blob: 4646bf619e374052228abdec3ec0d4ad7449ebf3 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../types/common';
import {CommentSide, SpecialFilePath} from '../constants/constants';
import {parseDate} from './date-util';
import {isMergeParent, getParentIndex} from './patch-set-util';
import {DiffInfo} from '../types/diff';
import {FormattedReviewerUpdateInfo} from '../types/types';
import {extractMentionedUsers} from './account-util';
import {assertIsDefined, uuid} from './common-util';
export function isFormattedReviewerUpdate(
message: ChangeMessage
): message is ChangeMessage & FormattedReviewerUpdateInfo {
return message.type === 'REVIEWER_UPDATE';
export type LabelExtreme = {[labelName: string]: VotingRangeInfo};
export const NEWLINE_PATTERN = /\n/g;
/^(?:Uploaded\s*)?[Pp]atch [Ss]et \d+:\s*(.*)/;
* We need a way to uniquely identify drafts. That is easy for all drafts that
* were already known to the backend at the time of change page load: They will
* have an `id` that we can use.
* For newly created drafts we start by setting a `client_id`, so that we can
* identify the draft even, if no `id` is available yet.
* If a comment with a `client_id` gets saved, then id gets an `id`, but we have
* to keep using the `client_id`, because that is what the UI is already using,
* e.g. in `repeat()` directives.
export function id(comment: Comment): UrlEncodedCommentId {
if (isDraft(comment)) {
if (isNew(comment)) {
return comment.client_id;
if (comment.client_id) {
return comment.client_id;
export function sortComments<T extends Comment>(comments: T[]): T[] {
return comments.slice(0).sort((c1, c2) => {
const n1 = isNew(c1);
const n2 = isNew(c2);
if (n1 !== n2) return n1 ? 1 : -1;
const d1 = isDraft(c1);
const d2 = isDraft(c2);
if (d1 !== d2) return d1 ? 1 : -1;
if (c1.updated && c2.updated) {
const date1 = parseDate(c1.updated);
const date2 = parseDate(c2.updated);
const dateDiff = date1.valueOf() - date2.valueOf();
if (dateDiff !== 0) return dateDiff;
const id1 = id(c1);
const id2 = id(c2);
return id1.localeCompare(id2);
export function createNew(
message?: string,
unresolved?: boolean
): NewDraftInfo {
const newDraft: NewDraftInfo = {
savingState: SavingState.OK,
client_id: uuid() as UrlEncodedCommentId,
id: undefined,
updated: undefined,
if (message !== undefined) newDraft.message = message;
if (unresolved !== undefined) newDraft.unresolved = unresolved;
return newDraft;
export function createNewPatchsetLevel(
patchNum?: PatchSetNumber,
message?: string,
unresolved?: boolean
): DraftInfo {
return {
...createNew(message, unresolved),
patch_set: patchNum,
export function createNewReply(
replyingTo: CommentInfo,
message: string,
unresolved: boolean
): DraftInfo {
return {
...createNew(message, unresolved),
path: replyingTo.path,
patch_set: replyingTo.patch_set,
side: replyingTo.side,
line: replyingTo.line,
range: replyingTo.range,
parent: replyingTo.parent,
export function createCommentThreads(comments: Comment[]) {
const sortedComments = sortComments(comments);
const threads: CommentThread[] = [];
const idThreadMap: CommentIdToCommentThreadMap = {};
for (const comment of sortedComments) {
// thread and append to it.
if (comment.in_reply_to) {
const thread = idThreadMap[comment.in_reply_to];
if (thread) {
if (id(comment)) idThreadMap[id(comment)] = thread;
// Otherwise, this comment starts its own thread.
if (!comment.path) {
throw new Error('Comment missing required "path".');
const newThread: CommentThread = {
comments: [comment],
patchNum: comment.patch_set,
commentSide: comment.side ?? CommentSide.REVISION,
mergeParentNum: comment.parent,
path: comment.path,
line: comment.line,
range: comment.range,
rootId: id(comment),
if (!comment.line && !comment.range) {
newThread.line = 'FILE';
if (id(comment)) idThreadMap[id(comment)] = newThread;
return threads;
export function equalLocation(t1?: CommentThread, t2?: CommentThread) {
if (t1 === t2) return true;
if (t1 === undefined || t2 === undefined) return false;
return (
t1.path === t2.path &&
t1.patchNum === t2.patchNum &&
t1.commentSide === t2.commentSide &&
t1.line === t2.line &&
t1.range?.start_line === t2.range?.start_line &&
t1.range?.start_character === t2.range?.start_character &&
t1.range?.end_line === t2.range?.end_line &&
t1.range?.end_character === t2.range?.end_character
export function getLastComment(
thread: CommentThread
): CommentInfo | DraftInfo | undefined {
const len = thread.comments.length;
return thread.comments[len - 1];
export function getLastPublishedComment(
thread: CommentThread
): CommentInfo | DraftInfo | undefined {
const publishedComments = thread.comments.filter(c => !isDraft(c));
const len = publishedComments.length;
return publishedComments[len - 1];
export function getFirstComment(
thread: CommentThread
): CommentInfo | DraftInfo | undefined {
return thread.comments[0];
export function countComments(thread: CommentThread) {
return thread.comments.length;
export function isPatchsetLevel(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return thread.path === SpecialFilePath.PATCHSET_LEVEL_COMMENTS;
export function isUnresolved(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return !isResolved(thread);
export function isResolved(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
const lastUnresolved = getLastComment(thread)?.unresolved;
return !lastUnresolved ?? false;
export function isDraftThread(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return isDraft(getLastComment(thread));
* Returns true, if the thread consists only of one comment that has not yet
* been saved to the backend.
export function isNewThread(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return isNew(getFirstComment(thread));
export function isMentionedThread(
thread: CommentThread,
account?: AccountInfo
) {
if (!account?.email) return false;
return getMentionedUsers(thread)
.map(v =>
export function isRobotThread(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return isRobot(getFirstComment(thread));
export function hasHumanReply(thread: CommentThread): boolean {
return countComments(thread) > 1 && !isRobot(getLastComment(thread));
export function lastUpdated(thread: CommentThread): Date | undefined {
// We don't want to re-sort comments when you save a draft reply, so
// we stick to the timestampe of the last *published* comment.
const lastUpdated =
getLastPublishedComment(thread)?.updated ?? getLastComment(thread)?.updated;
return lastUpdated !== undefined ? parseDate(lastUpdated) : undefined;
* Whether the given comment should be included in the base side of the
* given patch range.
export function isInBaseOfPatchRange(
comment: {
patch_set?: PatchSetNum;
side?: CommentSide;
parent?: number;
range: PatchRange
) {
// If the base of the patch range is a parent of a merge, and the comment
// appears on a specific parent then only show the comment if the parent
// index of the comment matches that of the range.
if (comment.parent && comment.side === CommentSide.PARENT) {
return (
isMergeParent(range.basePatchNum) &&
comment.parent === getParentIndex(range.basePatchNum)
// If the base of the range is the parent of the patch:
if (
range.basePatchNum === PARENT &&
comment.side === CommentSide.PARENT &&
comment.patch_set === range.patchNum
) {
return true;
// If the base of the range is not the parent of the patch:
return (
range.basePatchNum !== PARENT &&
comment.side !== CommentSide.PARENT &&
comment.patch_set === range.basePatchNum
* Whether the given comment should be included in the revision side of the
* given patch range.
export function isInRevisionOfPatchRange(
comment: {
patch_set?: PatchSetNum;
side?: CommentSide;
range: PatchRange
) {
return (
comment.side !== CommentSide.PARENT && comment.patch_set === range.patchNum
* Whether the given comment should be included in the given patch range.
export function isInPatchRange(comment: Comment, range: PatchRange): boolean {
return (
isInBaseOfPatchRange(comment, range) ||
isInRevisionOfPatchRange(comment, range)
export function getPatchRangeForCommentUrl(
comment: Comment,
latestPatchNum: RevisionPatchSetNum
) {
if (!comment.patch_set) throw new Error('Missing comment.patch_set');
// TODO(dhruvsri): Add handling for comment left on parents of merge commits
if (comment.side === CommentSide.PARENT) {
return {
patchNum: comment.patch_set,
basePatchNum: PARENT,
} else if (latestPatchNum === comment.patch_set) {
return {
patchNum: latestPatchNum,
basePatchNum: PARENT,
} else {
return {
patchNum: latestPatchNum,
basePatchNum: comment.patch_set as BasePatchSetNum,
export function computeDiffFromContext(
context: ContextLine[],
path: string,
content_type?: string
) {
// do not render more than 20 lines of context
context = context.slice(0, 20);
const diff: DiffInfo = {
meta_a: {
name: '',
content_type: '',
lines: 0,
web_links: [],
meta_b: {
name: path,
content_type: content_type || '',
lines: context.length + context?.[0].line_number,
web_links: [],
change_type: 'MODIFIED',
intraline_status: 'OK',
diff_header: [],
content: [
skip: context[0].line_number - 1,
b: => line.context_line),
return diff;
export function getCommentAuthors(
threads?: CommentThread[],
user?: AccountDetailInfo
) {
if (!threads || !user) return [];
const ids = new Set();
const authors: AccountInfo[] = [];
threads.forEach(t =>
t.comments.forEach(c => {
if (isDraft(c) && !ids.has(user._account_id)) {
if ( && !ids.has( {
return authors;
* Add path info to every comment as CommentInfo returned from server does not
* have that.
export function addPath<T>(comments: {[path: string]: T[]} = {}): {
[path: string]: Array<T & {path: string}>;
} {
const updatedComments: {[path: string]: Array<T & {path: string}>} = {};
for (const filePath of Object.keys(comments)) {
updatedComments[filePath] = (comments[filePath] || []).map(comment => {
return {...comment, path: filePath};
return updatedComments;
* Add `savingState: SavingState.OK` to all drafts returned from server so that
* they can be told apart from published comments easily.
export function addDraftProp(
draftsByPath: {[path: string]: CommentInfo[]} = {}
) {
const updated: {[path: string]: DraftInfo[]} = {};
for (const filePath of Object.keys(draftsByPath)) {
updated[filePath] = (draftsByPath[filePath] ?? []).map(draft => {
return {...draft, savingState: SavingState.OK};
return updated;
export function reportingDetails(comment: Comment) {
return {
id: comment?.id,
message_length: comment?.message?.trim().length,
in_reply_to: comment?.in_reply_to,
unresolved: comment?.unresolved,
path_length: comment?.path?.length,
line: comment?.range?.start_line ?? comment?.line,
unsaved: isNew(comment),
export const USER_SUGGESTION_INFO_STRING = 'suggestion';
// This can either mean a user or a checks provided fix.
// "Provided" means that the fix is sent along with the request
// when previewing and applying the fix. This is in contrast to
// robot comment fixes, which are stored in the backend, and they
// are referenced by a unique `FixId`;
export const PROVIDED_FIX_ID = 'provided_fix' as FixId;
export function hasUserSuggestion(comment: Comment) {
return comment.message?.includes(USER_SUGGESTION_START_PATTERN) ?? false;
export function getUserSuggestion(comment: Comment) {
if (!comment.message) return;
const start =
comment.message.indexOf(USER_SUGGESTION_START_PATTERN) +
const end = comment.message.indexOf('\n```', start);
return comment.message.substring(start, end);
export function getContentInCommentRange(
fileContent: string,
comment: Comment
) {
const lines = fileContent.split('\n');
if (comment.range) {
const range = comment.range;
return lines.slice(range.start_line - 1, range.end_line).join('\n');
return lines[comment.line! - 1];
export function createUserFixSuggestion(
comment: Comment,
line: string,
replacement: string
): FixSuggestionInfo[] {
const lastLine = line.split('\n').pop();
return [
description: 'User suggestion',
replacements: [
path: comment.path!,
range: {
start_line: comment.range?.start_line ?? comment.line!,
start_character: 0,
end_line: comment.range?.end_line ?? comment.line!,
end_character: lastLine!.length,
function getMentionedUsers(thread: CommentThread) {
return => extractMentionedUsers(c.message)).flat();
export function getMentionedThreads(
threads: CommentThread[],
account: AccountInfo
) {
if (! return [];
return threads.filter(t =>
.map(v =>
export function findComment(
comments: {
[path: string]: (CommentInfo | DraftInfo)[];
commentId: UrlEncodedCommentId
) {
if (!commentId) return undefined;
let comment;
for (const path of Object.keys(comments)) {
comment = comment || comments[path].find(c => === commentId);
return comment;