blob: d3a4b3a275bfa0e772516594a5a0fbce595e4116 [file] [log] [blame]
= Gerrit Code Review - /config/ REST API
This page describes the config related REST endpoints.
Please also take note of the general information on the
link:rest-api.html[REST API].
Config Endpoints
=== Get Version
'GET /config/server/version'
Returns the version of the Gerrit server.
GET /config/server/version HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
=== List Caches
'GET /config/server/caches/'
Lists the caches of the server. Caches defined by plugins are included.
The caller must be a member of a group that is granted the
link:access-control.html#capability_viewCaches[View Caches] capability
or the link:access-control.html#capability_administrateServer[
Administrate Server] capability.
As result a map of link:#cache-info[CacheInfo] entities is returned.
The entries in the map are sorted by cache name.
GET /config/server/caches/ HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"accounts": {
"entries": {
"mem": 4
"average_get": "2.5ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 94
"accounts_byemail": {
"entries": {
"mem": 4
"average_get": "771.8us",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 95
"accounts_byname": {
"entries": {
"mem": 4
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 100
"adv_bases": {
"entries": {},
"hit_ratio": {}
"change_kind": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"space": "0.00k"
"hit_ratio": {}
"changes": {
"entries": {},
"hit_ratio": {}
"conflicts": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"mem": 2,
"disk": 3,
"space": "2.75k"
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 0,
"disk": 100
"diff": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"mem": 177,
"disk": 253,
"space": "170.97k"
"average_get": "1.1ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 67,
"disk": 100
"diff_intraline": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"mem": 1,
"disk": 1,
"space": "0.37k"
"average_get": "6.8ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 0
"git_tags": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"space": "0.00k"
"hit_ratio": {}
groups": {
"entries": {
"mem": 27
"average_get": "183.2us",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 12
"groups_byinclude": {
"entries": {},
"hit_ratio": {}
"groups_byname": {
"entries": {},
"hit_ratio": {}
"groups_byuuid": {
"entries": {
"mem": 25
"average_get": "173.4us",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 13
"groups_external": {
"entries": {},
"hit_ratio": {}
groups_members": {
"entries": {
"mem": 4
"average_get": "697.8us",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 82
"permission_sort": {
"entries": {
"mem": 16
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 96
"plugin_resources": {
"entries": {
"mem": 2
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 83
"project_list": {
"entries": {
"mem": 1
"average_get": "18.6ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 0
"projects": {
"entries": {
"mem": 35
"average_get": "8.6ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 99
"quota-repo_size": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"space": "0.00k"
"hit_ratio": {}
"sshkeys": {
"entries": {
"mem": 1
"average_get": "3.2ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 50
"web_sessions": {
"type": "DISK",
"entries": {
"mem": 1,
"disk": 2,
"space": "0.78k"
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 82
=== Get Cache
'GET /config/server/caches/link:#cache-name[\{cache-name\}]'
Retrieves information about a cache.
The caller must be a member of a group that is granted the
link:access-control.html#capability_viewCaches[View Caches] capability
or the link:access-control.html#capability_administrateServer[
Administrate Server] capability.
As result a link:#cache-info[CacheInfo] entity is returned.
GET /config/server/caches/projects HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"name": "projects",
"entries": {
"mem": 35
"average_get": " 8.6ms",
"hit_ratio": {
"mem": 99
=== List Capabilities
'GET /config/server/capabilities'
Lists the capabilities that are available in the system. There are two
kinds of capabilities: core and plugin-owned capabilities.
As result a map of link:#capability-info[CapabilityInfo] entities is
The entries in the map are sorted by capability ID.
GET /config/server/capabilities/ HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"accessDatabase": {
"id": "accessDatabase",
"name": "Access Database"
"administrateServer": {
"id": "administrateServer",
"name": "Administrate Server"
"createAccount": {
"id": "createAccount",
"name": "Create Account"
"createGroup": {
"id": "createGroup",
"name": "Create Group"
"createProject": {
"id": "createProject",
"name": "Create Project"
"emailReviewers": {
"id": "emailReviewers",
"name": "Email Reviewers"
"flushCaches": {
"id": "flushCaches",
"name": "Flush Caches"
"killTask": {
"id": "killTask",
"name": "Kill Task"
"priority": {
"id": "priority",
"name": "Priority"
"queryLimit": {
"id": "queryLimit",
"name": "Query Limit"
"runGC": {
"id": "runGC",
"name": "Run Garbage Collection"
"streamEvents": {
"id": "streamEvents",
"name": "Stream Events"
"viewCaches": {
"id": "viewCaches",
"name": "View Caches"
"viewConnections": {
"id": "viewConnections",
"name": "View Connections"
"viewPlugins": {
"id": "viewPlugins",
"name": "View Plugins"
"viewQueue": {
"id": "viewQueue",
"name": "View Queue"
=== Get Top Menus
'GET /config/server/top-menus'
Returns the list of additional top menu entries.
GET /config/server/top-menus HTTP/1.0
As response a list of the additional top menu entries as
link:#top-menu-entry-info[TopMenuEntryInfo] entities is returned.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
"name": "Top Menu Entry",
"items": [
"url": "",
"name": "Gerrit",
"target": "_blank"
== IDs
=== \{cache-name\}
The name of the cache.
If the cache is defined by a plugin the cache name must include the
plugin name: "<plugin-name>-<cache-name>".
Gerrit core caches can optionally be prefixed with "gerrit":
== JSON Entities
=== CacheInfo
The `CacheInfo` entity contains information about a cache.
|Field Name ||Description
|`name` |
not set if returned in a map where the cache name is used as map key|
The cache name. If the cache is defined by a plugin the cache name
includes the plugin name: "<plugin-name>-<cache-name>".
|`type` |not set for in memory caches|
The type of the cache (`MEM`: in memory cache, `DISK`: disk cache).
|`entries` ||
Information about the entries in the cache as a
link:#entries-info[EntriesInfo] entity.
|`average_get` |optional|
The average duration of getting one entry from the cache. The value is
returned with a standard time unit abbreviation (`ns`: nanoseconds,
`us`: microseconds, `ms`: milliseconds, `s`: seconds).
|`hit_ratio` ||
Information about the hit ratio as a link:#hit-ration-info[
HitRatioInfo] entity.
=== CapabilityInfo
The `CapabilityInfo` entity contains information about a capability.
|Field Name |Description
|`id` |capability ID
|`name` |capability name
=== EntriesInfo
The `EntriesInfo` entity contains information about the entries in a
|Field Name ||Description
|`mem` |optional|Number of cache entries that are held in memory.
|`disk` |optional|Number of cache entries on the disk. For non-disk
caches this value is not set; for disk caches it is only set if there
are entries in the cache.
|`space` |optional|
The space that is consumed by the cache on disk. The value is returned
with a unit abbreviation (`k`: kilobytes, `m`: megabytes,
`g`: gigabytes). Only set for disk caches.
=== HitRatioInfo
The `HitRatioInfo` entity contains information about the hit ratio of a
|Field Name ||Description
|`mem` ||
Hit ratio for cache entries that are held in memory (0 \<= value \<= 100).
|`disk` |optional|
Hit ratio for cache entries that are held on disk (0 \<= value \<= 100).
Only set for disk caches.
=== TopMenuEntryInfo
The `TopMenuEntryInfo` entity contains information about a top menu
|Field Name |Description
|`name` |Name of the top menu entry.
|`items` |List of link:#top-menu-item-info[menu items].
=== TopMenuItemInfo
The `TopMenuItemInfo` entity contains information about a menu item in
a top menu entry.
|Field Name ||Description
|`url` ||The URL of the menu item link.
|`name` ||The name of the menu item.
|`target` ||Target attribute of the menu item link.
|`id` |optional|The `id` attribute of the menu item link.
Part of link:index.html[Gerrit Code Review]