blob: 1a984386a7026798ce12d4a5db2e67f14faa1c9e [file] [log] [blame]
= Gerrit Code Review - Stars
== Description
Changes can be starred with labels that behave like private hashtags.
Any label can be applied to a change, but these labels are only visible
to the user for which the labels have been set.
Stars allow users to categorize changes by self-defined criteria and
then build link:user-dashboards.html[dashboards] for them by making use
of the link:#query-stars[star query operators].
== Star API
The link:rest-api-accounts.html#star-endpoints[star REST API] supports:
* link:rest-api-accounts.html#get-stars[
get star labels from a change]
* link:rest-api-accounts.html#set-stars[
update star labels on a change]
* link:rest-api-accounts.html#get-starred-changes[
list changes that are starred by any label]
Star labels are also included in
link:rest-api-changes.html#change-info[ChangeInfo] entities that are
returned by the link:rest-api-changes.html[changes REST API].
There are link:rest-api-accounts.html#default-star-endpoints[
additional REST endpoints] for the link:#default-star[default star].
Only the link:#default-star[default star] is shown in the WebUi and
can be updated from there. Other stars do not show up in the WebUi.
== Default Star
If the default star is set by a user, this user is automatically
notified by email whenever updates are made to that change.
The default star is the star that is shown in the WebUI and which can
be updated from there.
The default star is represented by the special star label 'star'.
== Query Stars
There are several query operators to find changes with stars:
* link:user-search.html#star[star:<LABEL>]:
Matches any change that was starred by the current user with the
label `<LABEL>`.
* link:user-search.html#has-stars[has:stars]:
Matches any change that was starred by the current user with any
* link:user-search.html#is-starred[is:starred] /
Matches any change that was starred by the current user with the
link:#default-star[default star].
== Syntax
Star labels cannot contain whitespace characters. All other characters
are allowed.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]