Convert overview dashboard to grafonnet

In addition this updates Grafonnet to include bar gauges.

Change-Id: I538bd965d52f841b24c9607fc97d5ac748b9d68b
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit-overview.json b/dashboards/gerrit-overview.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c4784fc..0000000
--- a/dashboards/gerrit-overview.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1310 +0,0 @@
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-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_success_count_200_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "200",
-          "refId": "A"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_success_count_201_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "201",
-          "refId": "C"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_success_count_204_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "204",
-          "refId": "D"
-        },
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-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_success_count_301_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "301",
-          "refId": "E"
-        },
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-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_success_count_304_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "304",
-          "refId": "F"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_400_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "400",
-          "refId": "B"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_401_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "401",
-          "refId": "G"
-        },
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-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_403_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "403",
-          "refId": "H"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_404_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "instant": false,
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "404",
-          "refId": "I"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_405_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "405",
-          "refId": "J"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_409_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "409",
-          "refId": "K"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_412_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "412",
-          "refId": "L"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_422_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "422",
-          "refId": "M"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_500_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "500",
-          "refId": "N"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_501_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "501",
-          "refId": "O"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "(increase(http_server_error_count_503_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]))/5",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "503",
-          "refId": "P"
-        }
-      ],
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-      "title": "HTTP response status",
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-        {
-          "format": "short",
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-        },
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-      "targets": [
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_assignee_changed_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "assignee changed",
-          "refId": "A"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_change_abandoned_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "change abandoned",
-          "refId": "B"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_change_merged_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "change merged",
-          "refId": "C"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_comment_added_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "comment added",
-          "refId": "D"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_patchset_created_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "patchset created",
-          "refId": "E"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_ref_replicated_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "ref replicated",
-          "refId": "F"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_ref_updated_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "ref updated",
-          "refId": "G"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_reviewer_added_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "reviewer added",
-          "refId": "H"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_reviewer_deleted_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "reviewer deleted",
-          "refId": "I"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_topic_changed_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "topic changed",
-          "refId": "J"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_vote_deleted_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "vote deleted",
-          "refId": "K"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(events_wip_state_changed_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 1,
-          "legendFormat": "wip state changed",
-          "refId": "L"
-        }
-      ],
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-          "current"
-        ]
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-        {
-          "format": "short",
-          "label": "Count [5 min]",
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-        },
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-          "label": null,
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-        {
-          "expr": "increase(git_upload_pack_request_count_FETCH_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "Fetch",
-          "refId": "B"
-        },
-        {
-          "expr": "increase(git_upload_pack_request_count_CLONE_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])",
-          "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "Clone",
-          "refId": "A"
-        }
-      ],
-      "thresholds": [],
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-      "timeRegions": [],
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-      },
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-        },
-        "datasource": "${DS_PROMETHEUS}",
-        "definition": "label_values(git_upload_pack_phase_writing_total, instance)",
-        "hide": 0,
-        "includeAll": false,
-        "label": "Gerrit Instance",
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-        "name": "instance",
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-        "query": "label_values(git_upload_pack_phase_writing_total, instance)",
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-          "value": ""
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-        "datasource": "${DS_PROMETHEUS}",
-        "definition": "label_values(git_upload_pack_phase_writing_total{instance=\"$instance\"}, replica)",
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-        "includeAll": false,
-        "label": "Replica",
-        "multi": false,
-        "name": "replica",
-        "options": [],
-        "query": "label_values(git_upload_pack_phase_writing_total{instance=\"$instance\"}, replica)",
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-        "tagsQuery": "",
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-  "title": "Gerrit Overview",
-  "uid": "uXZMn9PWz",
-  "version": 15
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/gerrit-overview.jsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/gerrit-overview.jsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba44202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/gerrit-overview.jsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local dashboard = grafana.dashboard;
+local template = grafana.template;
+local row = grafana.row;
+local graphPanel = grafana.graphPanel;
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local defaults = import '../../globals/defaults.libsonnet';
+local gridPos = import '../../globals/grid_pos.libsonnet';
+local publishVariables = import '../../globals/publish.libsonnet';
+local variables = import '../globals/variables.libsonnet';
+local availability_panel = import './panels/availability.libsonnet';
+local availability_time_panel = import './panels/availability-time.libsonnet';
+local cpu_usage_panel = import './panels/cpu-usage.libsonnet';
+local events_panel = import './panels/events.libsonnet';
+local git_panel = import './panels/git-fetch-clone.libsonnet';
+local heap_usage_panel = import './panels/heap-usage.libsonnet';
+local http_responses_panel = import './panels/http-responses.libsonnet';
+local request_errors_panel = import './panels/request-errors.libsonnet';
+local rest_latency_panel = import './panels/rest-latency.libsonnet';
+local threads_panel = import './panels/threads.libsonnet';
+local version_table_panel = import './panels/version-table.libsonnet';
+  'Gerrit - Overview',
+  tags=['gerrit'],
+  schemaVersion=defaults.dashboards.schemaVersion,
+  editable=defaults.dashboards.editable,
+  time_from=defaults.dashboards.timeFrom,
+  time_to=defaults.dashboards.timeTo,
+  refresh=defaults.dashboards.refresh,
+  graphTooltip='shared_tooltip',
+  version_table_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 24,
+    h: 3,
+    x: 0,
+    y: 0,
+  },
+  cpu_usage_panel,
+  heap_usage_panel,
+  threads_panel,
+  rest_latency_panel,
+  request_errors_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 24,
+    h: 1,
+    x: 0,
+    y: 15,
+  },
+  availability_time_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 18,
+    h: 11,
+    x: 0,
+    y: 15,
+  },
+  availability_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 6,
+    h: 11,
+    x: 18,
+    y: 15,
+  },
+  events_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 18,
+    h: 11,
+    x: 0,
+    y: 30,
+  },
+  git_panel,
+  gridPos={
+    w: 6,
+    h: 11,
+    x: 18,
+    y: 30,
+  },
+  http_responses_panel,
+,0,1, height=22),
++ if std.extVar('publish') then publishVariables else {}
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability-time.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability-time.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1389e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability-time.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local lineGraph = import '../../../globals/line-graph.libsonnet';
+local yAxis = import '../../../globals/yaxis.libsonnet';
+  title='Gerrit Availability',
+  legend=false,
+  min=0,
+  max=1,
+    'up{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}',
+    legendFormat='{{instance}}',
+  )
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c16a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/availability.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local stat = grafana.singlestat;
+  title='Gerrit Availability [last 24h]',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+  colorBackground=true,
+  colors=[
+    "red",
+    "orange",
+    "darkgreen",
+  ],
+  format='percent',
+  thresholds='98, 99',
+  valueFontSize='150%',
+  valueName='current',
+    'avg_over_time(up{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[1d])*100',
+    legendFormat='{{instance}}',
+  )
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/cpu-usage.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/cpu-usage.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2efa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/cpu-usage.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local gauge = grafana.gaugePanel;
+  title='CPU Usage',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+    '(rate(proc_cpu_usage{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[2m])/proc_cpu_num_cores{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"})*100',
+    legendFormat=' ',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+  {
+    color: 'green',
+    value: null
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'orange',
+    value: 60
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'red',
+    value: 90
+  }
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/events.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/events.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6982c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/events.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local barGraph = import '../../../globals/bar-graph.libsonnet';
+local yAxis = import '../../../globals/yaxis.libsonnet';
+local events = [
+  'assignee_changed',
+  'change_abandoned',
+  'change_merged',
+  'comment_added',
+  'patchset_created',
+  'change_abandoned',
+  'ref_replicated',
+  'ref_updated',
+  'reviewer_added',
+  'reviewer_deleted',
+  'topic_changed',
+  'vote_deleted',
+  'wip_state_changed',
+  title='Gerrit Events (last 5 min)',
+'Count [5 min]'),
+  x_axis_mode='series',
+  x_axis_values='current',
+  legend=false,
+    std.format('increase(events_%s_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[5m])', event),
+    legendFormat=std.strReplace(event, '_', ' '),
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ) for event in events
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/git-fetch-clone.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/git-fetch-clone.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26cf592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/git-fetch-clone.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local barGraph = import '../../../globals/bar-graph.libsonnet';
+local yAxis = import '../../../globals/yaxis.libsonnet';
+local actions = [
+  'FETCH',
+  'CLONE'
+  title='Git Fetch/Clone upload-pack requests (last 5 min)',
+'Count [5 min]'),
+  x_axis_mode='series',
+  x_axis_values='current',
+  legend=false,
+    std.format('increase(git_upload_pack_request_count_%s_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[5m])', action),
+    legendFormat=action,
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ) for action in actions
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/heap-usage.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/heap-usage.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec6a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/heap-usage.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local gauge = grafana.gaugePanel;
+  title='Heap Memory Usage',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+    '(proc_jvm_memory_heap_used{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}/proc_jvm_memory_heap_committed{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"})*100',
+    legendFormat=' ',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+  {
+    color: 'green',
+    value: null
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'orange',
+    value: 60
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'red',
+    value: 90
+  }
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/http-responses.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/http-responses.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd3486f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/http-responses.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local barGraph = import '../../../globals/bar-graph.libsonnet';
+local yAxis = import '../../../globals/yaxis.libsonnet';
+local responses = {
+  success: [200, 201, 204, 301, 304],
+  err: [400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 409, 412, 422, 500, 501, 503],
+  title='HTTP response status',
+  stack=true,
+    std.format('(increase(http_server_success_count_%d_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[2m]))/2', response),
+    legendFormat=std.format('%d', response),
+    intervalFactor=1,
+  ) for response in responses.success
+    std.format('(increase(http_server_error_count_%d_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[2m]))/2', response),
+    legendFormat=std.format('%d', response),
+    intervalFactor=1,
+  ) for response in responses.err
+  alias: '200',
+  color: '#37872D'
+  alias: '201',
+  color: '#56A64B'
+  alias: '204',
+  color: '#73BF69'
+  alias: '301',
+  color: 'rgb(110, 210, 110)'
+  alias: '304',
+  color: 'rgb(150, 225, 150)'
+  alias: '400',
+  color: '#FA6400'
+  alias: '401',
+  color: '#FF780A',
+  hiddenSeries: true
+  alias: '403',
+  color: '#FF9830'
+  alias: '404',
+  color: '#FFB357',
+  hiddenSeries: true
+  alias: '409',
+  color: '#FFCB7D'
+  alias: '412',
+  color: '#E0B400'
+  alias: '422',
+  color: '#F2CC0C'
+  alias: '500',
+  color: '#C4162A'
+  alias: '501',
+  color: '#E02F44'
+  alias: '503',
+  color: '#F2495C'
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/request-errors.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/request-errors.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfef6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/request-errors.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local gauge = grafana.gaugePanel;
+  title='HTTP Request Error Rate (last 5 min)',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+  description='Excludes 404 and 401, since these error codes are caused by client behaviour and are overrepresented in the data.',
+  min=0,
+  max=100,
+    '(increase(http_server_error_count_total_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[5m]) - increase(http_server_error_count_404_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]) - increase(http_server_error_count_401_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m])) / (increase(http_server_success_count_total_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]) + increase(http_server_error_count_total_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]) - increase(http_server_error_count_404_total{instance=\"$instance\",replica=\"$replica\"}[5m]) - increase(http_server_error_count_401_total{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}[5m]))*100',
+    legendFormat=' ',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+  {
+    color: 'green',
+    value: null
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'orange',
+    value: 5
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'red',
+    value: 10
+  }
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/rest-latency.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/rest-latency.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c10caf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/rest-latency.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local gauge = grafana.gaugePanel;
+  title='REST API latency (0.99 quantile)',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+  unit='ms',
+  min=0,
+  max=50,
+    'http_server_rest_api_server_latency_total{quantile="0.99", instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}',
+    legendFormat=' ',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+  {
+    color: 'green',
+    value: null
+  },
+  {
+    color: 'red',
+    value: 30
+  }
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/threads.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/threads.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8671c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/threads.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local gauge = grafana.barGaugePanel;
+  title='Live Threads',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+  thresholds=[{
+    color: 'green',
+    value: null,
+  }],
+    'proc_jvm_thread_num_daemon_live{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}',
+    legendFormat='current (daemon)',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+    'proc_jvm_thread_num_live{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}',
+    legendFormat='current (total)',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
+    'proc_jvm_thread_num_peak_live{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}',
+    legendFormat='peak',
+    intervalFactor=1,
+    instant=true,
+  ),
diff --git a/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/version-table.libsonnet b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/version-table.libsonnet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4980980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards/gerrit/overview/panels/version-table.libsonnet
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+local grafana = import '../../../../vendor/grafonnet/grafana.libsonnet';
+local prometheus = grafana.prometheus;
+local table = grafana.tablePanel;
+  title='Gerrit Version',
+  datasource='Prometheus',
+  transform='table',
+  transparent=false,
+    'max(gerrit_build_info{instance="$instance",replica="$replica"}) by (instance, version, revision, javaversion)',
+    instant=true,
+    format='table',
+  )
+  field='instance',
+  style={
+    alias: 'Gerrit instance',
+    pattern: 'instance',
+    type: 'string',
+    link: true,
+    linkTargetBlank: true,
+    linkUrl: 'https://${__cell:raw}',
+    linkTooltip: 'Link to the Gerrit instance',
+  },
+  field='version',
+  style={
+    alias: 'Gerrit version',
+    pattern: 'version',
+    type: 'string',
+  },
+  field='revision',
+  style={
+    alias: 'Gerrit revision',
+    pattern: 'revision',
+    type: 'string',
+    link: true,
+    linkTargetBlank: true,
+    linkUrl: '${__cell:raw}',
+    linkTooltip: 'Browse Gerrit repository at revision',
+  },
+  field='javaversion',
+  style={
+    alias: 'Java version',
+    pattern: 'javaversion',
+    type: 'string',
+  },
diff --git a/dashboards/globals/bar-graph.libsonnet b/dashboards/globals/bar-graph.libsonnet
index 4cd7b65..d02143f 100644
--- a/dashboards/globals/bar-graph.libsonnet
+++ b/dashboards/globals/bar-graph.libsonnet
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
+    x_axis_mode='time',
+    x_axis_values='total',
+    legend=true,
@@ -20,11 +23,14 @@
+    x_axis_mode=x_axis_mode,
+    x_axis_values=x_axis_values,
+    legend_show=legend,
diff --git a/dashboards/globals/grid_pos.libsonnet b/dashboards/globals/grid_pos.libsonnet
index dcc0cd0..d374cc8 100644
--- a/dashboards/globals/grid_pos.libsonnet
+++ b/dashboards/globals/grid_pos.libsonnet
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
+    height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT
   ):: {
     local width = TOTAL_WIDTH / total_columns,
     x: column * width,
-    y: row * DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
+    y: row * height,
     w: width,
+    h: height,
diff --git a/dashboards/globals/line-graph.libsonnet b/dashboards/globals/line-graph.libsonnet
index eb531f3..295152f 100644
--- a/dashboards/globals/line-graph.libsonnet
+++ b/dashboards/globals/line-graph.libsonnet
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+    legend=true,
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
+    legend_show=legend,
diff --git a/jsonnetfile.lock.json b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
index b754ac2..0012766 100644
--- a/jsonnetfile.lock.json
+++ b/jsonnetfile.lock.json
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
           "subdir": "grafonnet"
-      "version": "3336c69715f8f7a4d637582504c9fabd9d9ca081",
-      "sum": "w6zS28Rjs9EzRN/WoLLIdi028BvumxDTyLefYVoql2k="
+      "version": "cc1626a1b4dee45c99b78ddd9714dfd5f5d7816e",
+      "sum": "nkgrtMYPCq/YB4r3mKyToepaLhicwWnxDdGIodPpzz0="
   "legacyImports": false