blob: 7f7e8b24a3f120a51c2378bcfd91c2ca5858d70f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
/** Invokes hooks on server actions. */
public interface ChangeHooks {
* Fire the Patchset Created Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param patchSet The Patchset that was created.
* @throws OrmException
public void doPatchsetCreatedHook(Change change, PatchSet patchSet,
ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Draft Published Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param patchSet The Patchset that was published.
* @throws OrmException
public void doDraftPublishedHook(Change change, PatchSet patchSet,
ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Comment Added Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param patchSet The patchset this comment is related to.
* @param account The gerrit user who added the comment.
* @param comment The comment given.
* @param approvals Map of label IDs to scores
* @throws OrmException
public void doCommentAddedHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, String comment,
Map<String, Short> approvals, ReviewDb db)
throws OrmException;
* Fire the Change Merged Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param account The gerrit user who submitted the change.
* @param patchSet The patchset that was merged.
* @param mergeResultRev The SHA-1 of the merge result revision.
* @throws OrmException
public void doChangeMergedHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, ReviewDb db, String mergeResultRev) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Merge Failed Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param account The gerrit user who attempted to submit the change.
* @param patchSet The patchset that failed to merge.
* @param reason The reason that the change failed to merge.
* @throws OrmException
public void doMergeFailedHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, String reason, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Change Abandoned Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param account The gerrit user who abandoned the change.
* @param reason Reason for abandoning the change.
* @throws OrmException
public void doChangeAbandonedHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, String reason, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Change Restored Hook.
* @param change The change itself.
* @param account The gerrit user who restored the change.
* @param reason Reason for restoring the change.
* @throws OrmException
public void doChangeRestoredHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, String reason, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Ref Updated Hook
* @param refName The updated project and branch.
* @param refUpdate An actual RefUpdate object
* @param account The gerrit user who moved the ref
public void doRefUpdatedHook(Branch.NameKey refName, RefUpdate refUpdate,
Account account);
* Fire the Ref Updated Hook
* @param refName The Branch.NameKey of the ref that was updated
* @param oldId The ref's old id
* @param newId The ref's new id
* @param account The gerrit user who moved the ref
public void doRefUpdatedHook(Branch.NameKey refName, ObjectId oldId,
ObjectId newId, Account account);
* Fire the Reviewer Added Hook
* @param change The change itself.
* @param patchSet The patchset that the reviewer was added on.
* @param account The gerrit user who was added as reviewer.
public void doReviewerAddedHook(Change change, Account account,
PatchSet patchSet, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
* Fire the Topic Changed Hook
* @param change The change itself.
* @param account The gerrit user who changed the topic.
* @param oldTopic The old topic name.
public void doTopicChangedHook(Change change, Account account,
String oldTopic, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;
public void doClaSignupHook(Account account, ContributorAgreement cla);
* Fire the Ref update Hook
* @param project The target project
* @param refName The Branch.NameKey of the ref provided by client
* @param uploader The gerrit user running the command
* @param oldId The ref's old id
* @param newId The ref's new id
public HookResult doRefUpdateHook(Project project, String refName,
Account uploader, ObjectId oldId, ObjectId newId);
* Fire the hashtags changed Hook.
* @param change The change
* @param account The gerrit user changing the hashtags
* @param added List of hashtags that were added to the change
* @param removed List of hashtags that were removed from the change
* @param hashtags List of hashtags on the change after adding or removing
* @param db The database
* @throws OrmException
public void doHashtagsChangedHook(Change change, Account account,
Set<String>added, Set<String> removed, Set<String> hashtags,
ReviewDb db) throws OrmException;