blob: 062994064fcb519aeef71d4902bf1f67716f1344 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
* An interface for all file diff related operations. Clients should use this interface to request:
* <ul>
* <li>The list of modified files between two commits.
* <li>The list of modified files between a commit and its parent or the auto-merge.
* <li>The detailed file diff for a single file path.
* <li>The Intra-line diffs for a single file path (TODO:ghareeb).
* </ul>
* <p>Do not use this class from commit validators (classes that implement {@link
*}), but use {@link
* DiffOperationsForCommitValidation} that is provided in {@link
*} instead (see javadoc of
* {@link DiffOperationsForCommitValidation} for the context).
public interface DiffOperations {
* Returns the list of added, deleted or modified files between a commit against its base. The
* {@link Patch#COMMIT_MSG} and {@link Patch#MERGE_LIST} (for merge commits) are also returned.
* <p>If parentNum is set, it is used as the old commit in the diff. Otherwise, if the {@code
* newCommit} has only one parent, it is used as base. If {@code newCommit} has two parents, the
* auto-merge commit is computed and used as base. The auto-merge for more than two parents is not
* supported.
* @param project a project name representing a git repository.
* @param newCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the new commit used in the diff.
* @param parentNum 1-based integer specifying which parent to use as base. If zero, the only
* parent will be used or the auto-merge if {@code newCommit} is a merge commit.
* @return map of file paths to the file diffs. The map key is the new file path for all {@link
* ChangeType} file diffs except {@link ChangeType#DELETED} entries where the map key contains
* the old file path. The map entries are not sorted by key.
* @throws DiffNotAvailableException if auto-merge is requested for a commit having more than two
* parents, if the {@code newCommit} could not be parsed for extracting the base commit, or if
* an internal error occurred in Git while evaluating the diff.
Map<String, FileDiffOutput> listModifiedFilesAgainstParent(
Project.NameKey project, ObjectId newCommit, int parentNum, DiffOptions diffOptions)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;
* This method is similar to {@link #listModifiedFilesAgainstParent(NameKey, ObjectId, int,
* DiffOptions)} but it loads the modified files directly if the modified files are not cached yet
* (instead of loading them via the diff cache).
* <p>Commits are looked up from the provided {@link RepoView}. This way this method can also read
* new commits which are being created by the current request.
* @param repoView view to the repo from which commits IDs are looked up
* @param ins {@link ObjectInserter} to be used to create the auto-merge if the diff is done for a
* merge commit against the auto-merge and the auto-merge ref doesn't exist yet. This may be
* an {@link InMemoryInserter}.
* @param enableRenameDetection whether rename detection should be enabled
* @return a map of file paths to {@link ModifiedFile}. The {@link ModifiedFile} contains the
* old/new file paths and the change type (added, deleted, etc...).
Map<String, ModifiedFile> loadModifiedFilesAgainstParentIfNecessary(
Project.NameKey project,
ObjectId newCommit,
int parentNum,
RepoView repoView,
ObjectInserter ins,
boolean enableRenameDetection)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;
* Returns the list of added, deleted or modified files between two commits (patchsets). The
* commit message and merge list (for merge commits) are also returned.
* @param project a project name representing a git repository.
* @param oldCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the old commit used in the diff.
* @param newCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the new commit used in the diff.
* @return map of file paths to the file diffs. The map key is the new file path for all {@link
* ChangeType} file diffs except {@link ChangeType#DELETED} entries where the map key contains
* the old file path. The map entries are not sorted by key.
* @throws DiffNotAvailableException if an internal error occurred in Git while evaluating the
* diff.
Map<String, FileDiffOutput> listModifiedFiles(
Project.NameKey project, ObjectId oldCommit, ObjectId newCommit, DiffOptions diffOptions)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;
* This method is similar to {@link #listModifiedFilesAgainstParent(NameKey, ObjectId, int,
* DiffOptions)} but it loads the modified files directly if the modified files are not cached yet
* (instead of loading them via the diff cache).
* <p>A RevWalk and repoConfig are also supplied and are used to look up the commit IDs. This is
* useful in case one the commits is currently being created, that's why the {@code revWalk}
* parameter is needed.
* @param enableRenameDetection whether rename detection should be enabled
* @return a map of file paths to {@link ModifiedFile}. The {@link ModifiedFile} contains the
* old/new file paths and the change type (added, deleted, etc...).
Map<String, ModifiedFile> loadModifiedFilesIfNecessary(
Project.NameKey project,
ObjectId oldCommit,
ObjectId newCommit,
RevWalk revWalk,
Config repoConfig,
boolean enableRenameDetection)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;
* Returns the diff for a single file between a patchset commit against its parent or the
* auto-merge commit. For deleted files, the {@code fileName} parameter should contain the old
* name of the file. This method will return {@link FileDiffOutput#empty(String, ObjectId,
* ObjectId)} if the requested file identified by {@code fileName} has unchanged content or does
* not exist at both commits.
* @param project a project name representing a git repository.
* @param newCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the new commit used in the diff.
* @param parentNum 1-based integer specifying which parent to use as base. If zero, the only
* parent will be used or the auto-merge if {@code newCommit} is a merge commit.
* @param fileName the file name for which the diff should be evaluated.
* @param whitespace preference controlling whitespace effect in diff computation.
* @return the diff for the single file between the two commits.
* @throws DiffNotAvailableException if an internal error occurred in Git while evaluating the
* diff, or if an exception happened while parsing the base commit.
FileDiffOutput getModifiedFileAgainstParent(
Project.NameKey project,
ObjectId newCommit,
int parentNum,
String fileName,
@Nullable DiffPreferencesInfo.Whitespace whitespace)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;
* Returns the diff for a single file between two patchset commits. For deleted files, the {@code
* fileName} parameter should contain the old name of the file. This method will return {@link
* FileDiffOutput#empty(String, ObjectId, ObjectId)} if the requested file identified by {@code
* fileName} has unchanged content or does not exist at both commits.
* @param project a project name representing a git repository.
* @param oldCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the old commit used in the diff.
* @param newCommit 20 bytes SHA-1 of the new commit used in the diff.
* @param fileName the file name for which the diff should be evaluated.
* @param whitespace preference controlling whitespace effect in diff computation.
* @return the diff for the single file between the two commits.
* @throws DiffNotAvailableException if an internal error occurred in Git while evaluating the
* diff.
FileDiffOutput getModifiedFile(
Project.NameKey project,
ObjectId oldCommit,
ObjectId newCommit,
String fileName,
@Nullable DiffPreferencesInfo.Whitespace whitespace)
throws DiffNotAvailableException;