blob: 6160cdc63c6857005e3c2c36cdd8eb26440acda8 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../types/common';
import {AccountTag, ReviewerState} from '../constants/constants';
import {assertNever, hasOwnProperty} from './common-util';
import {getDisplayName} from './display-name-util';
import {getApprovalInfo} from './label-util';
import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../types/types';
export const MENTIONS_REGEX =
export interface AccountInputDetail {
account: AccountInput;
/** Supported input to be added */
export type RawAccountInput =
| string
| SuggestedReviewerAccountInfo
| SuggestedReviewerGroupInfo;
// type guards for SuggestedReviewerAccountInfo and SuggestedReviewerGroupInfo
export function isAccountObject(
x: RawAccountInput
): x is SuggestedReviewerAccountInfo {
return !!(x as SuggestedReviewerAccountInfo).account;
export function isSuggestedReviewerGroupInfo(
x: RawAccountInput
): x is SuggestedReviewerGroupInfo {
return !!(x as SuggestedReviewerGroupInfo).group;
// AccountInfo with confirmation to be added as reviewer/cc.
export interface AccountInfoInput extends AccountInfo {
_account?: boolean;
confirmed?: boolean;
// GroupInfo with confirmation to be added as reviewer/cc.
export interface GroupInfoInput extends GroupInfo {
_account?: boolean;
confirmed?: boolean;
export type AccountInput = AccountInfoInput | GroupInfoInput;
export function accountKey(account: AccountInfo): AccountId | EmailAddress {
if (account._account_id !== undefined) return account._account_id;
if ( return;
throw new Error('Account has neither _account_id nor email.');
export function isServiceUser(account?: AccountInfo): boolean {
return !!account?.tags?.includes(AccountTag.SERVICE_USER);
export function isSelf(account?: AccountInfo, self?: AccountInfo): boolean {
return account?._account_id === self?._account_id;
export function removeServiceUsers(accounts?: AccountInfo[]): AccountInfo[] {
return accounts?.filter(a => !isServiceUser(a)) || [];
export function hasSameAvatar(account?: AccountInfo, other?: AccountInfo) {
return account?.avatars?.[0]?.url === other?.avatars?.[0]?.url;
export function getUserId(entry: AccountInfo | GroupInfo): UserId {
if (isAccount(entry)) return accountKey(entry);
if (isGroup(entry)) return;
assertNever(entry, 'entry must be account or group');
export function isAccountEmailOnly(entry: AccountInfo | GroupInfo) {
if (isGroup(entry)) return false;
return !entry._account_id;
export function isAccountNewlyAdded(
account: AccountInfo | GroupInfo,
state?: ReviewerState,
change?: ChangeInfo | ParsedChangeInfo
) {
if (!change || !state) return false;
const accounts = [...(change.reviewers[state] ?? [])];
return !accounts.some(a => getUserId(a) === getUserId(account));
export function uniqueDefinedAvatar(
account: AccountInfo,
index: number,
accountArray: AccountInfo[]
) {
return (
index === accountArray.findIndex(other => hasSameAvatar(account, other))
export function uniqueAccountId(
account: AccountInfo,
index: number,
accountArray: AccountInfo[]
) {
return (
index ===
accountArray.findIndex(other => account._account_id === other._account_id)
export function isDetailedAccount(account?: AccountInfo) {
// In case ChangeInfo is requested without DetailedAccount option, the
// reviewer entry is returned as just {_account_id: 123}
// This object should also be treated as not detailed account if they have
// an AccountId and no email
return !!account?.email && !!account?._account_id;
* Get account in pseudonymized form, that can be send to the backend.
* If account is not present, returns anonymous user name according to config.
export function getAccountTemplate(account?: AccountInfo, config?: ServerInfo) {
return account?._account_id
? `<GERRIT_ACCOUNT_${account._account_id}>`
: getDisplayName(config);
* Replace account templates with user display names in text, received from the backend.
export function replaceTemplates(
text: string,
accountsInText?: AccountInfo[],
config?: ServerInfo
) {
return text.replace(
(_accountIdTemplate, accountId) => {
const parsedAccountId = Number(accountId) as AccountId;
const accountInText = (accountsInText || []).find(
account => account._account_id === parsedAccountId
if (!accountInText) {
return `Gerrit Account ${parsedAccountId}`;
return getDisplayName(config, accountInText);
* Returns max permitted score for reviewer.
const getReviewerPermittedScore = (
change: ChangeInfo,
reviewer: AccountInfo,
label: string
) => {
// Note (issue 7874): sometimes the "all" list is not included in change
// detail responses, even when DETAILED_LABELS is included in options.
if (!change?.labels) {
return NaN;
const detailedLabel = change.labels[label];
if (!isDetailedLabelInfo(detailedLabel) || !detailedLabel.all) {
return NaN;
const approvalInfo = getApprovalInfo(detailedLabel, reviewer);
if (!approvalInfo) {
return NaN;
if (hasOwnProperty(approvalInfo, 'permitted_voting_range')) {
if (!approvalInfo.permitted_voting_range) return NaN;
return approvalInfo.permitted_voting_range.max;
} else if (hasOwnProperty(approvalInfo, 'value')) {
// If present, user can vote on the label.
return 0;
return NaN;
* Explains which labels the user can vote on and which score they can
* give.
export function computeVoteableText(change: ChangeInfo, reviewer: AccountInfo) {
if (!change || !change.labels) {
return '';
const maxScores = [];
for (const label of Object.keys(change.labels)) {
const maxScore = getReviewerPermittedScore(change, reviewer, label);
if (isNaN(maxScore) || maxScore < 0) {
const scoreLabel = maxScore > 0 ? `+${maxScore}` : `${maxScore}`;
maxScores.push(`${label}: ${scoreLabel}`);
return maxScores.join(', ');
* Extracts mentioned users from a given text.
* A user can be mentioned by triggering the mentions dropdown in a comment
* by typing @ at the start of the comment or after a space.
* The Mentions Regex first looks start of sentence or whitespace (?:^|\s) then
* @ token which would have triggered the mentions dropdown and then looks
* for the email token ending with a whitespace or end of string.
export function extractMentionedUsers(text?: string): AccountInfo[] {
if (!text) return [];
let match;
const users = [];
while ((match = MENTIONS_REGEX.exec(text))) {
email: match[1] as EmailAddress,
return users;
export function toReviewInput(
account: AccountInput,
state: ReviewerState
): ReviewerInput {
if (isAccount(account)) {
return {
reviewer: accountKey(account),
...(account.confirmed && {confirmed: account.confirmed}),
} else if (isGroup(account)) {
const reviewer = decodeURIComponent( as GroupId;
return {
...(account.confirmed && {confirmed: account.confirmed}),
throw new Error('Must be either an account or a group.');