blob: 6ca84962a9570689a5583b90d727c5d88f33f45a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* We are sharing a couple of sets of CSS rules with plugins such that they can
* adopt Gerrit's styling beyond just using CSS properties from the theme.
* This is a bit tricky, because plugin elements have their own shadow DOM, and
* unfortunately Firefox has not adopted "constructable stylesheets" yet. So we
* are basically just exposing CSS strings here.
* Plugins that use Lit can cast `Style` to `CSSResult`.
* Non-Lit plugins can call call `toString()` on `Style`.
/** Lit plugins can cast Style to CSSResult. */
export declare interface Style {
toString(): string;
/** Accessible via `window.Gerrit.styles`. */
export declare interface Styles {
font: Style;
form: Style;
icon: Style;
menuPage: Style;
spinner: Style;
subPage: Style;
table: Style;
modal: Style;
/** Accessible via `window.Gerrit.install(plugin => {plugin.styleApi()})`. */
export declare interface StylePluginApi {
* Convenience method for adding a CSS rule to a <style> element in <head>.
* Note that you can only insert one rule per call. See `insertRule()`
* documentation of `CSSStyleSheet`:
* @param rule the css rule, e.g.:
* ```
* html.darkTheme {
* --header-background-color: blue;
* }
* ```
insertCSSRule(rule: string): void;