| build --workspace_status_command="python3 ./tools/workspace_status.py" |
| build --repository_cache=~/.gerritcodereview/bazel-cache/repository |
| build --disk_cache=~/.gerritcodereview/bazel-cache/cas |
| build --java_toolchain=//tools:error_prone_warnings_toolchain_java11 |
| # Enable strict_action_env flag to. For more information on this feature see |
| # https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/bazel-discuss/_VmRfMyyHBk. |
| # This will be the new default behavior at some point (and the flag was flipped |
| # shortly in 0.21.0 - https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7026). Remove |
| # this flag here once flipped in Bazel again. |
| build --incompatible_strict_action_env |
| # Workaround Bazel worker crash (remove after upgrading to 4.1.0) |
| # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/13333 |
| build --experimental_worker_multiplex=false |
| test --test_output=errors |
| test --java_toolchain=//tools:error_prone_warnings_toolchain_java11 |
| import %workspace%/tools/remote-bazelrc |