blob: f439504d0f552923f9005de185c241c82c08d5db [file] [log] [blame]
Making a Gerrit Release
This document is meant primarily for Gerrit maintainers
who have been given approval and submit status to the Gerrit
projects. Additionally, maintainers should be given owner
status to the Gerrit web site.
To make a Gerrit release involves a great deal of complex
tasks and it is easy to miss a step so this document should
hopefuly serve as both a how to for those new to the process
and as a checklist for those already familiar with these
Gerrit Release Type
Here are some guidelines on release approaches depending on the
type of release you want to make (stable-fix, stable, RC0, RC1...).
A stable release is generally built from the master branch and may need to
undergo some stabilization before releasing the final release.
* Propose the release with any plans/objectives to the mailing list
* Create a Gerrit RC0
* If needed create a Gerrit RC1
You may let in a few features to this release
* If needed create a Gerrit RC2
There should be no new features in this release, only bug fixes
* Finally create the stable release (no RC)
Stable-fix releases should likely only contain bug fixes and doc updates.
* Propose the release with any plans/objectives to the mailing list
* This type of release does not need any RCs, release when the objectives
are met
Create the Actual Release
Prepare the Subprojects
* Publish the latest snapshot for all subprojects
* Freeze all subprojects and link:dev-release-subproject.html[publish]
Prepare Gerrit
* Update the top level pom in Gerrit to ensure that none of the Subprojects
point to snapshot releases
* Update the poms for the Gerrit version, push for review, get merged
tools/ --snapshot=2.3
* Tag
git tag -a -m "gerrit 2.2.2-rc0" v2.2.2-rc0
git tag -a -m "gerrit" v2.2.2.1
* Build
* Sanity check WAR
Publish to the Project Locations
WAR File
* Upload WAR to (manual web browser)
** Go to
** Use the "New Download" button
* Update labels:
** new war: [release-candidate], featured...
** old war: deprecated
* Push the New Tag
git push google refs/tags/v2.2.2.1:refs/tags/v2.2.2.1
make -C Documentation PRIOR=2.2.2 update
make -C ReleaseNotes update
(no +PRIOR=+... if updating the same release again during RCs)
* Update Google Code project links
** Go to
** Point the main page to the new docs
** Point the main page to the new release notes
The docs makefile does an svn cp of the prior revision of the docs to branch
the docs so you have less to upload on the new docs.
User and password from here:
(requires overriding svn username on command line)
How do the issues get updated? Do you run a script to do
this? When do you do it, after the final 2.2.2 is released?
By hand.
Our current process is an issue should be updated to say Status =
Submitted, FixedIn-2.2.2 once the change is submitted, but before the
After the release is actually made, you can search in Google Code for
``Status=Submitted FixedIn=2.2.2'' and then batch update these changes
to say Status=Released. Make sure the pulldown says ``All Issues''
because Status=Submitted is considered a closed issue.
Mailing List
* Send an email to the mailing list to annouce the release
* Consider including some or all of the following in the email:
** A link to the release and the release notes (if a final release)
** A link to the docs
** Describe the type of release (stable, bug fix, RC)
To: Repo and Gerrit Discussion <>
Subject: Announce: Gerrit (Stable bug fix update)
I am pleased to announce Gerrit Code Review
This release is a stable bug fix release with some
documentation updates including a new "Contributing to
Gerrit" doc:
To read more about the bug fixes:
Merging Stable Fixes to master
After every stable-fix release, stable should be merged to master to
ensure that none of the fixes ever get lost.
git config merge.summary true
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master
git branch -f stable origin/stable
git merge stable