blob: b3e72ff76aba4698f0a1e8c5fd4701cc2652bad2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is a variant of the `` script that in addition to
# plain `git describe` implements a few heuristics to arrive at more to the
# point stamps for directories. But due to the implemented heuristics, it will
# typically take longer to run (especially if you use lots of plugins that
# come without tags) and might slow down your development cycle when used
# as default.
# To use it, simply add
# --workspace_status_command="python3 ./tools/"
# to your bazel command. So for example instead of
# bazel build release.war
# use
# bazel build --workspace_status_command="python3 ./tools/" release.war
# Alternatively, you can add
# build --workspace_status_command="python3 ./tools/"
# to `.bazelrc` in your home directory.
# If the script exits with non-zero code, it's considered as a failure
# and the output will be discarded.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import re
ROOT = os.path.abspath(__file__)
while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT, 'WORKSPACE')):
ROOT = os.path.dirname(ROOT)
REVISION_CMD = ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--dirty']
def run(command):
return subprocess.check_output(command).strip().decode("utf-8")
except OSError as err:
print('could not invoke %s: %s' % (command[0], err), file=sys.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# ignore "not a git repository error" to report unknown version
return None
def revision_with_match(pattern=None, prefix=False, all_refs=False,
"""Return a description of the current commit
Keyword arguments:
pattern -- (Default: None) Use only refs that match this pattern.
prefix -- (Default: False) If True, the pattern is considered a prefix
and does not require an exact match.
all_refs -- (Default: False) If True, consider all refs, not just tags.
return_unmatched -- (Default: False) If False and a pattern is given that
cannot be matched, return the empty string. If True, return
the unmatched description nonetheless.
command = REVISION_CMD[:]
if pattern:
command += ['--match', pattern + ('*' if prefix else '')]
if all_refs:
command += ['--all', '--long']
description = run(command)
if pattern and not return_unmatched and not description.startswith(pattern):
return ''
return description
def branch_with_match(pattern):
for ref_kind in ['origin/', 'gerrit/', '']:
description = revision_with_match(ref_kind + pattern, all_refs=True,
for cutoff in ['heads/', 'remotes/', ref_kind]:
if description.startswith(cutoff):
description = description[len(cutoff):]
if description.startswith(pattern):
return description
return ''
def revision(template=None):
if template:
# We use the version `v2.16.19-1-gec686a6352` as running example for the
# below comments. First, we split into ['v2', '16', '19']
parts = template.split('-')[0].split('.')
# Although we have releases with version tags containing 4 numbers, we
# treat only the first three numbers for simplicity. See discussion on
# Ib1681b2730cf2c443a3cb55fe6e282f6484e18de.
if len(parts) >= 3:
# Match for v2.16.19
version_part = '.'.join(parts[0:3])
description = revision_with_match(version_part)
if description:
return description
if len(parts) >= 2:
version_part = '.'.join(parts[0:2])
# Match for v2.16.*
description = revision_with_match(version_part + '.', prefix=True)
if description:
return description
# Match for v2.16
description = revision_with_match(version_part)
if description.startswith(version_part):
return description
if template.startswith('v'):
# Match for stable-2.16 branches
branch = 'stable-' + version_part[1:]
description = branch_with_match(branch)
if description:
return description
# None of the template based methods worked out, so we're falling back to
# generic matches.
# Match for master branch
description = branch_with_match('master')
if description:
return description
# Match for anything that looks like a version tag
description = revision_with_match('v[0-9].', return_unmatched=True)
if description.startswith('v'):
return description
# Still no good tag, so we re-try without any matching
return revision_with_match()
# prints the stamps for the current working directory
def print_stamps_for_cwd(name, template):
workspace_status_script = os.path.join(
'tools', '')
if os.path.isfile(workspace_status_script):
# directory has own workspace_status_command, so we use stamps from that
for line in run(["python3", workspace_status_script]).split('\n'):
if"^STABLE_[a-zA-Z0-9().:@/_ -]*$", line):
# directory lacks own workspace_status_command, so we create a default
# stamp
v = revision(template)
print('STABLE_BUILD_%s_LABEL %s' % (name.upper(),
v if v else 'unknown'))
# os.chdir is different from plain `cd` in shells in that it follows symlinks
# and does not update the PWD environment. So when using os.chdir to change into
# a symlinked directory from gerrit's `plugins` or `modules` directory, we
# cannot recover gerrit's directory. This prevents the plugins'/modules'
# `` scripts to detect the name they were symlinked
# as (E.g.: it-* plugins sometimes get linked in more than once under different
# names) and to detect gerrit's root directory. To work around this problem, we
# mimic the `cd` of ordinary shells. By using this function, symlink information
# is preserved in the `PWD` environment variable (as it is for example also done
# in bash) and plugin/module `` scripts can pick up
# the needed information from there.
def cd(absolute_path):
os.environ['PWD'] = absolute_path
def print_stamps():
gerrit_version = revision()
print("STABLE_BUILD_GERRIT_LABEL %s" % gerrit_version)
for kind in ['modules', 'plugins']:
kind_dir = os.path.join(ROOT, kind)
for d in os.listdir(kind_dir) if os.path.isdir(kind_dir) else []:
p = os.path.join(kind_dir, d)
if os.path.isdir(p):
name = os.path.basename(p)
print_stamps_for_cwd(name, gerrit_version)
if __name__ == '__main__':