blob: 84e5ffeb7b05ec5ba7b2ae78055e02bdd5e0dbfc [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {ImageInfo} from '../../../types/common';
import {Side} from '../../../api/diff';
import '../gr-diff-image-viewer/gr-image-viewer';
import {html, LitElement, nothing} from 'lit';
import {property, query, state} from 'lit/decorators.js';
// MIME types for images we allow showing. Do not include SVG, it can contain
// arbitrary JavaScript.
const IMAGE_MIME_PATTERN = /^image\/(bmp|gif|x-icon|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)$/;
class GrDiffImageNew extends LitElement {
@property() baseImage?: ImageInfo;
@property() revisionImage?: ImageInfo;
@property() automaticBlink = false;
@property() columnCount = 0;
* The browser API for handling selection does not (yet) work for selection
* across multiple shadow DOM elements. So we are rendering gr-diff components
* into the light DOM instead of the shadow DOM by overriding this method,
* which was the recommended workaround by the lit team.
* See also
override createRenderRoot() {
return this;
override render() {
return html`
<tbody class="gr-diff image-diff">
<tr class="gr-diff">
<td class="gr-diff" colspan=${this.columnCount}>
class GrDiffImageOld extends LitElement {
@property() baseImage?: ImageInfo;
@property() revisionImage?: ImageInfo;
@property() columnCount = 0;
@query('img.left') baseImageEl?: HTMLImageElement;
@query('img.right') revisionImageEl?: HTMLImageElement;
@state() baseError?: string;
@state() revisionError?: string;
* The browser API for handling selection does not (yet) work for selection
* across multiple shadow DOM elements. So we are rendering gr-diff components
* into the light DOM instead of the shadow DOM by overriding this method,
* which was the recommended workaround by the lit team.
* See also
override createRenderRoot() {
return this;
override render() {
return html`
<tbody class="gr-diff image-diff">
${this.renderImagePairRow()} ${this.renderImageLabelRow()}
private renderEndpoint() {
return html`
<tbody class="gr-diff endpoint">
<tr class="gr-diff">
<td class="gr-diff" colspan=${this.columnCount}>
<gr-endpoint-decorator class="gr-diff" name="image-diff">
${this.renderEndpointParam('baseImage', this.baseImage)}
${this.renderEndpointParam('revisionImage', this.revisionImage)}
private renderEndpointParam(name: string, value: unknown) {
if (!value) return nothing;
return html`
<gr-endpoint-param class="gr-diff" name=${name} .value=${value}>
private renderImagePairRow() {
return html`
<tr class="gr-diff">
<td class="gr-diff left lineNum blank"></td>
<td class="gr-diff left">${this.renderImage(Side.LEFT)}</td>
<td class="gr-diff right lineNum blank"></td>
<td class="gr-diff right">${this.renderImage(Side.RIGHT)}</td>
private renderImage(side: Side) {
const image = side === Side.LEFT ? this.baseImage : this.revisionImage;
if (!image) return nothing;
const error = side === Side.LEFT ? this.baseError : this.revisionError;
if (error) return error;
const src = imageSrc(image);
if (!src) return nothing;
return html`
class="gr-diff ${side}"
@error=${(e: Event) => this.handleError(e, side)}
private handleLoad() {
private handleError(e: Event, side: Side) {
const msg = `[Image failed to load] ${e.type}`;
if (side === Side.LEFT) this.baseError = msg;
if (side === Side.RIGHT) this.revisionError = msg;
private renderImageLabelRow() {
return html`
<tr class="gr-diff">
<td class="gr-diff left lineNum blank"></td>
<td class="gr-diff left">
<label class="gr-diff">
${this.renderName(this.baseImage?._name ?? '')}
<span class="gr-diff label">${this.imageLabel(Side.LEFT)}</span>
<td class="gr-diff right lineNum blank"></td>
<td class="gr-diff right">
<label class="gr-diff">
${this.renderName(this.revisionImage?._name ?? '')}
<span class="gr-diff label"> ${this.imageLabel(Side.RIGHT)} </span>
private renderName(name?: string) {
const addNamesInLabel =
this.baseImage &&
this.revisionImage &&
this.baseImage._name !== this.revisionImage._name;
if (!addNamesInLabel) return nothing;
return html`
<span class="gr-diff name">${name}</span><br class="gr-diff" />
private imageLabel(side: Side) {
const image = side === Side.LEFT ? this.baseImage : this.revisionImage;
const imageEl =
side === Side.LEFT ? this.baseImageEl : this.revisionImageEl;
if (image) {
const type = image.type ?? image._expectedType;
if (imageEl?.naturalWidth && imageEl.naturalHeight) {
return `${imageEl?.naturalWidth}×${imageEl.naturalHeight} ${type}`;
} else {
return type;
return 'No image';
function imageSrc(image?: ImageInfo): string {
return image && IMAGE_MIME_PATTERN.test(image.type)
? `data:${image.type};base64,${image.body}`
: '';
customElements.define('gr-diff-image-new', GrDiffImageNew);
customElements.define('gr-diff-image-old', GrDiffImageOld);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'gr-diff-image-new': GrDiffImageNew;
'gr-diff-image-old': GrDiffImageOld;