blob: 46a4984b589e1735de9d9243b51740a5ccf78d38 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* A collection of resources accessible through a REST API.
* <p>To build a collection declare a resource, the map in a module, and the collection itself
* accepting the map:
* <pre>
* public class MyResource implements RestResource {
* public static final TypeLiteral&lt;RestView&lt;MyResource&gt;&gt; MY_KIND =
* new TypeLiteral&lt;RestView&lt;MyResource&gt;&gt;() {};
* }
* public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
* &#064;Override
* protected void configure() {
* DynamicMap.mapOf(binder(), MyResource.MY_KIND);
* get(MyResource.MY_KIND, &quot;action&quot;).to(MyAction.class);
* }
* }
* public class MyCollection extends RestCollection&lt;TopLevelResource, MyResource&gt; {
* private final DynamicMap&lt;RestView&lt;MyResource&gt;&gt; views;
* &#064;Inject
* MyCollection(DynamicMap&lt;RestView&lt;MyResource&gt;&gt; views) {
* this.views = views;
* }
* public DynamicMap&lt;RestView&lt;MyResource&gt;&gt; views() {
* return views;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* <p>To build a nested collection, implement {@link ChildCollection}.
* @param <P> type of the parent resource. For a top level collection this should always be {@link
* TopLevelResource}.
* @param <R> type of resource operated on by each view.
public interface RestCollection<P extends RestResource, R extends RestResource> {
* Create a view to list the contents of the collection.
* <p>The returned view should accept the parent type to scope the search, and may want to take a
* "q" parameter option to narrow the results.
* @return view to list the collection.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException if the collection cannot be listed.
* @throws AuthException if the collection requires authentication.
RestView<P> list() throws ResourceNotFoundException, AuthException;
* Parse a path component into a resource handle.
* @param parent the handle to the collection.
* @param id string identifier supplied by the client. In a URL such as {@code
* /changes/1234/abandon} this string is {@code "1234"}.
* @return a resource handle for the identified object.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException the object does not exist, or the caller is not permitted to
* know if the resource exists.
* @throws Exception if the implementation had any errors converting to a resource handle. This
* results in an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
R parse(P parent, IdString id) throws ResourceNotFoundException, Exception;
* Get the views that support this collection.
* <p>Within a resource the views are accessed as {@code RESOURCE/plugin~view}.
* @return map of views.
DynamicMap<RestView<R>> views();