blob: 1bfb55bb0a83109b88ed8c744a511554d6a9fbba [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import './gr-avatar';
import {AccountInfo} from '../../../types/common';
import {LitElement, css, html} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property, state} from 'lit/decorators.js';
import {
} from '../../../utils/account-util';
import {resolve} from '../../../models/dependency';
import {configModelToken} from '../../../models/config/config-model';
import {subscribe} from '../../lit/subscription-controller';
* This elements draws stack of avatars overlapped with each other.
* If accounts is empty or contains accounts with more than MAX_STACK unique
* avatars the fallback slot is rendered instead.
* Style parameters:
* --avatar-size: size of the individual avatars. (Default: 16px)
* --stack-border-color: border of individual avatars in stack.
* (Default: #ffffff)
export class GrAvatarStack extends LitElement {
static readonly MAX_STACK = 4;
@property({type: Array})
accounts: AccountInfo[] = [];
* The size of requested image in px.
* By default this also controls avatarSize.
@property({type: Number})
imageSize = 16;
* In gr-app, gr-account-chip is in charge of loading a full account, so
* avatars will be set. However, code-owners will create gr-avatars with a
* bare account-id. To enable fetching of those avatars, a flag is added to
* gr-avatar that will disregard the absence of avatar urls.
@property({type: Boolean})
forceFetch = false;
* Reflects plugins.has_avatars value of server configuration.
@state() private hasAvatars = false;
static override get styles() {
return [
gr-avatar {
box-sizing: border-box;
vertical-align: top;
height: var(--avatar-size, 16px);
width: var(--avatar-size, 16px);
border: solid 1px var(--stack-border-color, transparent);
gr-avatar:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: calc((var(--avatar-size, 16px) / -2));
private readonly getConfigModel = resolve(this, configModelToken);
constructor() {
() => this.getConfigModel().serverConfig$,
config => {
this.hasAvatars = Boolean(config?.plugin?.has_avatars);
override render() {
const uniqueAvatarAccounts = this.forceFetch
? this.accounts.filter(uniqueAccountId)
: this.accounts
.filter(account => !!account?.avatars?.[0]?.url)
if (
!this.hasAvatars ||
uniqueAvatarAccounts.length === 0 ||
uniqueAvatarAccounts.length > GrAvatarStack.MAX_STACK
) {
return html`<slot name="fallback"></slot>`;
account =>
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-avatar-stack': GrAvatarStack;