blob: e4aa12437d53a91fc38635e4edefc3caab8c2f6b [file] [log] [blame]
Release notes for Gerrit 2.9
Gerrit 2.9 is now available:
Schema Change
*WARNING:* This release contains schema changes. To upgrade:
java -jar gerrit.war init -d site_path
*WARNING:* Upgrading to 2.9.x requires the server be first upgraded to 2.1.7 (or
a later 2.1.x version), and then to 2.9.x. If you are upgrading from 2.2.x.x or
later, you may ignore this warning and upgrade directly to 2.9.x.
Release Highlights
* 'Gerrit Inspector' for interactive inspection and troubleshooting of a running
Gerrit instance.
New Features
* New `--all-reviewers` option on the `query` command allowing query results
to include information about all reviewers added on the change.
* New link:[
`apropos` command] to search the Gerrit documentation.
* link:[
Search documentation].
* link:[
Gerrit Inspector]: interactive Jython shell.
New `-s` option is added to the Daemon to start an interactive Jython shell for inspection and
troubleshooting of live data of the Gerrit instance.
Bug Fixes
* The number of accounts shown on the 'Become Any Account' login
screen is increased from 5 to 100.