blob: b4bba4af2497d2d1cddc8ec38cfba1249cf1b985 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import '../../shared/gr-download-commands/gr-download-commands';
import {changeBaseURL, getRevisionKey} from '../../../utils/change-util';
import {ChangeInfo, DownloadInfo, PatchSetNum} from '../../../types/common';
import {GrDownloadCommands} from '../../shared/gr-download-commands/gr-download-commands';
import {GrButton} from '../../shared/gr-button/gr-button';
import {hasOwnProperty, queryAndAssert} from '../../../utils/common-util';
import {GrOverlayStops} from '../../shared/gr-overlay/gr-overlay';
import {fireAlert, fireEvent} from '../../../utils/event-util';
import {addShortcut} from '../../../utils/dom-util';
import {fontStyles} from '../../../styles/gr-font-styles';
import {sharedStyles} from '../../../styles/shared-styles';
import {LitElement, PropertyValues, html, css} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property, state, query} from 'lit/decorators';
import {assertIsDefined} from '../../../utils/common-util';
import {PaperTabsElement} from '@polymer/paper-tabs/paper-tabs';
import {BindValueChangeEvent} from '../../../types/events';
export class GrDownloadDialog extends LitElement {
* Fired when the user presses the close button.
* @event close
@query('#download') protected download?: HTMLAnchorElement;
@query('#downloadCommands') protected downloadCommands?: GrDownloadCommands;
@query('#closeButton') protected closeButton?: GrButton;
@property({type: Object})
change: ChangeInfo | undefined;
@property({type: Object})
config?: DownloadInfo;
@property({type: String})
patchNum: PatchSetNum | undefined;
@state() private selectedScheme?: string;
/** Called in disconnectedCallback. */
private cleanups: (() => void)[] = [];
override disconnectedCallback() {
for (const cleanup of this.cleanups) cleanup();
this.cleanups = [];
override connectedCallback() {
for (const key of ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']) {
addShortcut(this, {key}, e => this.handleNumberKey(e))
static override get styles() {
return [
:host {
display: block;
padding: var(--spacing-m) 0;
section {
display: flex;
padding: var(--spacing-m) var(--spacing-xl);
.flexContainer {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding-top: var(--spacing-m);
.footer {
justify-content: flex-end;
.closeButtonContainer {
align-items: flex-end;
display: flex;
flex: 0;
justify-content: flex-end;
.archivesContainer {
padding-bottom: var(--spacing-m);
.patchFiles {
margin-right: var(--spacing-xxl);
.patchFiles a,
.archives a {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: var(--spacing-l);
.patchFiles a:last-of-type,
.archives a:last-of-type {
margin-right: 0;
gr-download-commands {
width: min(80vw, 1200px);
override render() {
const revisions = this.change?.revisions;
return html`
<h3 class="heading-3">
Patch set ${this.patchNum} of
${revisions ? Object.keys(revisions).length : 0}
<section class="flexContainer">
${this.renderPatchFiles()} ${this.renderArchives()}
<section class="footer">
<span class="closeButtonContainer">
@click=${(e: Event) => {
private renderDownloadCommands() {
const cssClass = this.schemes.length ? '' : 'hidden';
return html`
<section class=${cssClass}>
@selected-scheme-changed=${(e: BindValueChangeEvent) => {
this.selectedScheme = e.detail.value;
private renderPatchFiles() {
if (this.computeHidePatchFile()) return;
return html`
<div class="patchFiles">
<label>Patch file</label>
<a id="download" .href=${this.computeDownloadLink()} download>
<a .href=${this.computeDownloadLink(true)} download>
private renderArchives() {
if (!this.config?.archives.length) return;
return html`
<div class="archivesContainer">
<div id="archives" class="archives">
${ => this.renderArchivesLink(format))}
private renderArchivesLink(format: string) {
return html`
<a .href=${this.computeArchiveDownloadLink(format)} download>
override firstUpdated(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
if (!this.getAttribute('role')) this.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
override willUpdate(changedProperties: PropertyValues) {
if (changedProperties.has('change') || changedProperties.has('patchNum')) {
get schemes() {
if (this.change === undefined || this.patchNum === undefined) {
return [];
for (const rev of Object.values(this.change.revisions || {})) {
if (rev._number === this.patchNum) {
const fetch = rev.fetch;
if (fetch) {
return Object.keys(fetch).sort();
return [];
private handleNumberKey(e: KeyboardEvent) {
const index = Number(e.key) - 1;
const commands = this.computeDownloadCommands();
if (index > commands.length) return;
navigator.clipboard.writeText(commands[index].command).then(() => {
fireAlert(this, `${commands[index].title} command copied to clipboard`);
fireEvent(this, 'close');
override focus() {
if (this.schemes.length) {
assertIsDefined(this.downloadCommands, 'downloadCommands');
this.updateComplete.then(() => this.downloadCommands!.focusOnCopy());
} else {
assertIsDefined(, 'download');;
getFocusStops(): GrOverlayStops {
assertIsDefined(this.downloadCommands, 'downloadCommands');
assertIsDefined(this.closeButton, 'closeButton');
const downloadTabs = queryAndAssert<PaperTabsElement>(
return {
start: downloadTabs,
end: this.closeButton,
private computeDownloadCommands() {
let commandObj;
if (!this.change || !this.selectedScheme) return [];
for (const rev of Object.values(this.change.revisions || {})) {
if (
rev._number === this.patchNum &&
rev &&
rev.fetch &&
hasOwnProperty(rev.fetch, this.selectedScheme)
) {
commandObj = rev.fetch[this.selectedScheme].commands;
const commands = [];
for (const [title, command] of Object.entries(commandObj ?? {})) {
commands.push({title, command});
return commands;
private computeDownloadLink(zip?: boolean) {
if (this.change === undefined || this.patchNum === undefined) {
return '';
return (
changeBaseURL(this.change.project, this.change._number, this.patchNum) +
'/patch?' +
(zip ? 'zip' : 'download')
private computeDownloadFilename(zip?: boolean) {
if (this.change === undefined || this.patchNum === undefined) {
return '';
const rev = getRevisionKey(this.change, this.patchNum) ?? '';
const shortRev = rev.substr(0, 7);
return shortRev + '.diff.' + (zip ? 'zip' : 'base64');
// private but used in test
computeHidePatchFile() {
if (this.change === undefined || this.patchNum === undefined) {
return false;
for (const rev of Object.values(this.change.revisions || {})) {
if (rev._number === this.patchNum) {
const parentLength =
rev.commit && rev.commit.parents ? rev.commit.parents.length : 0;
return parentLength === 0 || parentLength > 1;
return false;
// private but used in test
computeArchiveDownloadLink(format?: string) {
if (
this.change === undefined ||
this.patchNum === undefined ||
format === undefined
) {
return '';
return (
changeBaseURL(this.change.project, this.change._number, this.patchNum) +
'/archive?format=' +
private handleCloseTap(e: Event) {
fireEvent(this, 'close');
private schemesChanged() {
if (this.schemes.length === 0) {
if (!this.selectedScheme || !this.schemes.includes(this.selectedScheme)) {
this.selectedScheme = this.schemes.sort()[0];
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-download-dialog': GrDownloadDialog;