blob: 698a0ac12ac52efcb6da355611fdde4aa078dff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.IntegerTerm;
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.ListTerm;
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.Prolog;
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.StructureTerm;
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.SymbolTerm;
import com.googlecode.prolog_cafe.lang.Term;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
/** Access control management for a user accessing a single change. */
public class ChangeControl {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
public static class GenericFactory {
private final ProjectControl.GenericFactory projectControl;
private final Provider<ReviewDb> db;
GenericFactory(ProjectControl.GenericFactory p, Provider<ReviewDb> d) {
projectControl = p;
db = d;
public ChangeControl controlFor(Change change, CurrentUser user)
throws NoSuchChangeException {
final Project.NameKey projectKey = change.getProject();
try {
return projectControl.controlFor(projectKey, user).controlFor(change);
} catch (NoSuchProjectException e) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(change.getId(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO: propagate this exception
throw new NoSuchChangeException(change.getId(), e);
public ChangeControl controlFor(Change.Id id, CurrentUser user)
throws NoSuchChangeException {
final Change change;
try {
change = db.get().changes().get(id);
if (change == null) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(id);
} catch (OrmException e) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(id, e);
return controlFor(change, user);
public ChangeControl validateFor(Change change, CurrentUser user)
throws NoSuchChangeException, OrmException {
ChangeControl c = controlFor(change, user);
if (!c.isVisible(db.get())) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(c.getChange().getId());
return c;
public ChangeControl validateFor(Change.Id id, CurrentUser user)
throws NoSuchChangeException, OrmException {
ChangeControl c = controlFor(id, user);
if (!c.isVisible(db.get())) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(c.getChange().getId());
return c;
public static class Factory {
private final ProjectControl.Factory projectControl;
private final Provider<ReviewDb> db;
Factory(final ProjectControl.Factory p, final Provider<ReviewDb> d) {
projectControl = p;
db = d;
public ChangeControl controlFor(final Change.Id id)
throws NoSuchChangeException {
final Change change;
try {
change = db.get().changes().get(id);
if (change == null) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(id);
} catch (OrmException e) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(id, e);
return controlFor(change);
public ChangeControl controlFor(final Change change)
throws NoSuchChangeException {
try {
final Project.NameKey projectKey = change.getProject();
return projectControl.validateFor(projectKey).controlFor(change);
} catch (NoSuchProjectException e) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(change.getId(), e);
public ChangeControl validateFor(final Change.Id id)
throws NoSuchChangeException, OrmException {
return validate(controlFor(id), db.get());
public ChangeControl validateFor(final Change change)
throws NoSuchChangeException, OrmException {
return validate(controlFor(change), db.get());
private static ChangeControl validate(final ChangeControl c, final ReviewDb db)
throws NoSuchChangeException, OrmException{
if (!c.isVisible(db)) {
throw new NoSuchChangeException(c.getChange().getId());
return c;
private final RefControl refControl;
private final Change change;
ChangeControl(final RefControl r, final Change c) {
this.refControl = r;
this.change = c;
public ChangeControl forUser(final CurrentUser who) {
return new ChangeControl(getRefControl().forUser(who), getChange());
public RefControl getRefControl() {
return refControl;
public CurrentUser getCurrentUser() {
return getRefControl().getCurrentUser();
public ProjectControl getProjectControl() {
return getRefControl().getProjectControl();
public Project getProject() {
return getProjectControl().getProject();
public Change getChange() {
return change;
/** Can this user see this change? */
public boolean isVisible(ReviewDb db) throws OrmException {
if (change.getStatus() == Change.Status.DRAFT && !isDraftVisible(db, null)) {
return false;
return isRefVisible();
/** Can the user see this change? Does not account for draft status */
public boolean isRefVisible() {
return getRefControl().isVisible();
/** Can this user see the given patchset? */
public boolean isPatchVisible(PatchSet ps, ReviewDb db) throws OrmException {
if (ps.isDraft() && !isDraftVisible(db, null)) {
return false;
return isVisible(db);
/** Can this user abandon this change? */
public boolean canAbandon() {
return isOwner() // owner (aka creator) of the change can abandon
|| getRefControl().isOwner() // branch owner can abandon
|| getProjectControl().isOwner() // project owner can abandon
|| getCurrentUser().getCapabilities().canAdministrateServer() // site administers are god
|| getRefControl().canAbandon() // user can abandon a specific ref
/** Can this user publish this draft change or any draft patch set of this change? */
public boolean canPublish(final ReviewDb db) throws OrmException {
return (isOwner() || getRefControl().canPublishDrafts())
&& isVisible(db);
/** Can this user delete this draft change or any draft patch set of this change? */
public boolean canDeleteDraft(final ReviewDb db) throws OrmException {
return (isOwner() || getRefControl().canDeleteDrafts())
&& isVisible(db);
/** Can this user rebase this change? */
public boolean canRebase() {
return isOwner() || getRefControl().canSubmit()
|| getRefControl().canRebase();
/** Can this user restore this change? */
public boolean canRestore() {
return canAbandon() // Anyone who can abandon the change can restore it back
&& getRefControl().canUpload(); // as long as you can upload too
/** All available label types for this change. */
public LabelTypes getLabelTypes() {
String destBranch = getChange().getDest().get();
List<LabelType> all = getProjectControl().getLabelTypes().getLabelTypes();
List<LabelType> r = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(all.size());
for (LabelType l : all) {
List<String> refs = l.getRefPatterns();
if (refs == null) {
} else {
for (String refPattern : refs) {
if (RefConfigSection.isValid(refPattern)
&& match(destBranch, refPattern)) {
return new LabelTypes(r);
/** All value ranges of any allowed label permission. */
public List<PermissionRange> getLabelRanges() {
return getRefControl().getLabelRanges();
/** The range of permitted values associated with a label permission. */
public PermissionRange getRange(String permission) {
return getRefControl().getRange(permission);
/** Can this user add a patch set to this change? */
public boolean canAddPatchSet() {
return getRefControl().canUpload();
/** Is this user the owner of the change? */
public boolean isOwner() {
if (getCurrentUser().isIdentifiedUser()) {
final IdentifiedUser i = (IdentifiedUser) getCurrentUser();
return i.getAccountId().equals(change.getOwner());
return false;
/** Is this user a reviewer for the change? */
public boolean isReviewer(ReviewDb db) throws OrmException {
return isReviewer(db, null);
/** Is this user a reviewer for the change? */
public boolean isReviewer(ReviewDb db, @Nullable ChangeData cd)
throws OrmException {
if (getCurrentUser().isIdentifiedUser()) {
final IdentifiedUser user = (IdentifiedUser) getCurrentUser();
Iterable<PatchSetApproval> results;
if (cd != null) {
results = cd.currentApprovals(Providers.of(db));
} else {
results = db.patchSetApprovals().byChange(change.getId());
for (PatchSetApproval approval : results) {
if (user.getAccountId().equals(approval.getAccountId())) {
return true;
return false;
/** @return true if the user is allowed to remove this reviewer. */
public boolean canRemoveReviewer(PatchSetApproval approval) {
return canRemoveReviewer(approval.getAccountId(), approval.getValue());
public boolean canRemoveReviewer(Account.Id reviewer, int value) {
if (getChange().getStatus().isOpen()) {
// A user can always remove themselves.
if (getCurrentUser().isIdentifiedUser()) {
final IdentifiedUser i = (IdentifiedUser) getCurrentUser();
if (i.getAccountId().equals(reviewer)) {
return true; // can remove self
// The change owner may remove any zero or positive score.
if (isOwner() && 0 <= value) {
return true;
// Users with the remove reviewer permission, the branch owner, project
// owner and site admin can remove anyone
if (getRefControl().canRemoveReviewer() // has removal permissions
|| getRefControl().isOwner() // branch owner
|| getProjectControl().isOwner() // project owner
|| getCurrentUser().getCapabilities().canAdministrateServer()) {
return true;
return false;
/** Can this user edit the topic name? */
public boolean canEditTopicName() {
if (change.getStatus().isOpen()) {
return isOwner() // owner (aka creator) of the change can edit topic
|| getRefControl().isOwner() // branch owner can edit topic
|| getProjectControl().isOwner() // project owner can edit topic
|| getCurrentUser().getCapabilities().canAdministrateServer() // site administers are god
|| getRefControl().canEditTopicName() // user can edit topic on a specific ref
} else {
return getRefControl().canForceEditTopicName();
public List<SubmitRecord> getSubmitRecords(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet) {
return canSubmit(db, patchSet, null, false, true, false);
public boolean canSubmit() {
return getRefControl().canSubmit();
public List<SubmitRecord> canSubmit(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet) {
return canSubmit(db, patchSet, null, false, false, false);
public List<SubmitRecord> canSubmit(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet,
@Nullable ChangeData cd, boolean fastEvalLabels, boolean allowClosed,
boolean allowDraft) {
if (!allowClosed && change.getStatus().isClosed()) {
SubmitRecord rec = new SubmitRecord();
rec.status = SubmitRecord.Status.CLOSED;
return Collections.singletonList(rec);
if (!patchSet.getId().equals(change.currentPatchSetId())) {
return ruleError("Patch set " + patchSet.getPatchSetId() + " is not current");
if ((change.getStatus() == Change.Status.DRAFT || patchSet.isDraft())
&& !allowDraft) {
return cannotSubmitDraft(db, patchSet, cd);
List<Term> results;
SubmitRuleEvaluator evaluator;
try {
evaluator = new SubmitRuleEvaluator(db, patchSet,
this, change, cd,
"locate_submit_rule", "can_submit",
"locate_submit_filter", "filter_submit_results");
results = evaluator.evaluate();
} catch (RuleEvalException e) {
return logRuleError(e.getMessage(), e);
if (results.isEmpty()) {
// This should never occur. A well written submit rule will always produce
// at least one result informing the caller of the labels that are
// required for this change to be submittable. Each label will indicate
// whether or not that is actually possible given the permissions.
log.error("Submit rule '" + evaluator.getSubmitRule() + "' for change "
+ change.getId() + " of " + getProject().getName()
+ " has no solution.");
return ruleError("Project submit rule has no solution");
return resultsToSubmitRecord(evaluator.getSubmitRule(), results);
private boolean match(String destBranch, String refPattern) {
return RefPatternMatcher.getMatcher(refPattern).match(destBranch,
private List<SubmitRecord> cannotSubmitDraft(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet,
ChangeData cd) {
try {
if (!isDraftVisible(db, cd)) {
return ruleError("Patch set " + patchSet.getPatchSetId() + " not found");
} else if (patchSet.isDraft()) {
return ruleError("Cannot submit draft patch sets");
} else {
return ruleError("Cannot submit draft changes");
} catch (OrmException err) {
return logRuleError("Cannot read patch set " + patchSet.getId(), err);
* Convert the results from Prolog Cafe's format to Gerrit's common format.
* can_submit/1 terminates when an ok(P) record is found. Therefore walk
* the results backwards, using only that ok(P) record if it exists. This
* skips partial results that occur early in the output. Later after the loop
* the out collection is reversed to restore it to the original ordering.
public List<SubmitRecord> resultsToSubmitRecord(Term submitRule, List<Term> results) {
List<SubmitRecord> out = new ArrayList<SubmitRecord>(results.size());
for (int resultIdx = results.size() - 1; 0 <= resultIdx; resultIdx--) {
Term submitRecord = results.get(resultIdx);
SubmitRecord rec = new SubmitRecord();
if (!submitRecord.isStructure() || 1 != submitRecord.arity()) {
return logInvalidResult(submitRule, submitRecord);
if ("ok".equals( {
rec.status = SubmitRecord.Status.OK;
} else if ("not_ready".equals( {
rec.status = SubmitRecord.Status.NOT_READY;
} else {
return logInvalidResult(submitRule, submitRecord);
// Unpack the one argument. This should also be a structure with one
// argument per label that needs to be reported on to the caller.
submitRecord = submitRecord.arg(0);
if (!submitRecord.isStructure()) {
return logInvalidResult(submitRule, submitRecord);
rec.labels = new ArrayList<SubmitRecord.Label> (submitRecord.arity());
for (Term state : ((StructureTerm) submitRecord).args()) {
if (!state.isStructure() || 2 != state.arity() || !"label".equals( {
return logInvalidResult(submitRule, submitRecord);
SubmitRecord.Label lbl = new SubmitRecord.Label();
lbl.label = state.arg(0).name();
Term status = state.arg(1);
if ("ok".equals( {
lbl.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.OK;
appliedBy(lbl, status);
} else if ("reject".equals( {
lbl.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.REJECT;
appliedBy(lbl, status);
} else if ("need".equals( {
lbl.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.NEED;
} else if ("may".equals( {
lbl.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.MAY;
} else if ("impossible".equals( {
lbl.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.IMPOSSIBLE;
} else {
return logInvalidResult(submitRule, submitRecord);
if (rec.status == SubmitRecord.Status.OK) {
return out;
public SubmitTypeRecord getSubmitTypeRecord(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet) {
return getSubmitTypeRecord(db, patchSet, null);
public SubmitTypeRecord getSubmitTypeRecord(ReviewDb db, PatchSet patchSet,
@Nullable ChangeData cd) {
try {
if (change.getStatus() == Change.Status.DRAFT && !isDraftVisible(db, cd)) {
return typeRuleError("Patch set " + patchSet.getPatchSetId()
+ " not found");
if (patchSet.isDraft() && !isDraftVisible(db, cd)) {
return typeRuleError("Patch set " + patchSet.getPatchSetId()
+ " not found");
} catch (OrmException err) {
return logTypeRuleError("Cannot read patch set " + patchSet.getId(),
List<Term> results;
SubmitRuleEvaluator evaluator;
try {
evaluator = new SubmitRuleEvaluator(db, patchSet,
getProjectControl(), this, change, cd,
"locate_submit_type", "get_submit_type",
"locate_submit_type_filter", "filter_submit_type_results");
results = evaluator.evaluate();
} catch (RuleEvalException e) {
return logTypeRuleError(e.getMessage(), e);
if (results.isEmpty()) {
// Should never occur for a well written rule
log.error("Submit rule '" + evaluator.getSubmitRule() + "' for change "
+ change.getId() + " of " + getProject().getName()
+ " has no solution.");
return typeRuleError("Project submit rule has no solution");
Term typeTerm = results.get(0);
if (!typeTerm.isSymbol()) {
log.error("Submit rule '" + evaluator.getSubmitRule() + "' for change "
+ change.getId() + " of " + getProject().getName()
+ " did not return a symbol.");
return typeRuleError("Project submit rule has invalid solution");
String typeName = ((SymbolTerm)typeTerm).name();
try {
return SubmitTypeRecord.OK(
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return logInvalidType(evaluator.getSubmitRule(), typeName);
private List<SubmitRecord> logInvalidResult(Term rule, Term record) {
return logRuleError("Submit rule " + rule + " for change " + change.getId()
+ " of " + getProject().getName() + " output invalid result: " + record);
private List<SubmitRecord> logRuleError(String err, Exception e) {
log.error(err, e);
return ruleError("Error evaluating project rules, check server log");
private List<SubmitRecord> logRuleError(String err) {
return ruleError("Error evaluating project rules, check server log");
private List<SubmitRecord> ruleError(String err) {
SubmitRecord rec = new SubmitRecord();
rec.status = SubmitRecord.Status.RULE_ERROR;
rec.errorMessage = err;
return Collections.singletonList(rec);
private SubmitTypeRecord logInvalidType(Term rule, String record) {
return logTypeRuleError("Submit type rule " + rule + " for change "
+ change.getId() + " of " + getProject().getName()
+ " output invalid result: " + record);
private SubmitTypeRecord logTypeRuleError(String err, Exception e) {
log.error(err, e);
return typeRuleError("Error evaluating project type rules, check server log");
private SubmitTypeRecord logTypeRuleError(String err) {
return typeRuleError("Error evaluating project type rules, check server log");
private SubmitTypeRecord typeRuleError(String err) {
SubmitTypeRecord rec = new SubmitTypeRecord();
rec.status = SubmitTypeRecord.Status.RULE_ERROR;
rec.errorMessage = err;
return rec;
private void appliedBy(SubmitRecord.Label label, Term status) {
if (status.isStructure() && status.arity() == 1) {
Term who = status.arg(0);
if (isUser(who)) {
label.appliedBy = new Account.Id(((IntegerTerm) who.arg(0)).intValue());
private boolean isDraftVisible(ReviewDb db, ChangeData cd)
throws OrmException {
return isOwner() || isReviewer(db, cd) || getRefControl().canViewDrafts();
private static boolean isUser(Term who) {
return who.isStructure()
&& who.arity() == 1
&& who.arg(0).isInteger();
public static Term toListTerm(List<Term> terms) {
Term list = Prolog.Nil;
for (int i = terms.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
list = new ListTerm(terms.get(i), list);
return list;