blob: 3b5081a9edda0e68e0d684688e81db68a9dd86d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {ReactiveController, ReactiveControllerHost} from 'lit';
* This module provides the ability to do dependency injection in components.
* It provides 3 functions that are for the purpose of dependency injection.
* Definitions
* ---
* A component's "connected lifetime" consists of the span between
* `super.connectedCallback` and `super.disconnectedCallback`.
* Dependency Definition
* ---
* A token for a dependency of type FooService is defined as follows:
* const fooToken = define<FooService>('some name');
* Dependency Resolution
* ---
* To get the value of a dependency, a component requests a resolved dependency
* ```
* private readonly serviceRef = resolve(this, fooToken);
* ```
* A resolved dependency is a function that when called will return the actual
* value for that dependency.
* A resolved dependency is guaranteed to be resolved during a components
* connected lifetime. If no ancestor provided a value for the dependency, then
* the resolved dependency will throw an error if the value is accessed.
* Therefore, the following is safe-by-construction as long as it happens
* within a components connected lifetime:
* ```
* serviceRef().fooServiceMethod()
* ```
* Dependency Injection
* ---
* Ancestor components will inject the dependencies that a child component
* requires by providing providers for those values.
* To provide a dependency, a component needs to specify the following prior
* to finishing its connectedCallback:
* ```
* const fooImpl = new FooImpl();
* provide(this, fooToken, () => fooImpl);
* ```
* Dependencies are injected as factories in case the construction of them
* depends on other dependencies further up the component chain. For instance,
* if the construction of FooImpl needed a BarService, then it could look
* something like this:
* ```
* const barRef = resolve(this, barToken);
* const fooImpl = new FooImpl(barRef());
* provide(this, fooToken, () => fooImpl);
* ```
* Lifetime guarantees
* ---
* A resolved dependency is valid for the duration of its component's connected
* lifetime.
* Internally, this is guaranteed by the following:
* - Dependency injection relies on using dom-events which work synchronously.
* - Dependency injection leverages ReactiveControllers whose lifetime
* mirror that of the component
* - Parent components' connected lifetime is guaranteed to include the
* connected lifetime of child components.
* - Dependency provider factories are only called during the lifetime of the
* component that provides the value.
* Best practices
* ===
* - Provide dependencies in or before connectedCallback
* - Verify that isConnected is true when accessing a dependency after an
* await.
* Type Safety
* ---
* Dependency injection is guaranteed type-safe by construction due to the
* typing of the token used to tie together dependency providers and dependency
* consumers.
* Two tokens can never be equal because of how they are created. And both the
* consumer and provider logic of dependencies relies on the type of dependency
* token.
* A dependency-token is a unique key. It's typed by the type of the value the
* dependency needs.
export type DependencyToken<ValueType> = symbol & {__type__: ValueType};
* Defines a unique dependency token for a given type. The string provided
* is purely for debugging and does not need to be unique.
* Example usage:
* const token = define<FooService>('foo-service');
export function define<ValueType>(name: string) {
return Symbol(name) as unknown as DependencyToken<ValueType>;
* A provider for a value.
export type Provider<T> = () => T;
// Symbols to cache the providers and resolvers to avoid duplicate registration.
const PROVIDERS_SYMBOL = Symbol('providers');
const RESOLVERS_SYMBOL = Symbol('resolvers');
interface Registrations {
[RESOLVERS_SYMBOL]?: Map<DependencyToken<unknown>, Provider<unknown>>;
* A producer of a dependency expresses this as a need that results in a promise
* for the given dependency.
export function provide<T>(
host: ReactiveControllerHost & HTMLElement & Registrations,
dependency: DependencyToken<T>,
provider: Provider<T>
) {
const hostProviders = (host[PROVIDERS_SYMBOL] ||= new Map<
const oldController = hostProviders.get(dependency);
if (oldController) {
const controller = new DependencyProvider<T>(host, dependency, provider);
hostProviders.set(dependency, controller);
* A consumer of a service will resolve a given dependency token. The resolved
* dependency is returned as a simple function that can be called to access
* the injected value.
export function resolve<T>(
host: ReactiveControllerHost & HTMLElement & Registrations,
dependency: DependencyToken<T>
): Provider<T> {
const hostResolvers = (host[RESOLVERS_SYMBOL] ||= new Map<
let resolver = hostResolvers.get(dependency);
if (!resolver) {
const controller = new DependencySubscriber(host, dependency);
resolver = () => controller.get();
hostResolvers.set(dependency, resolver);
return resolver as Provider<T>;
* A callback for a value.
type Callback<T> = (value: T) => void;
* A Dependency Request gets sent by an element to ask for a dependency.
export interface DependencyRequest<T> {
readonly dependency: DependencyToken<T>;
readonly callback: Callback<Provider<T>>;
declare global {
interface HTMLElementEventMap {
* An 'request-dependency' can be emitted by any element which desires a
* dependency to be injected by an external provider.
'request-dependency': DependencyRequestEvent<unknown>;
interface DocumentEventMap {
* An 'request-dependency' can be emitted by any element which desires a
* dependency to be injected by an external provider.
'request-dependency': DependencyRequestEvent<unknown>;
* Dependency Consumers fire DependencyRequests in the form of
* DependencyRequestEvent
export class DependencyRequestEvent<T>
extends Event
implements DependencyRequest<T>
public constructor(
public readonly dependency: DependencyToken<T>,
public readonly callback: Callback<Provider<T>>
) {
super('request-dependency', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
* A resolved dependency is valid within the connected lifetime of a component,
* namely between connectedCallback and disconnectedCallback.
interface ResolvedDependency<T> {
get(): T;
export class DependencyError<T> extends Error {
constructor(public readonly dependency: DependencyToken<T>, message: string) {
function makeDependencyError<T>(
host: HTMLElement,
dependency: DependencyToken<T>
): DependencyError<T> {
const dep = dependency.description;
const tag = host.tagName;
const msg = `Could not resolve dependency '${dep}' in '${tag}'`;
return new DependencyError(dependency, msg);
class DependencySubscriber<T>
implements ReactiveController, ResolvedDependency<T>
private provider?: Provider<T>;
private readonly host: ReactiveControllerHost & HTMLElement,
private readonly dependency: DependencyToken<T>
) {}
get() {
if (!this.provider) {
throw makeDependencyError(, this.dependency);
return this.provider();
hostConnected() {
this.provider = undefined;
new DependencyRequestEvent(this.dependency, (provider: Provider<T>) => {
this.provider = provider;
if (!this.provider) {
throw makeDependencyError(, this.dependency);
class DependencyProvider<T> implements ReactiveController {
private readonly host: ReactiveControllerHost & HTMLElement,
private readonly dependency: DependencyToken<T>,
private readonly provider: Provider<T>
) {}
hostConnected() {'request-dependency', this.fullfill);
hostDisconnected() {'request-dependency', this.fullfill);
private readonly fullfill = (ev: DependencyRequestEvent<unknown>) => {
if (ev.dependency !== this.dependency) return;