blob: edc31a4f078d1932810852095a0976fb6d7ded04 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {
} from './shortcuts-config';
import {disableShortcuts$} from '../user/user-model';
import {IronKeyboardEvent, isIronKeyboardEvent} from '../../types/events';
import {isElementTarget, isModifierPressed} from '../../utils/dom-util';
import {ReportingService} from '../gr-reporting/gr-reporting';
export type SectionView = Array<{binding: string[][]; text: string}>;
* The interface for listener for shortcut events.
export type ShortcutListener = (
viewMap?: Map<ShortcutSection, SectionView>
) => void;
export enum ComboKey {
G = 'g',
V = 'v',
function isComboKey(key: string): key is ComboKey {
return Object.values(ComboKey).includes(key as ComboKey);
export const COMBO_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
* Shortcuts service, holds all hosts, bindings and listeners.
export class ShortcutsService {
* Keeps track of the components that are currently active such that we can
* show a shortcut help dialog that only shows the shortcuts that are
* currently relevant.
private readonly activeHosts = new Map<unknown, Map<string, string>>();
/** Static map built in the constructor by iterating over the config. */
private readonly bindings = new Map<Shortcut, string[]>();
private readonly listeners = new Set<ShortcutListener>();
* Stores the timestamp of the last combo key being pressed.
* This enabled key combinations like 'g+o' where we can check whether 'g' was
* pressed recently when 'o' is processed. Keys of this map must be items of
* COMBO_KEYS. Values are Date timestamps in milliseconds.
private comboKeyLastPressed: {key?: ComboKey; timestampMs?: number} = {};
/** Keeps track of the corresponding user preference. */
private shortcutsDisabled = false;
constructor(readonly reporting?: ReportingService) {
for (const section of config.keys()) {
const items = config.get(section) ?? [];
for (const item of items) {
this.bindings.set(item.shortcut, item.bindings);
disableShortcuts$.subscribe(x => (this.shortcutsDisabled = x));
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!isComboKey(e.key)) return;
if (this.shouldSuppress(e)) return;
this.comboKeyLastPressed = {key: e.key, timestampMs:};
public _testOnly_isEmpty() {
return this.activeHosts.size === 0 && this.listeners.size === 0;
isInComboKeyMode() {
return Object.values(ComboKey).some(key =>
isInSpecificComboKeyMode(comboKey: ComboKey) {
const {key, timestampMs} = this.comboKeyLastPressed;
return (
key === comboKey &&
timestampMs && - timestampMs < COMBO_TIMEOUT_MS
modifierPressed(e: IronKeyboardEvent) {
return isModifierPressed(e) || this.isInComboKeyMode();
shouldSuppress(event: IronKeyboardEvent | KeyboardEvent) {
if (this.shortcutsDisabled) return true;
const e = isIronKeyboardEvent(event) ? event.detail.keyboardEvent : event;
// Note that when you listen on document, then `e.currentTarget` will be the
// document and `` will be `<gr-app>` due to shadow dom, but by
// using the composedPath() you can actually find the true origin of the
// event.
const rootTarget = e.composedPath()[0];
if (!isElementTarget(rootTarget)) return false;
const tagName = rootTarget.tagName;
const type = rootTarget.getAttribute('type');
if (
// Suppress shortcuts on <input> and <textarea>, but not on
// checkboxes, because we want to enable workflows like 'click
// mark-reviewed and then press ] to go to the next file'.
(tagName === 'INPUT' && type !== 'checkbox') ||
tagName === 'TEXTAREA' ||
// Suppress shortcuts if the key is 'enter'
// and target is an anchor or button or paper-tab.
(e.keyCode === 13 &&
(tagName === 'A' || tagName === 'BUTTON' || tagName === 'PAPER-TAB'))
) {
return true;
const path: EventTarget[] = e.composedPath() ?? [];
for (const el of path) {
if (!isElementTarget(el)) continue;
if (el.tagName === 'GR-OVERLAY') return true;
// eg: {key: "k:keydown", ..., from: "gr-diff-view"}
let key = `${e.key}:${e.type}`;
if (this.isInSpecificComboKeyMode(ComboKey.G)) key = 'g+' + key;
if (this.isInSpecificComboKeyMode(ComboKey.V)) key = 'v+' + key;
if (e.shiftKey) key = 'shift+' + key;
if (e.ctrlKey) key = 'ctrl+' + key;
if (e.metaKey) key = 'meta+' + key;
if (e.altKey) key = 'alt+' + key;
let from = 'unknown';
if (isElementTarget(e.currentTarget)) {
from = e.currentTarget.tagName;
this.reporting?.reportInteraction('shortcut-triggered', {key, from});
return false;
createTitle(shortcutName: Shortcut, section: ShortcutSection) {
const desc = this.getDescription(section, shortcutName);
const shortcut = this.getShortcut(shortcutName);
return desc && shortcut ? `${desc} (shortcut: ${shortcut})` : '';
getBindingsForShortcut(shortcut: Shortcut) {
return this.bindings.get(shortcut);
attachHost(host: unknown, shortcuts: Map<string, string>) {
this.activeHosts.set(host, shortcuts);
detachHost(host: unknown) {
if (!this.activeHosts.delete(host)) return false;
return true;
addListener(listener: ShortcutListener) {
removeListener(listener: ShortcutListener) {
return this.listeners.delete(listener);
getDescription(section: ShortcutSection, shortcutName: Shortcut) {
const bindings = config.get(section);
if (!bindings) return '';
const binding = bindings.find(binding => binding.shortcut === shortcutName);
return binding?.text ?? '';
getShortcut(shortcutName: Shortcut) {
const bindings = this.bindings.get(shortcutName);
if (!bindings) return '';
return bindings
.map(binding => this.describeBinding(binding).join('+'))
activeShortcutsBySection() {
const activeShortcuts = new Set<string>();
this.activeHosts.forEach(shortcuts => {
shortcuts.forEach((_, shortcut) => activeShortcuts.add(shortcut));
const activeShortcutsBySection = new Map<
config.forEach((shortcutList, section) => {
shortcutList.forEach(shortcutHelp => {
if (activeShortcuts.has(shortcutHelp.shortcut)) {
if (!activeShortcutsBySection.has(section)) {
activeShortcutsBySection.set(section, []);
// From previous condition, the `get(section)`
// should always return a valid result
return activeShortcutsBySection;
directoryView() {
const view = new Map<ShortcutSection, SectionView>();
this.activeShortcutsBySection().forEach((shortcutHelps, section) => {
const sectionView: SectionView = [];
shortcutHelps.forEach(shortcutHelp => {
const bindingDesc = this.describeBindings(shortcutHelp.shortcut);
if (!bindingDesc) {
this.distributeBindingDesc(bindingDesc).forEach(bindingDesc => {
binding: bindingDesc,
text: shortcutHelp.text,
view.set(section, sectionView);
return view;
distributeBindingDesc(bindingDesc: string[][]): string[][][] {
if (
bindingDesc.length === 1 ||
this.comboSetDisplayWidth(bindingDesc) < 21
) {
return [bindingDesc];
// Find the largest prefix of bindings that is under the
// size threshold.
const head = [bindingDesc[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < bindingDesc.length; i++) {
if (this.comboSetDisplayWidth(head) >= 21) {
return [head].concat(this.distributeBindingDesc(bindingDesc.slice(i)));
return [];
comboSetDisplayWidth(bindingDesc: string[][]) {
const bindingSizer = (binding: string[]) =>
binding.reduce((acc, key) => acc + key.length, 0);
// Width is the sum of strings + (n-1) * 2 to account for the word
// "or" joining them.
return (
bindingDesc.reduce((acc, binding) => acc + bindingSizer(binding), 0) +
2 * (bindingDesc.length - 1)
describeBindings(shortcut: Shortcut): string[][] | null {
const bindings = this.bindings.get(shortcut);
if (!bindings) {
return null;
if (bindings[0] === SPECIAL_SHORTCUT.GO_KEY) {
return bindings
.map(binding => this._describeKey(binding))
.map(binding => ['g'].concat(binding));
if (bindings[0] === SPECIAL_SHORTCUT.V_KEY) {
return bindings
.map(binding => this._describeKey(binding))
.map(binding => ['v'].concat(binding));
return bindings
.filter(binding => binding !== SPECIAL_SHORTCUT.DOC_ONLY)
.map(binding => this.describeBinding(binding));
_describeKey(key: string) {
switch (key) {
case 'shift':
return 'Shift';
case 'meta':
return 'Meta';
case 'ctrl':
return 'Ctrl';
case 'enter':
return 'Enter';
case 'up':
return '\u2191'; // ↑
case 'down':
return '\u2193'; // ↓
case 'left':
return '\u2190'; // ←
case 'right':
return '\u2192'; // →
return key;
describeBinding(binding: string) {
// single key bindings
if (binding.length === 1) {
return [binding];
return binding
.map(part => this._describeKey(part));
notifyListeners() {
const view = this.directoryView();
this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener(view));