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| Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project |
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| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
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| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
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| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
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| <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"> |
| <title>gr-auth</title> |
| |
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| import '../../../test/common-test-setup.js'; |
| import './gr-auth.js'; |
| import {BaseUrlBehavior} from '../../../behaviors/base-url-behavior/base-url-behavior.js'; |
| suite('gr-auth', () => { |
| let auth; |
| let sandbox; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); |
| auth = Gerrit.Auth; |
| }); |
| |
| teardown(() => { |
| sandbox.restore(); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('Auth class methods', () => { |
| let fakeFetch; |
| setup(() => { |
| auth = new Auth(); |
| fakeFetch = sandbox.stub(window, 'fetch'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('auth-check returns 403', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('auth-check returns 204', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('auth-check returns 502', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 502})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('auth-check failed', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.reject(new Error('random error'))); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.ERROR); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('cache and events behaivor', () => { |
| let fakeFetch; |
| let clock; |
| setup(() => { |
| auth = new Auth(); |
| clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); |
| fakeFetch = sandbox.stub(window, 'fetch'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('cache auth-check result', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('clearCache should refetch auth-check result', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.clearCache(); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed2); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('cache expired on auth-check after certain time', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| clock.tick(1000 * 10000); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed2); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('no cache if auth-check failed', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.reject(new Error('random error'))); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.ERROR); |
| assert.equal(fakeFetch.callCount, 1); |
| auth.authCheck().then(() => { |
| assert.equal(fakeFetch.callCount, 2); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('fire event when switch from authed to unauthed', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| clock.tick(1000 * 10000); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| const emitStub = sinon.stub(); |
| Gerrit.emit = emitStub; |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed2); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| assert.isTrue(emitStub.called); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('fire event when switch from authed to error', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| clock.tick(1000 * 10000); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.reject(new Error('random error'))); |
| const emitStub = sinon.stub(); |
| Gerrit.emit = emitStub; |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed2); |
| assert.isTrue(emitStub.called); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.ERROR); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('no event from non-authed to other status', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| clock.tick(1000 * 10000); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 204})); |
| const emitStub = sinon.stub(); |
| Gerrit.emit = emitStub; |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isTrue(authed2); |
| assert.isFalse(emitStub.called); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.AUTHED); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('no event from non-authed to other status', done => { |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.resolve({status: 403})); |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.NOT_AUTHED); |
| clock.tick(1000 * 10000); |
| fakeFetch.returns(Promise.reject(new Error('random error'))); |
| const emitStub = sinon.stub(); |
| Gerrit.emit = emitStub; |
| auth.authCheck().then(authed2 => { |
| assert.isFalse(authed2); |
| assert.isFalse(emitStub.called); |
| assert.equal(auth.status, Auth.STATUS.ERROR); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('default (xsrf token header)', () => { |
| setup(() => { |
| sandbox.stub(window, 'fetch').returns(Promise.resolve({ok: true})); |
| }); |
| |
| test('GET', done => { |
| auth.fetch('/url', {bar: 'bar'}).then(() => { |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, '/url'); |
| assert.equal(options.credentials, 'same-origin'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('POST', done => { |
| sandbox.stub(auth, '_getCookie') |
| .withArgs('XSRF_TOKEN') |
| .returns('foobar'); |
| auth.fetch('/url', {method: 'POST'}).then(() => { |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, '/url'); |
| assert.equal(options.credentials, 'same-origin'); |
| assert.equal(options.headers.get('X-Gerrit-Auth'), 'foobar'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| suite('cors (access token)', () => { |
| setup(() => { |
| sandbox.stub(window, 'fetch').returns(Promise.resolve({ok: true})); |
| }); |
| |
| let getToken; |
| |
| const makeToken = opt_accessToken => { |
| return { |
| access_token: opt_accessToken || 'zbaz', |
| expires_at: new Date(Date.now() + 10e8).getTime(), |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| setup(() => { |
| getToken = sandbox.stub(); |
| getToken.returns(Promise.resolve(makeToken())); |
| auth.setup(getToken); |
| }); |
| |
| test('base url support', done => { |
| const baseUrl = 'http://foo'; |
| sandbox.stub(BaseUrlBehavior, 'getBaseUrl').returns(baseUrl); |
| auth.fetch(baseUrl + '/url', {bar: 'bar'}).then(() => { |
| const [url] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, 'http://foo/a/url?access_token=zbaz'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('fetch not signed in', done => { |
| getToken.returns(Promise.resolve()); |
| auth.fetch('/url', {bar: 'bar'}).then(() => { |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, '/url'); |
| assert.equal(options.bar, 'bar'); |
| assert.equal(Object.keys(options.headers).length, 0); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('fetch signed in', done => { |
| auth.fetch('/url', {bar: 'bar'}).then(() => { |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, '/a/url?access_token=zbaz'); |
| assert.equal(options.bar, 'bar'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getToken calls are cached', done => { |
| Promise.all([ |
| auth.fetch('/url-one'), auth.fetch('/url-two')]).then(() => { |
| assert.equal(getToken.callCount, 1); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getToken refreshes token', done => { |
| sandbox.stub(auth, '_isTokenValid'); |
| auth._isTokenValid |
| .onFirstCall().returns(true) |
| .onSecondCall() |
| .returns(false) |
| .onThirdCall() |
| .returns(true); |
| auth.fetch('/url-one') |
| .then(() => { |
| getToken.returns(Promise.resolve(makeToken('bzzbb'))); |
| return auth.fetch('/url-two'); |
| }) |
| .then(() => { |
| const [[firstUrl], [secondUrl]] = fetch.args; |
| assert.equal(firstUrl, '/a/url-one?access_token=zbaz'); |
| assert.equal(secondUrl, '/a/url-two?access_token=bzzbb'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('signed in token error falls back to anonymous', done => { |
| getToken.returns(Promise.resolve('rubbish')); |
| auth.fetch('/url', {bar: 'bar'}).then(() => { |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.equal(url, '/url'); |
| assert.equal(options.bar, 'bar'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('_isTokenValid', () => { |
| assert.isFalse(auth._isTokenValid()); |
| assert.isFalse(auth._isTokenValid({})); |
| assert.isFalse(auth._isTokenValid({access_token: 'foo'})); |
| assert.isFalse(auth._isTokenValid({ |
| access_token: 'foo', |
| expires_at: Date.now()/1000 - 1, |
| })); |
| assert.isTrue(auth._isTokenValid({ |
| access_token: 'foo', |
| expires_at: Date.now()/1000 + 1, |
| })); |
| }); |
| |
| test('HTTP PUT with content type', done => { |
| const originalOptions = { |
| method: 'PUT', |
| headers: new Headers({'Content-Type': 'mail/pigeon'}), |
| }; |
| auth.fetch('/url', originalOptions).then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(getToken.called); |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.include(url, '$ct=mail%2Fpigeon'); |
| assert.include(url, '$m=PUT'); |
| assert.include(url, 'access_token=zbaz'); |
| assert.equal(options.method, 'POST'); |
| assert.equal(options.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'text/plain'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('HTTP PUT without content type', done => { |
| const originalOptions = { |
| method: 'PUT', |
| }; |
| auth.fetch('/url', originalOptions).then(() => { |
| assert.isTrue(getToken.called); |
| const [url, options] = fetch.lastCall.args; |
| assert.include(url, '$ct=text%2Fplain'); |
| assert.include(url, '$m=PUT'); |
| assert.include(url, 'access_token=zbaz'); |
| assert.equal(options.method, 'POST'); |
| assert.equal(options.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'text/plain'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| </script> |