| Gerrit Code Review - Git Replication |
| ==================================== |
| |
| Gerrit can automatically push any changes it makes to its managed Git |
| repositories to another system. Usually this would be configured to |
| provide mirroring of changes, for warm-standby backups, or a |
| load-balanced public mirror farm. |
| |
| The replication runs on a short delay. This gives Gerrit a small |
| time window to batch updates going to the same project, such as |
| when a user uploads multiple changes at once. |
| |
| Typically replication should be done over SSH, with a passwordless |
| public/private key pair. On a trusted network it is also possible to |
| use replication over the insecure (but much faster) git:// protocol, |
| by enabling the `receive-pack` service on the receiving system, but |
| this configuration is not recommended. It is also possible to |
| specify a local path as replication target. This makes e.g. sense if |
| a network share is mounted to which the repositories should be |
| replicated. |
| |
| Enabling Replication |
| -------------------- |
| |
| If replicating over SSH (recommended), ensure the host key of the |
| remote system(s) is already in the Gerrit user's `~/.ssh/known_hosts` |
| file. The easiest way to add the host key is to connect once by hand |
| with the command line: |
| |
| ==== |
| sudo su -c 'ssh mirror1.us.some.org echo' gerrit2 |
| ==== |
| |
| Next, create `'$site_path'/etc/replication.config` as a Git-style |
| config file, and restart Gerrit. |
| |
| Example `replication.config` to replicate in parallel to four |
| different hosts: |
| |
| ==== |
| [remote "host-one"] |
| url = gerrit2@host-one.example.com:/some/path/${name}.git |
| |
| [remote "pubmirror"] |
| url = mirror1.us.some.org:/pub/git/${name}.git |
| url = mirror2.us.some.org:/pub/git/${name}.git |
| url = mirror3.us.some.org:/pub/git/${name}.git |
| push = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* |
| push = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* |
| threads = 3 |
| authGroup = Public Mirror Group |
| authGroup = Second Public Mirror Group |
| ==== |
| |
| To manually trigger replication at runtime, see |
| link:cmd-replicate.html[gerrit replicate]. |
| |
| [[replication_config]]File `replication.config` |
| ----------------------------------------------- |
| |
| The optional file `'$site_path'/etc/replication.config` is a |
| Git-style config file that controls the replication settings for |
| Gerrit. |
| |
| The file is composed of one or more `remote` sections, each remote |
| section provides common configuration settings for one or more |
| destination URLs. |
| |
| Each remote section uses its own thread pool. If pushing to |
| multiple remotes, over differing types of network connections |
| (e.g. LAN and also public Internet), its a good idea to put them |
| into different remote sections, so that replication to the slower |
| connection does not starve out the faster local one. The example |
| file above does this. |
| |
| [[remote]]Section remote |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| In the keys below, the <name> portion is unused by Gerrit, but must be |
| unique to distinguish the different sections if more than one remote |
| section appears in the file. |
| |
| [[remote.name.url]]remote.<name>.url:: |
| + |
| Address of the remote server to push to. Multiple URLs may |
| be specified within a single remote block, listing different |
| destinations which share the same settings. Assuming sufficient |
| threads in the thread pool, Gerrit pushes to all URLs in parallel, |
| using one thread per URL. |
| + |
| Within each URL value the magic placeholder `${name}` is replaced |
| with the Gerrit project name. This is a Gerrit specific extension |
| to the otherwise standard Git URL syntax and it must be included |
| in each URL so that Gerrit can figure out where each project needs |
| to be replicated. |
| + |
| See link:http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-push.html#URLS[GIT URLS] |
| for details on Git URL syntax. |
| |
| [[remote.name.url]]remote.<name>.adminUrl:: |
| + |
| Address of the alternative remote server only for repository creation. Multiple URLs may |
| be specified within a single remote block, listing different |
| destinations which share the same settings. |
| + |
| The adminUrl can be used as a ssh alternative to the url option, but only related to repository creation. |
| If not specified, the repository creation tries to follow the default way through the url value specified. |
| + |
| It is useful when remote.<name>.url protocols does not allow repository creation |
| although their usage are mandatory in the local environment. |
| In that case, an alternative ssh url could be specified to repository creation. |
| |
| [[remote.name.receivepack]]remote.<name>.receivepack:: |
| + |
| Path of the `git-receive-pack` executable on the remote system, if |
| using the SSH transport. |
| + |
| Defaults to `git-receive-pack`. |
| |
| [[remote.name.uploadpack]]remote.<name>.uploadpack:: |
| + |
| Path of the `git-upload-pack` executable on the remote system, if |
| using the SSH transport. |
| + |
| Defaults to `git-upload-pack`. |
| |
| [[remote.name.push]]remote.<name>.push:: |
| + |
| Standard Git refspec denoting what should be replicated. Setting this |
| to `+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*` would mirror only the active |
| branches, but not the change refs under `refs/changes/`, or the tags |
| under `refs/tags/`. |
| + |
| Multiple push keys can be supplied, to specify multiple patterns |
| to match against. In the example file above, remote "pubmirror" |
| uses two push keys to match both `refs/heads/*` and `refs/tags/*`, |
| but excludes all others, including `refs/changes/*`. |
| + |
| Defaults to `+refs/*:refs/*` (all refs) if not specified. |
| |
| [[remote.name.timeout]]remote.<name>.timeout:: |
| + |
| Number of seconds to wait for a network read or write to complete |
| before giving up and declaring the remote side is not responding. |
| If 0, there is no timeout, and the push client waits indefinitely. |
| + |
| A timeout should be large enough to mostly transfer the objects to |
| the other side. 1 second may be too small for larger projects, |
| especially over a WAN link, while 10-30 seconds is a much more |
| reasonable timeout value. |
| + |
| Defaults to 0 seconds, wait indefinitely. |
| |
| [[remote.name.replicationDelay]]remote.<name>.replicationDelay:: |
| + |
| Number of seconds to wait before scheduling a remote push operation. |
| Setting the delay to 0 effectively disables the delay, causing the |
| push to start as soon as possible. |
| + |
| This is a Gerrit specific extension to the Git remote block. |
| + |
| By default, 15 seconds. |
| |
| [[remote.name.replicationRetry]]remote.<name>.replicationRetry:: |
| + |
| Number of minutes to wait before scheduling a remote push operation |
| previously failed due to an offline remote server. |
| + |
| If a remote push operation fails because a remote server was |
| offline, all push operations to the same destination URL are |
| blocked, and the remote push is continuously retried. |
| + |
| This is a Gerrit specific extension to the Git remote block. |
| + |
| By default, 1 minute. |
| |
| [[remote.name.threads]]remote.<name>.threads:: |
| + |
| Number of worker threads to dedicate to pushing to the repositories |
| described by this remote. Each thread can push one project at a |
| time, to one destination URL. Scheduling within the thread pool |
| is done on a per-project basis. If a remote block describes 4 |
| URLs, allocating 4 threads in the pool will permit some level of |
| parallel pushing. |
| + |
| By default, 1 thread. |
| |
| [[remote.name.authGroup]]remote.<name>.authGroup:: |
| + |
| Specifies the name of a group that the remote should use to access |
| the repositories. Multiple authGroups may be specified within a |
| single remote block to signify a wider access right. In the project |
| administration web interface the read access can be specified for |
| this group to control if a project should be replicated or not to the |
| remote. |
| + |
| By default, replicates without group control, i.e replicates |
| everything to all remotes. |
| |
| [[remote.name.replicatePermissions]]remote.<name>.replicatePermissions:: |
| + |
| If true, permissions-only projects and the refs/meta/config branch |
| will also be replicated to the remote site. These projects and |
| branches may be needed to keep a backup or slave server current. |
| + |
| By default, true, replicating everything. |
| |
| [[remote.name.mirror]]remote.<name>.mirror:: |
| + |
| If true, replication will remove remote branches that absent locally |
| or invisible to the replication (i.e. read access denied via 'authGroup' |
| option). |
| + |
| By default, false, do not remove remote branches. |
| |
| |
| [[secure_config]]File `secure.config` |
| ----------------------------------------------- |
| |
| The optional file `'$site_path'/secure.config` is a Git-style config |
| file that provides secure values that should not be world-readable, |
| such as passwords. Passwords for HTTP remotes can be obtained from |
| this file. |
| |
| [[remote.name.username]]remote.<name>.username:: |
| + |
| Username to use for HTTP authentication on this remote, if not given |
| in the URL. |
| |
| [[remote.name.password]]remote.<name>.password:: |
| + |
| Password to use for HTTP authentication on this remote. |
| |
| |
| [[ssh_config]]File `~/.ssh/config` |
| ---------------------------------- |
| |
| If present, Gerrit reads and caches `~/.ssh/config` at startup, and |
| supports most SSH configuration options. For example: |
| |
| ==== |
| Host host-one.example.com: |
| IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_hostone |
| PreferredAuthentications publickey |
| |
| Host mirror*.us.some.org: |
| User mirror-updater |
| IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_pubmirror |
| PreferredAuthentications publickey |
| ==== |
| |
| Supported options: |
| |
| * Host |
| * Hostname |
| * User |
| * Port |
| * IdentityFile |
| * PreferredAuthentications |
| * StrictHostKeyChecking |
| |
| SSH authentication must be by passwordless public key, as there is |
| no facility to read passphases on startup or passwords during the |
| SSH connection setup, and SSH agents are not supported from Java. |
| |
| Host keys for any destination SSH servers must appear in the user's |
| `~/.ssh/known_hosts` file, and must be added in advance, before |
| Gerrit starts. If a host key is not listed, Gerrit will be unable to |
| connect to that destination, and replication to that URL will fail. |
| |
| ------ |
| Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review] |