blob: 49a9b8e758b2d146fdaa464380d4786449e07d35 [file] [log] [blame]
{%extends "base.html"%}
{%block title1%}Settings -{%endblock%}
{%block body%}
<form name="welcome" action="{{post_url}}" method="POST">
{%if form.xsrf.errors%}
{%for e in form.xsrf.errors%}
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" />
<p>Hi, welcome to Android. Before we can get going, we need a little bit of
information from you.</p>
<table class="largeform">
<tr><th class="largeform_field">Your name</th></tr>
<tr><td class="largeform_field">{{form.real_name}}
<p>We like to maintain a friendly atmosphere here, and we feel that calling people
by their real name helps that.
<p><i>Also, we can't accept code submitted without
knowing who really submitted it.</i>
<input type="submit" value="Continue">