| = Gerrit Code Review - GrStyleObject |
| Store information about css style properties. You can't create this object |
| directly. Instead you should use the link:pg-plugin-styles-api.html#css[css] method. |
| This object allows to apply style correctly to elements within different shadow |
| `styleObject.getClassName(element)` |
| - `element` - an HTMLElement. |
| - `string` - class name. The class name is valid only within the shadow root of `element`. |
| Creates a new unique CSS class and injects it into the appropriate place |
| in DOM (it can be document or shadow root for element). This class can be later |
| added to the element or to any other element in the same shadow root. It is guarantee, |
| that method adds CSS class only once for each shadow root. |
| `styleObject.apply(element)` |
| - `element` - element to apply style. |
| Create a new unique CSS class (see link:#get-class-name[getClassName]) and |
| adds class to the element. |