blob: 24e8ba59d85e1e6f4af3d7365970a92f21ee02de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.ConfigInvalidException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
* Creates and updates accounts.
* <p>This interface should be used for all account updates. See {@link AccountDelta} for what can
* be updated.
* <p>For creating a new account a new account ID can be retrieved from {@link
* Sequences#nextAccountId()}.
* <p>See the implementing classes for more information.
public abstract class AccountsUpdate {
public interface AccountsUpdateLoader {
* Creates an {@code AccountsUpdate} which uses the identity of the specified user as author for
* all commits related to accounts. The server identity will be used as committer.
* <p><strong>Note</strong>: Please use this method with care and consider using the {@link
*} annotation on the provider of an {@code
* AccountsUpdate} instead.
* @param currentUser the user to which modifications should be attributed
AccountsUpdate create(IdentifiedUser currentUser);
* Creates an {@code AccountsUpdate} which uses the server identity as author and committer for
* all commits related to accounts.
* <p><strong>Note</strong>: Please use this method with care and consider using the {@link
*} annotation on the provider of an {@code
* AccountsUpdate} instead.
AccountsUpdate createWithServerIdent();
@interface WithReindex {}
@interface NoReindex {}
/** Data holder for the set of arguments required to update an account. Used for batch updates. */
public static class UpdateArguments {
public final String message;
public final Account.Id accountId;
public final AccountsUpdate.ConfigureDeltaFromState configureDeltaFromState;
public UpdateArguments(
String message,
Account.Id accountId,
AccountsUpdate.ConfigureDeltaFromState configureDeltaFromState) {
this.message = message;
this.accountId = accountId;
this.configureDeltaFromState = configureDeltaFromState;
* Account updates are commonly performed by evaluating the current account state and creating a
* delta to be applied to it in a later step. This is done by implementing this interface.
* <p>If the current account state is not needed, use a {@link Consumer} of {@link
*} instead.
public interface ConfigureDeltaFromState {
* Receives the current {@link AccountState} (which is immutable) and configures an {@link
*} with changes to the account.
* @param accountState the state of the account that is being updated
* @param delta the changes to be applied
void configure(AccountState accountState, AccountDelta.Builder delta) throws IOException;
/** Returns an instance that runs all specified consumers. */
public static ConfigureDeltaFromState joinConsumers(
List<Consumer<AccountDelta.Builder>> consumers) {
return (accountStateIgnored, update) -> consumers.forEach(c -> c.accept(update));
static ConfigureDeltaFromState fromConsumer(Consumer<AccountDelta.Builder> consumer) {
return (a, u) -> consumer.accept(u);
protected final PersonIdent committerIdent;
protected final PersonIdent authorIdent;
protected final Optional<IdentifiedUser> currentUser;
protected AccountsUpdate(PersonIdent serverIdent, Optional<IdentifiedUser> user) {
this.currentUser = user;
this.committerIdent = serverIdent;
this.authorIdent = createPersonIdent(serverIdent, user);
* Like {@link #insert(String, Account.Id, ConfigureDeltaFromState)}, but using a {@link Consumer}
* instead, i.e. the update does not depend on the current account state (which, for insertion,
* would only contain the account ID).
public AccountState insert(
String message, Account.Id accountId, Consumer<AccountDelta.Builder> init)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
return insert(message, accountId, AccountsUpdate.fromConsumer(init));
* Inserts a new account.
* @param message commit message for the account creation, must not be {@code null or empty}
* @param accountId ID of the new account
* @param init to populate the new account
* @return the newly created account
* @throws DuplicateKeyException if the account already exists
* @throws IOException if creating the user branch fails due to an IO error
* @throws ConfigInvalidException if any of the account fields has an invalid value
public abstract AccountState insert(
String message, Account.Id accountId, ConfigureDeltaFromState init)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException;
* Like {@link #update(String, Account.Id, ConfigureDeltaFromState)}, but using a {@link Consumer}
* instead, i.e. the update does not depend on the current account state.
public Optional<AccountState> update(
String message, Account.Id accountId, Consumer<AccountDelta.Builder> update)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
return update(message, accountId, AccountsUpdate.fromConsumer(update));
* Gets the account and updates it atomically.
* <p>Changing the registration date of an account is not supported.
* @param message commit message for the account update, must not be {@code null or empty}
* @param accountId ID of the account
* @param configureDeltaFromState deltaBuilder to update the account, only invoked if the account
* exists
* @return the updated account, {@link Optional#empty} if the account doesn't exist
* @throws IOException if updating the user branch fails due to an IO error
* @throws LockFailureException if updating the user branch still fails due to concurrent updates
* after the retry timeout exceeded
* @throws ConfigInvalidException if any of the account fields has an invalid value
public Optional<AccountState> update(
String message, Account.Id accountId, ConfigureDeltaFromState configureDeltaFromState)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
return updateBatch(
ImmutableList.of(new UpdateArguments(message, accountId, configureDeltaFromState)))
* Updates multiple different accounts atomically. This will only store a single new value (aka
* set of all external IDs of the host) in the external ID cache, which is important for storage
* economy. All {@code updates} must be for different accounts.
* <p>NOTE on error handling: Since updates are executed in multiple stages, with some stages
* resulting from the union of all individual updates, we cannot point to the update that caused
* the error. Callers should be aware that a single "update of death" (or a set of updates that
* together have this property) will always prevent the entire batch from being executed.
public ImmutableList<Optional<AccountState>> updateBatch(List<UpdateArguments> updates)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException {
checkArgument( -> u.accountId.get()).distinct().count() == updates.size(),
"updates must all be for different accounts");
return executeUpdates(updates);
* Deletes all the account state data.
* @param message commit message for the account update, must not be {@code null or empty}
* @param accountId ID of the account
* @throws IOException if updating the user branch fails due to an IO error
* @throws ConfigInvalidException if any of the account fields has an invalid value
public abstract void delete(String message, Account.Id accountId)
throws IOException, ConfigInvalidException;
protected abstract ImmutableList<Optional<AccountState>> executeUpdates(
List<UpdateArguments> updates) throws ConfigInvalidException, IOException;
private static PersonIdent createPersonIdent(
PersonIdent serverIdent, Optional<IdentifiedUser> user) {
return user.isPresent() ? user.get().newCommitterIdent(serverIdent) : serverIdent;