blob: 6748322ee986e0c3af38b99496bdda219c71cb60 [file] [log] [blame]
Gerrit2 - Developer Setup
You need Apache Maven to compile the code, and a SQL database
to house the Gerrit2 metadata. PostgreSQL is currently the only
supported database.
To create a new client workspace:
mkdir gerrit2
cd gerrit2
repo init -u git://
Important Links
Google Web Toolkit:
Apache Maven:
Apache SSHD:
Setting up the Database
You'll need to configure your development workspace to use a database
gwtorm supports (or add the necessary dialect support to gwtorm,
and then configure your workspace anyway).
cp gerrit-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/extra/GerritServer.properties_example
Now edit to uncomment the database you are
going to use, and possibly update properties such as "user" and
"password" to reflect the actual connection information used.
# PostgreSQL
database.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
database.url = jdbc:postgresql:reviewdb
database.user = gerrit2
database.password = letmein
PostgreSQL Setup
Initialize and start PostgreSQL (where $data is the location of your data):
initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -D $data
postmaster -D $data >/tmp/logfile 2>&1 &
Create the JDBC user as a normal user (no superuser access) and
assign it an encrypted password:
createuser -A -D -P -E gerrit2
Create the database listed in your and set
the JDBC user as the owner of that database:
createdb -E UTF-8 -O gerrit2 reviewdb
Configuring Eclipse
If you want to use the Eclipse IDE for development work, please
see link:dev-eclipse.html[Eclipse Setup] for more details on how
to configure your workspace.
From the command line:
mvn clean package
Output WAR will be placed in:
When debugging browser specific issues use gwtStyle `DETAILED` so
the resulting JavaScript more closely matches the Java sources.
For example, this can help narrow down what code line 30,400 in
the JavaScript happens to be.
mvn package -DgwtStyle=DETAILED
On Mac OS X ensure 'Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Upate 4' has been installed,
and that `JAVA_HOME` is set to `/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home`.
You can check this by running `java -version` and looking for
`build 1.6.0_13-b03-211`. Versions of Java 6 prior to this version
crash during the build due to a bug in the JIT compiler.
Production Compile
*Always* use
mvn clean package
to create a production build. The `./` script that
setups the development environment for Eclipse hosted mode also
creates a state that produces a corrupt production build.
Final Setup
Since you are creating a Gerrit instance for testing, you need to
also follow the other steps outlined under "Initialize the Schema"
in the Installation Guide:
* link:install.html[Installation Guide]
* link:project-setup.html[Project Setup]
Client-Server RPC
The client-server RPC implementation is gwtjsonrpc, not the stock RPC
system that comes with GWT. This buys us automatic XSRF protection.
It also makes all of the messages readable and writable by any JSON
implementation, facilitating "mashups" and 3rd party clients.
The programming API is virtually identical (you just need to extend
RemoteJsonService instead of RemoteService).
Why GWT?
We like it. Plus we can write Java code once and run it both in
the browser and on the server side.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]