blob: 6c632bc3d621e6306f8e45863d8d608dc65794df [file] [log] [blame]
load(":rules.bzl", "compile_ts", "polygerrit_bundle")
load("//tools/js:eslint.bzl", "eslint")
load("//tools/js:template_checker.bzl", "transform_polymer_templates")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_binary", "nodejs_test", "npm_package_bin")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# This list must be in sync with the "include" list in the follwoing files:
# tsconfig.json, tsconfig_bazel.json, tsconfig_bazel_test.json
src_dirs = [
compiled_pg_srcs = compile_ts(
name = "compile_pg",
srcs = glob(
[src_dir + "/**/*" + ext for src_dir in src_dirs for ext in [
exclude = [
# The same outdir also appears in the following files:
ts_outdir = "_pg_ts_out",
compiled_pg_srcs_with_tests = compile_ts(
name = "compile_pg_with_tests",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
"tmpl_out/**", # This directory is created by template checker in dev-mode
additional_deps = [
# The same outdir also appears in the following files:
# karma.conf.js
ts_outdir = "_pg_with_tests_out",
ts_project = "tsconfig_bazel_test.json",
# Template checker reports problems in the following files. Ignore the files,
# so template tests pass.
# TODO: fix problems reported by template checker in these files.
ignore_templates_list = [
# Transform templates into a .ts files.
templates_srcs = transform_polymer_templates(
name = "template_test",
srcs = glob(
[src_dir + "/**/*" + ext for src_dir in src_dirs for ext in [
exclude = [
] + ignore_templates_list,
out_tsconfig = "tsconfig_template_test.json",
tsconfig = "tsconfig_bazel.json",
deps = [
# Compile transformed templates together with the polygerrit source. If
# templates don't have problem, then the compilation ends without error.
# Otherwise, the typescript compiler reports the error.
# Note, that the compile_ts macro creates build rules. If the build succeed,
# the macro creates the file compile_template_test.success. The
# 'validate_polymer_templates' rule tests existence of the file.
name = "compile_template_test",
srcs = templates_srcs + glob(
[src_dir + "/**/*" + ext for src_dir in src_dirs for ext in [
exclude = [
] + ignore_templates_list,
additional_deps = [
emitJS = False,
# Should not run sandboxed.
tags = [
ts_outdir = "_pg_template_test_out",
ts_project = "tsconfig_template_test.json",
# This rule allows to run polymer template checker with bazel test command.
# For details - see compile_template_test rule.
name = "validate_polymer_templates",
srcs = [""],
data = ["compile_template_test.success"],
name = "polygerrit_ui",
srcs = compiled_pg_srcs,
outs = [""],
app_name = "gr-app",
entry_point = "_pg_ts_out/elements/gr-app-entry-point.js",
name = "eslint_src_code",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
) + [
name = "pg_code",
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
) + compiled_pg_srcs_with_tests,
# Workaround for
name = "test-srcs-fg",
srcs = [
# Define the eslinter for polygerrit-ui app
# The eslint macro creates 2 rules: lint_test and lint_bin
name = "lint",
srcs = [":eslint_src_code"],
config = ".eslintrc-bazel.js",
data = [
# The .eslintrc-bazel.js extends the .eslintrc.js config, pass it as a dependency
# tsconfig_eslint.json extends tsconfig.json, pass it as a dependency
extensions = [
ignore = ".eslintignore",
plugins = [
name = "polylint-fg",
srcs = [
# Workaround for
] +
# Polylinter can't check .ts files, run it on compiled srcs
name = "polylint_test",
size = "large",
srcs = [""],
args = [
"$(location @tools_npm//polymer-cli/bin:polymer)",
"$(location polymer.json)",
data = [
# Should not run sandboxed.
tags = [