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| label-Library-Compliance = -1..+0 group google/gerritcodereview-maintainers@googlegroups.com |
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| label-Verified = -1..+1 group google/gerritcodereview-maintainers@googlegroups.com |
| submit = group google/gerritcodereview-maintainers@googlegroups.com |
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| applicableIf = -branch:refs/meta/config AND (file:\"^~(polygerrit-ui/.*)$\" OR -branch:refs/heads/master) |
| submittableIf = label:Code-Style=MAX AND -label:Code-Style=MIN |
| canOverrideInChildProjects = false |
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| description = Changes to specific library/metadata files require additional approval |
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| submittableIf = label:Library-Compliance=MAX AND -label:Library-Compliance=MIN |
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| description = Changes to NoteDb, data serialization in ChangeField, or the entities packages require careful consideration. Make sure your change is forward compatible and add the footer 'Forward-Compatible: checked' to your commit message |
| applicableIf = -branch:refs/meta/config AND (file:\"^java/com/google/gerrit/server/notedb/.*\\\\.java$\" OR file:\"^java/com/google/gerrit/entities/.*\\\\.java$\" OR file:\"^java/com/google/gerrit/server/index/.*Field\\\\.java\") |
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| canOverrideInChildProjects = false |