Merge "Process links if leading whitespace are missed" into stable-3.1
diff --git a/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/CloneUsingBothProtocols.scala b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/CloneUsingBothProtocols.scala
index 9e2aca0..c5a7cba 100644
--- a/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/CloneUsingBothProtocols.scala
+++ b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/CloneUsingBothProtocols.scala
@@ -14,29 +14,12 @@
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.protocol.GitProtocol
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.request.builder.GitRequestBuilder
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.{GatlingGitConfiguration, GitRequestSession}
 import io.gatling.core.Predef._
-import io.gatling.core.feeder.FileBasedFeederBuilder
 import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder
-import org.eclipse.jgit.hooks._
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class CloneUsingBothProtocols extends Simulation {
-  implicit val conf: GatlingGitConfiguration = GatlingGitConfiguration()
-  implicit val postMessageHook: Option[String] = Some(s"hooks/${CommitMsgHook.NAME}")
-  private val name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
-  private val file = s"data/$name.json"
-  private val data: FileBasedFeederBuilder[Any]#F = jsonFile(file).circular
-  private val request = new GitRequestBuilder(GitRequestSession("${cmd}", "${url}"))
-  private val protocol: GitProtocol = GitProtocol()
+class CloneUsingBothProtocols extends GitSimulation {
   private val test: ScenarioBuilder = scenario(name)
@@ -46,16 +29,4 @@
       constantUsersPerSec(1) during (2 seconds)
-  after {
-    Thread.sleep(5000)
-    val path = conf.tmpBasePath
-    try {
-      FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(path))
-    } catch {
-      case e: IOException =>
-        System.err.println("Unable to delete temporary directory " + path)
-        e.printStackTrace()
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/GitSimulation.scala b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/GitSimulation.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d5130f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/GitSimulation.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import{File, IOException}
+import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.protocol.GitProtocol
+import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.request.builder.GitRequestBuilder
+import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.{GatlingGitConfiguration, GitRequestSession}
+import io.gatling.core.Predef._
+import io.gatling.core.feeder.FileBasedFeederBuilder
+import org.eclipse.jgit.hooks.CommitMsgHook
+class GitSimulation extends Simulation {
+  implicit val conf: GatlingGitConfiguration = GatlingGitConfiguration()
+  implicit val postMessageHook: Option[String] = Some(s"hooks/${CommitMsgHook.NAME}")
+  protected val name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
+  protected val data: FileBasedFeederBuilder[Any]#F = jsonFile(s"data/$name.json").circular
+  protected val request = new GitRequestBuilder(GitRequestSession("${cmd}", "${url}"))
+  protected val protocol: GitProtocol = GitProtocol()
+  after {
+    Thread.sleep(5000)
+    val path = conf.tmpBasePath
+    try {
+      FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(path))
+    } catch {
+      case e: IOException =>
+        System.err.println("Unable to delete temporary directory " + path)
+        e.printStackTrace()
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/ReplayRecordsFromFeeder.scala b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/ReplayRecordsFromFeeder.scala
index 5a3bb99..82342be 100644
--- a/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/ReplayRecordsFromFeeder.scala
+++ b/e2e-tests/load-tests/src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios/ReplayRecordsFromFeeder.scala
@@ -14,29 +14,12 @@
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.protocol.GitProtocol
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.request.builder.GitRequestBuilder
-import com.github.barbasa.gatling.git.{GatlingGitConfiguration, GitRequestSession}
 import io.gatling.core.Predef._
-import io.gatling.core.feeder.FileBasedFeederBuilder
 import io.gatling.core.structure.ScenarioBuilder
-import org.eclipse.jgit.hooks._
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class ReplayRecordsFromFeeder extends Simulation {
-  implicit val conf: GatlingGitConfiguration = GatlingGitConfiguration()
-  implicit val postMessageHook: Option[String] = Some(s"hooks/${CommitMsgHook.NAME}")
-  private val name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
-  private val file = s"data/$name.json"
-  private val data: FileBasedFeederBuilder[Any]#F = jsonFile(file).circular
-  private val request = new GitRequestBuilder(GitRequestSession("${cmd}", "${url}"))
-  private val protocol: GitProtocol = GitProtocol()
+class ReplayRecordsFromFeeder extends GitSimulation {
   private val test: ScenarioBuilder = scenario(name)
       .repeat(10000) {
@@ -53,16 +36,4 @@
       constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15 seconds) randomized
       .maxDuration(60 seconds)
-  after {
-    Thread.sleep(5000)
-    val path = conf.tmpBasePath
-    try {
-      FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(path))
-    } catch {
-      case e: IOException =>
-        System.err.println("Unable to delete temporary directory " + path)
-        e.printStackTrace()
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.html
index f3ea177..ae5a945 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.html
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-      [[_computeDateStr(dateStr, _timeFormat, _relative, showDateAndTime)]]
+      [[_computeDateStr(dateStr, _timeFormat, _dateFormat, _relative, showDateAndTime)]]
     <gr-rest-api-interface id="restAPI"></gr-rest-api-interface>
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.js b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.js
index 5b1ef7f..545a7c3 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter.js
@@ -27,8 +27,29 @@
     TIME_12_WITH_SEC: 'h:mm:ss A', // 2:14:00 PM
     TIME_24: 'HH:mm', // 14:14
     TIME_24_WITH_SEC: 'HH:mm:ss', // 14:14:00
-    MONTH_DAY: 'MMM DD', // Aug 29
-    MONTH_DAY_YEAR: 'MMM DD, YYYY', // Aug 29, 1997
+  };
+  const DateFormats = {
+    STD: {
+      short: 'MMM DD', // Aug 29
+      full: 'MMM DD, YYYY', // Aug 29, 1997
+    },
+    US: {
+      short: 'MM/DD', // 08/29
+      full: 'MM/DD/YY', // 08/29/97
+    },
+    ISO: {
+      short: 'MM-DD', // 08-29
+      full: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // 1997-08-29
+    },
+    EURO: {
+      short: 'DD. MMM', // 29. Aug
+      full: 'DD.MM.YYYY', // 29.08.1997
+    },
+    UK: {
+      short: 'DD/MM', // 29/08
+      full: 'DD/MM/YYYY', // 29/08/1997
+    },
@@ -57,9 +78,11 @@
       title: {
         type: String,
         reflectToAttribute: true,
-        computed: '_computeFullDateStr(dateStr, _timeFormat)',
+        computed: '_computeFullDateStr(dateStr, _timeFormat, _dateFormat)',
+      /** @type {?{short: string, full: string}} */
+      _dateFormat: Object,
       _timeFormat: String, // No default value to prevent flickering.
       _relative: Boolean, // No default value to prevent flickering.
@@ -80,6 +103,7 @@
       return this._getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => {
         if (!loggedIn) {
           this._timeFormat = TimeFormats.TIME_24;
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.STD;
           this._relative = false;
@@ -93,19 +117,47 @@
     _loadTimeFormat() {
       return this._getPreferences().then(preferences => {
         const timeFormat = preferences && preferences.time_format;
-        switch (timeFormat) {
-          case 'HHMM_12':
-            this._timeFormat = TimeFormats.TIME_12;
-            break;
-          case 'HHMM_24':
-            this._timeFormat = TimeFormats.TIME_24;
-            break;
-          default:
-            throw Error('Invalid time format: ' + timeFormat);
-        }
+        const dateFormat = preferences && preferences.date_format;
+        this._decideTimeFormat(timeFormat);
+        this._decideDateFormat(dateFormat);
+    _decideTimeFormat(timeFormat) {
+      switch (timeFormat) {
+        case 'HHMM_12':
+          this._timeFormat = TimeFormats.TIME_12;
+          break;
+        case 'HHMM_24':
+          this._timeFormat = TimeFormats.TIME_24;
+          break;
+        default:
+          throw Error('Invalid time format: ' + timeFormat);
+      }
+    },
+    _decideDateFormat(dateFormat) {
+      switch (dateFormat) {
+        case 'STD':
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.STD;
+          break;
+        case 'US':
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.US;
+          break;
+        case 'ISO':
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.ISO;
+          break;
+        case 'EURO':
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.EURO;
+          break;
+        case 'UK':
+          this._dateFormat = DateFormats.UK;
+          break;
+        default:
+          throw Error('Invalid date format: ' + dateFormat);
+      }
+    },
     _loadRelative() {
       return this._getPreferences().then(prefs => {
         // prefs.relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
@@ -138,8 +190,10 @@
           diff < 180 * Duration.DAY;
-    _computeDateStr(dateStr, timeFormat, relative, showDateAndTime) {
-      if (!dateStr) { return ''; }
+    _computeDateStr(
+        dateStr, timeFormat, dateFormat, relative, showDateAndTime
+    ) {
+      if (!dateStr || !timeFormat || !dateFormat) { return ''; }
       const date = moment(util.parseDate(dateStr));
       if (!date.isValid()) { return ''; }
       if (relative) {
@@ -151,12 +205,12 @@
       const now = new Date();
-      let format = TimeFormats.MONTH_DAY_YEAR;
+      let format = dateFormat.full;
       if (this._isWithinDay(now, date)) {
         format = timeFormat;
       } else {
         if (this._isWithinHalfYear(now, date)) {
-          format = TimeFormats.MONTH_DAY;
+          format = dateFormat.short;
         if (this.showDateAndTime) {
           format = `${format} ${timeFormat}`;
@@ -171,11 +225,12 @@
-    _computeFullDateStr(dateStr, timeFormat) {
+    _computeFullDateStr(dateStr, timeFormat, dateFormat) {
       // Polymer 2: check for undefined
       if ([
+        dateFormat,
       ].some(arg => arg === undefined)) {
         return undefined;
@@ -183,7 +238,7 @@
       if (!dateStr) { return ''; }
       const date = moment(util.parseDate(dateStr));
       if (!date.isValid()) { return ''; }
-      let format = TimeFormats.MONTH_DAY_YEAR + ', ';
+      let format = dateFormat.full + ', ';
       format += this._timeToSecondsFormat(timeFormat);
       return date.format(format) + this._getUtcOffsetString();
diff --git a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter_test.html b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter_test.html
index 99af4e6..d51b5d5 100644
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter_test.html
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/shared/gr-date-formatter/gr-date-formatter_test.html
@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@
       return Promise.all([loggedInPromise, preferencesPromise]);
-    suite('24 hours time format preference', () => {
-      setup(() => {
-        return stubRestAPI(
-            {time_format: 'HHMM_24', relative_date_in_change_table: false}
-        ).then(() => {
-          element = fixture('basic');
-          sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
-          return element._loadPreferences();
-        });
-      });
+    suite('STD + 24 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_24',
+        date_format: 'STD',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: false,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
       test('invalid dates are quietly rejected', () => {
         assert.notOk((new Date('foo')).valueOf());
@@ -135,17 +135,161 @@
-    suite('12 hours time format preference', () => {
-      setup(() => {
+    suite('US + 24 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_24',
+        date_format: 'US',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: false,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '15:34',
+            '15:34',
+            '07/29/15, 15:34:14', done);
+      });
+      test('Within 24 hours on different days', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 03:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-28 20:25:14.985000000',
+            '07/28',
+            '07/28 20:25',
+            '07/28/15, 20:25:14', done);
+      });
+      test('More than 24 hours but less than six months', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-06-15 03:25:14.985000000',
+            '06/15',
+            '06/15 03:25',
+            '06/15/15, 03:25:14', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('ISO + 24 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_24',
+        date_format: 'ISO',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: false,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '15:34',
+            '15:34',
+            '2015-07-29, 15:34:14', done);
+      });
+      test('Within 24 hours on different days', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 03:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-28 20:25:14.985000000',
+            '07-28',
+            '07-28 20:25',
+            '2015-07-28, 20:25:14', done);
+      });
+      test('More than 24 hours but less than six months', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-06-15 03:25:14.985000000',
+            '06-15',
+            '06-15 03:25',
+            '2015-06-15, 03:25:14', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('EURO + 24 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_24',
+        date_format: 'EURO',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: false,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '15:34',
+            '15:34',
+            '29.07.2015, 15:34:14', done);
+      });
+      test('Within 24 hours on different days', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 03:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-28 20:25:14.985000000',
+            '28. Jul',
+            '28. Jul 20:25',
+            '28.07.2015, 20:25:14', done);
+      });
+      test('More than 24 hours but less than six months', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-06-15 03:25:14.985000000',
+            '15. Jun',
+            '15. Jun 03:25',
+            '15.06.2015, 03:25:14', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('UK + 24 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_24',
+        date_format: 'UK',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: false,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '15:34',
+            '15:34',
+            '29/07/2015, 15:34:14', done);
+      });
+      test('Within 24 hours on different days', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 03:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-28 20:25:14.985000000',
+            '28/07',
+            '28/07 20:25',
+            '28/07/2015, 20:25:14', done);
+      });
+      test('More than 24 hours but less than six months', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-06-15 03:25:14.985000000',
+            '15/06',
+            '15/06 03:25',
+            '15/06/2015, 03:25:14', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('STD + 12 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() =>
         // relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
-        return stubRestAPI(
-            {time_format: 'HHMM_12'}
+        stubRestAPI(
+            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', date_format: 'STD'}
         ).then(() => {
           element = fixture('basic');
           sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
           return element._loadPreferences();
-        });
-      });
+        })
+      );
       test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
         testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
@@ -156,16 +300,100 @@
-    suite('relative date preference', () => {
-      setup(() => {
-        return stubRestAPI(
-            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', relative_date_in_change_table: true}
+    suite('US + 12 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() =>
+        // relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
+        stubRestAPI(
+            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', date_format: 'US'}
         ).then(() => {
           element = fixture('basic');
           sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
           return element._loadPreferences();
-        });
+        })
+      );
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '07/29/15, 3:34:14 PM', done);
+    });
+    suite('ISO + 12 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() =>
+        // relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
+        stubRestAPI(
+            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', date_format: 'ISO'}
+        ).then(() => {
+          element = fixture('basic');
+          sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+          return element._loadPreferences();
+        })
+      );
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '2015-07-29, 3:34:14 PM', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('EURO + 12 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() =>
+        // relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
+        stubRestAPI(
+            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', date_format: 'EURO'}
+        ).then(() => {
+          element = fixture('basic');
+          sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+          return element._loadPreferences();
+        })
+      );
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '29.07.2015, 3:34:14 PM', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('UK + 12 hours time format preference', () => {
+      setup(() =>
+        // relative_date_in_change_table is not set when false.
+        stubRestAPI(
+            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', date_format: 'UK'}
+        ).then(() => {
+          element = fixture('basic');
+          sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+          return element._loadPreferences();
+        })
+      );
+      test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
+        testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
+            '2015-07-29 15:34:14.985000000',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '3:34 PM',
+            '29/07/2015, 3:34:14 PM', done);
+      });
+    });
+    suite('relative date preference', () => {
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_12',
+        date_format: 'STD',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: true,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        sandbox.stub(element, '_getUtcOffsetString').returns('');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
       test('Within 24 hours on same day', done => {
         testDates('2015-07-29 20:34:14.985000000',
@@ -185,31 +413,33 @@
     suite('logged in', () => {
-      setup(() => {
-        return stubRestAPI(
-            {time_format: 'HHMM_12', relative_date_in_change_table: true}
-        ).then(() => {
-          element = fixture('basic');
-          return element._loadPreferences();
-        });
-      });
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI({
+        time_format: 'HHMM_12',
+        date_format: 'US',
+        relative_date_in_change_table: true,
+      }).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
       test('Preferences are respected', () => {
         assert.equal(element._timeFormat, 'h:mm A');
+        assert.equal(element._dateFormat.short, 'MM/DD');
+        assert.equal(element._dateFormat.full, 'MM/DD/YY');
     suite('logged out', () => {
-      setup(() => {
-        return stubRestAPI(null).then(() => {
-          element = fixture('basic');
-          return element._loadPreferences();
-        });
-      });
+      setup(() => stubRestAPI(null).then(() => {
+        element = fixture('basic');
+        return element._loadPreferences();
+      }));
       test('Default preferences are respected', () => {
         assert.equal(element._timeFormat, 'HH:mm');
+        assert.equal(element._dateFormat.short, 'MMM DD');
+        assert.equal(element._dateFormat.full, 'MMM DD, YYYY');