blob: b34e1c3769ca8ef2db570e6f17beb43fce6c073a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {AttributeHelperPluginApi} from '../../../api/attribute-helper';
import {PluginApi} from '../../../api/plugin';
import {ReportingService} from '../../../services/gr-reporting/gr-reporting';
import {ValueChangedEvent} from '../../../types/events';
export class GrAttributeHelper implements AttributeHelperPluginApi {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private readonly _promises = new Map<string, Promise<any>>();
// TODO(TS): Change any to something more like HTMLElement.
private readonly reporting: ReportingService,
readonly plugin: PluginApi,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
public element: any
) {
this.reporting.trackApi(this.plugin, 'attribute', 'constructor');
_getChangedEventName(name: string): string {
return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() + '-changed';
* Returns true if the property is defined on wrapped element.
_elementHasProperty(name: string) {
return this.element[name] !== undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
_reportValue(callback: (value: any) => void, value: any) {
try {
} catch (e) {;
* Binds callback to property updates.
* @param name Property name.
* @return Unbind function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
bind(name: string, callback: (value: any) => void) {
this.reporting.trackApi(this.plugin, 'attribute', 'bind');
const attributeChangedEventName = this._getChangedEventName(name);
const changedHandler = (e: ValueChangedEvent) =>
this._reportValue(callback, e.detail.value);
const unbind = () =>
this.element.addEventListener(attributeChangedEventName, changedHandler);
if (this._elementHasProperty(name)) {
this._reportValue(callback, this.element[name]);
return unbind;
* Get value of the property from wrapped object. Waits for the property
* to be initialized if it isn't defined.
get(name: string): Promise<unknown> {
this.reporting.trackApi(this.plugin, 'attribute', 'get');
if (this._elementHasProperty(name)) {
return Promise.resolve(this.element[name]);
if (!this._promises.has(name)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
let resolve: (value: any) => void;
const promise = new Promise(r => (resolve = r));
const unbind = this.bind(name, value => {
this._promises.set(name, promise);
return this._promises.get(name)!;
* Sets value of property (not attribute!) and dispatches event to force
* notify.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
set(name: string, value: any) {
this.reporting.trackApi(this.plugin, 'attribute', 'set');
this.element[name] = value;
new CustomEvent(this._getChangedEventName(name), {detail: {value}})