blob: 8286ed6e49240f6edda51364076d2460e3ef447b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package net.codemirror.lib;
import net.codemirror.lib.TextMarker.FromTo;
* Glue to connect CodeMirror to be callable from GWT.
* @link
public class CodeMirror extends JavaScriptObject {
public static void initLibrary(AsyncCallback<Void> cb) {
public static native CodeMirror create(Element parent,
Configuration cfg) /*-{
return $wnd.CodeMirror(parent, cfg);
public final native void setOption(String option, boolean value) /*-{
this.setOption(option, value);
public final native void setOption(String option, double value) /*-{
this.setOption(option, value);
public final native void setOption(String option, JavaScriptObject val) /*-{
this.setOption(option, val);
public final native void setOptionToInfinity(String option) /*-{
this.setOption(option, Infinity);
public final native void setValue(String v) /*-{ this.setValue(v); }-*/;
public final native void setWidth(double w) /*-{ this.setSize(w, null); }-*/;
public final native void setWidth(String w) /*-{ this.setSize(w, null); }-*/;
public final native void setHeight(double h) /*-{ this.setSize(null, h); }-*/;
public final native void setHeight(String h) /*-{ this.setSize(null, h); }-*/;
public final native void refresh() /*-{ this.refresh(); }-*/;
public final native Element getWrapperElement() /*-{ return this.getWrapperElement(); }-*/;
public final native TextMarker markText(LineCharacter from, LineCharacter to,
Configuration options) /*-{
return this.markText(from, to, options);
public enum LineClassWhere {
public final void addLineClass(int line, LineClassWhere where,
String className) {
addLineClassNative(line,, className);
private final native void addLineClassNative(int line, String where,
String lineClass) /*-{
this.addLineClass(line, where, lineClass);
public final void addLineClass(LineHandle line, LineClassWhere where,
String className) {
addLineClassNative(line,, className);
private final native void addLineClassNative(LineHandle line, String where,
String lineClass) /*-{
this.addLineClass(line, where, lineClass);
public final void removeLineClass(int line, LineClassWhere where,
String className) {
removeLineClassNative(line,, className);
private final native void removeLineClassNative(int line, String where,
String lineClass) /*-{
this.removeLineClass(line, where, lineClass);
public final void removeLineClass(LineHandle line, LineClassWhere where,
String className) {
removeLineClassNative(line,, className);
private final native void removeLineClassNative(LineHandle line, String where,
String lineClass) /*-{
this.removeLineClass(line, where, lineClass);
public final native void addWidget(LineCharacter pos, Element node,
boolean scrollIntoView) /*-{
this.addWidget(pos, node, scrollIntoView);
public final native LineWidget addLineWidget(int line, Element node,
Configuration options) /*-{
return this.addLineWidget(line, node, options);
public final native int lineAtHeight(double height) /*-{
return this.lineAtHeight(height);
public final native int lineAtHeight(double height, String mode) /*-{
return this.lineAtHeight(height, mode);
public final native double heightAtLine(int line) /*-{
return this.heightAtLine(line);
public final native double heightAtLine(int line, String mode) /*-{
return this.heightAtLine(line, mode);
public final native CodeMirrorDoc getDoc() /*-{
return this.getDoc();
public final native void scrollTo(double x, double y) /*-{
this.scrollTo(x, y);
public final native void scrollToY(double y) /*-{
this.scrollTo(null, y);
public final native ScrollInfo getScrollInfo() /*-{
return this.getScrollInfo();
public final native Viewport getViewport() /*-{
return this.getViewport();
public final native int getOldViewportSize() /*-{
return this.state.oldViewportSize || 0;
public final native void setOldViewportSize(int lines) /*-{
this.state.oldViewportSize = lines;
public final native double getScrollSetAt() /*-{
return this.state.scrollSetAt || 0;
public final native void setScrollSetAt(double when) /*-{
this.state.scrollSetAt = when;
public final native void on(String event, Runnable thunk) /*-{
this.on(event, $entry(function() {
/** TODO: Break this line after updating GWT */
public final native void on(String event, EventHandler handler) /*-{
this.on(event, $entry(function(cm, e) {
handler.@net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.EventHandler::handle(Lnet/codemirror/lib/CodeMirror;Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/NativeEvent;)(cm, e);
public final native void on(String event, RenderLineHandler handler) /*-{
this.on(event, $entry(function(cm, h, ele) {
handler.@net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.RenderLineHandler::handle(Lnet/codemirror/lib/CodeMirror;Lnet/codemirror/lib/CodeMirror$LineHandle;Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/Element;)(cm, h, ele);
public final native void on(String event, GutterClickHandler handler) /*-{
this.on(event, $entry(function(cm, l, g, e) {
handler.@net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.GutterClickHandler::handle(Lnet/codemirror/lib/CodeMirror;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/google/gwt/dom/client/NativeEvent;)(cm, l, g, e);
public final native LineCharacter getCursor() /*-{
return this.getCursor();
public final native LineCharacter getCursor(String start) /*-{
return this.getCursor(start);
public final FromTo getSelectedRange() {
return FromTo.create(getCursor("start"), getCursor("end"));
public final native void setCursor(LineCharacter lineCh) /*-{
public final native boolean somethingSelected() /*-{
return this.somethingSelected();
public final native boolean hasActiveLine() /*-{
return !!this.state.activeLine;
public final native LineHandle getActiveLine() /*-{
return this.state.activeLine;
public final native void setActiveLine(LineHandle line) /*-{
this.state.activeLine = line;
public final native void addKeyMap(KeyMap map) /*-{ this.addKeyMap(map); }-*/;
public final native void removeKeyMap(KeyMap map) /*-{ this.removeKeyMap(map); }-*/;
public final native void removeKeyMap(String name) /*-{ this.removeKeyMap(name); }-*/;
public static final native LineCharacter pos(int line, int ch) /*-{
return $wnd.CodeMirror.Pos(line, ch);
public static final native LineCharacter pos(int line) /*-{
return $wnd.CodeMirror.Pos(line);
public final native LineHandle getLineHandle(int line) /*-{
return this.getLineHandle(line);
public final native LineHandle getLineHandleVisualStart(int line) /*-{
return this.getLineHandleVisualStart(line);
public final native int getLineNumber(LineHandle handle) /*-{
return this.getLineNumber(handle);
public final native void focus() /*-{
public final native int lineCount() /*-{
return this.lineCount();
public final native void moveCursorDown(int numLines) /*-{
this.moveV(numLines, "line");
public final native Element getGutterElement() /*-{
return this.getGutterElement();
public final native Element getScrollerElement() /*-{
return this.getScrollerElement();
public final native Element getSizer() /*-{
return this.display.sizer;
public final native Element getInputField() /*-{
return this.getInputField();
public final native Element getScrollbarV() /*-{
return this.display.scrollbarV;
public static final native void setObjectProperty(JavaScriptObject obj,
String name, boolean value) /*-{
obj[name] = value;
public static final native KeyMap cloneKeyMap(String name) /*-{
var i = $wnd.CodeMirror.keyMap[name];
var o = {};
for (n in i)
if (i.hasOwnProperty(n))
o[n] = i[n];
return o;
public static final native void addKeyMap(String name, KeyMap km) /*-{
$wnd.CodeMirror.keyMap[name] = km;
protected CodeMirror() {
public static class Viewport extends JavaScriptObject {
public final native int getFrom() /*-{ return this.from; }-*/;
public final native int getTo() /*-{ return; }-*/;
protected Viewport() {
public static class LineHandle extends JavaScriptObject {
protected LineHandle(){
public interface EventHandler {
public void handle(CodeMirror instance, NativeEvent event);
public interface RenderLineHandler {
public void handle(CodeMirror instance, LineHandle handle, Element element);
public interface GutterClickHandler {
public void handle(CodeMirror instance, int line, String gutter,
NativeEvent clickEvent);