-type]] |
| It is also possible to control the link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitType[ |
| submit type] from Prolog. For example this can be used to define a more |
| restrictive submit type such as `Fast Forward Only` for stable branches |
| while using a more liberal submit type, e.g. `Merge If Necessary` with |
| content merge, for development branches. How this can be done can be |
| seen from an link:prolog-cookbook.html#SubmitTypePerBranch[example] in |
| the Prolog cookbook. |
| |
| Submit rules are maintained in the link:prolog-cookbook.html#RulesFile[ |
| rules.pl] file in the `refs/meta/config` branch of the project. How to |
| write submit rules is explained in the |
| link:prolog-cookbook.html#HowToWriteSubmitRules[Prolog cookbook]. There |
| is also good support for link:prolog-cookbook.html#TestingSubmitRules[ |
| testing submit rules] while developing them. |
| |
| [[continuous-integration]] |
| == Continuous Integration |
| |
| With Gerrit you can have continuous integration builds not only for |
| updates of central branches but also whenever a new change/patch set is |
| uploaded for review. This way you get automatic verification of all |
| changes *before* they are merged and any build and test issues are |
| detected early. To indicate the build and test status the continuous |
| integration system normally votes with the |
| link:config-labels.html#label_Verified[Verified] label on the change. |
| |
| There are several solutions for integrating continuous integration |
| systems. The most commonly used are: |
| |
| - link:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger[ |
| Gerrit Trigger] plugin for link:http://jenkins-ci.org/[Jenkins] |
| |
| - link:http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Continuous_integration/Zuul[ |
| Zuul] for link:http://jenkins-ci.org/[Jenkins] |
| |
| For the integration with the continuous integration system you must |
| have a service user that is able to access Gerrit. To create a service |
| user in Gerrit you can use the link:cmd-create-account.html[create-account] |
| SSH command if the link:access-control.html#capability_createAccount[ |
| Create Account] global capability is granted. If not, you need to ask |
| a Gerrit administrator to create the service user. |
| |
| If the link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/serviceuser[ |
| serviceuser] plugin is installed you can also create new service users |
| in the Gerrit WebUI under `People` > `Create Service User`. |
| |
| The service user must have link:access-control.html#category_read[read] |
| access to your project. In addition, if automatic change verification |
| is enabled, the service user must be allowed to vote on the |
| link:config-labels.html#label_Verified[Verified] label. |
| |
| Continuous integration systems usually integrate with Gerrit by |
| listening to the Gerrit link:cmd-stream-events.html#events[stream |
| events]. For this the service user must have the |
| link:access-control.html#capability_streamEvents[Stream Events] global |
| capability assigned. |
| |
| [[branch-administration]] |
| == Branch Administration |
| |
| As project owner you can administrate the branches of your project in |
| the Gerrit WebUI under `Projects` > `List` > <your project> > |
| `Branches`. In the WebUI both link:project-setup.html#branch-creation[ |
| branch creation] and link:project-setup.html#branch-deletion[branch |
| deletion] are allowed for project owners without requiring any |
| additional access rights. |
| |
| By setting `HEAD` on the project you can define its |
| link:project-setup.html#default-branch[default branch]. For convenience |
| reasons, when the repository is cloned Git creates a local branch for |
| this default branch and checks it out. |
| |
| [[notifications]] |
| == Email Notifications |
| |
| With Gerrit individual users control their own email subscriptions. By |
| editing the link:user-notify.html#user[watched projects] in the WebUI |
| under `Settings` > `Watched Projects` users can decide which events to |
| be informed about by email. The change notifications can be filtered by |
| link:user-search.html[change search expressions]. |
| |
| This means as a project owner you normally don't need to do anything |
| about email notifications, except maybe telling your project team where |
| to configure the watches. |
| |
| Gerrit also supports link:user-notify.html#project[notifications on |
| project level] that allow project owners to set up email notifications |
| for team mailing lists or groups of users. This configuration is done |
| in the `project.config` file in the `refs/meta/config` branch as |
| explained in the section about link:user-notify.html#project[project |
| level notifications]. |
| |
| [[dashboards]] |
| == Dashboards |
| |
| Gerrit comes with a pre-defined user dashboard that provides a view |
| of the changes that are relevant for a user. Users can also define |
| their own link:user-dashboards.html[custom dashboards] where the |
| dashboard sections can be freely configured. As a project owner you can |
| configure such custom dashboards on |
| link:user-dashboards.html#project-dashboards[project level]. This way |
| you can define a view of the changes that are relevant for your |
| project and share this dashboard with all users. The project dashboards |
| can be seen in the WebUI under `Projects` > `List` > <your project> > |
| `Dashboards`. |
| |
| [[issue-tracker-integration]] |
| == Issue Tracker Integration |
| |
| There are several possibilities to integrate issue trackers with |
| Gerrit. |
| |
| - Comment Links |
| + |
| As described in the link#comment-links[Comment Links] section, comment |
| links can be used to link IDs from commit message footers to issues in |
| an issue tracker system. |
| |
| - Tracking IDs |
| + |
| Gerrit can be configured to index IDs from commit message footers so |
| that the link:user-search.html#tr[tr/bug] search operators can be used |
| to query for changes with a certain ID. The |
| link:config-gerrit.html#trackingid[configuration of tracking IDs] can |
| only be done globally by a Gerrit administrator. |
| |
| - Issue Tracker System Plugins |
| + |
| There are Gerrit plugins for a tight integration with |
| link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/\#/admin/projects/plugins/its-jira[Jira], |
| link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/its-bugzilla[Bugzilla] and |
| link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/its-rtc[IBM Rational Team Concert]. |
| If installed, these plugins can e.g. be used to automatically add links |
| to Gerrit changes to the issues in the issue tracker system or to |
| automatically close an issue if the corresponding change is merged. |
| If installed, project owners may enable/disable the issue tracker |
| integration from the Gerrit WebUI under `Projects` > `Lists` > |
| <your project> > `General`. |
| |
| [[comment-links]] |
| == Comment Links |
| |
| Gerrit can linkify strings in commit messages, summary comments and |
| inline comments. A string that matches a defined regular expression is |
| then displayed as hyperlink to a configured backend system. |
| |
| So called comment links can be configured globally by a Gerrit |
| administrator, but also per project by the project owner. Comment links |
| on project level are defined in the `project.config` file in the |
| `refs/meta/config` branch of the project as described in the |
| documentation of the link:config-gerrit.html#commentlink[commentlink] |
| configuration parameter. |
| |
| Often comment links are used to link an ID in a commit message footer |
| to an issue in an issue tracker system. For example, to link the ID |
| from the `Bug` footer to Jira the following configuration can be used: |
| |
| ==== |
| [commentlink "myjira"] |
| match = ([Bb][Uu][Gg]:\\s+)(\\S+) |
| link = https://myjira/browse/$2 |
| ==== |
| |
| [[download-commands]] |
| == Download Commands |
| |
| On the change screen in the `Downloads` drop-down panel Gerrit offers |
| commands for downloading the currently viewed patch set. |
| |
| The download commands are implemented by Gerrit plugins. This means |
| that the available download commands depend on the installed Gerrit |
| plugins: |
| |
| - link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/download-commands[ |
| download-commands] plugin: |
| + |
| The `download-commands` plugin provides the default download commands |
| (`Checkout`, `Cherry Pick`, `Format Patch` and `Pull`). |
| + |
| Gerrit administrators may configure which of the commands are shown on |
| the change screen. |
| |
| - link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/egit[ |
| egit] plugin: |
| + |
| The `egit` plugin provides the change ref as a download command, which is |
| needed for downloading a change from within |
| link:https://www.eclipse.org/egit/[EGit]. |
| |
| - link:https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/admin/projects/plugins/project-download-commands[ |
| project-download-commands] plugin: |
| + |
| The `project-download-commands` plugin enables project owners to |
| configure project-specific download commands. For example, a |
| project-specific download command may update submodules, trigger a |
| build, execute the tests or even do a deployment. |
| + |
| The project-specific download commands must be configured in the |
| `project.config` file in the `refs/meta/config` branch of the project: |
| + |
| ==== |
| [plugin "project-download-commands"] |
| Build = git fetch ${url} ${ref} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD && buck build ${project} |
| Update = git fetch ${url} ${ref} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD && git submodule update |
| ==== |
| + |
| Project-specific download commands that are defined on a parent project |
| are inherited by the child projects. A child project can overwrite an |
| inherited download command, or remove it by assigning no value to it. |
| |
| ------ |
| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |
| |
| --------- |