Merge changes I064d5d83,I1370945f

* changes:
  QuotaException: Add missing serialVersionUID
  Merge branch 'stable-2.16'
diff --git a/proto/BUILD b/proto/BUILD
index 00d725a..88445c1 100644
--- a/proto/BUILD
+++ b/proto/BUILD
@@ -9,13 +9,6 @@
     deps = [":cache_proto"],
-    name = "gen_reviewdb_proto",
-    outs = ["reviewdb.proto"],
-    cmd = "$(location //java/com/google/gerrit/proto:ProtoGen) -o $@",
-    tools = ["//java/com/google/gerrit/proto:ProtoGen"],
     name = "reviewdb_proto",
     srcs = [":reviewdb.proto"],
diff --git a/proto/reviewdb.proto b/proto/reviewdb.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70dd91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proto/reviewdb.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto2";
+option java_package = "";
+package devtools.gerritcodereview;
+message Change_Id {
+	required int32 id = 1;
+message ChangeMessage_Key {
+	required Change_Id change_id = 1;
+	required string uuid = 2;
+message PatchSet_Id {
+	required Change_Id change_id = 1;
+	required int32 patch_set_id = 2;
+message Patch_Key {
+	required PatchSet_Id patch_set_id = 1;
+	required string file_name = 2;
+message PatchLineComment_Key {
+	required Patch_Key patch_key = 1;
+	required string uuid = 2;
+message Account_Id {
+	required int32 id = 1;
+message LabelId {
+	required string id = 1;
+message PatchSetApproval_Key {
+	required PatchSet_Id patch_set_id = 1;
+	required Account_Id account_id = 2;
+	required LabelId category_id = 3;
+message CurrentSchemaVersion_Key {
+	required string one = 1;
+message ChangeMessage {
+	required ChangeMessage_Key key = 1;
+	optional Account_Id author_id = 2;
+	optional fixed64 written_on = 3;
+	optional string message = 4;
+	optional PatchSet_Id patchset = 5;
+	optional string tag = 6;
+	optional Account_Id real_author = 7;
+message Change_Key {
+	optional string id = 1;
+message Project_NameKey {
+	optional string name = 1;
+message Branch_NameKey {
+	optional Project_NameKey project_name = 1;
+	optional string branch_name = 2;
+message Change {
+	required Change_Id change_id = 1;
+	optional Change_Key change_key = 2;
+	optional int32 row_version = 3;
+	optional fixed64 created_on = 4;
+	optional fixed64 last_updated_on = 5;
+	optional Account_Id owner_account_id = 7;
+	optional Branch_NameKey dest = 8;
+	optional uint32 status = 10;
+	optional int32 current_patch_set_id = 12;
+	optional string subject = 13;
+	optional string topic = 14;
+	optional string original_subject = 17;
+	optional string submission_id = 18;
+	optional Account_Id assignee = 19;
+	optional bool is_private = 20;
+	optional bool work_in_progress = 21;
+	optional bool review_started = 22;
+	optional Change_Id revert_of = 23;
+	optional string note_db_state = 101;
+message CommentRange {
+	optional int32 start_line = 1;
+	optional int32 start_character = 2;
+	optional int32 end_line = 3;
+	optional int32 end_character = 4;
+message PatchLineComment {
+	required PatchLineComment_Key key = 1;
+	optional int32 line_nbr = 2;
+	optional Account_Id author_id = 3;
+	optional fixed64 written_on = 4;
+	optional uint32 status = 5;
+	optional int32 side = 6;
+	optional string message = 7;
+	optional string parent_uuid = 8;
+	optional CommentRange range = 9;
+	optional string tag = 10;
+	optional Account_Id real_author = 11;
+	optional bool unresolved = 12;
+message PatchSetApproval {
+	required PatchSetApproval_Key key = 1;
+	optional int32 value = 2;
+	optional fixed64 granted = 3;
+	optional string tag = 6;
+	optional Account_Id real_account_id = 7;
+	optional bool post_submit = 8;
+message RevId {
+	optional string id = 1;
+message PatchSet {
+	required PatchSet_Id id = 1;
+	optional RevId revision = 2;
+	optional Account_Id uploader_account_id = 3;
+	optional fixed64 created_on = 4;
+	optional string groups = 6;
+	optional string push_certificate = 8;
+	optional string description = 9;
+message CurrentSchemaVersion {
+	required CurrentSchemaVersion_Key singleton = 1;
+	optional int32 version_nbr = 2;
+message AnyReviewDbPrimaryKey {
+	optional CurrentSchemaVersion_Key schema_version = 1;
+	optional Change_Id changes = 21;
+	optional PatchSetApproval_Key patch_set_approvals = 22;
+	optional ChangeMessage_Key change_messages = 23;
+	optional PatchSet_Id patch_sets = 24;
+	optional PatchLineComment_Key patch_comments = 26;
+message AnyReviewDb {
+	optional CurrentSchemaVersion schema_version = 1;
+	optional Change changes = 21;
+	optional PatchSetApproval patch_set_approvals = 22;
+	optional ChangeMessage change_messages = 23;
+	optional PatchSet patch_sets = 24;
+	optional PatchLineComment patch_comments = 26;