ReceiveCommits: Use TraceTimers to record execution times for various step

By implementing a PerformanceLogger the recorded execution times can be
exported into a performance log. Having execution times for the various
steps in ReceiveCommits allows us to better understand where time on
slow pushes is spent.

Always include the project name into the meta data because likely
slowness on push also depends on the project that receives the push.

Depending on data that is collected by the new TraceTimers we may
measure execution times more fine-grained to dig deeper into performance
issues, or remove TraceTimers for steps which are always cheap.

Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <>
Change-Id: I1ac925211adfcfb9a7bf7a73edff05fe5d2efc41
diff --git a/java/com/google/gerrit/server/git/receive/ b/java/com/google/gerrit/server/git/receive/
index 77d9049..18ef15f 100644
--- a/java/com/google/gerrit/server/git/receive/
+++ b/java/com/google/gerrit/server/git/receive/
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
@@ -531,6 +532,7 @@
                 (tagName, traceId) -> addMessage(tagName + ": " + traceId));
+        TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("processCommands", "commandCount", commands.size());
         PerformanceLogContext performanceLogContext =
             new PerformanceLogContext(performanceLoggers)) {
       traceContext.addTag(RequestId.Type.RECEIVE_ID, new RequestId(project.getNameKey().get()));
@@ -601,9 +603,7 @@
-      for (ReceiveCommand cmd : directPatchSetPushCommands) {
-        parseDirectChangesPush(cmd);
-      }
+      parseDirectChangesPushCommands(directPatchSetPushCommands);
       boolean first = true;
       for (ReceiveCommand cmd : magicCommands) {
@@ -654,69 +654,71 @@
   private void handleRegularCommands(List<ReceiveCommand> cmds, MultiProgressMonitor progress)
       throws PermissionBackendException, IOException, NoSuchProjectException {
-    resultChangeIds.setMagicPush(false);
-    for (ReceiveCommand cmd : cmds) {
-      parseRegularCommand(cmd);
-    }
-    try (BatchUpdate bu =
-            batchUpdateFactory.create(
-                project.getNameKey(), user.materializedCopy(), TimeUtil.nowTs());
-        ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
-        ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
-        RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
-      bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
-      bu.setRefLogMessage("push");
-      int added = 0;
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("handleRegularCommands", "commandCount", cmds.size())) {
+      resultChangeIds.setMagicPush(false);
       for (ReceiveCommand cmd : cmds) {
-        if (cmd.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-          bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(cmd));
-          added++;
+        parseRegularCommand(cmd);
+      }
+      try (BatchUpdate bu =
+              batchUpdateFactory.create(
+                  project.getNameKey(), user.materializedCopy(), TimeUtil.nowTs());
+          ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
+          ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
+          RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
+        bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
+        bu.setRefLogMessage("push");
+        int added = 0;
+        for (ReceiveCommand cmd : cmds) {
+          if (cmd.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+            bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(cmd));
+            added++;
+          }
+        }
+        logger.atFine().log("Added %d additional ref updates", added);
+        bu.execute();
+      } catch (UpdateException | RestApiException e) {
+        rejectRemaining(cmds, "internal server error");
+        logger.atFine().withCause(e).log("update failed:");
+      }
+      Set<BranchNameKey> branches = new HashSet<>();
+      for (ReceiveCommand c : cmds) {
+        // Most post-update steps should happen in UpdateOneRefOp#postUpdate. The only steps that
+        // should happen in this loop are things that can't happen within one BatchUpdate because
+        // they involve kicking off an additional BatchUpdate.
+        if (c.getResult() != OK) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (isHead(c) || isConfig(c)) {
+          switch (c.getType()) {
+            case CREATE:
+            case UPDATE:
+            case UPDATE_NONFASTFORWARD:
+              Task closeProgress = progress.beginSubTask("closed", UNKNOWN);
+              autoCloseChanges(c, closeProgress);
+              closeProgress.end();
+              branches.add(BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), c.getRefName()));
+              break;
+            case DELETE:
+              break;
+          }
-      logger.atFine().log("Added %d additional ref updates", added);
-      bu.execute();
-    } catch (UpdateException | RestApiException e) {
-      rejectRemaining(cmds, "internal server error");
-      logger.atFine().withCause(e).log("update failed:");
-    }
-    Set<BranchNameKey> branches = new HashSet<>();
-    for (ReceiveCommand c : cmds) {
-      // Most post-update steps should happen in UpdateOneRefOp#postUpdate. The only steps that
-      // should happen in this loop are things that can't happen within one BatchUpdate because
-      // they involve kicking off an additional BatchUpdate.
-      if (c.getResult() != OK) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (isHead(c) || isConfig(c)) {
-        switch (c.getType()) {
-          case CREATE:
-          case UPDATE:
-            Task closeProgress = progress.beginSubTask("closed", UNKNOWN);
-            autoCloseChanges(c, closeProgress);
-            closeProgress.end();
-            branches.add(BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), c.getRefName()));
-            break;
-          case DELETE:
-            break;
+      // Update superproject gitlinks if required.
+      if (!branches.isEmpty()) {
+        try (MergeOpRepoManager orm = ormProvider.get()) {
+          orm.setContext(TimeUtil.nowTs(), user, NotifyResolver.Result.none());
+          SubmoduleOp op = subOpFactory.create(branches, orm);
+          op.updateSuperProjects();
+        } catch (SubmoduleException e) {
+          logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Can't update the superprojects");
-    // Update superproject gitlinks if required.
-    if (!branches.isEmpty()) {
-      try (MergeOpRepoManager orm = ormProvider.get()) {
-        orm.setContext(TimeUtil.nowTs(), user, NotifyResolver.Result.none());
-        SubmoduleOp op = subOpFactory.create(branches, orm);
-        op.updateSuperProjects();
-      } catch (SubmoduleException e) {
-        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Can't update the superprojects");
-      }
-    }
   /** Appends messages for successful change creation/updates. */
@@ -835,97 +837,101 @@
   private void insertChangesAndPatchSets(List<CreateRequest> newChanges, Task replaceProgress) {
-    ReceiveCommand magicBranchCmd = magicBranch != null ? magicBranch.cmd : null;
-    if (magicBranchCmd != null && magicBranchCmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-      logger.atWarning().log(
-          "Skipping change updates on %s because ref update failed: %s %s",
-          project.getName(),
-          magicBranchCmd.getResult(),
-          Strings.nullToEmpty(magicBranchCmd.getMessage()));
-      return;
-    }
-    try (BatchUpdate bu =
-            batchUpdateFactory.create(
-                project.getNameKey(), user.materializedCopy(), TimeUtil.nowTs());
-        ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
-        ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
-        RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
-      bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
-      bu.setRefLogMessage("push");
-      if (magicBranch != null) {
-        bu.setNotify(magicBranch.getNotifyForNewChange());
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        newTimer("insertChangesAndPatchSets", "changeCount", newChanges.size())) {
+      ReceiveCommand magicBranchCmd = magicBranch != null ? magicBranch.cmd : null;
+      if (magicBranchCmd != null && magicBranchCmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+        logger.atWarning().log(
+            "Skipping change updates on %s because ref update failed: %s %s",
+            project.getName(),
+            magicBranchCmd.getResult(),
+            Strings.nullToEmpty(magicBranchCmd.getMessage()));
+        return;
-      logger.atFine().log("Adding %d replace requests", newChanges.size());
-      for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
+      try (BatchUpdate bu =
+              batchUpdateFactory.create(
+                  project.getNameKey(), user.materializedCopy(), TimeUtil.nowTs());
+          ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
+          ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
+          RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
+        bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
+        bu.setRefLogMessage("push");
         if (magicBranch != null) {
-          bu.setNotifyHandling(replace.ontoChange, magicBranch.getNotifyHandling(replace.notes));
+          bu.setNotify(magicBranch.getNotifyForNewChange());
-        replace.addOps(bu, replaceProgress);
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log("Adding %d create requests", newChanges.size());
-      for (CreateRequest create : newChanges) {
-        create.addOps(bu);
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log("Adding %d group update requests", newChanges.size());
-      updateGroups.forEach(r -> r.addOps(bu));
-      logger.atFine().log("Executing batch");
-      try {
-        bu.execute();
-      } catch (UpdateException e) {
-        throw asRestApiException(e);
-      }
-      replaceByChange.values().stream()
-          .forEach(req -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.REPLACED, req.ontoChange));
-          .forEach(req -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.CREATED, req.changeId));
-      if (magicBranchCmd != null) {
-        magicBranchCmd.setResult(OK);
-      }
-      for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
-        String rejectMessage = replace.getRejectMessage();
-        if (rejectMessage == null) {
-          if (replace.inputCommand.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-            // Not necessarily the magic branch, so need to set OK on the original value.
-            replace.inputCommand.setResult(OK);
+        logger.atFine().log("Adding %d replace requests", newChanges.size());
+        for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
+          if (magicBranch != null) {
+            bu.setNotifyHandling(replace.ontoChange, magicBranch.getNotifyHandling(replace.notes));
-        } else {
-          logger.atFine().log("Rejecting due to message from ReplaceOp");
-          reject(replace.inputCommand, rejectMessage);
+          replace.addOps(bu, replaceProgress);
-      }
-    } catch (ResourceConflictException e) {
-      addError(e.getMessage());
-      reject(magicBranchCmd, "conflict");
-    } catch (BadRequestException | UnprocessableEntityException | AuthException e) {
-      logger.atFine().withCause(e).log("Rejecting due to client error");
-      reject(magicBranchCmd, e.getMessage());
-    } catch (RestApiException | IOException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Can't insert change/patch set for %s", project.getName());
-      reject(magicBranchCmd, "internal server error: " + e.getMessage());
-    }
+        logger.atFine().log("Adding %d create requests", newChanges.size());
+        for (CreateRequest create : newChanges) {
+          create.addOps(bu);
+        }
-    if (magicBranch != null && magicBranch.submit) {
-      try {
-        submit(newChanges, replaceByChange.values());
+        logger.atFine().log("Adding %d group update requests", newChanges.size());
+        updateGroups.forEach(r -> r.addOps(bu));
+        logger.atFine().log("Executing batch");
+        try {
+          bu.execute();
+        } catch (UpdateException e) {
+          throw asRestApiException(e);
+        }
+        replaceByChange.values().stream()
+            .forEach(req -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.REPLACED, req.ontoChange));
+            .forEach(req -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.CREATED, req.changeId));
+        if (magicBranchCmd != null) {
+          magicBranchCmd.setResult(OK);
+        }
+        for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
+          String rejectMessage = replace.getRejectMessage();
+          if (rejectMessage == null) {
+            if (replace.inputCommand.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+              // Not necessarily the magic branch, so need to set OK on the original value.
+              replace.inputCommand.setResult(OK);
+            }
+          } else {
+            logger.atFine().log("Rejecting due to message from ReplaceOp");
+            reject(replace.inputCommand, rejectMessage);
+          }
+        }
       } catch (ResourceConflictException e) {
         reject(magicBranchCmd, "conflict");
-      } catch (RestApiException
-          | StorageException
-          | UpdateException
-          | IOException
-          | ConfigInvalidException
-          | PermissionBackendException e) {
-        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error submitting changes to %s", project.getName());
-        reject(magicBranchCmd, "error during submit");
+      } catch (BadRequestException | UnprocessableEntityException | AuthException e) {
+        logger.atFine().withCause(e).log("Rejecting due to client error");
+        reject(magicBranchCmd, e.getMessage());
+      } catch (RestApiException | IOException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log(
+            "Can't insert change/patch set for %s", project.getName());
+        reject(magicBranchCmd, "internal server error: " + e.getMessage());
+      }
+      if (magicBranch != null && magicBranch.submit) {
+        try {
+          submit(newChanges, replaceByChange.values());
+        } catch (ResourceConflictException e) {
+          addError(e.getMessage());
+          reject(magicBranchCmd, "conflict");
+        } catch (RestApiException
+            | StorageException
+            | UpdateException
+            | IOException
+            | ConfigInvalidException
+            | PermissionBackendException e) {
+          logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error submitting changes to %s", project.getName());
+          reject(magicBranchCmd, "error during submit");
+        }
@@ -982,17 +988,30 @@
     return m.matches();
-  private void parseDirectChangesPush(ReceiveCommand cmd) {
-    Matcher m = NEW_PATCHSET_PATTERN.matcher(cmd.getRefName());
-    checkArgument(m.matches());
+  private void parseDirectChangesPushCommands(List<ReceiveCommand> cmds) {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        newTimer("parseDirectChangesPushCommands", "commandCount", cmds.size())) {
+      for (ReceiveCommand cmd : cmds) {
+        parseDirectChangesPush(cmd);
+      }
+    }
+  }
-    if (allowPushToRefsChanges) {
-      // The referenced change must exist and must still be open.
-      Change.Id changeId = Change.Id.parse(;
-      parseReplaceCommand(cmd, changeId);
-      messages.add(new ValidationMessage("warning: pushes to refs/changes are deprecated", false));
-    } else {
-      reject(cmd, "upload to refs/changes not allowed");
+  private void parseDirectChangesPush(ReceiveCommand cmd) {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        newTimer("parseDirectChangesPush", "allowPushToRefsChanges", allowPushToRefsChanges)) {
+      Matcher m = NEW_PATCHSET_PATTERN.matcher(cmd.getRefName());
+      checkArgument(m.matches());
+      if (allowPushToRefsChanges) {
+        // The referenced change must exist and must still be open.
+        Change.Id changeId = Change.Id.parse(;
+        parseReplaceCommand(cmd, changeId);
+        messages.add(
+            new ValidationMessage("warning: pushes to refs/changes are deprecated", false));
+      } else {
+        reject(cmd, "upload to refs/changes not allowed");
+      }
@@ -1028,161 +1047,166 @@
   private void parseRegularCommand(ReceiveCommand cmd)
       throws PermissionBackendException, NoSuchProjectException, IOException {
-    if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-      // Already rejected by the core receive process.
-      logger.atFine().log("Already processed by core: %s %s", cmd.getResult(), cmd);
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!Repository.isValidRefName(cmd.getRefName()) || cmd.getRefName().contains("//")) {
-      reject(cmd, "not valid ref");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (RefNames.isNoteDbMetaRef(cmd.getRefName())) {
-      // Reject pushes to NoteDb refs without a special option and permission. Note that this
-      // prohibition doesn't depend on NoteDb being enabled in any way, since all sites will
-      // migrate to NoteDb eventually, and we don't want garbage data waiting there when the
-      // migration finishes.
-      logger.atFine().log(
-          "%s NoteDb ref %s with %s=%s",
-          cmd.getType(), cmd.getRefName(), NoteDbPushOption.OPTION_NAME, noteDbPushOption);
-      if (!Optional.of(NoteDbPushOption.ALLOW).equals(noteDbPushOption)) {
-        // Only reject this command, not the whole push. This supports the use case of "git clone
-        // --mirror" followed by "git push --mirror", when the user doesn't really intend to clone
-        // or mirror the NoteDb data; there is no single refspec that describes all refs *except*
-        // NoteDb refs.
-        reject(
-            cmd,
-            "NoteDb update requires -o "
-                + NoteDbPushOption.OPTION_NAME
-                + "="
-                + NoteDbPushOption.ALLOW.value());
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseRegularCommand")) {
+      if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+        // Already rejected by the core receive process.
+        logger.atFine().log("Already processed by core: %s %s", cmd.getResult(), cmd);
-      try {
-        permissionBackend.user(user).check(GlobalPermission.ACCESS_DATABASE);
-      } catch (AuthException e) {
-        reject(cmd, "NoteDb update requires access database permission");
+      if (!Repository.isValidRefName(cmd.getRefName()) || cmd.getRefName().contains("//")) {
+        reject(cmd, "not valid ref");
-    }
+      if (RefNames.isNoteDbMetaRef(cmd.getRefName())) {
+        // Reject pushes to NoteDb refs without a special option and permission. Note that this
+        // prohibition doesn't depend on NoteDb being enabled in any way, since all sites will
+        // migrate to NoteDb eventually, and we don't want garbage data waiting there when the
+        // migration finishes.
+        logger.atFine().log(
+            "%s NoteDb ref %s with %s=%s",
+            cmd.getType(), cmd.getRefName(), NoteDbPushOption.OPTION_NAME, noteDbPushOption);
+        if (!Optional.of(NoteDbPushOption.ALLOW).equals(noteDbPushOption)) {
+          // Only reject this command, not the whole push. This supports the use case of "git clone
+          // --mirror" followed by "git push --mirror", when the user doesn't really intend to clone
+          // or mirror the NoteDb data; there is no single refspec that describes all refs *except*
+          // NoteDb refs.
+          reject(
+              cmd,
+              "NoteDb update requires -o "
+                  + NoteDbPushOption.OPTION_NAME
+                  + "="
+                  + NoteDbPushOption.ALLOW.value());
+          return;
+        }
+        try {
+          permissionBackend.user(user).check(GlobalPermission.ACCESS_DATABASE);
+        } catch (AuthException e) {
+          reject(cmd, "NoteDb update requires access database permission");
+          return;
+        }
+      }
-    switch (cmd.getType()) {
-      case CREATE:
-        parseCreate(cmd);
-        break;
+      switch (cmd.getType()) {
+        case CREATE:
+          parseCreate(cmd);
+          break;
-      case UPDATE:
-        parseUpdate(cmd);
-        break;
+        case UPDATE:
+          parseUpdate(cmd);
+          break;
-      case DELETE:
-        parseDelete(cmd);
-        break;
+        case DELETE:
+          parseDelete(cmd);
+          break;
-        parseRewind(cmd);
-        break;
+          parseRewind(cmd);
+          break;
-      default:
-        reject(cmd, "prohibited by Gerrit: unknown command type " + cmd.getType());
+        default:
+          reject(cmd, "prohibited by Gerrit: unknown command type " + cmd.getType());
+          return;
+      }
+      if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-    }
+      }
-    if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (isConfig(cmd)) {
-      validateConfigPush(cmd);
+      if (isConfig(cmd)) {
+        validateConfigPush(cmd);
+      }
   /** Validates a push to refs/meta/config, and reject the command if it fails. */
   private void validateConfigPush(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
-    logger.atFine().log("Processing %s command", cmd.getRefName());
-    try {
-      permissions.check(ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG);
-    } catch (AuthException e) {
-      reject(
-          cmd,
-          String.format(
-              "must be either project owner or have %s permission",
-              ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG.describeForException()));
-      return;
-    }
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("validateConfigPush")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Processing %s command", cmd.getRefName());
+      try {
+        permissions.check(ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG);
+      } catch (AuthException e) {
+        reject(
+            cmd,
+            String.format(
+                "must be either project owner or have %s permission",
+                ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG.describeForException()));
+        return;
+      }
-    switch (cmd.getType()) {
-      case CREATE:
-      case UPDATE:
-        try {
-          ProjectConfig cfg = projectConfigFactory.create(project.getNameKey());
-          cfg.load(project.getNameKey(), receivePack.getRevWalk(), cmd.getNewId());
-          if (!cfg.getValidationErrors().isEmpty()) {
-            addError("Invalid project configuration:");
-            for (ValidationError err : cfg.getValidationErrors()) {
-              addError("  " + err.getMessage());
+      switch (cmd.getType()) {
+        case CREATE:
+        case UPDATE:
+          try {
+            ProjectConfig cfg = projectConfigFactory.create(project.getNameKey());
+            cfg.load(project.getNameKey(), receivePack.getRevWalk(), cmd.getNewId());
+            if (!cfg.getValidationErrors().isEmpty()) {
+              addError("Invalid project configuration:");
+              for (ValidationError err : cfg.getValidationErrors()) {
+                addError("  " + err.getMessage());
+              }
+              reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration");
+              logger.atSevere().log(
+                  "User %s tried to push invalid project configuration %s for %s",
+                  user.getLoggableName(), cmd.getNewId().name(), project.getName());
+              return;
+            Project.NameKey newParent = cfg.getProject().getParent(allProjectsName);
+            Project.NameKey oldParent = project.getParent(allProjectsName);
+            if (oldParent == null) {
+              // update of the 'All-Projects' project
+              if (newParent != null) {
+                reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: root project cannot have parent");
+                return;
+              }
+            } else {
+              if (!oldParent.equals(newParent)) {
+                if (allowProjectOwnersToChangeParent) {
+                  try {
+                    permissionBackend
+                        .user(user)
+                        .project(project.getNameKey())
+                        .check(ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG);
+                  } catch (AuthException e) {
+                    reject(
+                        cmd, "invalid project configuration: only project owners can set parent");
+                    return;
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  try {
+                    permissionBackend.user(user).check(GlobalPermission.ADMINISTRATE_SERVER);
+                  } catch (AuthException e) {
+                    reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: only Gerrit admin can set parent");
+                    return;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              if (projectCache.get(newParent) == null) {
+                reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: parent does not exist");
+                return;
+              }
+            }
+            validatePluginConfig(cmd, cfg);
+          } catch (Exception e) {
             reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration");
-            logger.atSevere().log(
+            logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log(
                 "User %s tried to push invalid project configuration %s for %s",
                 user.getLoggableName(), cmd.getNewId().name(), project.getName());
-          Project.NameKey newParent = cfg.getProject().getParent(allProjectsName);
-          Project.NameKey oldParent = project.getParent(allProjectsName);
-          if (oldParent == null) {
-            // update of the 'All-Projects' project
-            if (newParent != null) {
-              reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: root project cannot have parent");
-              return;
-            }
-          } else {
-            if (!oldParent.equals(newParent)) {
-              if (allowProjectOwnersToChangeParent) {
-                try {
-                  permissionBackend
-                      .user(user)
-                      .project(project.getNameKey())
-                      .check(ProjectPermission.WRITE_CONFIG);
-                } catch (AuthException e) {
-                  reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: only project owners can set parent");
-                  return;
-                }
-              } else {
-                try {
-                  permissionBackend.user(user).check(GlobalPermission.ADMINISTRATE_SERVER);
-                } catch (AuthException e) {
-                  reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: only Gerrit admin can set parent");
-                  return;
-                }
-              }
-            }
+          break;
-            if (projectCache.get(newParent) == null) {
-              reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration: parent does not exist");
-              return;
-            }
-          }
-          validatePluginConfig(cmd, cfg);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-          reject(cmd, "invalid project configuration");
-          logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log(
-              "User %s tried to push invalid project configuration %s for %s",
-              user.getLoggableName(), cmd.getNewId().name(), project.getName());
-          return;
-        }
-        break;
+        case DELETE:
+          break;
-      case DELETE:
-        break;
-      default:
-        reject(
-            cmd,
-            "prohibited by Gerrit: don't know how to handle config update of type "
-                + cmd.getType());
+        default:
+          reject(
+              cmd,
+              "prohibited by Gerrit: don't know how to handle config update of type "
+                  + cmd.getType());
+      }
@@ -1233,53 +1257,59 @@
   private void parseCreate(ReceiveCommand cmd)
       throws PermissionBackendException, NoSuchProjectException, IOException {
-    RevObject obj;
-    try {
-      obj = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseAny(cmd.getNewId());
-    } catch (IOException err) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
-          "Invalid object %s for %s creation", cmd.getNewId().name(), cmd.getRefName());
-      reject(cmd, "invalid object");
-      return;
-    }
-    logger.atFine().log("Creating %s", cmd);
-    if (isHead(cmd) && !isCommit(cmd)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    BranchNameKey branch = BranchNameKey.create(project.getName(), cmd.getRefName());
-    try {
-      // Must pass explicit user instead of injecting a provider into CreateRefControl, since
-      // Provider<CurrentUser> within ReceiveCommits will always return anonymous.
-      createRefControl.checkCreateRef(Providers.of(user), receivePack.getRepository(), branch, obj);
-    } catch (AuthException denied) {
-      rejectProhibited(cmd, denied);
-      return;
-    } catch (ResourceConflictException denied) {
-      reject(cmd, "prohibited by Gerrit: " + denied.getMessage());
-      return;
-    }
-    if (validRefOperation(cmd)) {
-      validateRegularPushCommits(BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), cmd.getRefName()), cmd);
-    }
-  }
-  private void parseUpdate(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
-    logger.atFine().log("Updating %s", cmd);
-    Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.UPDATE);
-    if (!err.isPresent()) {
-      if (isHead(cmd) && !isCommit(cmd)) {
-        reject(cmd, "head must point to commit");
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseCreate")) {
+      RevObject obj;
+      try {
+        obj = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseAny(cmd.getNewId());
+      } catch (IOException err) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
+            "Invalid object %s for %s creation", cmd.getNewId().name(), cmd.getRefName());
+        reject(cmd, "invalid object");
+      logger.atFine().log("Creating %s", cmd);
+      if (isHead(cmd) && !isCommit(cmd)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      BranchNameKey branch = BranchNameKey.create(project.getName(), cmd.getRefName());
+      try {
+        // Must pass explicit user instead of injecting a provider into CreateRefControl, since
+        // Provider<CurrentUser> within ReceiveCommits will always return anonymous.
+        createRefControl.checkCreateRef(
+            Providers.of(user), receivePack.getRepository(), branch, obj);
+      } catch (AuthException denied) {
+        rejectProhibited(cmd, denied);
+        return;
+      } catch (ResourceConflictException denied) {
+        reject(cmd, "prohibited by Gerrit: " + denied.getMessage());
+        return;
+      }
       if (validRefOperation(cmd)) {
             BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), cmd.getRefName()), cmd);
-    } else {
-      rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+    }
+  }
+  private void parseUpdate(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = TraceContext.newTimer("parseUpdate")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Updating %s", cmd);
+      Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.UPDATE);
+      if (!err.isPresent()) {
+        if (isHead(cmd) && !isCommit(cmd)) {
+          reject(cmd, "head must point to commit");
+          return;
+        }
+        if (validRefOperation(cmd)) {
+          validateRegularPushCommits(
+              BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), cmd.getRefName()), cmd);
+        }
+      } else {
+        rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+      }
@@ -1302,49 +1332,54 @@
   private void parseDelete(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
-    logger.atFine().log("Deleting %s", cmd);
-    if (cmd.getRefName().startsWith(REFS_CHANGES)) {
-      errors.put(CANNOT_DELETE_CHANGES, cmd.getRefName());
-      reject(cmd, "cannot delete changes");
-    } else if (isConfigRef(cmd.getRefName())) {
-      errors.put(CANNOT_DELETE_CONFIG, cmd.getRefName());
-      reject(cmd, "cannot delete project configuration");
-    }
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseDelete")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Deleting %s", cmd);
+      if (cmd.getRefName().startsWith(REFS_CHANGES)) {
+        errors.put(CANNOT_DELETE_CHANGES, cmd.getRefName());
+        reject(cmd, "cannot delete changes");
+      } else if (isConfigRef(cmd.getRefName())) {
+        errors.put(CANNOT_DELETE_CONFIG, cmd.getRefName());
+        reject(cmd, "cannot delete project configuration");
+      }
-    Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.DELETE);
-    if (!err.isPresent()) {
-      validRefOperation(cmd);
-    } else {
-      rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+      Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.DELETE);
+      if (!err.isPresent()) {
+        validRefOperation(cmd);
+      } else {
+        rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+      }
   private void parseRewind(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
-    RevCommit newObject;
-    try {
-      newObject = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
-    } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException notCommit) {
-      newObject = null;
-    } catch (IOException err) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
-          "Invalid object %s for %s forced update", cmd.getNewId().name(), cmd.getRefName());
-      reject(cmd, "invalid object");
-      return;
-    }
-    logger.atFine().log("Rewinding %s", cmd);
-    if (newObject != null) {
-      validateRegularPushCommits(BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), cmd.getRefName()), cmd);
-      if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseRewind")) {
+      RevCommit newObject;
+      try {
+        newObject = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
+      } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException notCommit) {
+        newObject = null;
+      } catch (IOException err) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
+            "Invalid object %s for %s forced update", cmd.getNewId().name(), cmd.getRefName());
+        reject(cmd, "invalid object");
-    }
+      logger.atFine().log("Rewinding %s", cmd);
-    Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.FORCE_UPDATE);
-    if (!err.isPresent()) {
-      validRefOperation(cmd);
-    } else {
-      rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+      if (newObject != null) {
+        validateRegularPushCommits(
+            BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), cmd.getRefName()), cmd);
+        if (cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(cmd, RefPermission.FORCE_UPDATE);
+      if (!err.isPresent()) {
+        validRefOperation(cmd);
+      } else {
+        rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+      }
@@ -1694,202 +1729,208 @@
    * <p>Assumes we are handling a magic branch here.
   private void parseMagicBranch(ReceiveCommand cmd) throws PermissionBackendException {
-    logger.atFine().log("Found magic branch %s", cmd.getRefName());
-    MagicBranchInput magicBranch = new MagicBranchInput(user, cmd, labelTypes);
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseMagicBranch")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Found magic branch %s", cmd.getRefName());
+      MagicBranchInput magicBranch = new MagicBranchInput(user, cmd, labelTypes);
-    String ref;
-    magicBranch.cmdLineParser = optionParserFactory.create(magicBranch);
+      String ref;
+      magicBranch.cmdLineParser = optionParserFactory.create(magicBranch);
-    try {
-      ref = magicBranch.parse(repo, receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().keySet(), pushOptions);
-    } catch (CmdLineException e) {
-      if (!magicBranch.cmdLineParser.wasHelpRequestedByOption()) {
-        logger.atFine().log("Invalid branch syntax");
-        reject(cmd, e.getMessage());
+      try {
+        ref = magicBranch.parse(repo, receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().keySet(), pushOptions);
+      } catch (CmdLineException e) {
+        if (!magicBranch.cmdLineParser.wasHelpRequestedByOption()) {
+          logger.atFine().log("Invalid branch syntax");
+          reject(cmd, e.getMessage());
+          return;
+        }
+        ref = null; // never happens
+      }
+      if (magicBranch.topic != null && magicBranch.topic.length() > ChangeUtil.TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH) {
+        reject(
+            cmd, String.format("topic length exceeds the limit (%d)", ChangeUtil.TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH));
+      }
+      if (magicBranch.cmdLineParser.wasHelpRequestedByOption()) {
+        StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
+        w.write("\nHelp for refs/for/branch:\n\n");
+        magicBranch.cmdLineParser.printUsage(w, null);
+        addMessage(w.toString());
+        reject(cmd, "see help");
-      ref = null; // never happens
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.topic != null && magicBranch.topic.length() > ChangeUtil.TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH) {
-      reject(
-          cmd, String.format("topic length exceeds the limit (%d)", ChangeUtil.TOPIC_MAX_LENGTH));
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.cmdLineParser.wasHelpRequestedByOption()) {
-      StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
-      w.write("\nHelp for refs/for/branch:\n\n");
-      magicBranch.cmdLineParser.printUsage(w, null);
-      addMessage(w.toString());
-      reject(cmd, "see help");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (projectState.isAllUsers() && RefNames.REFS_USERS_SELF.equals(ref)) {
-      logger.atFine().log("Handling %s", RefNames.REFS_USERS_SELF);
-      ref = RefNames.refsUsers(user.getAccountId());
-    }
-    // Pushing changes for review usually requires that the target branch exists, but there is an
-    // exception for the branch to which HEAD points to and for refs/meta/config. Pushing for
-    // review to these branches is allowed even if the branch does not exist yet. This allows to
-    // push initial code for review to an empty repository and to review an initial project
-    // configuration.
-    if (!receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().containsKey(ref)
-        && !ref.equals(readHEAD(repo))
-        && !ref.equals(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)) {
-      logger.atFine().log("Ref %s not found", ref);
-      if (ref.startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS)) {
-        String n = ref.substring(Constants.R_HEADS.length());
-        reject(cmd, "branch " + n + " not found");
-      } else {
-        reject(cmd, ref + " not found");
+      if (projectState.isAllUsers() && RefNames.REFS_USERS_SELF.equals(ref)) {
+        logger.atFine().log("Handling %s", RefNames.REFS_USERS_SELF);
+        ref = RefNames.refsUsers(user.getAccountId());
-      return;
-    }
+      // Pushing changes for review usually requires that the target branch exists, but there is an
+      // exception for the branch to which HEAD points to and for refs/meta/config. Pushing for
+      // review to these branches is allowed even if the branch does not exist yet. This allows to
+      // push initial code for review to an empty repository and to review an initial project
+      // configuration.
+      if (!receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().containsKey(ref)
+          && !ref.equals(readHEAD(repo))
+          && !ref.equals(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)) {
+        logger.atFine().log("Ref %s not found", ref);
+        if (ref.startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS)) {
+          String n = ref.substring(Constants.R_HEADS.length());
+          reject(cmd, "branch " + n + " not found");
+        } else {
+          reject(cmd, ref + " not found");
+        }
+        return;
+      }
-    magicBranch.dest = BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), ref);
-    magicBranch.perm = permissions.ref(ref);
+      magicBranch.dest = BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), ref);
+      magicBranch.perm = permissions.ref(ref);
-    Optional<AuthException> err = checkRefPermission(magicBranch.perm, RefPermission.CREATE_CHANGE);
-    if (err.isPresent()) {
-      rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
-      return;
-    }
-    // TODO(davido): Remove legacy support for drafts magic branch option
-    // after repo-tool supports private and work-in-progress changes.
-    if (magicBranch.draft && !receiveConfig.allowDrafts) {
-      errors.put(CODE_REVIEW_ERROR, ref);
-      reject(cmd, "draft workflow is disabled");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.isPrivate && magicBranch.removePrivate) {
-      reject(cmd, "the options 'private' and 'remove-private' are mutually exclusive");
-      return;
-    }
-    boolean privateByDefault =
-        projectCache.get(project.getNameKey()).is(BooleanProjectConfig.PRIVATE_BY_DEFAULT);
-    setChangeAsPrivate =
-        magicBranch.draft
-            || magicBranch.isPrivate
-            || (privateByDefault && !magicBranch.removePrivate);
-    if (receiveConfig.disablePrivateChanges && setChangeAsPrivate) {
-      reject(cmd, "private changes are disabled");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.workInProgress && magicBranch.ready) {
-      reject(cmd, "the options 'wip' and 'ready' are mutually exclusive");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.publishComments && magicBranch.noPublishComments) {
-      reject(
-          cmd, "the options 'publish-comments' and 'no-publish-comments' are mutually exclusive");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.submit) {
-      err = checkRefPermission(magicBranch.perm, RefPermission.UPDATE_BY_SUBMIT);
+      Optional<AuthException> err =
+          checkRefPermission(magicBranch.perm, RefPermission.CREATE_CHANGE);
       if (err.isPresent()) {
         rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
-    }
-    RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-    RevCommit tip;
-    try {
-      tip = walk.parseCommit(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
-      logger.atFine().log("Tip of push: %s",;
-    } catch (IOException ex) {
-      magicBranch.cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(ex).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
-      return;
-    }
+      // TODO(davido): Remove legacy support for drafts magic branch option
+      // after repo-tool supports private and work-in-progress changes.
+      if (magicBranch.draft && !receiveConfig.allowDrafts) {
+        errors.put(CODE_REVIEW_ERROR, ref);
+        reject(cmd, "draft workflow is disabled");
+        return;
+      }
-    String destBranch = magicBranch.dest.branch();
-    try {
-      if (magicBranch.merged) {
-        if (magicBranch.base != null) {
-          reject(cmd, "cannot use merged with base");
-          return;
-        }
-        RevCommit branchTip = readBranchTip(magicBranch.dest);
-        if (branchTip == null) {
-          reject(cmd, magicBranch.dest.branch() + " not found");
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!walk.isMergedInto(tip, branchTip)) {
-          reject(cmd, "not merged into branch");
+      if (magicBranch.isPrivate && magicBranch.removePrivate) {
+        reject(cmd, "the options 'private' and 'remove-private' are mutually exclusive");
+        return;
+      }
+      boolean privateByDefault =
+          projectCache.get(project.getNameKey()).is(BooleanProjectConfig.PRIVATE_BY_DEFAULT);
+      setChangeAsPrivate =
+          magicBranch.draft
+              || magicBranch.isPrivate
+              || (privateByDefault && !magicBranch.removePrivate);
+      if (receiveConfig.disablePrivateChanges && setChangeAsPrivate) {
+        reject(cmd, "private changes are disabled");
+        return;
+      }
+      if (magicBranch.workInProgress && magicBranch.ready) {
+        reject(cmd, "the options 'wip' and 'ready' are mutually exclusive");
+        return;
+      }
+      if (magicBranch.publishComments && magicBranch.noPublishComments) {
+        reject(
+            cmd, "the options 'publish-comments' and 'no-publish-comments' are mutually exclusive");
+        return;
+      }
+      if (magicBranch.submit) {
+        err = checkRefPermission(magicBranch.perm, RefPermission.UPDATE_BY_SUBMIT);
+        if (err.isPresent()) {
+          rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
-      // If tip is a merge commit, or the root commit or
-      // if %base or %merged was specified, ignore newChangeForAllNotInTarget.
-      if (tip.getParentCount() > 1
-          || magicBranch.base != null
-          || magicBranch.merged
-          || tip.getParentCount() == 0) {
-        logger.atFine().log("Forcing newChangeForAllNotInTarget = false");
-        newChangeForAllNotInTarget = false;
+      RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+      RevCommit tip;
+      try {
+        tip = walk.parseCommit(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
+        logger.atFine().log("Tip of push: %s",;
+      } catch (IOException ex) {
+        magicBranch.cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(ex).log(
+            "Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
+        return;
-      if (magicBranch.base != null) {
-        logger.atFine().log("Handling %%base: %s", magicBranch.base);
-        magicBranch.baseCommit = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(magicBranch.base.size());
-        for (ObjectId id : magicBranch.base) {
-          try {
-            magicBranch.baseCommit.add(walk.parseCommit(id));
-          } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException notCommit) {
-            reject(cmd, "base must be a commit");
-            return;
-          } catch (MissingObjectException e) {
-            reject(cmd, "base not found");
-            return;
-          } catch (IOException e) {
-            logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log(
-                "Project %s cannot read %s", project.getName(),;
-            reject(cmd, "internal server error");
+      String destBranch = magicBranch.dest.branch();
+      try {
+        if (magicBranch.merged) {
+          if (magicBranch.base != null) {
+            reject(cmd, "cannot use merged with base");
-        }
-      } else if (newChangeForAllNotInTarget) {
-        RevCommit branchTip = readBranchTip(magicBranch.dest);
-        if (branchTip != null) {
-          magicBranch.baseCommit = Collections.singletonList(branchTip);
-          logger.atFine().log("Set baseCommit = %s", magicBranch.baseCommit.get(0).name());
-        } else {
-          // The target branch does not exist. Usually pushing changes for review requires that the
-          // target branch exists, but there is an exception for the branch to which HEAD points to
-          // and for refs/meta/config. Pushing for review to these branches is allowed even if the
-          // branch does not exist yet. This allows to push initial code for review to an empty
-          // repository and to review an initial project configuration.
-          if (!ref.equals(readHEAD(repo)) && !ref.equals(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)) {
+          RevCommit branchTip = readBranchTip(magicBranch.dest);
+          if (branchTip == null) {
             reject(cmd, magicBranch.dest.branch() + " not found");
+          if (!walk.isMergedInto(tip, branchTip)) {
+            reject(cmd, "not merged into branch");
+            return;
+          }
+        // If tip is a merge commit, or the root commit or
+        // if %base or %merged was specified, ignore newChangeForAllNotInTarget.
+        if (tip.getParentCount() > 1
+            || magicBranch.base != null
+            || magicBranch.merged
+            || tip.getParentCount() == 0) {
+          logger.atFine().log("Forcing newChangeForAllNotInTarget = false");
+          newChangeForAllNotInTarget = false;
+        }
+        if (magicBranch.base != null) {
+          logger.atFine().log("Handling %%base: %s", magicBranch.base);
+          magicBranch.baseCommit = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(magicBranch.base.size());
+          for (ObjectId id : magicBranch.base) {
+            try {
+              magicBranch.baseCommit.add(walk.parseCommit(id));
+            } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException notCommit) {
+              reject(cmd, "base must be a commit");
+              return;
+            } catch (MissingObjectException e) {
+              reject(cmd, "base not found");
+              return;
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+              logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log(
+                  "Project %s cannot read %s", project.getName(),;
+              reject(cmd, "internal server error");
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+        } else if (newChangeForAllNotInTarget) {
+          RevCommit branchTip = readBranchTip(magicBranch.dest);
+          if (branchTip != null) {
+            magicBranch.baseCommit = Collections.singletonList(branchTip);
+            logger.atFine().log("Set baseCommit = %s", magicBranch.baseCommit.get(0).name());
+          } else {
+            // The target branch does not exist. Usually pushing changes for review requires that
+            // the
+            // target branch exists, but there is an exception for the branch to which HEAD points
+            // to
+            // and for refs/meta/config. Pushing for review to these branches is allowed even if the
+            // branch does not exist yet. This allows to push initial code for review to an empty
+            // repository and to review an initial project configuration.
+            if (!ref.equals(readHEAD(repo)) && !ref.equals(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG)) {
+              reject(cmd, magicBranch.dest.branch() + " not found");
+              return;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } catch (IOException ex) {
+        logger.atWarning().withCause(ex).log(
+            "Error walking to %s in project %s", destBranch, project.getName());
+        reject(cmd, "internal server error");
+        return;
-    } catch (IOException ex) {
-      logger.atWarning().withCause(ex).log(
-          "Error walking to %s in project %s", destBranch, project.getName());
-      reject(cmd, "internal server error");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (magicBranch.deprecatedTopicSeen) {
-      messages.add(
-          new ValidationMessage(
-              "WARNING: deprecated topic syntax. Use -o topic=TOPIC instead", false));
-      logger.atInfo().log("deprecated topic push seen for project %s", project.getName());
-    }
+      if (magicBranch.deprecatedTopicSeen) {
+        messages.add(
+            new ValidationMessage(
+                "WARNING: deprecated topic syntax. Use -o topic=TOPIC instead", false));
+        logger.atInfo().log("deprecated topic push seen for project %s", project.getName());
+      }
-    if (validateConnected(magicBranch.cmd, magicBranch.dest, tip)) {
-      this.magicBranch = magicBranch;
-      this.resultChangeIds.setMagicPush(true);
+      if (validateConnected(magicBranch.cmd, magicBranch.dest, tip)) {
+        this.magicBranch = magicBranch;
+        this.resultChangeIds.setMagicPush(true);
+      }
@@ -1898,41 +1939,43 @@
   // looking to see if we can compute a merge base between the new
   // commits and the target branch head.
   private boolean validateConnected(ReceiveCommand cmd, BranchNameKey dest, RevCommit tip) {
-    RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-    try {
-      Ref targetRef = receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().get(dest.branch());
-      if (targetRef == null || targetRef.getObjectId() == null) {
-        // The destination branch does not yet exist. Assume the
-        // history being sent for review will start it and thus
-        // is "connected" to the branch.
-        logger.atFine().log("Branch is unborn");
-        // This is not an error condition.
-        return true;
-      }
-      RevCommit h = walk.parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId());
-      logger.atFine().log("Current branch tip: %s",;
-      RevFilter oldRevFilter = walk.getRevFilter();
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("validateConnected", "branch", dest.branch())) {
+      RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
       try {
-        walk.reset();
-        walk.setRevFilter(RevFilter.MERGE_BASE);
-        walk.markStart(tip);
-        walk.markStart(h);
-        if ( == null) {
-          reject(cmd, "no common ancestry");
-          return false;
+        Ref targetRef = receivePack.getAdvertisedRefs().get(dest.branch());
+        if (targetRef == null || targetRef.getObjectId() == null) {
+          // The destination branch does not yet exist. Assume the
+          // history being sent for review will start it and thus
+          // is "connected" to the branch.
+          logger.atFine().log("Branch is unborn");
+          // This is not an error condition.
+          return true;
-      } finally {
-        walk.reset();
-        walk.setRevFilter(oldRevFilter);
+        RevCommit h = walk.parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId());
+        logger.atFine().log("Current branch tip: %s",;
+        RevFilter oldRevFilter = walk.getRevFilter();
+        try {
+          walk.reset();
+          walk.setRevFilter(RevFilter.MERGE_BASE);
+          walk.markStart(tip);
+          walk.markStart(h);
+          if ( == null) {
+            reject(cmd, "no common ancestry");
+            return false;
+          }
+        } finally {
+          walk.reset();
+          walk.setRevFilter(oldRevFilter);
+        }
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
+        return false;
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
-      return false;
+      return true;
-    return true;
   private static String readHEAD(Repository repo) {
@@ -1956,57 +1999,59 @@
   // Handle an upload to refs/changes/XX/CHANGED-NUMBER.
   private void parseReplaceCommand(ReceiveCommand cmd, Change.Id changeId) {
-    logger.atFine().log("Parsing replace command");
-    if (cmd.getType() != ReceiveCommand.Type.CREATE) {
-      reject(cmd, "invalid usage");
-      return;
-    }
-    RevCommit newCommit;
-    try {
-      newCommit = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
-      logger.atFine().log("Replacing with %s", newCommit);
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot parse %s as commit", cmd.getNewId().name());
-      reject(cmd, "invalid commit");
-      return;
-    }
-    Change changeEnt;
-    try {
-      changeEnt = notesFactory.createChecked(project.getNameKey(), changeId).getChange();
-    } catch (NoSuchChangeException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Change not found %s", changeId);
-      reject(cmd, "change " + changeId + " not found");
-      return;
-    } catch (StorageException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot lookup existing change %s", changeId);
-      reject(cmd, "database error");
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!project.getNameKey().equals(changeEnt.getProject())) {
-      reject(cmd, "change " + changeId + " does not belong to project " + project.getName());
-      return;
-    }
-    BranchCommitValidator validator =
-        commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, changeEnt.getDest(), user);
-    try {
-      BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
-          validator.validateCommit(
-              receivePack.getRevWalk().getObjectReader(),
-              cmd,
-              newCommit,
-              false,
-              rejectCommits,
-              changeEnt);
-      messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
-      if (validationResult.isValid()) {
-        logger.atFine().log("Replacing change %s", changeEnt.getId());
-        requestReplaceAndValidateComments(cmd, true, changeEnt, newCommit);
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("parseReplaceCommand")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Parsing replace command");
+      if (cmd.getType() != ReceiveCommand.Type.CREATE) {
+        reject(cmd, "invalid usage");
+        return;
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      reject(cmd, "I/O exception validating commit");
+      RevCommit newCommit;
+      try {
+        newCommit = receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
+        logger.atFine().log("Replacing with %s", newCommit);
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot parse %s as commit", cmd.getNewId().name());
+        reject(cmd, "invalid commit");
+        return;
+      }
+      Change changeEnt;
+      try {
+        changeEnt = notesFactory.createChecked(project.getNameKey(), changeId).getChange();
+      } catch (NoSuchChangeException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Change not found %s", changeId);
+        reject(cmd, "change " + changeId + " not found");
+        return;
+      } catch (StorageException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot lookup existing change %s", changeId);
+        reject(cmd, "database error");
+        return;
+      }
+      if (!project.getNameKey().equals(changeEnt.getProject())) {
+        reject(cmd, "change " + changeId + " does not belong to project " + project.getName());
+        return;
+      }
+      BranchCommitValidator validator =
+          commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, changeEnt.getDest(), user);
+      try {
+        BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
+            validator.validateCommit(
+                receivePack.getRevWalk().getObjectReader(),
+                cmd,
+                newCommit,
+                false,
+                rejectCommits,
+                changeEnt);
+        messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
+        if (validationResult.isValid()) {
+          logger.atFine().log("Replacing change %s", changeEnt.getId());
+          requestReplaceAndValidateComments(cmd, true, changeEnt, newCommit);
+        }
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        reject(cmd, "I/O exception validating commit");
+      }
@@ -2077,272 +2122,275 @@
   private List<CreateRequest> selectNewAndReplacedChangesFromMagicBranch(Task newProgress) {
-    logger.atFine().log("Finding new and replaced changes");
-    List<CreateRequest> newChanges = new ArrayList<>();
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("selectNewAndReplacedChangesFromMagicBranch")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Finding new and replaced changes");
+      List<CreateRequest> newChanges = new ArrayList<>();
-    ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> existing = changeRefsById();
-    GroupCollector groupCollector =
-        GroupCollector.create(changeRefsById(), psUtil, notesFactory, project.getNameKey());
+      ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> existing = changeRefsById();
+      GroupCollector groupCollector =
+          GroupCollector.create(changeRefsById(), psUtil, notesFactory, project.getNameKey());
-    BranchCommitValidator validator =
-        commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, magicBranch.dest, user);
+      BranchCommitValidator validator =
+          commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, magicBranch.dest, user);
-    try {
-      RevCommit start = setUpWalkForSelectingChanges();
-      if (start == null) {
-        return Collections.emptyList();
-      }
-      LinkedHashMap<RevCommit, ChangeLookup> pending = new LinkedHashMap<>();
-      Set<Change.Key> newChangeIds = new HashSet<>();
-      int maxBatchChanges = receiveConfig.getEffectiveMaxBatchChangesLimit(user);
-      int total = 0;
-      int alreadyTracked = 0;
-      boolean rejectImplicitMerges =
-          start.getParentCount() == 1
-              && projectCache
-                  .get(project.getNameKey())
-                  .is(BooleanProjectConfig.REJECT_IMPLICIT_MERGES)
-              // Don't worry about implicit merges when creating changes for
-              // already-merged commits; they're already in history, so it's too
-              // late.
-              && !magicBranch.merged;
-      Set<RevCommit> mergedParents;
-      if (rejectImplicitMerges) {
-        mergedParents = new HashSet<>();
-      } else {
-        mergedParents = null;
-      }
-      for (; ; ) {
-        RevCommit c = receivePack.getRevWalk().next();
-        if (c == null) {
-          break;
+      try {
+        RevCommit start = setUpWalkForSelectingChanges();
+        if (start == null) {
+          return Collections.emptyList();
-        total++;
-        receivePack.getRevWalk().parseBody(c);
-        String name =;
-        groupCollector.visit(c);
-        Collection<Ref> existingRefs = existing.get(c);
+        LinkedHashMap<RevCommit, ChangeLookup> pending = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+        Set<Change.Key> newChangeIds = new HashSet<>();
+        int maxBatchChanges = receiveConfig.getEffectiveMaxBatchChangesLimit(user);
+        int total = 0;
+        int alreadyTracked = 0;
+        boolean rejectImplicitMerges =
+            start.getParentCount() == 1
+                && projectCache
+                    .get(project.getNameKey())
+                    .is(BooleanProjectConfig.REJECT_IMPLICIT_MERGES)
+                // Don't worry about implicit merges when creating changes for
+                // already-merged commits; they're already in history, so it's too
+                // late.
+                && !magicBranch.merged;
+        Set<RevCommit> mergedParents;
         if (rejectImplicitMerges) {
-          Collections.addAll(mergedParents, c.getParents());
-          mergedParents.remove(c);
-        }
-        boolean commitAlreadyTracked = !existingRefs.isEmpty();
-        if (commitAlreadyTracked) {
-          alreadyTracked++;
-          // Corner cases where an existing commit might need a new group:
-          // A) Existing commit has a null group; wasn't assigned during schema
-          //    upgrade, or schema upgrade is performed on a running server.
-          // B) Let A<-B<-C, then:
-          //      1. Push A to refs/heads/master
-          //      2. Push B to refs/for/master
-          //      3. Force push A~ to refs/heads/master
-          //      4. Push C to refs/for/master.
-          //      B will be in existing so we aren't replacing the patch set. It
-          //      used to have its own group, but now needs to to be changed to
-          //      A's group.
-          // C) Commit is a PatchSet of a pre-existing change uploaded with a
-          //    different target branch.
-          for (Ref ref : existingRefs) {
-            updateGroups.add(new UpdateGroupsRequest(ref, c));
-          }
-          if (!(newChangeForAllNotInTarget || magicBranch.base != null)) {
-            continue;
-          }
-        }
-        List<String> idList = c.getFooterLines(FooterConstants.CHANGE_ID);
-        if (!idList.isEmpty()) {
-          pending.put(c, lookupByChangeKey(c, Change.key(idList.get(idList.size() - 1).trim())));
+          mergedParents = new HashSet<>();
         } else {
-          pending.put(c, lookupByCommit(c));
+          mergedParents = null;
-        int n = pending.size() + newChanges.size();
-        if (maxBatchChanges != 0 && n > maxBatchChanges) {
-          logger.atFine().log("%d changes exceeds limit of %d", n, maxBatchChanges);
-          reject(
-              magicBranch.cmd,
-              "the number of pushed changes in a batch exceeds the max limit " + maxBatchChanges);
-          return Collections.emptyList();
-        }
+        for (; ; ) {
+          RevCommit c = receivePack.getRevWalk().next();
+          if (c == null) {
+            break;
+          }
+          total++;
+          receivePack.getRevWalk().parseBody(c);
+          String name =;
+          groupCollector.visit(c);
+          Collection<Ref> existingRefs = existing.get(c);
-        if (commitAlreadyTracked) {
-          boolean changeExistsOnDestBranch = false;
-          for (ChangeData cd : pending.get(c).destChanges) {
-            if (cd.change().getDest().equals(magicBranch.dest)) {
-              changeExistsOnDestBranch = true;
-              break;
+          if (rejectImplicitMerges) {
+            Collections.addAll(mergedParents, c.getParents());
+            mergedParents.remove(c);
+          }
+          boolean commitAlreadyTracked = !existingRefs.isEmpty();
+          if (commitAlreadyTracked) {
+            alreadyTracked++;
+            // Corner cases where an existing commit might need a new group:
+            // A) Existing commit has a null group; wasn't assigned during schema
+            //    upgrade, or schema upgrade is performed on a running server.
+            // B) Let A<-B<-C, then:
+            //      1. Push A to refs/heads/master
+            //      2. Push B to refs/for/master
+            //      3. Force push A~ to refs/heads/master
+            //      4. Push C to refs/for/master.
+            //      B will be in existing so we aren't replacing the patch set. It
+            //      used to have its own group, but now needs to to be changed to
+            //      A's group.
+            // C) Commit is a PatchSet of a pre-existing change uploaded with a
+            //    different target branch.
+            for (Ref ref : existingRefs) {
+              updateGroups.add(new UpdateGroupsRequest(ref, c));
-          }
-          if (changeExistsOnDestBranch) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          logger.atFine().log("Creating new change for %s even though it is already tracked", name);
-        }
-        BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
-            validator.validateCommit(
-                receivePack.getRevWalk().getObjectReader(),
-                magicBranch.cmd,
-                c,
-                magicBranch.merged,
-                rejectCommits,
-                null);
-        messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
-        if (!validationResult.isValid()) {
-          // Not a change the user can propose? Abort as early as possible.
-          logger.atFine().log("Aborting early due to invalid commit");
-          return Collections.emptyList();
-        }
-        // Don't allow merges to be uploaded in commit chain via all-not-in-target
-        if (newChangeForAllNotInTarget && c.getParentCount() > 1) {
-          reject(
-              magicBranch.cmd,
-              "Pushing merges in commit chains with 'all not in target' is not allowed,\n"
-                  + "to override please set the base manually");
-          logger.atFine().log("Rejecting merge commit %s with newChangeForAllNotInTarget", name);
-          // TODO(dborowitz): Should we early return here?
-        }
-        if (idList.isEmpty()) {
-          newChanges.add(new CreateRequest(c, magicBranch.dest.branch(), newProgress));
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log(
-          "Finished initial RevWalk with %d commits total: %d already"
-              + " tracked, %d new changes with no Change-Id, and %d deferred"
-              + " lookups",
-          total, alreadyTracked, newChanges.size(), pending.size());
-      if (rejectImplicitMerges) {
-        rejectImplicitMerges(mergedParents);
-      }
-      for (Iterator<ChangeLookup> itr = pending.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
-        ChangeLookup p =;
-        if (p.changeKey == null) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (newChangeIds.contains(p.changeKey)) {
-          logger.atFine().log("Multiple commits with Change-Id %s", p.changeKey);
-          reject(magicBranch.cmd, SAME_CHANGE_ID_IN_MULTIPLE_CHANGES);
-          return Collections.emptyList();
-        }
-        List<ChangeData> changes = p.destChanges;
-        if (changes.size() > 1) {
-          logger.atFine().log(
-              "Multiple changes in branch %s with Change-Id %s: %s",
-              magicBranch.dest,
-              p.changeKey,
-     -> cd.getId().toString()).collect(joining()));
-          // WTF, multiple changes in this branch have the same key?
-          // Since the commit is new, the user should recreate it with
-          // a different Change-Id. In practice, we should never see
-          // this error message as Change-Id should be unique per branch.
-          //
-          reject(magicBranch.cmd, p.changeKey.get() + " has duplicates");
-          return Collections.emptyList();
-        }
-        if (changes.size() == 1) {
-          // Schedule as a replacement to this one matching change.
-          //
-          ObjectId currentPs = changes.get(0).currentPatchSet().commitId();
-          // If Commit is already current PatchSet of target Change.
-          if (p.commit.equals(currentPs)) {
-            if (pending.size() == 1) {
-              // There are no commits left to check, all commits in pending were already
-              // current PatchSet of the corresponding target changes.
-              reject(magicBranch.cmd, "commit(s) already exists (as current patchset)");
-            } else {
-              // Commit is already current PatchSet.
-              // Remove from pending and try next commit.
-              itr.remove();
+            if (!(newChangeForAllNotInTarget || magicBranch.base != null)) {
-          if (requestReplaceAndValidateComments(
-              magicBranch.cmd, false, changes.get(0).change(), p.commit)) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          return Collections.emptyList();
-        }
-        if (changes.size() == 0) {
-          if (!isValidChangeId(p.changeKey.get())) {
-            reject(magicBranch.cmd, "invalid Change-Id");
+          List<String> idList = c.getFooterLines(FooterConstants.CHANGE_ID);
+          if (!idList.isEmpty()) {
+            pending.put(c, lookupByChangeKey(c, Change.key(idList.get(idList.size() - 1).trim())));
+          } else {
+            pending.put(c, lookupByCommit(c));
+          }
+          int n = pending.size() + newChanges.size();
+          if (maxBatchChanges != 0 && n > maxBatchChanges) {
+            logger.atFine().log("%d changes exceeds limit of %d", n, maxBatchChanges);
+            reject(
+                magicBranch.cmd,
+                "the number of pushed changes in a batch exceeds the max limit " + maxBatchChanges);
             return Collections.emptyList();
-          // In case the change look up from the index failed,
-          // double check against the existing refs
-          if (foundInExistingRef(existing.get(p.commit))) {
-            if (pending.size() == 1) {
-              reject(magicBranch.cmd, "commit(s) already exists (as current patchset)");
-              return Collections.emptyList();
+          if (commitAlreadyTracked) {
+            boolean changeExistsOnDestBranch = false;
+            for (ChangeData cd : pending.get(c).destChanges) {
+              if (cd.change().getDest().equals(magicBranch.dest)) {
+                changeExistsOnDestBranch = true;
+                break;
+              }
-            itr.remove();
+            if (changeExistsOnDestBranch) {
+              continue;
+            }
+            logger.atFine().log(
+                "Creating new change for %s even though it is already tracked", name);
+          }
+          BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
+              validator.validateCommit(
+                  receivePack.getRevWalk().getObjectReader(),
+                  magicBranch.cmd,
+                  c,
+                  magicBranch.merged,
+                  rejectCommits,
+                  null);
+          messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
+          if (!validationResult.isValid()) {
+            // Not a change the user can propose? Abort as early as possible.
+            logger.atFine().log("Aborting early due to invalid commit");
+            return Collections.emptyList();
+          }
+          // Don't allow merges to be uploaded in commit chain via all-not-in-target
+          if (newChangeForAllNotInTarget && c.getParentCount() > 1) {
+            reject(
+                magicBranch.cmd,
+                "Pushing merges in commit chains with 'all not in target' is not allowed,\n"
+                    + "to override please set the base manually");
+            logger.atFine().log("Rejecting merge commit %s with newChangeForAllNotInTarget", name);
+            // TODO(dborowitz): Should we early return here?
+          }
+          if (idList.isEmpty()) {
+            newChanges.add(new CreateRequest(c, magicBranch.dest.branch(), newProgress));
-          newChangeIds.add(p.changeKey);
-        newChanges.add(new CreateRequest(p.commit, magicBranch.dest.branch(), newProgress));
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log(
-          "Finished deferred lookups with %d updates and %d new changes",
-          replaceByChange.size(), newChanges.size());
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      // Should never happen, the core receive process would have
-      // identified the missing object earlier before we got control.
-      //
-      magicBranch.cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
-      return Collections.emptyList();
-    } catch (StorageException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot query database to locate prior changes");
-      reject(magicBranch.cmd, "database error");
-      return Collections.emptyList();
-    }
+        logger.atFine().log(
+            "Finished initial RevWalk with %d commits total: %d already"
+                + " tracked, %d new changes with no Change-Id, and %d deferred"
+                + " lookups",
+            total, alreadyTracked, newChanges.size(), pending.size());
-    if (newChanges.isEmpty() && replaceByChange.isEmpty()) {
-      reject(magicBranch.cmd, "no new changes");
-      return Collections.emptyList();
-    }
-    if (!newChanges.isEmpty() && magicBranch.edit) {
-      reject(magicBranch.cmd, "edit is not supported for new changes");
+        if (rejectImplicitMerges) {
+          rejectImplicitMerges(mergedParents);
+        }
+        for (Iterator<ChangeLookup> itr = pending.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
+          ChangeLookup p =;
+          if (p.changeKey == null) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          if (newChangeIds.contains(p.changeKey)) {
+            logger.atFine().log("Multiple commits with Change-Id %s", p.changeKey);
+            reject(magicBranch.cmd, SAME_CHANGE_ID_IN_MULTIPLE_CHANGES);
+            return Collections.emptyList();
+          }
+          List<ChangeData> changes = p.destChanges;
+          if (changes.size() > 1) {
+            logger.atFine().log(
+                "Multiple changes in branch %s with Change-Id %s: %s",
+                magicBranch.dest,
+                p.changeKey,
+       -> cd.getId().toString()).collect(joining()));
+            // WTF, multiple changes in this branch have the same key?
+            // Since the commit is new, the user should recreate it with
+            // a different Change-Id. In practice, we should never see
+            // this error message as Change-Id should be unique per branch.
+            //
+            reject(magicBranch.cmd, p.changeKey.get() + " has duplicates");
+            return Collections.emptyList();
+          }
+          if (changes.size() == 1) {
+            // Schedule as a replacement to this one matching change.
+            //
+            ObjectId currentPs = changes.get(0).currentPatchSet().commitId();
+            // If Commit is already current PatchSet of target Change.
+            if (p.commit.equals(currentPs)) {
+              if (pending.size() == 1) {
+                // There are no commits left to check, all commits in pending were already
+                // current PatchSet of the corresponding target changes.
+                reject(magicBranch.cmd, "commit(s) already exists (as current patchset)");
+              } else {
+                // Commit is already current PatchSet.
+                // Remove from pending and try next commit.
+                itr.remove();
+                continue;
+              }
+            }
+            if (requestReplaceAndValidateComments(
+                magicBranch.cmd, false, changes.get(0).change(), p.commit)) {
+              continue;
+            }
+            return Collections.emptyList();
+          }
+          if (changes.size() == 0) {
+            if (!isValidChangeId(p.changeKey.get())) {
+              reject(magicBranch.cmd, "invalid Change-Id");
+              return Collections.emptyList();
+            }
+            // In case the change look up from the index failed,
+            // double check against the existing refs
+            if (foundInExistingRef(existing.get(p.commit))) {
+              if (pending.size() == 1) {
+                reject(magicBranch.cmd, "commit(s) already exists (as current patchset)");
+                return Collections.emptyList();
+              }
+              itr.remove();
+              continue;
+            }
+            newChangeIds.add(p.changeKey);
+          }
+          newChanges.add(new CreateRequest(p.commit, magicBranch.dest.branch(), newProgress));
+        }
+        logger.atFine().log(
+            "Finished deferred lookups with %d updates and %d new changes",
+            replaceByChange.size(), newChanges.size());
+      } catch (IOException e) {
+        // Should never happen, the core receive process would have
+        // identified the missing object earlier before we got control.
+        //
+        magicBranch.cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
+        return Collections.emptyList();
+      } catch (StorageException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Cannot query database to locate prior changes");
+        reject(magicBranch.cmd, "database error");
+        return Collections.emptyList();
+      }
+      if (newChanges.isEmpty() && replaceByChange.isEmpty()) {
+        reject(magicBranch.cmd, "no new changes");
+        return Collections.emptyList();
+      }
+      if (!newChanges.isEmpty() && magicBranch.edit) {
+        reject(magicBranch.cmd, "edit is not supported for new changes");
+        return newChanges;
+      }
+      try {
+        SortedSetMultimap<ObjectId, String> groups = groupCollector.getGroups();
+        List<Integer> newIds = seq.nextChangeIds(newChanges.size());
+        for (int i = 0; i < newChanges.size(); i++) {
+          CreateRequest create = newChanges.get(i);
+          create.setChangeId(newIds.get(i));
+          create.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups.get(create.commit));
+        }
+        for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
+          replace.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups.get(replace.newCommitId));
+        }
+        for (UpdateGroupsRequest update : updateGroups) {
+          update.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf((groups.get(update.commit)));
+        }
+        logger.atFine().log("Finished updating groups from GroupCollector");
+      } catch (StorageException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error collecting groups for changes");
+        reject(magicBranch.cmd, "internal server error");
+      }
       return newChanges;
-    try {
-      SortedSetMultimap<ObjectId, String> groups = groupCollector.getGroups();
-      List<Integer> newIds = seq.nextChangeIds(newChanges.size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < newChanges.size(); i++) {
-        CreateRequest create = newChanges.get(i);
-        create.setChangeId(newIds.get(i));
-        create.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups.get(create.commit));
-      }
-      for (ReplaceRequest replace : replaceByChange.values()) {
-        replace.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups.get(replace.newCommitId));
-      }
-      for (UpdateGroupsRequest update : updateGroups) {
-        update.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf((groups.get(update.commit)));
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log("Finished updating groups from GroupCollector");
-    } catch (StorageException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Error collecting groups for changes");
-      reject(magicBranch.cmd, "internal server error");
-    }
-    return newChanges;
   private boolean foundInExistingRef(Collection<Ref> existingRefs) {
@@ -2362,71 +2410,77 @@
   private RevCommit setUpWalkForSelectingChanges() throws IOException {
-    RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-    RevCommit start = rw.parseCommit(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("setUpWalkForSelectingChanges")) {
+      RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+      RevCommit start = rw.parseCommit(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
-    rw.reset();
-    rw.sort(RevSort.TOPO);
-    rw.sort(RevSort.REVERSE, true);
-    receivePack.getRevWalk().markStart(start);
-    if (magicBranch.baseCommit != null) {
-      markExplicitBasesUninteresting();
-    } else if (magicBranch.merged) {
-      logger.atFine().log("Marking parents of merged commit %s uninteresting",;
-      for (RevCommit c : start.getParents()) {
-        rw.markUninteresting(c);
+      rw.reset();
+      rw.sort(RevSort.TOPO);
+      rw.sort(RevSort.REVERSE, true);
+      receivePack.getRevWalk().markStart(start);
+      if (magicBranch.baseCommit != null) {
+        markExplicitBasesUninteresting();
+      } else if (magicBranch.merged) {
+        logger.atFine().log("Marking parents of merged commit %s uninteresting",;
+        for (RevCommit c : start.getParents()) {
+          rw.markUninteresting(c);
+        }
+      } else {
+        markHeadsAsUninteresting(rw, magicBranch.dest != null ? magicBranch.dest.branch() : null);
-    } else {
-      markHeadsAsUninteresting(rw, magicBranch.dest != null ? magicBranch.dest.branch() : null);
+      return start;
-    return start;
   private void markExplicitBasesUninteresting() throws IOException {
-    logger.atFine().log("Marking %d base commits uninteresting", magicBranch.baseCommit.size());
-    for (RevCommit c : magicBranch.baseCommit) {
-      receivePack.getRevWalk().markUninteresting(c);
-    }
-    Ref targetRef = allRefs().get(magicBranch.dest.branch());
-    if (targetRef != null) {
-      logger.atFine().log(
-          "Marking target ref %s (%s) uninteresting",
-          magicBranch.dest.branch(), targetRef.getObjectId().name());
-      receivePack
-          .getRevWalk()
-          .markUninteresting(receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId()));
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("markExplicitBasesUninteresting")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Marking %d base commits uninteresting", magicBranch.baseCommit.size());
+      for (RevCommit c : magicBranch.baseCommit) {
+        receivePack.getRevWalk().markUninteresting(c);
+      }
+      Ref targetRef = allRefs().get(magicBranch.dest.branch());
+      if (targetRef != null) {
+        logger.atFine().log(
+            "Marking target ref %s (%s) uninteresting",
+            magicBranch.dest.branch(), targetRef.getObjectId().name());
+        receivePack
+            .getRevWalk()
+            .markUninteresting(receivePack.getRevWalk().parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId()));
+      }
   private void rejectImplicitMerges(Set<RevCommit> mergedParents) throws IOException {
-    if (!mergedParents.isEmpty()) {
-      Ref targetRef = allRefs().get(magicBranch.dest.branch());
-      if (targetRef != null) {
-        RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-        RevCommit tip = rw.parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId());
-        boolean containsImplicitMerges = true;
-        for (RevCommit p : mergedParents) {
-          containsImplicitMerges &= !rw.isMergedInto(p, tip);
-        }
-        if (containsImplicitMerges) {
-          rw.reset();
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("rejectImplicitMerges")) {
+      if (!mergedParents.isEmpty()) {
+        Ref targetRef = allRefs().get(magicBranch.dest.branch());
+        if (targetRef != null) {
+          RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+          RevCommit tip = rw.parseCommit(targetRef.getObjectId());
+          boolean containsImplicitMerges = true;
           for (RevCommit p : mergedParents) {
-            rw.markStart(p);
+            containsImplicitMerges &= !rw.isMergedInto(p, tip);
-          rw.markUninteresting(tip);
-          RevCommit c;
-          while ((c = != null) {
-            rw.parseBody(c);
-            messages.add(
-                new CommitValidationMessage(
-                    "Implicit Merge of "
-                        + abbreviateName(c, rw.getObjectReader())
-                        + " "
-                        + c.getShortMessage(),
-                    ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR));
+          if (containsImplicitMerges) {
+            rw.reset();
+            for (RevCommit p : mergedParents) {
+              rw.markStart(p);
+            }
+            rw.markUninteresting(tip);
+            RevCommit c;
+            while ((c = != null) {
+              rw.parseBody(c);
+              messages.add(
+                  new CommitValidationMessage(
+                      "Implicit Merge of "
+                          + abbreviateName(c, rw.getObjectReader())
+                          + " "
+                          + c.getShortMessage(),
+                      ValidationMessage.Type.ERROR));
+            }
+            reject(magicBranch.cmd, "implicit merges detected");
-          reject(magicBranch.cmd, "implicit merges detected");
@@ -2435,20 +2489,22 @@
   // Mark all branch tips as uninteresting in the given revwalk,
   // so we get only the new commits when walking rw.
   private void markHeadsAsUninteresting(RevWalk rw, @Nullable String forRef) {
-    int i = 0;
-    for (Ref ref : allRefs().values()) {
-      if ((ref.getName().startsWith(R_HEADS) || ref.getName().equals(forRef))
-          && ref.getObjectId() != null) {
-        try {
-          rw.markUninteresting(rw.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId()));
-          i++;
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-          logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log(
-              "Invalid ref %s in %s", ref.getName(), project.getName());
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("markHeadsAsUninteresting", "forRef", forRef)) {
+      int i = 0;
+      for (Ref ref : allRefs().values()) {
+        if ((ref.getName().startsWith(R_HEADS) || ref.getName().equals(forRef))
+            && ref.getObjectId() != null) {
+          try {
+            rw.markUninteresting(rw.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId()));
+            i++;
+          } catch (IOException e) {
+            logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log(
+                "Invalid ref %s in %s", ref.getName(), project.getName());
+          }
+      logger.atFine().log("Marked %d heads as uninteresting", i);
-    logger.atFine().log("Marked %d heads as uninteresting", i);
   private static boolean isValidChangeId(String idStr) {
@@ -2497,24 +2553,26 @@
     private void setChangeId(int id) {
-      possiblyOverrideWorkInProgress();
+      try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer(CreateRequest.class, "setChangeId")) {
+        possiblyOverrideWorkInProgress();
-      changeId =;
-      ins =
-          changeInserterFactory
-              .create(changeId, commit, refName)
-              .setTopic(magicBranch.topic)
-              .setPrivate(setChangeAsPrivate)
-              .setWorkInProgress(magicBranch.workInProgress)
-              // Changes already validated in validateNewCommits.
-              .setValidate(false);
+        changeId =;
+        ins =
+            changeInserterFactory
+                .create(changeId, commit, refName)
+                .setTopic(magicBranch.topic)
+                .setPrivate(setChangeAsPrivate)
+                .setWorkInProgress(magicBranch.workInProgress)
+                // Changes already validated in validateNewCommits.
+                .setValidate(false);
-      if (magicBranch.merged) {
-        ins.setStatus(Change.Status.MERGED);
-      }
-      cmd = new ReceiveCommand(ObjectId.zeroId(), commit, ins.getPatchSetId().toRefName());
-      if (receivePack.getPushCertificate() != null) {
-        ins.setPushCertificate(receivePack.getPushCertificate().toTextWithSignature());
+        if (magicBranch.merged) {
+          ins.setStatus(Change.Status.MERGED);
+        }
+        cmd = new ReceiveCommand(ObjectId.zeroId(), commit, ins.getPatchSetId().toRefName());
+        if (receivePack.getPushCertificate() != null) {
+          ins.setPushCertificate(receivePack.getPushCertificate().toTextWithSignature());
+        }
@@ -2529,71 +2587,75 @@
     private void addOps(BatchUpdate bu) throws RestApiException {
-      checkState(changeId != null, "must call setChangeId before addOps");
-      try {
-        RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-        rw.parseBody(commit);
-        final PatchSet.Id psId = ins.setGroups(groups).getPatchSetId();
-        Account.Id me = user.getAccountId();
-        List<FooterLine> footerLines = commit.getFooterLines();
-        requireNonNull(magicBranch);
+      try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer(CreateRequest.class, "addOps")) {
+        checkState(changeId != null, "must call setChangeId before addOps");
+        try {
+          RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+          rw.parseBody(commit);
+          final PatchSet.Id psId = ins.setGroups(groups).getPatchSetId();
+          Account.Id me = user.getAccountId();
+          List<FooterLine> footerLines = commit.getFooterLines();
+          requireNonNull(magicBranch);
-        // TODO(dborowitz): Support reviewers by email from footers? Maybe not: kernel developers
-        // with AOSP accounts already complain about these notifications, and that would make it
-        // worse. Might be better to get rid of the feature entirely:
-        //
-        MailRecipients fromFooters = getRecipientsFromFooters(accountResolver, footerLines);
-        fromFooters.remove(me);
+          // TODO(dborowitz): Support reviewers by email from footers? Maybe not: kernel developers
+          // with AOSP accounts already complain about these notifications, and that would make it
+          // worse. Might be better to get rid of the feature entirely:
+          //
+          MailRecipients fromFooters = getRecipientsFromFooters(accountResolver, footerLines);
+          fromFooters.remove(me);
-        Map<String, Short> approvals = magicBranch.labels;
-        StringBuilder msg =
-            new StringBuilder(
-                ApprovalsUtil.renderMessageWithApprovals(
-                    psId.get(), approvals, Collections.emptyMap()));
-        msg.append('.');
-        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(magicBranch.message)) {
-          msg.append("\n").append(magicBranch.message);
-        }
+          Map<String, Short> approvals = magicBranch.labels;
+          StringBuilder msg =
+              new StringBuilder(
+                  ApprovalsUtil.renderMessageWithApprovals(
+                      psId.get(), approvals, Collections.emptyMap()));
+          msg.append('.');
+          if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(magicBranch.message)) {
+            msg.append("\n").append(magicBranch.message);
+          }
-        bu.setNotify(magicBranch.getNotifyForNewChange());
-        bu.insertChange(
-            ins.setReviewersAndCcsAsStrings(
-                    magicBranch.getCombinedReviewers(fromFooters),
-                    magicBranch.getCombinedCcs(fromFooters))
-                .setApprovals(approvals)
-                .setMessage(msg.toString())
-                .setRequestScopePropagator(requestScopePropagator)
-                .setSendMail(true)
-                .setPatchSetDescription(magicBranch.message));
-        if (!magicBranch.hashtags.isEmpty()) {
-          // Any change owner is allowed to add hashtags when creating a change.
-          bu.addOp(
-              changeId,
-              hashtagsFactory.create(new HashtagsInput(magicBranch.hashtags)).setFireEvent(false));
-        }
-        if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(magicBranch.topic)) {
+          bu.setNotify(magicBranch.getNotifyForNewChange());
+          bu.insertChange(
+              ins.setReviewersAndCcsAsStrings(
+                      magicBranch.getCombinedReviewers(fromFooters),
+                      magicBranch.getCombinedCcs(fromFooters))
+                  .setApprovals(approvals)
+                  .setMessage(msg.toString())
+                  .setRequestScopePropagator(requestScopePropagator)
+                  .setSendMail(true)
+                  .setPatchSetDescription(magicBranch.message));
+          if (!magicBranch.hashtags.isEmpty()) {
+            // Any change owner is allowed to add hashtags when creating a change.
+            bu.addOp(
+                changeId,
+                hashtagsFactory
+                    .create(new HashtagsInput(magicBranch.hashtags))
+                    .setFireEvent(false));
+          }
+          if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(magicBranch.topic)) {
+            bu.addOp(
+                changeId,
+                new BatchUpdateOp() {
+                  @Override
+                  public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) {
+                    ctx.getUpdate(psId).setTopic(magicBranch.topic);
+                    return true;
+                  }
+                });
+          }
               new BatchUpdateOp() {
                 public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) {
-                  ctx.getUpdate(psId).setTopic(magicBranch.topic);
-                  return true;
+                  CreateRequest.this.change = ctx.getChange();
+                  return false;
+          bu.addOp(changeId, new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+          throw asRestApiException(e);
-        bu.addOp(
-            changeId,
-            new BatchUpdateOp() {
-              @Override
-              public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) {
-                CreateRequest.this.change = ctx.getChange();
-                return false;
-              }
-            });
-        bu.addOp(changeId, new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        throw asRestApiException(e);
@@ -2601,67 +2663,75 @@
   private void submit(Collection<CreateRequest> create, Collection<ReplaceRequest> replace)
       throws RestApiException, UpdateException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException,
           PermissionBackendException {
-    Map<ObjectId, Change> bySha = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(create.size() + replace.size());
-    for (CreateRequest r : create) {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("submit")) {
+      Map<ObjectId, Change> bySha = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(create.size() + replace.size());
+      for (CreateRequest r : create) {
+        requireNonNull(
+            r.change,
+            () -> String.format("cannot submit new change %s; op may not have run", r.changeId));
+        bySha.put(r.commit, r.change);
+      }
+      for (ReplaceRequest r : replace) {
+        bySha.put(r.newCommitId, r.notes.getChange());
+      }
+      Change tipChange = bySha.get(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
-          r.change,
-          () -> String.format("cannot submit new change %s; op may not have run", r.changeId));
-      bySha.put(r.commit, r.change);
-    }
-    for (ReplaceRequest r : replace) {
-      bySha.put(r.newCommitId, r.notes.getChange());
-    }
-    Change tipChange = bySha.get(magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
-    requireNonNull(
-        tipChange,
-        () ->
-            String.format(
-                "tip of push does not correspond to a change; found these changes: %s", bySha));
-    logger.atFine().log(
-        "Processing submit with tip change %s (%s)", tipChange.getId(), magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
-    try (MergeOp op = mergeOpProvider.get()) {
-      op.merge(tipChange, user, false, new SubmitInput(), false);
+          tipChange,
+          () ->
+              String.format(
+                  "tip of push does not correspond to a change; found these changes: %s", bySha));
+      logger.atFine().log(
+          "Processing submit with tip change %s (%s)",
+          tipChange.getId(), magicBranch.cmd.getNewId());
+      try (MergeOp op = mergeOpProvider.get()) {
+        op.merge(tipChange, user, false, new SubmitInput(), false);
+      }
   private void preparePatchSetsForReplace(List<CreateRequest> newChanges) {
-    try {
-      readChangesForReplace();
-      for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceByChange.values()) {
-        if (req.inputCommand.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-          req.validateNewPatchSet();
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        newTimer("preparePatchSetsForReplace", "changeCount", newChanges.size())) {
+      try {
+        readChangesForReplace();
+        for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceByChange.values()) {
+          if (req.inputCommand.getResult() == NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+            req.validateNewPatchSet();
+          }
+      } catch (StorageException err) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
+            "Cannot read database before replacement for project %s", project.getName());
+        rejectRemainingRequests(replaceByChange.values(), "internal server error");
+      } catch (IOException | PermissionBackendException err) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
+            "Cannot read repository before replacement for project %s", project.getName());
+        rejectRemainingRequests(replaceByChange.values(), "internal server error");
-    } catch (StorageException err) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
-          "Cannot read database before replacement for project %s", project.getName());
-      rejectRemainingRequests(replaceByChange.values(), "internal server error");
-    } catch (IOException | PermissionBackendException err) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
-          "Cannot read repository before replacement for project %s", project.getName());
-      rejectRemainingRequests(replaceByChange.values(), "internal server error");
-    }
-    logger.atFine().log("Read %d changes to replace", replaceByChange.size());
+      logger.atFine().log("Read %d changes to replace", replaceByChange.size());
-    if (magicBranch != null && magicBranch.cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
-      // Cancel creations tied to refs/for/ or refs/drafts/ command.
-      for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceByChange.values()) {
-        if (req.inputCommand == magicBranch.cmd && req.cmd != null) {
+      if (magicBranch != null && magicBranch.cmd.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+        // Cancel creations tied to refs/for/ or refs/drafts/ command.
+        for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceByChange.values()) {
+          if (req.inputCommand == magicBranch.cmd && req.cmd != null) {
+            req.cmd.setResult(Result.REJECTED_OTHER_REASON, "aborted");
+          }
+        }
+        for (CreateRequest req : newChanges) {
           req.cmd.setResult(Result.REJECTED_OTHER_REASON, "aborted");
-      for (CreateRequest req : newChanges) {
-        req.cmd.setResult(Result.REJECTED_OTHER_REASON, "aborted");
-      }
   private void readChangesForReplace() {
-    Collection<ChangeNotes> allNotes =
-        notesFactory.create(
-            replaceByChange.values().stream().map(r -> r.ontoChange).collect(toList()));
-    for (ChangeNotes notes : allNotes) {
-      replaceByChange.get(notes.getChangeId()).notes = notes;
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("readChangesForReplace")) {
+      Collection<ChangeNotes> allNotes =
+          notesFactory.create(
+              replaceByChange.values().stream().map(r -> r.ontoChange).collect(toList()));
+      for (ChangeNotes notes : allNotes) {
+        replaceByChange.get(notes.getChangeId()).notes = notes;
+      }
@@ -2723,24 +2793,26 @@
      * @throws PermissionBackendException
     boolean validateNewPatchSet() throws IOException, PermissionBackendException {
-      if (!validateNewPatchSetNoteDb()) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      sameTreeWarning();
-      if (magicBranch != null) {
-        validateMagicBranchWipStatusChange();
-        if (inputCommand.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+      try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer(ReplaceRequest.class, "validateNewPatchSet")) {
+        if (!validateNewPatchSetNoteDb()) {
           return false;
+        sameTreeWarning();
-        if (magicBranch.edit || magicBranch.draft) {
-          return newEdit();
+        if (magicBranch != null) {
+          validateMagicBranchWipStatusChange();
+          if (inputCommand.getResult() != NOT_ATTEMPTED) {
+            return false;
+          }
+          if (magicBranch.edit || magicBranch.draft) {
+            return newEdit();
+          }
-      }
-      newPatchSet();
-      return true;
+        newPatchSet();
+        return true;
+      }
     boolean validateNewPatchSetForAutoClose() throws IOException, PermissionBackendException {
@@ -2925,38 +2997,40 @@
     void addOps(BatchUpdate bu, @Nullable Task progress) throws IOException {
-      if (magicBranch != null && (magicBranch.edit || magicBranch.draft)) {
-        bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), new ReindexOnlyOp());
-        if (prev != null) {
-          bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(prev));
+      try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer(ReplaceRequest.class, "addOps")) {
+        if (magicBranch != null && (magicBranch.edit || magicBranch.draft)) {
+          bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), new ReindexOnlyOp());
+          if (prev != null) {
+            bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(prev));
+          }
+          bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(cmd));
+          return;
-        bu.addRepoOnlyOp(new UpdateOneRefOp(cmd));
-        return;
-      }
-      RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-      // TODO(dborowitz): Move to ReplaceOp#updateRepo.
-      RevCommit newCommit = rw.parseCommit(newCommitId);
-      rw.parseBody(newCommit);
+        RevWalk rw = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+        // TODO(dborowitz): Move to ReplaceOp#updateRepo.
+        RevCommit newCommit = rw.parseCommit(newCommitId);
+        rw.parseBody(newCommit);
-      RevCommit priorCommit = revisions.inverse().get(priorPatchSet);
-      replaceOp =
-          replaceOpFactory
-              .create(
-                  projectState,
-                  notes.getChange().getDest(),
-                  checkMergedInto,
-                  priorPatchSet,
-                  priorCommit,
-                  psId,
-                  newCommit,
-                  info,
-                  groups,
-                  magicBranch,
-                  receivePack.getPushCertificate())
-              .setRequestScopePropagator(requestScopePropagator);
-      bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), replaceOp);
-      if (progress != null) {
-        bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
+        RevCommit priorCommit = revisions.inverse().get(priorPatchSet);
+        replaceOp =
+            replaceOpFactory
+                .create(
+                    projectState,
+                    notes.getChange().getDest(),
+                    checkMergedInto,
+                    priorPatchSet,
+                    priorCommit,
+                    psId,
+                    newCommit,
+                    info,
+                    groups,
+                    magicBranch,
+                    receivePack.getPushCertificate())
+                .setRequestScopePropagator(requestScopePropagator);
+        bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), replaceOp);
+        if (progress != null) {
+          bu.addOp(notes.getChangeId(), new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
+        }
@@ -3118,17 +3192,19 @@
   // Run RefValidators on the command. If any validator fails, the command status is set to
   // REJECTED, and the return value is 'false'
   private boolean validRefOperation(ReceiveCommand cmd) {
-    RefOperationValidators refValidators = refValidatorsFactory.create(getProject(), user, cmd);
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("validRefOperation")) {
+      RefOperationValidators refValidators = refValidatorsFactory.create(getProject(), user, cmd);
-    try {
-      messages.addAll(refValidators.validateForRefOperation());
-    } catch (RefOperationValidationException e) {
-      messages.addAll(e.getMessages());
-      reject(cmd, e.getMessage());
-      return false;
+      try {
+        messages.addAll(refValidators.validateForRefOperation());
+      } catch (RefOperationValidationException e) {
+        messages.addAll(e.getMessages());
+        reject(cmd, e.getMessage());
+        return false;
+      }
+      return true;
-    return true;
@@ -3138,179 +3214,185 @@
   private void validateRegularPushCommits(BranchNameKey branch, ReceiveCommand cmd)
       throws PermissionBackendException {
-    if (!RefNames.REFS_CONFIG.equals(cmd.getRefName())
-        && !(MagicBranch.isMagicBranch(cmd.getRefName())
-            || NEW_PATCHSET_PATTERN.matcher(cmd.getRefName()).matches())
-        && pushOptions.containsKey(PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION)) {
-      if ( {
-        reject(cmd, "requireSignedOffBy prevents option " + PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION);
-        return;
-      }
-      Optional<AuthException> err =
-          checkRefPermission(permissions.ref(branch.branch()), RefPermission.SKIP_VALIDATION);
-      if (err.isPresent()) {
-        rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
-        return;
-      }
-      if (!Iterables.isEmpty(rejectCommits)) {
-        reject(cmd, "reject-commits prevents " + PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION);
-      }
-      logger.atFine().log("Short-circuiting new commit validation");
-      return;
-    }
-    BranchCommitValidator validator = commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, branch, user);
-    RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
-    walk.reset();
-    walk.sort(RevSort.NONE);
-    try {
-      RevObject parsedObject = walk.parseAny(cmd.getNewId());
-      if (!(parsedObject instanceof RevCommit)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> existing = changeRefsById();
-      walk.markStart((RevCommit) parsedObject);
-      markHeadsAsUninteresting(walk, cmd.getRefName());
-      int limit = receiveConfig.maxBatchCommits;
-      int n = 0;
-      for (RevCommit c; (c = != null; ) {
-        if (++n > limit) {
-          logger.atFine().log("Number of new commits exceeds limit of %d", limit);
-          reject(
-              cmd,
-              String.format(
-                  "more than %d commits, and %s not set", limit, PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION));
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer =
+        newTimer("validateRegularPushCommits", "branch", branch.branch())) {
+      if (!RefNames.REFS_CONFIG.equals(cmd.getRefName())
+          && !(MagicBranch.isMagicBranch(cmd.getRefName())
+              || NEW_PATCHSET_PATTERN.matcher(cmd.getRefName()).matches())
+          && pushOptions.containsKey(PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION)) {
+        if ( {
+          reject(cmd, "requireSignedOffBy prevents option " + PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION);
-        if (existing.keySet().contains(c)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
-            validator.validateCommit(walk.getObjectReader(), cmd, c, false, rejectCommits, null);
-        messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
-        if (!validationResult.isValid()) {
-          break;
+        Optional<AuthException> err =
+            checkRefPermission(permissions.ref(branch.branch()), RefPermission.SKIP_VALIDATION);
+        if (err.isPresent()) {
+          rejectProhibited(cmd, err.get());
+          return;
+        if (!Iterables.isEmpty(rejectCommits)) {
+          reject(cmd, "reject-commits prevents " + PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION);
+        }
+        logger.atFine().log("Short-circuiting new commit validation");
+        return;
-      logger.atFine().log("Validated %d new commits", n);
-    } catch (IOException err) {
-      cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log("Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
+      BranchCommitValidator validator = commitValidatorFactory.create(projectState, branch, user);
+      RevWalk walk = receivePack.getRevWalk();
+      walk.reset();
+      walk.sort(RevSort.NONE);
+      try {
+        RevObject parsedObject = walk.parseAny(cmd.getNewId());
+        if (!(parsedObject instanceof RevCommit)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> existing = changeRefsById();
+        walk.markStart((RevCommit) parsedObject);
+        markHeadsAsUninteresting(walk, cmd.getRefName());
+        int limit = receiveConfig.maxBatchCommits;
+        int n = 0;
+        for (RevCommit c; (c = != null; ) {
+          if (++n > limit) {
+            logger.atFine().log("Number of new commits exceeds limit of %d", limit);
+            reject(
+                cmd,
+                String.format(
+                    "more than %d commits, and %s not set", limit, PUSH_OPTION_SKIP_VALIDATION));
+            return;
+          }
+          if (existing.keySet().contains(c)) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          BranchCommitValidator.Result validationResult =
+              validator.validateCommit(walk.getObjectReader(), cmd, c, false, rejectCommits, null);
+          messages.addAll(validationResult.messages());
+          if (!validationResult.isValid()) {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        logger.atFine().log("Validated %d new commits", n);
+      } catch (IOException err) {
+        cmd.setResult(REJECTED_MISSING_OBJECT);
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(err).log(
+            "Invalid pack upload; one or more objects weren't sent");
+      }
   private void autoCloseChanges(ReceiveCommand cmd, Task progress) {
-    logger.atFine().log("Starting auto-closing of changes");
-    String refName = cmd.getRefName();
-    Set<Change.Id> ids = new HashSet<>();
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("autoCloseChanges")) {
+      logger.atFine().log("Starting auto-closing of changes");
+      String refName = cmd.getRefName();
+      Set<Change.Id> ids = new HashSet<>();
-    // TODO(dborowitz): Combine this BatchUpdate with the main one in
-    // handleRegularCommands
-    try {
-      retryHelper.execute(
-          updateFactory -> {
-            try (BatchUpdate bu =
-                    updateFactory.create(projectState.getNameKey(), user, TimeUtil.nowTs());
-                ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
-                ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
-                RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
-              bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
-              // TODO(dborowitz): Teach BatchUpdate to ignore missing changes.
+      // TODO(dborowitz): Combine this BatchUpdate with the main one in
+      // handleRegularCommands
+      try {
+        retryHelper.execute(
+            updateFactory -> {
+              try (BatchUpdate bu =
+                      updateFactory.create(projectState.getNameKey(), user, TimeUtil.nowTs());
+                  ObjectInserter ins = repo.newObjectInserter();
+                  ObjectReader reader = ins.newReader();
+                  RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
+                bu.setRepository(repo, rw, ins);
+                // TODO(dborowitz): Teach BatchUpdate to ignore missing changes.
-              RevCommit newTip = rw.parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
-              BranchNameKey branch = BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), refName);
+                RevCommit newTip = rw.parseCommit(cmd.getNewId());
+                BranchNameKey branch = BranchNameKey.create(project.getNameKey(), refName);
-              rw.reset();
-              rw.markStart(newTip);
-              if (!ObjectId.zeroId().equals(cmd.getOldId())) {
-                rw.markUninteresting(rw.parseCommit(cmd.getOldId()));
-              }
+                rw.reset();
+                rw.markStart(newTip);
+                if (!ObjectId.zeroId().equals(cmd.getOldId())) {
+                  rw.markUninteresting(rw.parseCommit(cmd.getOldId()));
+                }
-              ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> byCommit = changeRefsById();
-              Map<Change.Key, ChangeNotes> byKey = null;
-              List<ReplaceRequest> replaceAndClose = new ArrayList<>();
+                ListMultimap<ObjectId, Ref> byCommit = changeRefsById();
+                Map<Change.Key, ChangeNotes> byKey = null;
+                List<ReplaceRequest> replaceAndClose = new ArrayList<>();
-              int existingPatchSets = 0;
-              int newPatchSets = 0;
-              COMMIT:
-              for (RevCommit c; (c = != null; ) {
-                rw.parseBody(c);
+                int existingPatchSets = 0;
+                int newPatchSets = 0;
+                COMMIT:
+                for (RevCommit c; (c = != null; ) {
+                  rw.parseBody(c);
-                for (Ref ref : byCommit.get(c.copy())) {
-                  PatchSet.Id psId = PatchSet.Id.fromRef(ref.getName());
-                  Optional<ChangeNotes> notes = getChangeNotes(psId.changeId());
-                  if (notes.isPresent() && notes.get().getChange().getDest().equals(branch)) {
-                    existingPatchSets++;
-                    bu.addOp(notes.get().getChangeId(), setPrivateOpFactory.create(false, null));
-                    bu.addOp(
-                        psId.changeId(),
-                        mergedByPushOpFactory.create(requestScopePropagator, psId, refName));
-                    continue COMMIT;
+                  for (Ref ref : byCommit.get(c.copy())) {
+                    PatchSet.Id psId = PatchSet.Id.fromRef(ref.getName());
+                    Optional<ChangeNotes> notes = getChangeNotes(psId.changeId());
+                    if (notes.isPresent() && notes.get().getChange().getDest().equals(branch)) {
+                      existingPatchSets++;
+                      bu.addOp(notes.get().getChangeId(), setPrivateOpFactory.create(false, null));
+                      bu.addOp(
+                          psId.changeId(),
+                          mergedByPushOpFactory.create(requestScopePropagator, psId, refName));
+                      continue COMMIT;
+                    }
+                  }
+                  for (String changeId : c.getFooterLines(FooterConstants.CHANGE_ID)) {
+                    if (byKey == null) {
+                      byKey = executeIndexQuery(() -> openChangesByKeyByBranch(branch));
+                    }
+                    ChangeNotes onto = byKey.get(Change.key(changeId.trim()));
+                    if (onto != null) {
+                      newPatchSets++;
+                      // Hold onto this until we're done with the walk, as the call to
+                      // req.validate below calls isMergedInto which resets the walk.
+                      ReplaceRequest req = new ReplaceRequest(onto.getChangeId(), c, cmd, false);
+                      req.notes = onto;
+                      replaceAndClose.add(req);
+                      continue COMMIT;
+                    }
-                for (String changeId : c.getFooterLines(FooterConstants.CHANGE_ID)) {
-                  if (byKey == null) {
-                    byKey = executeIndexQuery(() -> openChangesByKeyByBranch(branch));
+                for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceAndClose) {
+                  Change.Id id = req.notes.getChangeId();
+                  if (!req.validateNewPatchSetForAutoClose()) {
+                    logger.atFine().log("Not closing %s because validation failed", id);
+                    continue;
-                  ChangeNotes onto = byKey.get(Change.key(changeId.trim()));
-                  if (onto != null) {
-                    newPatchSets++;
-                    // Hold onto this until we're done with the walk, as the call to
-                    // req.validate below calls isMergedInto which resets the walk.
-                    ReplaceRequest req = new ReplaceRequest(onto.getChangeId(), c, cmd, false);
-                    req.notes = onto;
-                    replaceAndClose.add(req);
-                    continue COMMIT;
-                  }
+                  req.addOps(bu, null);
+                  bu.addOp(id, setPrivateOpFactory.create(false, null));
+                  bu.addOp(
+                      id,
+                      mergedByPushOpFactory
+                          .create(requestScopePropagator, req.psId, refName)
+                          .setPatchSetProvider(req.replaceOp::getPatchSet));
+                  bu.addOp(id, new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
+                  ids.add(id);
+                logger.atFine().log(
+                    "Auto-closing %s changes with existing patch sets and %s with new patch sets",
+                    existingPatchSets, newPatchSets);
+                bu.execute();
+              } catch (IOException | StorageException | PermissionBackendException e) {
+                logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Failed to auto-close changes");
+                return null;
-              for (ReplaceRequest req : replaceAndClose) {
-                Change.Id id = req.notes.getChangeId();
-                if (!req.validateNewPatchSetForAutoClose()) {
-                  logger.atFine().log("Not closing %s because validation failed", id);
-                  continue;
-                }
-                req.addOps(bu, null);
-                bu.addOp(id, setPrivateOpFactory.create(false, null));
-                bu.addOp(
-                    id,
-                    mergedByPushOpFactory
-                        .create(requestScopePropagator, req.psId, refName)
-                        .setPatchSetProvider(req.replaceOp::getPatchSet));
-                bu.addOp(id, new ChangeProgressOp(progress));
-                ids.add(id);
-              }
+              // If we are here, we didn't throw UpdateException. Record the result.
+              // The ordering is indeterminate due to the HashSet; unfortunately, Change.Id doesn't
+              // fit into TreeSet.
+     -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.AUTOCLOSED, id));
-              logger.atFine().log(
-                  "Auto-closing %s changes with existing patch sets and %s with new patch sets",
-                  existingPatchSets, newPatchSets);
-              bu.execute();
-            } catch (IOException | StorageException | PermissionBackendException e) {
-              logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Failed to auto-close changes");
               return null;
-            }
-            // If we are here, we didn't throw UpdateException. Record the result.
-            // The ordering is indeterminate due to the HashSet; unfortunately, Change.Id doesn't
-            // fit into TreeSet.
-   -> resultChangeIds.add(ResultChangeIds.Key.AUTOCLOSED, id));
-            return null;
-          },
-          // Use a multiple of the default timeout to account for inner retries that may otherwise
-          // eat up the whole timeout so that no time is left to retry this outer action.
-          RetryHelper.options()
-              .timeout(retryHelper.getDefaultTimeout(ActionType.CHANGE_UPDATE).multipliedBy(5))
-              .build());
-    } catch (RestApiException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Can't insert patchset");
-    } catch (UpdateException e) {
-      logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Failed to auto-close changes");
+            },
+            // Use a multiple of the default timeout to account for inner retries that may otherwise
+            // eat up the whole timeout so that no time is left to retry this outer action.
+            RetryHelper.options()
+                .timeout(retryHelper.getDefaultTimeout(ActionType.CHANGE_UPDATE).multipliedBy(5))
+                .build());
+      } catch (RestApiException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Can't insert patchset");
+      } catch (UpdateException e) {
+        logger.atSevere().withCause(e).log("Failed to auto-close changes");
+      }
@@ -3323,7 +3405,7 @@
   private <T> T executeIndexQuery(Action<T> action) {
-    try {
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("executeIndexQuery")) {
       return retryHelper.execute(
           ActionType.INDEX_QUERY, action, StorageException.class::isInstance);
     } catch (Exception e) {
@@ -3333,15 +3415,17 @@
   private Map<Change.Key, ChangeNotes> openChangesByKeyByBranch(BranchNameKey branch) {
-    Map<Change.Key, ChangeNotes> r = new HashMap<>();
-    for (ChangeData cd : queryProvider.get().byBranchOpen(branch)) {
-      try {
-        r.put(cd.change().getKey(), cd.notes());
-      } catch (NoSuchChangeException e) {
-        // Ignore deleted change
+    try (TraceTimer traceTimer = newTimer("openChangesByKeyByBranch", "branch", branch.branch())) {
+      Map<Change.Key, ChangeNotes> r = new HashMap<>();
+      for (ChangeData cd : queryProvider.get().byBranchOpen(branch)) {
+        try {
+          r.put(cd.change().getKey(), cd.notes());
+        } catch (NoSuchChangeException e) {
+          // Ignore deleted change
+        }
+      return r;
-    return r;
   // allRefsWatcher hooks into the protocol negotation to get a list of all known refs.
@@ -3351,6 +3435,23 @@
     return allRefsWatcher.getAllRefs();
+  private TraceTimer newTimer(String name) {
+    return newTimer(getClass(), name);
+  }
+  private TraceTimer newTimer(Class<?> clazz, String name) {
+    return TraceContext.newTimer(clazz.getSimpleName() + "#" + name, "project", project);
+  }
+  private TraceTimer newTimer(String name, String key, @Nullable Object value) {
+    return newTimer(getClass(), name, key, value);
+  }
+  private TraceTimer newTimer(Class<?> clazz, String name, String key, @Nullable Object value) {
+    return TraceContext.newTimer(
+        clazz.getSimpleName() + "#" + name, "project", project, key, value);
+  }
   private static void reject(ReceiveCommand cmd, String why) {
     cmd.setResult(REJECTED_OTHER_REASON, why);