blob: 1ebe8025a20eda7fc5ed7f99ed8eeb0c5de753d6 [file] [log] [blame]
Gerrit2 - Installation
You need a SQL database to house the Gerrit2 metadata. Currently
PostgreSQL is the only supported database.
Important Links
Optional Libraries:
* link:[PostgreSQL JDBC Driver]
* link:[c3p0 JDBC Driver]
* link:[Bouncy Castle Crypto API]
* link:[JavaMail]
Downloading Gerrit
Current and past binary releases of Gerrit can be obtained from
the downloads page at the project site:
*[Gerrit Downloads]
Download any current `*.war` package.
Building Gerrit From Source
Alternatively, you can build the application distribution using
Maven from a source download obtained directly from Git:
mkdir gerrit2
cd gerrit2
repo init -u git://
(cd jgit/jgit-maven/jgit && mvn install)
(cd sshd && mvn install)
mvn clean package
cp target/gerrit-*.war ...YOUR.DEST.../gerrit.war
The first build may take a while as dependencies are searched
for and downloaded from Maven distribution repositories.
Unfortunately you need to install snapshots of both JGit and
SSHD to your local Maven repository (typically under `~/.m2`).
These core dependencies are still under active development and have
not made final releases yet.
Apache Maven:
*[Running Maven]
Apache SSHD:
*[Apache SSHD]
Setting up the Database
Currently PostgreSQL is the only supported database. H2 may also
work, but hasn't been tested in a while. The primary concern is
having support for the database in the gwtorm project.
Create a Gerrit specific user as a normal user (no superuser access)
and assign it an encrypted password:
createuser -A -D -P -E gerrit2
Create the database to store the Gerrit metadata, and set the user
you just created as the owner of that database:
createdb -E UTF-8 -O gerrit2 reviewdb
Initialize the Schema
Create the Gerrit 2 Tables
Either run CreateSchema from the command line:
java -jar gerrit.war --cat extra/GerritServer.properties_example >
java -jar gerrit.war CreateSchema
Or, run the application once in a container to force it to initialize
the database schema before accessing it. (See below for deployment
setup documentation.) If you use this approach, it is recommended
that you stop the application before continuing with the setup.
Add Indexes
A script should be run to create the query indexes, so Gerrit
can avoid table scans when looking up information. Run the
`sql/query_index.sql` script through your database's query tool.
e.g. with PostgreSQL:
java -jar gerrit.war --cat sql/query_index.sql | psql reviewdb
Configure site_path
This directory holds server-specific configuration files and
assets used to customize the deployment. Gerrit needs read
access (but not write access) to the directory. The path
is stored in `system_config.site_path`, so you will need to
update the database with this value.
mkdir /home/gerrit/cfg
cd /home/gerrit/cfg
psql -c "UPDATE system_config SET site_path='/home/gerrit/cfg'" reviewdb
SSH Host Keys
If you choose to install the Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs (see below)
you must create RSA and DSA host keys for the daemon:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ssh_host_rsa_key
ssh-keygen -t dsa -P '' -f ssh_host_dsa_key
These keys are used as the host keys for the internal SSH daemon
run by Gerrit. You may wish to backup these key files to ensure
they can be restored in the event of a disaster.
The private key files (`ssh_host_rsa_key`, `ssh_host_dsa_key`) should
be readable *only* by the account that is executing Gerrit2's web
application container. It is a security risk to make these files
readable by anyone else.
If you don't install Bouncy Castle, Gerrit will automatically
create a host key and save a copy to `'site_path'/ssh_host_key`
during first startup. For this to work correctly, Gerrit will
require write access to the directory.
Create Git Repository Base
This directory holds the Git repositories that Gerrit knows about
and can service. Gerrit needs write access to this directory and
any Git repository stored within it.
mkdir /srv/git
psql -c "UPDATE system_config SET git_base_path='/srv/git'" reviewdb
You may wish to consider also exporting this directory over the
anonymous git:// protocol, as it is more efficient than Gerrit's
internal ssh daemon. See the `git-daemon` documentation for details
on how to configure this if anonymous access is desired.
*[man git-daemon]
Futher Configuration
Gerrit2 supports some site-specific customizations. These are
optional and are not required to run a server, but may be desired.
* link:config-sso.html[Single Sign-On Systems]
* link:config-replication.html[Git Replication/Mirroring]
* link:config-headerfooter.html[Site Header/Footer]
* link:config-gitweb.html[Gitweb Integration]
* link:config-gerrit.html[Other system_config Settings]
Application Deployment
The instructions listed here were tested with Jetty 6.1.14 or later.
These are known to not work on much older versions, such as 6.1.3.
These directions will configure Gerrit as the default web
application, allowing URLs like `` to
jump directly to change 4543.
Download and unzip a release version of Jetty. From here on we
call the unpacked directory `$JETTY_HOME`.
* link:[Jetty Downloads]
Install the required JDBC drivers by copying them into the
`'$JETTY_HOME'/lib/plus` directory. Drivers can be obtained from
their source projects:
* link:[PostgreSQL JDBC Driver]
* link:[c3p0 JDBC Driver]
Consider installing Bouncy Castle Cypto APIs into the
`'$JETTY_HOME'/lib/plus` directory. Some of the Bouncy Castle
implementations are faster than then ones that come in the JRE,
and they may support additional encryption algorithms:
* link:[Bouncy Castle Crypto API]
Copy Gerrit into the deployment:
java -jar gerrit.war --cat extra/jetty_gerrit.xml >$JETTY_HOME/contexts/gerrit.xml
cp gerrit.war $JETTY_HOME/webapps/gerrit.war
rm -f $JETTY_HOME/context/test.xml
Edit `$JETTY_HOME/contexts/gerrit.xml` to correctly configure the
database and outgoing SMTP connections, especially the user and
password fields.
To start automatically when the system boots, consider a start
script such as the following in `/etc/init.d/gerrit2-jetty`
export JETTY_HOST=
export JETTY_PORT=8081
export JETTY_USER=gerrit2
export JETTY_PID=/var/run/jetty$
export JETTY_HOME=/home/$JETTY_USER/jetty
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
exec $JETTY_HOME/bin/ "$@"
To deploy on port 80, or to use SSL, you should configure Jetty
to listen on another port, such as (like the start
script above does) and then follow the <<apache2,reverse proxy>>
section below.
Under Jetty, restarting the web application (e.g. after modifying
`system_config`) is as simple as touching the config file:
Other Servlet Containers
Deploy the `gerrit-*.war` file to your application server as
Configure the JNDI DataSource `jdbc/ReviewDb` for the Gerrit web
application context to point to the database you just created.
Don't forget to ensure your JNDI configuration can load the
necessary JDBC drivers.
('Optional') Add Bouncy Castle Crypto API to the web application's
classpath. Usually its best to load this library from the servlet
container's extensions directory, but gerrit.war could also be
modified to include it.
('Optional') Configure the JNDI name `mail/Outgoing` for the web
application context to be a factory for a `javax.mail.Session`,
with the connection information necessary to send outgoing emails.
You may need to download and install the Java Mail JARs in your
container's classpath. If this is not configured, Gerrit will
function, but will not be able to send email.
Apache2 Reverse Proxy
Enable the necessary Apache2 modules:
a2enmod proxy_http
a2enmod disk_cache ; # optional, but helps performance
then setup a VirtualHost to proxy to Gerrit's servlet container,
setting the `ProxyPass` line to use the port number you configured
in your servlet container's configuration:
<VirtualHost *>
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyVia Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /
<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>
CacheEnable disk /
CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie
To enable SSL, see the Apache server documentation.
Administrator Setup
Login to Gerrit through the web interface, so that a user account
is initialized for you.
Add your newly created account to the "Administrators" group,
so that you can manage the site through the web interface:
psql reviewdb
INSERT INTO account_group_members
(account_id, group_id)
(SELECT account_id FROM accounts
WHERE preferred_email=''),
(SELECT admin_group_id FROM system_config)
You can also get your `account_id` from the web UI, under Settings,
if you don't want to use a SELECT subquery above, or your email
address wasn't prefilled automatically.
Group memberships are cached, so you need to either restart Gerrit,
or try flushing the caches over SSH.
Since SSH cache flushing requires being in the "Administrators"
group you may run into a chicken-and-egg problem, where you cannot
flush the cache to make yourself an administrator because you are
not yet an administrator. Therefore, restarting the application
is the recommended bootstrap technique.
To flush the server's caches over SSH, ensure you have an SSH key
(you can add one through the web UI under Settings, SSH Keys),
and then run:
ssh -p 29418 gerrit flush-caches
Project Setup
See link:project-setup.html[Project Setup] for further details on
how to register a project with Gerrit.