blob: ba6acfd5213be21a225057511e4ee6bceefeb326 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import '../../../test/common-test-setup';
import {
} from '../../../test/test-data-generators';
import './gr-diff-builder-element';
import {stubBaseUrl, waitUntil} from '../../../test/test-utils';
import {GrAnnotation} from '../gr-diff-highlight/gr-annotation';
import {GrDiffLine, GrDiffLineType} from '../gr-diff/gr-diff-line';
import {GrDiffBuilderSideBySide} from './gr-diff-builder-side-by-side';
import {
} from '../../../api/diff';
import {stubRestApi} from '../../../test/test-utils';
import {GrDiffBuilderLegacy} from './gr-diff-builder-legacy';
import {waitForEventOnce} from '../../../utils/event-util';
import {GrDiffBuilderElement} from './gr-diff-builder-element';
import {createDefaultDiffPrefs} from '../../../constants/constants';
import {KeyLocations} from '../gr-diff-processor/gr-diff-processor';
import {BlameInfo} from '../../../types/common';
import {fixture, html, assert} from '@open-wc/testing';
import {GrDiffRow} from './gr-diff-row';
const DEFAULT_PREFS = createDefaultDiffPrefs();
suite('gr-diff-builder tests', () => {
let element: GrDiffBuilderElement;
let builder: GrDiffBuilderLegacy;
let diffTable: HTMLTableElement;
const LINE_BREAK_HTML = '<span class="gr-diff br"></span>';
const setBuilderPrefs = (prefs: Partial<DiffPreferencesInfo>) => {
builder = new GrDiffBuilderSideBySide(
{...createDefaultDiffPrefs(), ...prefs},
const line = (text: string) => {
const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLineType.BOTH);
line.text = text;
return line;
setup(async () => {
diffTable = await fixture(html`<table id="diffTable"></table>`);
element = new GrDiffBuilderElement();
element.diffElement = diffTable;
test('line_length applied with line break if line_wrapping is false', () => {
setBuilderPrefs({line_wrapping: false, tab_size: 4, line_length: 50});
const text = 'a'.repeat(51);
const expected = 'a'.repeat(50) + LINE_BREAK_HTML + 'a';
const result = builder.createTextEl(null, line(text)).firstElementChild
assert.equal(result, expected);
[DiffViewMode.UNIFIED, DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE].forEach(mode => {
test(`line_length used for regular files under ${mode}`, () => {
element.path = '/a.txt';
element.viewMode = mode;
element.diff = createEmptyDiff();
element.prefs = {
tab_size: 4,
line_length: 50,
builder = element.getDiffBuilder() as GrDiffBuilderLegacy;
assert.equal(builder._prefs.line_length, 50);
test(`line_length ignored for commit msg under ${mode}`, () => {
element.path = '/COMMIT_MSG';
element.viewMode = mode;
element.diff = createEmptyDiff();
element.prefs = {
tab_size: 4,
line_length: 50,
builder = element.getDiffBuilder() as GrDiffBuilderLegacy;
assert.equal(builder._prefs.line_length, 72);
test('createTextEl linewrap with tabs', () => {
setBuilderPrefs({tab_size: 4, line_length: 10});
const text = '\t'.repeat(7) + '!';
const el = builder.createTextEl(null, line(text));
assert.equal(el.innerText, text);
// With line length 10 and tab size 4, there should be a line break
// after every two tabs.
const newlineEl = el.querySelector('.contentText .br');
el.querySelector('.contentText .tab:nth-child(2)')?.nextSibling,
test('_handlePreferenceError throws with invalid preference', () => {
element.prefs = {...createDefaultDiffPrefs(), tab_size: 0};
assert.throws(() => element.getDiffBuilder());
test('_handlePreferenceError triggers alert and javascript error', () => {
const errorStub = sinon.stub();
diffTable.addEventListener('show-alert', errorStub);
assert.throws(() => element.handlePreferenceError('tab size'));
"The value of the 'tab size' user preference is invalid. " +
'Fix in diff preferences'
suite('intraline differences', () => {
let el: HTMLElement;
let str: string;
let annotateElementSpy: sinon.SinonSpy;
let layer: DiffLayer;
const lineNumberEl = document.createElement('td');
function slice(str: string, start: number, end?: number) {
return Array.from(str).slice(start, end).join('');
setup(async () => {
el = await fixture(html`
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, suspendisse inceptos vehicula</div>
str = el.textContent ?? '';
annotateElementSpy = sinon.spy(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer = element.createIntralineLayer();
test('annotate no highlights', () => {
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, line(str), Side.LEFT);
// The content is unchanged.
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(str, el.childNodes[0].textContent);
test('annotate with highlights', () => {
const l = line(str);
l.highlights = [
{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 6, endIndex: 12},
{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 18, endIndex: 22},
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6, 12);
const str2 = slice(str, 12, 18);
const str3 = slice(str, 18, 22);
const str4 = slice(str, 22);
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 5);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[2], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[2].textContent, str2);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[3], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[3].textContent, str3);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[4], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[4].textContent, str4);
test('annotate without endIndex', () => {
const l = line(str);
l.highlights = [{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 28}];
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 28);
const str1 = slice(str, 28);
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 2);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
test('annotate ignores empty highlights', () => {
const l = line(str);
l.highlights = [{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 28, endIndex: 28}];
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 1);
test('annotate handles unicode', () => {
// Put some unicode into the string:
str = str.replace(/\s/g, '💢');
el.textContent = str;
const l = line(str);
l.highlights = [{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 6, endIndex: 12}];
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6, 12);
const str2 = slice(str, 12);
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 3);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[2], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[2].textContent, str2);
test('annotate handles unicode w/o endIndex', () => {
// Put some unicode into the string:
str = str.replace(/\s/g, '💢');
el.textContent = str;
const l = line(str);
l.highlights = [{contentIndex: 0, startIndex: 6}];
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6);
const numHighlightedChars = GrAnnotation.getStringLength(str1);
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.isTrue(annotateElementSpy.calledWith(el, 6, numHighlightedChars));
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 2);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
suite('tab indicators', () => {
let layer: DiffLayer;
const lineNumberEl = document.createElement('td');
setup(() => {
element.showTabs = true;
layer = element.createTabIndicatorLayer();
test('does nothing with empty line', () => {
const l = line('');
const el = document.createElement('div');
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
test('does nothing with no tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum no tabs';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
test('annotates tab at beginning', () => {
const str = '\tlorem upsum';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 1);
const args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 0, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
test('does not annotate when disabled', () => {
element.showTabs = false;
const str = '\tlorem upsum';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
test('annotates multiple in beginning', () => {
const str = '\t\tlorem upsum';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 2);
let args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 0, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[1].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 1, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
test('annotates intermediate tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem\tupsum';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 1);
const args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 5, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
suite('layers', () => {
let initialLayersCount = 0;
let withLayerCount = 0;
setup(() => {
const layers: DiffLayer[] = [];
element.layers = layers;
element.showTrailingWhitespace = true;
initialLayersCount = element.layersInternal.length;
test('no layers', () => {
assert.equal(element.layersInternal.length, initialLayersCount);
suite('with layers', () => {
const layers: DiffLayer[] = [{annotate: () => {}}, {annotate: () => {}}];
setup(() => {
element.layers = layers;
element.showTrailingWhitespace = true;
withLayerCount = element.layersInternal.length;
test('with layers', () => {
assert.equal(element.layersInternal.length, withLayerCount);
assert.equal(initialLayersCount + layers.length, withLayerCount);
suite('trailing whitespace', () => {
let layer: DiffLayer;
const lineNumberEl = document.createElement('td');
setup(() => {
element.showTrailingWhitespace = true;
layer = element.createTrailingWhitespaceLayer();
test('does nothing with empty line', () => {
const l = line('');
const el = document.createElement('div');
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
test('does nothing with no trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum blah blah';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
test('annotates trailing spaces', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum ';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('annotates trailing tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum\t\t\t';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('annotates mixed trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum\t \t';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('unicode preceding trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = '💢\t';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 1);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 1);
test('does not annotate when disabled', () => {
element.showTrailingWhitespace = false;
const str = 'lorem upsum\t \t ';
const l = line(str);
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub = sinon.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, lineNumberEl, l, Side.LEFT);
suite('rendering text, images and binary files', () => {
let processStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let keyLocations: KeyLocations;
let content: DiffContent[] = [];
setup(() => {
element.viewMode = 'SIDE_BY_SIDE';
processStub = sinon
.stub(element.processor, 'process')
keyLocations = {left: {}, right: {}};
element.prefs = {
context: -1,
syntax_highlighting: true,
content = [
a: ['all work and no play make andybons a dull boy'],
b: ['elgoog elgoog elgoog'],
ab: [
'Non eram nescius, Brute, cum, quae summis ingeniis ',
'exquisitaque doctrina philosophi Graeco sermone tractavissent',
test('text', async () => {
element.diff = {...createEmptyDiff(), content};
await waitForEventOnce(diffTable, 'render-content');
test('image', async () => {
element.diff = {...createEmptyDiff(), content, binary: true};
element.isImageDiff = true;
await waitForEventOnce(diffTable, 'render-content');
test('binary', async () => {
element.diff = {...createEmptyDiff(), content, binary: true};
await waitForEventOnce(diffTable, 'render-content');
suite('rendering', () => {
let content: DiffContent[];
let outputEl: HTMLTableElement;
let keyLocations: KeyLocations;
let addColumnsStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let dispatchStub: sinon.SinonStub;
let builder: GrDiffBuilderSideBySide;
setup(() => {
const prefs = {...DEFAULT_PREFS};
content = [
a: ['all work and no play make andybons a dull boy'],
b: ['elgoog elgoog elgoog'],
ab: [
'Non eram nescius, Brute, cum, quae summis ingeniis ',
'exquisitaque doctrina philosophi Graeco sermone tractavissent',
dispatchStub = sinon.stub(diffTable, 'dispatchEvent');
outputEl = element.diffElement!;
keyLocations = {left: {}, right: {}};
sinon.stub(element, 'getDiffBuilder').callsFake(() => {
builder = new GrDiffBuilderSideBySide(
{...createEmptyDiff(), content},
addColumnsStub = sinon.stub(builder, 'addColumns');
builder.buildSectionElement = function (group) {
const section = document.createElement('stub'); = 'block';
section.textContent = group.lines.reduce(
(acc, line) => acc + line.text,
return section;
return builder;
element.diff = {...createEmptyDiff(), content};
element.prefs = prefs;
test('addColumns is called', () => {
test('getGroupsByLineRange one line', () => {
const section = outputEl.querySelector<HTMLElement>(
const groups = builder.getGroupsByLineRange(1, 1, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(groups.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(groups[0].element, section);
test('getGroupsByLineRange over diff', () => {
const section = [
const groups = builder.getGroupsByLineRange(1, 2, Side.LEFT);
assert.equal(groups.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(groups[0].element, section[0]);
assert.strictEqual(groups[1].element, section[1]);
test('render-start and render-content are fired', async () => {
await waitUntil(() => dispatchStub.callCount >= 1);
let firedEventTypes = dispatchStub.getCalls().map(c => c.args[0].type);
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render-start');
await waitUntil(() => dispatchStub.callCount >= 2);
firedEventTypes = dispatchStub.getCalls().map(c => c.args[0].type);
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render-content');
test('cancel cancels the processor', () => {
const processorCancelStub = sinon.stub(element.processor, 'cancel');
suite('context hiding and expanding', () => {
let dispatchStub: sinon.SinonStub;
setup(async () => {
dispatchStub = sinon.stub(diffTable, 'dispatchEvent');
element.diff = {
content: [
{ab: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].map(i => `unchanged ${i}`)},
{a: ['before'], b: ['after']},
{ab: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].map(i => `unchanged ${10 + i}`)},
element.viewMode = DiffViewMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE;
const keyLocations: KeyLocations = {left: {}, right: {}};
element.prefs = {
context: 1,
// Make sure all listeners are installed.
await element.untilGroupsRendered();
test('hides lines behind two context controls', () => {
const contextControls = diffTable.querySelectorAll('gr-context-controls');
assert.equal(contextControls.length, 2);
const diffRows = diffTable.querySelectorAll('.diff-row');
// The first two are LOST and FILE line
assert.equal(diffRows.length, 2 + 1 + 1 + 1);
assert.include(diffRows[2].textContent, 'unchanged 10');
assert.include(diffRows[3].textContent, 'before');
assert.include(diffRows[3].textContent, 'after');
assert.include(diffRows[4].textContent, 'unchanged 11');
test('clicking +x common lines expands those lines', async () => {
const contextControls = diffTable.querySelectorAll('gr-context-controls');
const topExpandCommonButton =
assert.include(topExpandCommonButton!.textContent, '+9 common lines');
let diffRows = diffTable.querySelectorAll('.diff-row');
// 5 lines:
// FILE, LOST, the changed line plus one line of context in each direction
assert.equal(diffRows.length, 5);
await waitUntil(() => {
diffRows = diffTable.querySelectorAll<GrDiffRow>('.diff-row');
return diffRows.length === 14;
// 14 lines: The 5 above plus the 9 unchanged lines that were expanded
assert.equal(diffRows.length, 14);
assert.include(diffRows[2].textContent, 'unchanged 1');
assert.include(diffRows[3].textContent, 'unchanged 2');
assert.include(diffRows[4].textContent, 'unchanged 3');
assert.include(diffRows[5].textContent, 'unchanged 4');
assert.include(diffRows[6].textContent, 'unchanged 5');
assert.include(diffRows[7].textContent, 'unchanged 6');
assert.include(diffRows[8].textContent, 'unchanged 7');
assert.include(diffRows[9].textContent, 'unchanged 8');
assert.include(diffRows[10].textContent, 'unchanged 9');
assert.include(diffRows[11].textContent, 'unchanged 10');
assert.include(diffRows[12].textContent, 'before');
assert.include(diffRows[12].textContent, 'after');
assert.include(diffRows[13].textContent, 'unchanged 11');
test('unhideLine shows the line with context', async () => {
element.unhideLine(4, Side.LEFT);
await waitUntil(() => {
const rows = diffTable.querySelectorAll<GrDiffRow>('.diff-row');
return rows.length === 2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1;
const diffRows = diffTable.querySelectorAll('.diff-row');
// The first two are LOST and FILE line
// Lines 3-5 (Line 4 plus 1 context in each direction) will be expanded
// Because context expanders do not hide <3 lines, lines 1-2 will also
// be shown.
// Lines 6-9 continue to be hidden
assert.equal(diffRows.length, 2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1);
assert.include(diffRows[2].textContent, 'unchanged 1');
assert.include(diffRows[3].textContent, 'unchanged 2');
assert.include(diffRows[4].textContent, 'unchanged 3');
assert.include(diffRows[5].textContent, 'unchanged 4');
assert.include(diffRows[6].textContent, 'unchanged 5');
assert.include(diffRows[7].textContent, 'unchanged 10');
assert.include(diffRows[8].textContent, 'before');
assert.include(diffRows[8].textContent, 'after');
assert.include(diffRows[9].textContent, 'unchanged 11');
await element.untilGroupsRendered();
const firedEventTypes = dispatchStub.getCalls().map(c => c.args[0].type);
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render-content');
suite('blame', () => {
let mockBlame: BlameInfo[];
setup(() => {
mockBlame = [
author: 'test-author',
time: 314,
commit_msg: 'test-commit-message',
id: 'commit 1',
ranges: [
{start: 1, end: 2},
{start: 10, end: 16},
author: 'test-author',
time: 314,
commit_msg: 'test-commit-message',
id: 'commit 2',
ranges: [
{start: 4, end: 10},
{start: 17, end: 32},
test('setBlame attempts to render each blamed line', () => {
const getBlameStub = sinon
.stub(builder, 'getBlameTdByLine')
assert.equal(getBlameStub.callCount, 32);
test('getBlameCommitForBaseLine', () => {
sinon.stub(builder, 'getBlameTdByLine').returns(undefined);
assert.equal(builder.getBlameCommitForBaseLine(1)?.id, 'commit 1');
assert.equal(builder.getBlameCommitForBaseLine(11)?.id, 'commit 1');
assert.equal(builder.getBlameCommitForBaseLine(32)?.id, 'commit 2');
test('getBlameCommitForBaseLine w/o blame returns null', () => {
test('createBlameCell', () => {
const mockBlameInfo = {
time: 1576155200,
id: '1234567890',
author: 'Clark Kent',
commit_msg: 'Testing Commit',
ranges: [{start: 4, end: 10}],
const getBlameStub = sinon
.stub(builder, 'getBlameCommitForBaseLine')
const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLineType.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = 3;
line.afterNumber = 5;
const result = builder.createBlameCell(line.beforeNumber);
assert.equal(result.getAttribute('data-line-number'), '3');
/* HTML */ `
<span class="gr-diff">
<a class="blameDate gr-diff" href="/r/q/1234567890"> 12/12/2019 </a>
<span class="blameAuthor gr-diff">Clark</span>
<gr-hovercard class="gr-diff">
<span class="blameHoverCard gr-diff">
Commit 1234567890<br />
Author: Clark Kent<br />
Date: 12/12/2019<br />
<br />
Testing Commit