blob: 7afa885a100cf460945118bec223acec52682db9 [file] [log] [blame]
import {isValidRule, toChromeRule, getStaticRules, getActiveTab} from './utils';
import {StorageUtil, StorageKey} from './storage';
const storage = new StorageUtil();
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {
chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener((activeInfo: {tabId: number}) => {
(tabId: number, changeInfo: {status: string}) => {
// We have to do this (in addition to onActiviated), because Chrome assigns
// the default icon and popup *after* the tab is activated, just before the
// tab enters 'complete' status.
if (changeInfo.status === 'complete') {
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener((tabId: number) => {
});, namespace) => {
const ruleUpdateRequired = Object.keys(changes).some(
key => key === StorageKey.RULES || key === StorageKey.TABS_ENABLED
if (ruleUpdateRequired) updateRules();
const iconUpdateRequired = Object.keys(changes).some(
key => key === StorageKey.TABS_ENABLED
if (iconUpdateRequired) updateIconPopup();
// Communication channel between service worker and content_script (or popup).
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
// Note that a content script does not have access to its own tab id.
// Otherwise we could use `` to allow
// the content script direct access to the storage of enabled tab ids.
if (request.type === 'isEnabled') {
// Note that the listener cannot be async, so we cannot await here.
storage.isTabEnabled( => {
// Returning `true` tells Chrome that `sendResponse()` will be called async.
return true;
// This is a click on the extension icon.
chrome.action.onClicked.addListener(async (tab: chrome.tabs.Tab) => {
const isEnabled = await storage.isTabEnabled(;
if (isEnabled) {
await storage.setTabDisabled(;
} else {
await storage.setTabEnabled(;
* Fetches the user defined rules from the extension storage, translates them
* to `declarativeNetRequest` rules and registers them. Must be called whenever
* the rules or the active tabs change.
async function updateRules() {
const tabIds: number[] = await storage.getTabsEnabledIds();
// Start with `staticRules` and then add all `storedRules`.
const addRules = [...getStaticRules(tabIds)];
// We are replacing all existing rules. So we can start at 1 every time.
let ruleId = 1;
for (const rule of await storage.getRules()) {
if (rule.disabled || !isValidRule(rule)) continue;
const chromeRule = toChromeRule(rule, tabIds, ruleId++);
if (chromeRule) addRules.push(chromeRule);
// Replacing all existing rules is much easier than updating specific ones.
const removeRuleIds = (
await chrome.declarativeNetRequest.getSessionRules()
).map(r =>;
await chrome.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
* Update the icon and the popup of the extension depending on whether the
* extension is enabled for the given tab id. If not tab id is provided, then
* the active tab is updated.
* Must be called when the user switches tabs or when the enabled state
* changes.
* The icon just changes between gray and green.
* The popup is either enabled or disabled.
async function updateIconPopup(tabId?: number) {
if (!tabId) {
const activeTab = await getActiveTab();
if (! return;
tabId =;
const isEnabled = await storage.isTabEnabled(tabId);
if (isEnabled) {
chrome.action.setIcon({tabId, path: 'icon-32.png'});
chrome.action.setPopup({tabId, popup: 'popup.html'});
} else {
chrome.action.setIcon({tabId, path: 'gray-32.png'});
chrome.action.setPopup({tabId, popup: ''});