blob: fa1dc8736762f9f666e22beda5248fa0e58ed2cf [file] [log] [blame]
defaultAccountName = Name or Email
defaultAccountGroupName = Group Name
defaultBranchName = Branch Name
defaultRevisionSpec = Revision (Branch or SHA-1)
buttonDeleteIncludedGroup = Delete
buttonAddIncludedGroup = Add
buttonDeleteGroupMembers = Delete
buttonAddGroupMember = Add
buttonRenameGroup = Rename Group
buttonSaveDescription = Save Description
buttonCreateGroup = Create Group
buttonCreateProject = Create Project
buttonChangeGroupOwner = Change Owner
buttonChangeGroupType = Change Type
buttonSelectGroup = Select
buttonSaveChanges = Save Changes
checkBoxEmptyCommit = Create initial empty commit
checkBoxPermissionsOnly = Only serve as parent for other projects
buttonBrowseProjects = Browse
projects = All projects
projectRepoBrowser = Repository Browser
useContentMerge = Automatically resolve conflicts
useContributorAgreements = Require a valid contributor agreement to upload
useSignedOffBy = Require <code>Signed-off-by</code> in commit message
requireChangeID = Require <code>Change-Id</code> in commit message
headingMaxObjectSizeLimit = Maximum Git object size limit
headingGroupOptions = Group Options
isVisibleToAll = Make group visible to all registered users.
buttonSaveGroupOptions = Save Group Options
suggestedGroupLabel = group
headingParentProjectName = Rights Inherit From
parentSuggestions = Parent Suggestion
columnProjectName = Project Name
headingGroupUUID = Group UUID
headingOwner = Owners
headingDescription = Description
headingProjectOptions = Project Options
headingProjectCommands = Project Commands
headingCommands = Commands
headingMembers = Members
headingIncludedGroups = Included Groups
noMembersInfo = Group Members can only be viewed for Gerrit internal groups. For external groups and Gerrit system groups the members cannot be displayed.
headingExternalGroup = Selected External Group
headingCreateGroup = Create New Group
headingAgreements = Contributor Agreements
headingProjectSubmitType = Submit Type
projectSubmitType_FAST_FORWARD_ONLY = Fast Forward Only
projectSubmitType_MERGE_IF_NECESSARY = Merge if Necessary
projectSubmitType_REBASE_IF_NECESSARY = Rebase if Necessary
projectSubmitType_MERGE_ALWAYS = Always Merge
projectSubmitType_CHERRY_PICK = Cherry Pick
headingProjectState = State
projectState_ACTIVE = Active
projectState_READ_ONLY = Read Only
projectState_HIDDEN = Hidden
columnMember = Member
columnEmailAddress = Email Address
columnGroupName = Group Name
columnGroupDescription = Description
columnGroupType = Group Type
columnGroupNotifications = Email Only Authors
columnGroupVisibleToAll = Visible To All
columnBranchName = Branch Name
columnBranchRevision = Revision
initialRevision = Initial Revision
buttonAddBranch = Create Branch
buttonDeleteBranch = Delete
groupItemHelp = group
groupListTitle = Groups
groupFilter = Filter
createGroupTitle = Create Group
groupTabGeneral = General
groupTabMembers = Members
projectListTitle = Projects
projectFilter = Filter
createProjectTitle = Create Project
projectListQueryLink = Search for changes on this project
plugins = Plugins
pluginEnabled = Enabled
pluginDisabled = Disabled
columnPluginName = Plugin Name
columnPluginVersion = Version
columnPluginStatus = Status
noGroupSelected = (No group selected)
errorNoMatchingGroups = No Matching Groups
errorNoGitRepository = No Git Repository
addPermission = Add Permission ...
# Permission Names
permissionNames = \
abandon, \
create, \
deleteDrafts, \
editTopicName, \
forgeAuthor, \
forgeCommitter, \
forgeServerAsCommitter, \
owner, \
publishDrafts, \
push, \
pushMerge, \
pushTag, \
pushSignedTag, \
read, \
rebase, \
removeReviewer, \
submit, \
abandon = Abandon
create = Create Reference
deleteDrafts = Delete Drafts
editTopicName = Edit Topic Name
forgeAuthor = Forge Author Identity
forgeCommitter = Forge Committer Identity
forgeServerAsCommitter = Forge Server Identity
owner = Owner
publishDrafts = Publish Drafts
push = Push
pushMerge = Push Merge Commit
pushTag = Push Annotated Tag
pushSignedTag = Push Signed Tag
read = Read
rebase = Rebase
removeReviewer = Remove Reviewer
submit = Submit
viewDrafts = View Drafts
refErrorEmpty = Reference must be supplied
refErrorBeginSlash = Reference must not start with '/'
refErrorDoubleSlash = References cannot contain '//'
refErrorNoSpace = References cannot contain spaces
refErrorPrintable = References may contain only printable characters
errorsMustBeFixed = Errors must be fixed before committing changes.
# Section Names
sectionTypeReference = Reference:
sectionTypeSection = Section:
sectionNames = \
GLOBAL_CAPABILITIES = Global Capabilities