blob: 407e5d62f1889b20b23263409341ffc51348f0e6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
%% Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
:- package gerrit.
'$init' :- init.
%% init:
%% Initialize the module's private state. These typically take the form of global
%% aliased hashes carrying "constant" data about the current change for any
%% predicate that needs to obtain it.
init :-
define_hash(A) :- hash_exists(A), !, hash_clear(A).
define_hash(A) :- atom(A), !, new_hash(_, [alias(A)]).
%% commit_label/2:
%% During rule evaluation of a change, this predicate is defined to
%% be a table of labels that pertain to the commit of interest.
%% commit_label( label('Code-Review', 2), user(12345789) ).
%% commit_label( label('Verified', -1), user(8181) ).
:- public commit_label/2.
commit_label(L, User) :- L = label(H, _),
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Cached),
( [] == Cached ->
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Rs), !
Rs = Cached
scan_commit_labels(Rs, L, User)
commit_label(Label, User) :-
scan_commit_labels(Rs, Label, User).
scan_commit_labels([R | Rs], L, U) :- R = commit_label(L, U).
scan_commit_labels([_ | Rs], L, U) :- scan_commit_labels(Rs, L, U).
scan_commit_labels([], _, _) :- fail.
get_commit_labels(Rs) :-
hash_contains_key(commit_labels, '$all'),
hash_get(commit_labels, '$all', Rs)
get_commit_labels(Rs) :-
set_commit_labels(Rs) :-
hash_put(commit_labels, '$all', Rs),
index_commit_labels([R | Rs]) :-
R = commit_label(label(H, _), _),
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Tmp),
hash_put(commit_labels, H, [R | Tmp]),
index_commit_labels([_ | Rs]) :-
%% not_same/2:
:- public not_same/2.
not_same(ok(A), ok(B)) :- !, A \= B.
not_same(label(_, ok(A)), label(_, ok(B))) :- !, A \= B.
not_same(_, _).
%% can_submit/2:
%% Executes the SubmitRule for each solution until one where all of the
%% states has the format label(_, ok(_)) is found, then cut away any
%% remaining choice points leaving this as the last solution.
:- public can_submit/2.
can_submit(SubmitRule, S) :-
call_rule(SubmitRule, Tmp),
Tmp =.. [submit | Ls],
( is_all_ok(Ls) -> S = ok(Tmp), ! ; S = not_ready(Tmp) ).
call_rule(P:X, Arg) :- !, F =.. [X, Arg], P:F.
call_rule(X, Arg) :- !, F =.. [X, Arg], F.
is_all_ok([label(_, ok(__)) | Ls]) :- is_all_ok(Ls).
is_all_ok([label(_, may(__)) | Ls]) :- is_all_ok(Ls).
is_all_ok(_) :- fail.
%% locate_helper
%% Returns user:Func if it exists otherwise returns gerrit:Default
locate_helper(Func, Default, Arity, user:Func) :-
'$compiled_predicate'(user, Func, Arity), !.
locate_helper(Func, Default, Arity, user:Func) :-
listN(Arity, P), C =.. [Func | P], clause(user:C, _), !.
locate_helper(Func, Default, _, gerrit:Default).
listN(0, []).
listN(N, [_|T]) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, listN(N1, T).
%% locate_submit_rule/1:
%% Finds a submit_rule depending on what rules are available.
%% If none are available, use default_submit/1.
:- public locate_submit_rule/1.
locate_submit_rule(RuleName) :-
locate_helper(submit_rule, default_submit, 1, RuleName).
%% get_submit_type/2:
%% Executes the SubmitTypeRule and return the first solution
:- public get_submit_type/2.
get_submit_type(SubmitTypeRule, A) :-
call_rule(SubmitTypeRule, A), !.
%% locate_submit_type/1:
%% Finds a submit_type_rule depending on what rules are available.
%% If none are available, use project_default_submit_type/1.
:- public locate_submit_type/1.
locate_submit_type(RuleName) :-
locate_helper(submit_type, project_default_submit_type, 1, RuleName).
%% default_submit/1:
:- public default_submit/1.
default_submit(P) :-
default_submit(LabelTypes, P).
% Apply the old "all approval categories must be satisfied"
% loop by scanning over all of the label types to build up the
% submit record.
default_submit(LabelTypes, P) :-
default_submit(LabelTypes, [], Tmp),
reverse(Tmp, Ls),
P =.. [ submit | Ls].
default_submit([], Out, Out).
default_submit([Type | Types], Tmp, Out) :-
label_type(Label, Fun, Min, Max) = Type,
legacy_submit_rule(Fun, Label, Min, Max, Status),
R = label(Label, Status),
default_submit(Types, [R | Tmp], Out).
%% legacy_submit_rule:
%% Apply the old -2..+2 style logic.
legacy_submit_rule('MaxWithBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, T).
legacy_submit_rule('AnyWithBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, any_with_block(Label, Min, T).
legacy_submit_rule('MaxNoBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, max_no_block(Label, Max, T).
legacy_submit_rule('NoBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule('NoOp', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule('PatchSetLock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule(Fun, Label, Min, Max, T) :- T = impossible(unsupported(Fun)).
%% max_with_block:
%% - The minimum is never used.
%% - At least one maximum is used.
:- public max_with_block/4.
max_with_block(Min, Max, Label, label(Label, S)) :-
number(Min), number(Max), atom(Label),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, S).
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, reject(Who)) :-
commit_label(label(Label, Min), Who),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, ok(Who)) :-
\+ commit_label(label(Label, Min), _),
commit_label(label(Label, Max), Who),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, need(Max)) :-
%% any_with_block:
%% - The maximum is never used.
any_with_block(Label, Min, reject(Who)) :-
Min < 0,
commit_label(label(Label, Min), Who),
any_with_block(Label, Min, may(_)).
%% max_no_block:
%% - At least one maximum is used.
max_no_block(Max, Label, label(Label, S)) :-
number(Max), atom(Label),
max_no_block(Label, Max, S).
max_no_block(Label, Max, ok(Who)) :-
commit_label(label(Label, Max), Who),
max_no_block(Label, Max, need(Max)) :-
%% filter_submit_results/3:
%% Executes the submit_filter against the given list of results,
%% returns a list of filtered results.
:- public filter_submit_results/3.
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, Out) :-
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, [], Tmp),
reverse(Tmp, Out).
filter_submit_results(Filter, [I | In], Tmp, Out) :-
arg(1, I, R),
call_submit_filter(Filter, R, S),
S =.. [submit | Ls],
( is_all_ok(Ls) -> T = ok(S) ; T = not_ready(S) ),
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, [T | Tmp], Out).
filter_submit_results(Filter, [_ | In], Tmp, Out) :-
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, Tmp, Out),
filter_submit_results(Filter, [], Out, Out).
call_submit_filter(P:X, R, S) :- !, F =.. [X, R, S], P:F.
call_submit_filter(X, R, S) :- F =.. [X, R, S], F.
%% filter_submit_type_results/3:
%% Executes the submit_type_filter against the result,
%% returns the filtered result.
:- public filter_submit_type_results/3.
filter_submit_type_results(Filter, In, Out) :- call_submit_filter(Filter, In, Out).
%% locate_submit_filter/1:
%% Finds a submit_filter if available.
:- public locate_submit_filter/1.
locate_submit_filter(FilterName) :-
locate_helper(submit_filter, noop_filter, 2, FilterName).
%% noop_filter/2:
:- public noop_filter/2.
noop_filter(In, In).
%% locate_submit_type_filter/1:
%% Finds a submit_type_filter if available.
:- public locate_submit_type_filter/1.
locate_submit_type_filter(FilterName) :-
locate_helper(submit_type_filter, noop_filter, 2, FilterName).
%% find_label/3:
%% Finds labels successively and fails when there are no more results.
:- public find_label/3.
find_label([], _, _) :- !, fail.
find_label(List, Name, Label) :-
List = [_ | _],
find_label2(List, Name, Label).
find_label(S, Name, Label) :-
S =.. [submit | Ls],
find_label2(Ls, Name, Label).
find_label2([L | _ ], Name, L) :- L = label(Name, _).
find_label2([_ | Ls], Name, L) :- find_label2(Ls, Name, L).
%% remove_label/3:
%% Removes all occurances of label(Name, Status).
:- public remove_label/3.
remove_label([], _, []) :- !.
remove_label(List, Label, Out) :-
List = [_ | _],
subtract1(List, Label, Out).
remove_label(S, Label, Out) :-
S =.. [submit | Ls],
subtract1(Ls, Label, Tmp),
Out =.. [submit | Tmp].
subtract1([], _, []) :- !.
subtract1([E | L], E, R) :- !, subtract1(L, E, R).
subtract1([H | L], E, [H | R]) :- subtract1(L, E, R).
%% commit_author/1:
:- public commit_author/1.
commit_author(Author) :-
commit_author(Author, _, _).
%% commit_committer/1:
:- public commit_committer/1.
commit_committer(Committer) :-
commit_committer(Committer, _, _).
%% commit_delta/1:
:- public commit_delta/1.
commit_delta(Regex) :-
once(commit_delta(Regex, _, _, _)).
%% commit_delta/3:
:- public commit_delta/3.
commit_delta(Regex, Type, Path) :-
commit_delta(Regex, TmpType, NewPath, OldPath),
split_commit_delta(TmpType, NewPath, OldPath, Type, Path).
split_commit_delta(rename, NewPath, OldPath, delete, OldPath).
split_commit_delta(rename, NewPath, OldPath, add, NewPath) :- !.
split_commit_delta(copy, NewPath, OldPath, add, NewPath) :- !.
split_commit_delta(Type, Path, _, Type, Path).
%% commit_message_matches/1:
:- public commit_message_matches/1.
commit_message_matches(Pattern) :-
regex_matches(Pattern, Msg).
%% member/2:
:- public member/2.
member(X,[Y|T]) :- member(X,T).
%% includes_file/1:
:- public includes_file/1.
includes_file(File) :-
member(File, List).