blob: 417d7fbb566bd356c97593388d8be42948ee6831 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import '../gr-linked-text/gr-linked-text';
import {CommentLinks} from '../../../types/common';
import {LitElement, css, html, TemplateResult} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators';
const CODE_MARKER_PATTERN = /^(`{1,3})([^`]+?)\1$/;
const INLINE_PATTERN = /(\[.+?\]\(.+?\)|`[^`]+?`)/;
const EXTRACT_LINK_PATTERN = /\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)/;
export type Block = ListBlock | QuoteBlock | Paragraph | CodeBlock | PreBlock;
export interface ListBlock {
type: 'list';
items: ListItem[];
export interface ListItem {
spans: InlineItem[];
export interface QuoteBlock {
type: 'quote';
blocks: Block[];
export interface Paragraph {
type: 'paragraph';
spans: InlineItem[];
export interface CodeBlock {
type: 'code';
text: string;
export interface PreBlock {
type: 'pre';
text: string;
export type InlineItem = TextSpan | LinkSpan | CodeSpan;
export interface TextSpan {
type: 'text';
text: string;
export interface LinkSpan {
type: 'link';
text: string;
url: string;
export interface CodeSpan {
type: 'code';
text: string;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-formatted-text': GrFormattedText;
export class GrFormattedText extends LitElement {
@property({type: String})
content?: string;
@property({type: Object})
config?: CommentLinks;
@property({type: Boolean, reflect: true})
noTrailingMargin = false;
static override get styles() {
return [
:host {
display: block;
font-family: var(--font-family);
gr-linked-text.pre {
margin: 0 0 var(--spacing-m) 0;
blockquote {
max-width: var(--gr-formatted-text-prose-max-width, none);
:host([noTrailingMargin]) p:last-child,
:host([noTrailingMargin]) ul:last-child,
:host([noTrailingMargin]) blockquote:last-child,
:host([noTrailingMargin]) gr-linked-text.pre:last-child {
margin: 0;
blockquote {
border-left: 1px solid #aaa;
padding: 0 var(--spacing-m);
code {
display: block;
white-space: pre-wrap;
background-color: var(--background-color-secondary);
border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
border-left-width: var(--spacing-s);
margin: var(--spacing-m) 0;
padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-m);
li {
list-style-type: disc;
margin-left: var(--spacing-xl);
gr-linked-text.pre {
font-family: var(--monospace-font-family);
font-size: var(--font-size-code);
line-height: var(--line-height-mono);
gr-linked-text.pre {
background-color: var(--background-color-secondary);
border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
padding: 1px var(--spacing-s);
override render() {
if (!this.content) return;
const blocks = this._computeBlocks(this.content);
return html`${ => this.renderBlock(block))}`;
* Given a source string, parse into an array of block objects. Each block
* has a `type` property which takes any of the following values.
* * 'paragraph' (Paragraph of regular text)
* * 'quote' (Block quote.)
* * 'pre' (Pre-formatted text.)
* * 'list' (Unordered list.)
* * 'code' (code blocks.)
* For blocks of type 'paragraph' there is a list of spans that is the content
* for that paragraph.
* For blocks of type 'pre' and 'code' there is a `text`
* property that maps to a string of the block's content.
* For blocks of type 'list', there is an `items` property that maps to a
* list of strings representing the list items.
* For blocks of type 'quote', there is a `blocks` property that maps to a
* list of blocks contained in the quote.
* NOTE: Strings appearing in all block objects are NOT escaped.
_computeBlocks(content: string): Block[] {
const result: Block[] = [];
const lines = content.replace(/[\s\n\r\t]+$/g, '').split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (!lines[i].length) {
if (this.isCodeMarkLine(lines[i])) {
const startOfCode = i + 1;
const endOfCode = this.getEndOfSection(
line => !this.isCodeMarkLine(line)
// If the code extends to the end then there is no closing``` and the
// opening``` should not be counted as a multiline code block.
const lineAfterCode = lines[endOfCode];
if (lineAfterCode && this.isCodeMarkLine(lineAfterCode)) {
type: 'code',
// Does not include either of the ``` lines
text: lines.slice(startOfCode, endOfCode).join('\n'),
i = endOfCode; // advances past the closing```
if (this.isSingleLineCode(lines[i])) {
// no guard check as _isSingleLineCode tested on the pattern
const codeContent = lines[i].match(CODE_MARKER_PATTERN)![2];
result.push({type: 'code', text: codeContent});
} else if (this.isList(lines[i])) {
const endOfList = this.getEndOfSection(lines, i + 1, line =>
result.push(this.makeList(lines.slice(i, endOfList)));
i = endOfList - 1;
} else if (this.isQuote(lines[i])) {
const endOfQuote = this.getEndOfSection(lines, i + 1, line =>
const blockLines = lines
.slice(i, endOfQuote)
.map(l => l.replace(/^[ ]?>[ ]?/, ''));
type: 'quote',
blocks: this._computeBlocks(blockLines.join('\n')),
i = endOfQuote - 1;
} else if (this.isPreFormat(lines[i])) {
// include pre or all regular lines but stop at next new line
const predicate = (line: string) =>
this.isPreFormat(line) ||
(this.isRegularLine(line) &&
!this.isWhitespaceLine(line) &&
line.length > 0);
const endOfPre = this.getEndOfSection(lines, i + 1, predicate);
type: 'pre',
text: lines.slice(i, endOfPre).join('\n'),
i = endOfPre - 1;
} else {
const endOfRegularLines = this.getEndOfSection(lines, i + 1, line =>
type: 'paragraph',
spans: this.computeInlineItems(
lines.slice(i, endOfRegularLines).join('\n')
i = endOfRegularLines - 1;
return result;
private computeInlineItems(content: string): InlineItem[] {
const result: InlineItem[] = [];
const textSpans = content.split(INLINE_PATTERN);
for (let i = 0; i < textSpans.length; ++i) {
// Because INLINE_PATTERN has a single capturing group, string.split will
// return strings before and after each match as well as the matched
// group. These are always interleaved starting with a non-matched string
// which may be empty.
if (textSpans[i].length === 0) {
// No point in processing empty strings.
} else if (i % 2 === 0) {
// A non-matched string.
result.push({type: 'text', text: textSpans[i]});
} else if (textSpans[i].startsWith('`')) {
result.push({type: 'code', text: textSpans[i].slice(1, -1)});
} else {
const m = textSpans[i].match(EXTRACT_LINK_PATTERN);
if (!m) {
result.push({type: 'text', text: textSpans[i]});
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const [_, text, url] = m;
result.push({type: 'link', text, url});
return result;
private getEndOfSection(
lines: string[],
startIndex: number,
sectionPredicate: (line: string) => boolean
) {
const index = lines
.findIndex(line => !sectionPredicate(line));
return index === -1 ? lines.length : index + startIndex;
* Take a block of comment text that contains a list, generate appropriate
* block objects and append them to the output list.
* * Item one.
* * Item two.
* * item three.
* TODO(taoalpha): maybe we should also support nested list
* @param lines The block containing the list.
private makeList(lines: string[]): Block {
return {
type: 'list',
items: => {
return {
spans: this.computeInlineItems(line.substring(1).trim()),
private isRegularLine(line: string): boolean {
return (
!this.isQuote(line) &&
!this.isCodeMarkLine(line) &&
!this.isSingleLineCode(line) &&
!this.isList(line) &&
private isQuote(line: string): boolean {
return line.startsWith('> ') || line.startsWith(' > ');
private isCodeMarkLine(line: string): boolean {
return line.trim() === '```';
private isSingleLineCode(line: string): boolean {
return CODE_MARKER_PATTERN.test(line);
private isPreFormat(line: string): boolean {
return /^[ \t]/.test(line) && !this.isWhitespaceLine(line);
private isList(line: string): boolean {
return /^[-*] /.test(line);
private isWhitespaceLine(line: string): boolean {
return /^\s+$/.test(line);
private renderText(content: string, isPre?: boolean): TemplateResult {
return html`
class="${isPre ? 'pre' : ''}"
private renderInlineText(content: string, isPre?: boolean): TemplateResult {
return html`
class="${isPre ? 'pre' : ''}"
private renderLink(text: string, url: string): TemplateResult {
return html`<a href="${url}">${text}</a>`;
private renderInlineItem(span: InlineItem): TemplateResult {
switch (span.type) {
case 'text':
return this.renderInlineText(span.text);
case 'link':
return this.renderLink(span.text, span.url);
case 'code':
return this.renderInlineText(span.text, true);
return html``;
private renderListItem(item: ListItem): TemplateResult {
return html` <li>
${ => this.renderInlineItem(item))}
private renderBlock(block: Block): TemplateResult {
switch (block.type) {
case 'paragraph':
return html` <p>
${ => this.renderInlineItem(item))}
case 'quote':
return html`
${ => this.renderBlock(subBlock))}
case 'code':
return html`<code>${block.text}</code>`;
case 'pre':
return this.renderText(block.text, true);
case 'list':
return html`
${ => this.renderListItem(item))}