blob: 9326b9e7c0d70d26aecfe72ae35eec2a21120b03 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {ChangeInfo, RepoName} from '../../api/rest-api';
import {GerritView} from '../../services/router/router-model';
import {DashboardId} from '../../types/common';
import {encodeURL} from '../../utils/url-util';
import {define} from '../dependency';
import {Model} from '../model';
import {ViewState} from './base';
export interface DashboardSection {
name: string;
query: string;
suffixForDashboard?: string;
selfOnly?: boolean;
hideIfEmpty?: boolean;
results?: ChangeInfo[];
export interface DashboardViewState extends ViewState {
view: GerritView.DASHBOARD;
project?: RepoName;
dashboard?: DashboardId;
user?: string;
sections?: DashboardSection[];
title?: string;
const REPO_TOKEN_PATTERN = /\${(project|repo)}/g;
function sectionsToEncodedParams(
sections: DashboardSection[],
repoName?: RepoName
) {
return => {
// If there is a repo name provided, make sure to substitute it into the
// ${repo} (or legacy ${project}) query tokens.
const query = repoName
? section.query.replace(REPO_TOKEN_PATTERN, repoName)
: section.query;
return encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(query);
export function createDashboardUrl(state: Omit<DashboardViewState, 'view'>) {
const repoName = state.project || undefined;
if (state.sections) {
// Custom dashboard.
const queryParams = sectionsToEncodedParams(state.sections, repoName);
if (state.title) {
queryParams.push('title=' + encodeURIComponent(state.title));
const user = state.user ? state.user : '';
return `/dashboard/${user}?${queryParams.join('&')}`;
} else if (repoName) {
// Project dashboard.
const encodedRepo = encodeURL(repoName, true);
return `/p/${encodedRepo}/+/dashboard/${state.dashboard}`;
} else {
// User dashboard.
return `/dashboard/${state.user || 'self'}`;
export const dashboardViewModelToken = define<DashboardViewModel>(
export class DashboardViewModel extends Model<DashboardViewState | undefined> {
constructor() {